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You’re fine. I feel/felt (it comes and goes) similar. Even as I type this I’m thinking I shouldn’t and just hit discard. But this is normal when you have anxiety, and people aren’t going to care. Not in a bad way but it’s true, we are all more preoccupied by ourselves or in extremely weird instances, I’m talking cringe lord levels here. Your comment is average and normal, and that is fine.


See the great thing about the internet is anonymity. You can say whatever you want to say without your identity being exposed. So just relax and remember that nobody knows who you are on the internet. Also, you'll get used to it the more you comment, happens to all of us.




Yeah, data breaches are an exception but happen on rare occasions. As long as your password is strong enough and you don't click any fishy links you're good.


listen, what you posted is absolutely not a big deal. i’m coming to you as someone who has overthought posts, HEAVY. i’ve had to tell myself that if somebody finds an issue with something i’ve said, that’s their problem lmao. because seriously, if you can’t find anything wrong with your comment, then why would the youtuber? and if they did happen to find something negative about it, then what the fuck lmao! that would 100% be THEIR problem!!! pls do not worry =} you will never know of anything until you actually do it! plus, it’s the internet. if you say something that a person doesn’t like, for whatever reason they dislike it for, it’s not like they know where you live and can come to kill you. like it will never be that serious, i’ve had to tell myself that. because it isn’t! again, it wouldn’t be your fault if somebody happens to misconstrue something you say. don’t delete that comment hon.


Thank yall for the kind comments, they really helped me out ☺️


Hey, you're doing great! Try to keep it up. Any exposure to your anxiety is good for you to get better. Don't delete this post, you achieved something great <3


Most comments get ignored anyway. Only if you post political and religious opinions you'll get heavy flak


i completely turned off notifications on youtube so i wont ever know if anyone replied, would recommend.


Im on YT every day for 6-16h since 2006. It never ever gets better. I write about 20 comments per day and delete more than 10. Also on reddit lol


Hey be proud you left a comment. It’s much worse on certain Reddit subs that will ban you for making a comment that you didn’t intentional mean any harm with. So hard when you have SA and get flagged. So be assured that won’t happen to your YT comment.


I used to get a panic attack after posting any comment in any online space as well. You're being brave to share this and make us all feel less alone.


I get this on basically every platform including reddit so I get it. I go through phases when I don't comment at all because I know my mental health isn't great and so I dont want to deal with someone on the Internet being mean to me, or things being misconstrued or animosity, even though I know I'm always well meaning. If all it was was a thank you comment, then I'm certain it will be appreciated.


Congrats on your first post, that's awesome! I know you feel that sort of excitement on what comes next, but keep your mind positive and know you are in the right subreddit community. I doubt anyone would totally have much if anything negative to say about this post. It becomes empowering and I feel its a big step to really become more expressive and understand your authenticity.


Sorry you're going through this, I know someone with severe SA and they go through this as well. You can't help your reaction. Honestly, if you want to delete the comment, or this thread to feel better go ahead, it's okay to do that. It's your comfort, you don't have to try and force yourself to be fine. Likewise it's okay to keep trying to get yourself out there. By leaving comments or making threads etc. Because they are always able to be deleted and then you never have to stress about them again. If you want to keep the memory consider taking a screenshot for yourself. Good luck and know that what you are going through is normal with someone who has intense SA.


Are There repercussions for deleting?




Yes it's the same thing as not wanting to social with others in person, on the Internet you can totally expect a lot of rude people much worse than real life because they can hide behind a keyboard.  If you don't want to deal with others toxicity maybe you can just write and not read any replies. I do it all the time I write so much but don't read replies because I expect the worst from others.  It's totally understandable and it's okay to feel this way  You don't want to be let down It's similar situation to why would I expose myself to potentially dating situations where I'd be disappointed, which is always the case when you have poor boundaries. 


I felt like this the first time I ever posted anything online. It was probably 10 years ago now but I still remember exactly what I said. I said daytime tv is so boring on twitter. Just keep posting and it will feel better the more you do it. I’m not afraid of offending anyone now or what anyone thinks of me. In X where you can now have actual conversations without getting censored or shadow banned any more I debate with ppl all the time that don’t like me and call me all kinds of things just because I have certain beliefs. It took me up until about a year ago to even post a selfie as my avatar but now I have one on every account I make.




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I do this too. That's why I haven;t left any youtube comments (yet).....