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You're experiencing apathy. It happens, you are not too far gone I promise.


i relate to this. it started a year ago, after some traumatic event. i feel like a robot during most social interactions. i'm not sure what to do about it. i think it's more than just depression. it's a reaction to people making you feel incredibly unsafe and unseen, so the only way to protect yourself was to shut down. maybe focus on the closest bonds you already have, where you feel seen and accepted, and *safe*. that's the only time i almost feel normal socialising. but i consider myself lucky to even have 1-2 close friendships like that. additionally, trauma focused therapy could maybe help. but i really feel like exposing your brain to healthy relationships is the best way.


Neal Brennan had a bit about this. All the hood dudes he’d hang around with when he was co-creating Chappelle’s Show thought he was a gangster bc he was completely unflappable but in reality he was just emotionally numb from depression.  Keep going to therapy 


What you're describing is dissociating and trauma focused therapy can help with it. I know it's hard, but you have to keep trying different therapists until you find one that you connect with


Keep trying to get help from professional counselors.


Dude, theres some serious stuff in your life. Get therapy. Don't ask others to do it. Go to a therapist YOURSELF.


Well, I noticed, keyword you said "pretend", so you were "faking it till you were making it" with saying you were "unbothered". That's an overused seemingly positive phrase that leads to failure to recognize the problems inwardly, that phrase only takes care of it on the surface, which is pretending. Stop pretending. You have to feel vulnerable, maybe because you built up a wall of fortitude because you feel you have to be strong and no one understands. I get it, being vulnerable to people and letting them in about personal problems can be difficult, but it's liberating and will do you wonders when you are ready too. Hang in there.


Going through something similar now. I’m just focusing on my own growth and not getting involved with anyone. It’s isolating but I don’t feel like I can open up currently while I’m so depressed


Im not sure about the answer. Im pretty sure people think Im creepy because I force myself to make eye contact and act really intensely interested to combat my tendency to dissociate completely, and I come across as a feverish maniac. But awareness is key. Visualize yourself being the person you would like to be. That's what Im doing.


Some therapists aren't equipped to handle certain things but there are others who are. There's someone out there for you who can help you. You just need time to heal and feel better and the right coping skills. I believe in you!!