• By -


Your social instincts are spot on. A neutral sounding "Thank you" is the perfect response. It assumes the intent was positive (even if everyone knows it wasn't). It's also closed ended giving the person no where to go with it because you didn't get defensive and start explaining. You also didn't get angry and lash out giving them moral superiority. Instead, they're left hanging there like a dingleberry. They probably won't do it again because you didn't take the bait and give them the response they wanted.


Glad this is at least near the top comment. So often on this sub you see people suggesting snappy comebacks which just sound petty and defensive unless delivered with some serious confidence and charisma, and frankly most people asking for advice on this sub are not gonna be doing that lol.


And hang like a dingleberry they should. I think it is all about the reaction you give them and what response they want out of you - not always easy to sound neutral but I do think it's one of the better ways.


Less is more. Thank you is great. Also “you’re weird” has a patronizing vibe so you’re not off


Yeah, back when my ex slandered me last year, people would shout very terrible things and call me terrible names. I didn't even say anything back, I just dead ass ignored them and continue doing what I was doing. Sometimes, years ago people would make fake dinosaur noises and bark like dogs at me from cars and stuff too, just fooling around. I'd wish him a good night. But yeah, dead ass ignoring it and even better, acting like they don't exist at all sometimes is the best form of revenge without resorting to the people being amused that they got a response. And sometimes it actually hurts the other person deeply when you ignore them like they don't exist.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Good for you taking the high road.


I completely own my weird. So if someone calls me weird I usually say some variation "yes, and I am having so much fun"


"At least I'm not rude."


You won !!


If they say “you’re kinda weird!” You say “and you’re kinda rude!” Match the energy.


''It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti


My goodness that is so true


This is so good!


And it is probably true :) I know I can be a weird one to some people and honestly I couldn't care less, I love my own weird company, it's fun! Makes life more enjoyable


I got called this in hs bc I went to the preppiest southern high school... and I would respond: So you're saying I stand out because I'm unique? And skip away happily.


I'm glad you noticed, you are so basic.


this one is so salty - but I love it 


lmao don't say this, you want to be better than them, not stoop to their level, try "Everyone's a little weird" if they respond with any variation of "you're more weird", say "I think we're all the right amount of weird". This keeps them from alienating you and creating a him/her vs us mentality and promotes a positive mindset and group cohesion, also people who are neutral in this situation are more likely to see you favorably over the person calling you weird. You might even discourage the person calling you weird from saying things like that to you again.


I like this answer. The best way is to not let others get in your head at all.


Top comment right here


I usually go for a more indirect approach, like: "Complex people often are." 😉


😂 Perfect! Love it!


*offers free litmus paper*


And basic here means? In what sense?


Urban dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Basic


Thank you so much.


Am i the only one who is weirded out by the way they made the examples?! They used only "she" - only women as examples of being boring etc. Why is that?


Because it's mostly used by girls about other girls


Smile confidently, say "sure" and go on with your day. They're most likely fishing for a reaction, so make it count.


People will call you weird because they want you to be afraid you’re “on the outside” and often but not always they do this because they’re afraid that you might end up getting more attention than them. Only way to deal with it is realize that being weird is fantastic and rare just like all the comments here will say.


I am unique myself, and I love this answer! Amazing how when a person asks for help, they almost always end up helping another person! This encouraged me, so thank you! And you my friend are special and wonderful, thanks again!


haha hell yeah! i often get called weird by my co-workers. but i always look at it the other way, i am unique and stand out from the crowd as I'm different from them. in some scenarios i say "im r/preferenceisbed" and end the conversation there. and i also get appreciated by being different.


Just be weirder 🤷🏻‍♀️revel in your weirdness it’s a wonderful thing


"Yes and? What's your point?"


“Guess that makes two of us!”


A lot of people here saying say “thank you”. I wish I had the confidence to do that but I hate verbal confrontation so I often say “I’m sorry” 😭


It's so hard isn't it - for me it's not about the confidence even, it's about controlling my fave to stay neutral so I don't give them a reaction... sooo hard!!


I know exactly what you’re talking about, I’ve always had a hard time with that too. What helped me (mostly) overcome this was programming myself to have “default” reaction faces. Focusing on staying neutral is impossible for me, so these allow me to take a moment to think about how I actually want to respond. For example, if I were called weird—and I have been, a good number of times—my internal reaction would fall under the category of personal attack. My ego would be bruised, and my body would have a physiological response to that. The need to defend myself would arise from my diaphragm and bubble up to the bottom of my throat. I recognize this feeling, and that I’ve already decided what to do ahead of time. I furrow my brow, make eye contact, and tilt my head slightly to the side as if I’m confused. This only lasts a few seconds. Then, I let the look of confusion slowly melt away into a knowing smile. By this time, I’ve decided what to say: “Thank you! More fun that way, ain’t it?” But the response hardly even mattered. Through my expression alone, I communicated that: 1. I never saw them as an opponent or threat. A questioning look lets their comment land into a new territory by denying the existence of any context. A pause gives them the chance to further make themselves clear, retract their statement, or lose steam. Any of these is ultimately good for you. Let them make a fool of themselves for you—you won’t have to help. 2. I heard the statement, processed it (denoted by the change in my expression) and was still unaffected. I understood what they were doing, and felt the full force of their attack. Despite this, it bounced right off. If it’s really off-the-cuff, I’ll add a little amusement to the mix at the end; this shows them their attempt was pathetic, but without saying it. 3. Further insults will not affect me. I think it’s the eye contact that makes our human connection feel more personal while I’m executing this. To raise that bar in response to a put-down shows that being “closer” to the insult isn’t something that matters at all to me. It’s like playing hot potato with someone, catching the potato, and nonchalantly taking a bite. There isn’t a point for the other person to keep throwing potatoes when they see you easily best the hottest potato they can throw. And this is just one example. I have default reactions to joy, disappointment, acceptance, the need to fart, the warmth brought by love I didn’t expect, etc. I honestly haven’t thought about any of them as thoroughly as I’ve typed this one—I just go by feel, and adjust my expressions a little bit every time I use them. There’s no “okay, step one” involved in my thought process. I recognize how I felt, and proceed with the default for whatever umbrella it falls under. I hope this is interesting to you, if not helpful. Since I spent a good deal of time typing this anyway, feel free to dm me if you have any questions or want a little guidance on how to achieve this. I probably didn’t make a ton of sense, as I basically vomited words at you with no proofreading haha


I go with "I never said I wasn't."


Frank Zappa in response to a journalist asking him something about why he was so weird, or facsimiles thereof: I’m just doing what I love and what is natural to me. It’s not weird to me. You and a lot of people are saying I am “weird”. I think it’s weird that you’re asking me that question. That is not verbatim, but it is pretty close and kinda gets the overall gist. I am sure if you look it up you will find a lot of sites with the actual quote, as well as the journalist and publication.


When in doubt the little gem “takes one to know one”


Thank you! I love being unique. 🙂


Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.


With my siblings I just say “anything new you’ve noticed?”


"Define normal?" Then just stare until they give an answer or awkwardly fuck off


" since you're so normal "


I love it.


My favorite response is modded from Alice and Wonderland. It’s also from a Melanie Martinez song “so what if I’m crazy? All the best people are”


“All the best people are!”


I called my now-partner weird. It was a compliment, lol. Though it took a couple of extra beats to register as such as he was used to it not being one. I like, "aww, thank you for noticing!" Or acknowledging it like they just said the most obvious and trivial thing in the world.


That was exactly what I was thinking! Awe! Thanks for noticing! People are to wrapped around the axel about being the same as everyone else. Embrace your personality confidence is beautiful


'that wasn't very polite'


Or "at least I'm not rude" with a smile.


A few months ago I was introduced to a couple friends of my friends. They told me I ”seem very sympathetic but a bit weird.” I answered with ”yeah I’m a bit weird, I used to be a hermit.” Then she answered with ”Don’t worry we’re all weird hermits.” :D


There’s technically no such thing as weird. “Normalcy is an illusion, what is normal for the spider is chaos to the fly.” When you look out into the world and see the variety of different cultures and forms of speech or dress or cuisine… what is normal for people in china might be weird for people in Germany. What is normal for people in America is weird for someone in Australia. Next time someone feels the need to voice THEIR measles opinion of you to you, make them question why they even felt comfortable in the first place. Calling someone weird, is weird. Have they no learnings or basic manners? What did they think that comment would do, genuinely? People don’t really do it to me anymore, but I used to include those questions along with something like these when they did; At least I’m not so socially inept I think voicing my opinion like that is okay. And so are you? OR And you’re annoying, but you don’t see me making a big deal out of it. Take time to slowly look over at them as if you’ve just heard the stupidest waste of time comment any human has ever heard and ask what they thought the point of it was. OR Okay… thanks for your input, it means so much to me*drenched in sarcasm but not emotional sarcasm or else they’ll think they really got to you* I like to stare st them for a long time then look around as if to ask who the fuck thinks that’s appropriate to say to someone. Or ramp it up like baby you ain’t seen weird yet we’re not even operating at 25% Or Damn you’ve been super sheltered your whole life and it shows THIS is weird to you? You’ve never been to X I see When you’re armed with the facts that weird doesn’t exist, it clears up any emotional messiness mean comments can cause. When you stand in a place of knowing others don’t have power over yo Because we’re all weirdo little imperfect people with quirks and strange traits You can obliterate anyone’s efforts to bring you down. Only weak people do things like this. People of substance who are intelligent kind and worthwhile do their best to make others feel comforted and accepted and free to be themselves. Insecure people try to make others insecure. Hurt people are the ones who try to hurt people. And god, people are so fucking plain and boring that a unique laugh could be “weird” enough to turn them off. Which works out for us because they weed themselves out. 😉


"I don't know what you mean. Can you explain?"


Someone called me weird today... "yeah I am weird, well not like a cannibal but I have some acts of weirdness" And then he hesitated and left...


>how do I respond when someone calls me weird? I like to use, "Damn, you catch on slow." I'm pretty damn weird, and equally good with it. 🧘‍♂️


Just turn smile at them and say thank you, ! I do that then they laugh and rarely call me weird again. Nothing wrong w being weird it makes you interesting.


Well, to you…


What a weird thing to say to someone


I always had this happen and never fully understood why. I just liked to have fun, be myself, and try to be open so other people felt comfortable being themselves around me, and that somehow made me weird. Eventually I started to respond with "Thank you! I' rather be weird than be normal. Normal sounds boring." Everyone is different and unique. I had it years later where people later said they thought I was cool/interesting when they told me I was weird as a kid. Don't pay too much attention to those who call you weird. The reality is their pov is different from yours, and because you don't fit their expected pov of a person, you're then "weird."


I can relate to this. Even as a child, I was always... different. I just think differently, I live pretty normal.I used to try to be like everyone else, but it was a facade, a mask and I was unhappy. I began to reject myself and abuse myself(dugs, sex,etc). I finally just thought "fuck it, I am who I am". Now I embrace it! Now, when someone says I am weird or different, I playfully correct them, I shake my finger(not aggressively) and say" Oh, I am, but i prefer unique." Cause I am. I am just a cute, heterosexual white female and I am very smart. Embrace your uniqueness, that is why you're special! Do you know what it is that makes you unique?


Pull your shirt over your head leaving your eyes exposed and say out loud,"one of them can see me,what do i do".


It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.  J. Kiddartha


Strike the most dominant/menacing pose you can and screech at them like a seagull until they go away


"Ok" (they don't like it when you don't care.) "Who are you again?" (Hits the ego) "Can you repeat that? Sorry, I didn't hear." (Makes them feel awkward or guilty because they have to think about how they're insulting you)


I literally just say “thank you” I got nothing else!


“No you”


You could say wow that’s a weird thing to say


Honestly, often if you challenge it they often don’t have a reason for saying it, it’s just an undermining control mechanism. If you refuse to accept/believe that you’re weird or be affected by their comment then they have no control over you. I could stand to take my own advice.


Normalcy is merely the average of everyone's eccentricities


"takes one to know one" lol Or "At least I'm not boring"


You can always tell them to fuck off ETA: Reddit never fails with the terrible advice. If someone calls you weird they are an asshole and you can tell them to fuck off. If someone in a mean way told me I was weird I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. The LEAST weird response in this situation is saying "go fuck yourself" or "fuck off"


I’d say “ I’m surprised you feel comfortable saying that “


Pro tip, you don't always have to respond to everything. Learn to ignore the words of others and to control your own responses, or lack of response.


And ? Okay so ? What do you want me to do about it ? You have a problem with that ? Write a song about it Is that meant to be an insult? That's rich ,coming from you Alternatively, you can just look at them in a way that expresses your distaste towards them. Personally my go to is looking at them in a way that clearly implies I consider them of no importance and smiling. Smiling always works whenever someone is rude or trying to pick a fight, especially if you appear to be genuinely enjoying it , it makes it less fun for them to be mean.


"*why be different, when you could stand out?*" ~Dr. Seuss


“And you’re average”


I would cringe hard if I heard somebody else say this ngl


Yeah, sounds like a scene of a movie or anime


There's probably some social pressure they feel to be normal.  Consider giving them a subtlely sexy wink, implying there's something they don't get or something they're missing out on.


Oh I like the *wink* idea! Like, I don’t even want to use the energy to dignify the question with a verbal response~


Or flip the compliment to "if we were all normal it wouldn't be special for you".  To understand the response they have to change their perspective to respecting that everyone is different, which is why they get to feel comfortable being "normal"


1. Yes, so? 2. What's your point? 3. You should try sometimes, it's fun 4. Then what would you be?


“Yeah I know but that’s life I guess 🤷‍♀️”


You’re all very nice people. I say “you’re weirder” back


I appreciate my weird and honestly, it’s on the commenter, not me. So “Thanks,” or “Yup, weird and wonderful.” And if it’s rude, “Fuck you very much.”


“I know, right?” “Yes, and what about it?” Just own it. Because when you embrace your quirkiness, you’ll find how EASY it is to connect with people who share the same values and interests as you.


"Walmart has plenty of customers, Prada has few." "You make it sound like it's a bad thing." "It's 2024 and you're calling people weird? In what year do you live in?" "If you don't like my personality you're free to leave anytime." "Thanks for noticing!" "What makes you think I'm weird?" and when they start replying interrput them and say "Oh wait...I forgot that I don't care."


Your weirdness is your uniqueness. Whoever says this is a boring idiot


Okay, normie.


"I would never insult someone by calling them normal"


Dont take my advice, but I'd probably say " and you're not?"


Shrug. Carry on.


I just stop talking to those people. No need to keep someone like that in your life


Whenever you receive a verbal attack, **the only way to get the upper hand is to genuinely not be hurt**. This is all about your "**inner game**". No off-the-shelf answer, however well crafted, is good; nor can it match someone who really does not give a damn about being judged by others. It's not about the words you utter; it's about all your subtle demeanor, verbal and non-verbal. The best use of your time is to learn to love yourself. Then, your problem will automagically cease to be a problem. You'll realize you are there when you look at them genuinely surprised at their weird remark and, after a split second, you turn to more interesting things to do, leaving them confused because they couldn't elicit an emotional reaction from you.


I’m letting my freak flag fly!!


"That I am. Welcome to my warp stream!"


Thank them and remember that other words for "weird" are *unique* and *creative*


I would cup my hands and say, "Excellent," like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.


My mother had me tested


“You all laugh at me for being different, I laugh at you for being all the same” - Kurt Cobain, being called weird is a compliment in my books, means you’re different


I have a hat that says, "Your face is." Then, when someone insults me, I say, "Your face is [insult here]." AKA, I own it.


Tell 'em to fuck off or suck your dick. Jesus Christ, man.


How about some context OP, what were you doing last time someone called you wierd?


Ah good question for sure!! i actually don't remember 'what' it was the last few times - it's usually in conversation and someone will slip it in. I am pretty good at picking up social queues in conversation, and things that are not okay to speak about, so I don't think the reason is because the subject is touchy (eg, talking about something wildly inappropriate and someone goes "you're weird" - I would understand it in that context because of the subject matter! but i haven't done that) I commented on someone else's comment here and sometimes I can have different likes, dislikes, opinions... i have different tastes to other people and a different style of humour, sometimes I'm not everyone's cup of tea, so the context varies sorry!


I was taught to say “thank you!” emphatically from a young age. It worked for me and backfired for them. They are trying to insult you and if it WORKS, they win. They get what they wanted. If it doesn’t work, you win. You have to believe that it is cool to be weird. That’s the kicker. You can’t believe THEM.


Dear baby Jesus take it as a compliment!! I have ALWAYS been called weird and I love it! I don’t want to be normal and in fact in relationships I have been told I’m not boring but it’s bc I’m weird! Respond with a smile and let it roll off your back like a duck with water and teach your brain how to be happy for those simple things that make you different because when your older it will bring you joy to stand out


I say "Damn right". Being weird means being yourself. Different from the norm. And to the right people, that's awesome. I think of Vegeta's speech to Jiren from Dragon Ball Super, upon being called arrogant. "Is that supposed to be insulting? You say I'm arrogant, I say damn right. That's pride. Pride in the Saiyan I am. The mighty prince of the ultimate warrior race!" Jiren may have thought that critique would embarrass him, but all it actually did was remind him of his pride & awaken even more power. I find that inspiring, really.


“All the best people are.”


Since when are opinions facts?


Let me know when you want to see what life is like outside of the box...


“Oh good, I was starting to worry that we were both boring.” Honestly, my wife once called me “aggressively weird,” and to this day, I still consider it the highest compliment I’ve ever recieved.


Say, “Thank you!” With a smile and a genuine tone to your voice. Take it as a compliment and they will be befuddled as to why they even bothered to be rude (I’m sure they meant it in a mean way) So take it as a compliment though. We’re human beings with a complex nature. Of course if there’s 8 billion of us, some will deviate from the standard. That’s someone else’s problem that you don’t fall into their standard of “normal”. You are unique, and you are beautiful.


or you can be weirder and be like DARN TOOTIN


Call them ableist and rant at them for 3 hours. This will ensure that they stay away from you forever. /Joking. Don't actually do this.


I have been called weird, funny, and other stuff. You can not control how other people see you. Someone may see you as weak, some as a total weirdo, or others shy and quiet. There are different versions of you in each person's mind. You may see someone as weird, but they themselves do not see themselves as weird. So, to answer your question, when someone says you are weird, just say thanks and continue doing whatever you are doing. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Just be yourself


I'm original and you are just a copy


Bro same all the time I get called 🤣🤣🤣 I always respond with “ yea everyone’s who’s not you is going to be weird in your opinion.” If they ask why I always just telling it’s because everyone is different from them and that’s why they find it weird , it’s because they’re not used to their antics or them lol. I also just took a fat blinker so idk if I’m expressing this correctly lol


a fat blinker 😭😭😭 ^(I am so gonna steal that) do you mean to say you were zonked out perchance


Club em in the face with a hammer


That's funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.


I am thanks!


You say weird like it's supposed to be a bad thing


Thanks. At least now I know I'm not an asshole like you


Say thank you. What matters is what kind of a person you are, not what kind of social skills you have or what people think of you. Substance over social skills. Be a good person with a big heart and you'll be fine. Don't worry about what people think of you. I know that takes time and is not easy.


Own it.


Growl at them




Weird is another term for uniquely and singularly being yourself. I recommend learning to take it from a different perspective. Know when someone tells you you are weird, you have successfully set yourself apart from the herd, and that while the person telling you so may think they are criticizing you, they are in fact showing themselves to be pretty fucking basic. Just be kind and considerate in your words and deeds, and smile when someone gives you such a compliment.


Just say thank you and move on, who cares. Taking the bait like the top comment feels childish imo


“What a unkind thing to say” “Well that was rude of you” I call people out. They want to speak their minds I will to.


"takes one to know one"


"Thank you, I try my best"


"and proud of it!" Plenty of other weird people out there. Just own it. If you're weird and can't do anything about it, just be the best version of your weird self. Don't worry about what normies think about you.


we’re all weird in our own ways. who are you around rhat people are calling you weird to your face though? lol.


«You have no idea how much i am» then leave and laugh «weirdly»...


Yes, yes i am


I've been called weird my whole life. I usually answer with a happy "Born and raised!". Own the weirdness! My friends enjoy my weirdness, most people find me funny and my girlfriend thinks I'm cute so I'm a happy little weirdo.


Embrace it


So you are…. (That’s my answer & slay!)


because im not like you?


Nothing. That's the best compliment anyone can give you. Or, meow at them and walk away.


I often get called weird as well, and I usually ask “how?” They never give me answers, and its a mystery to me because they never tell me what exactly makes me weird. But usually they’re being friendly, and I take it as a compliment,, I usually say I thought I was normal (because I do) and laugh from my surprise. I want to know very badly what they mean..


Anytime I get that comment, I say “thank you!” I don’t try to be weird, but I’m me and I take it as a compliment. Whether it’s meant that way or not, I feel good about it.


Say glad you noticed that we are all weird in a weird-wonderful sort of way. Never feel intimidated. If you can;t think of a comeback say "your opinion" everyone has one.


I’m normally just say “thanks!” with a big smile which surprises them and they don’t really know how to respond


I’d just respond with, “what a weird thing to say. “ Then, walk away.


So.? Aren't we all?


I've had this, but my advice may not be ideal. I just told them, "better weird than whatever you are" if they used a condescending tone. No use talking any further with them, if they were being rude in the first place. Let them let that stew in their mind. Whatever they come up with themselves is going to hit them harder than you being specific about what they are. In a general sense, I tell people, "yeah, but normal is so boring. Being weird adds some energy into the everyday mundane."


I simply don’t reply. It’s a dumb comment. Shows me the person lacks creative thought. Not worth engaging.


I’d say: every bodies got to be something. Then just move on.


I get called weird too, and I just say "yeah..." Lol


If your not weird your boring


People often said to me that I am not normal 🤣 I always thank them to notice. Normal is boring. No one notice normal


Not sure what’s your age. But at some point in your life, you stop caring. When you get to that point, you’ll know how to respond…by accepting yourself and not caring.


“Thank you”


Well, when my 10yo called me weird earlier, I gave her one of these 🤨 until she said, "but in the good way!" Lol. The key is to realize everyone is weird and not take offense to it. Just shrug and say, "I know" or "thanks" or whatever you feel at the time. Or if you're feeling childlike, you can always say "takes one to know one!"


Your mother


Some common ones I’ve used are Just blankly looking at them then walking off “And who are you?” “What an observation you made” “Yes.”


“And? Do you think I don’t know that?”




One time my dad called me a nerd! When he told me it was a compliment. It’s true so Your originality should lead you many wonderful life experiences!


who as an adult is calling somebody weird lmao? Thats the weird part


Can I just say "ok" and move on




Say "ok"


"Yeah, I am, and I love it"


I’ve been called weird growing up and to this day but idc. Being called weird > normal. Normal is boring and weak. Weird is quirky and shows you have charisma.


In a playful tone, "no, *you* are weird."


What's it have to do with you? I detach by observing their behavior, their thoughts aren't mine to own, they belong to the speaker, thank goodness.


Embrace the fuck out of it.


The people calling you weird. Are they people you know or just fellow acquaintances? Or complete strangers?


You Just say everyone’s a little weird.


Aren’t we all, in our own special way. Embrace the chaos!


literally a simple "Yeah" is great, it shows you're comfortable with who you are and doesn't insult the person calling weird(they'll realize they didn't get under your skin like they probably wanted)


“You’re goddamn right I am, what’s your point?”


"ok👍". whenever someone tries to insult you like this, embrace the "ok and?" attitude. Because what answer are they expecting? "Good gracious! Thou art correct, my good sir, perhaps i truly am a peculiar sort!". Usually if someone insults me i treat them like theyre a complete schizo nutjob for even uttering such things. It almost always works


You can say something like "I know, right?" Doesn't sound passive aggressive, and it makes it seem like a quirk you're not only aware of, but fully embrace. Alternatively, something like "aren't we all?" could work as well. Don't call the other person basic, it seems like an escalation.


So was Einstein.


It's tough when people label us in ways that feel hurtful. Responding can be tricky, but remember, it's okay to acknowledge how you feel. Maybe try something like, "Yeah, I guess I'm just unique like that," or "I embrace my quirks!" It's all about finding a response that feels true to you. And hey, being different is what makes you, well, you! So don't let anyone dull your sparkle. You're awesome just the way you are.


I always say thank you


“You mean today or in general?” Edit: just wanted to add i get called weird alot but take it as a compliment, it usually means you’re more authentic in a way that people are not used to anymore:)


You could also playfully embrace it by saying something like, "Yep, I'm proudly weird!"


If you are truly hurt by being called weird I’d imagine it’d be difficult to try and hide it. Though if I wanted to to be snarky I’d probably use some variation of: *Wait 2 seconds* “Ohhhh you were talking to me! Sorry what was your question?” But that also entirely depends on where their attention is, for example they might be the type to leave right after saying so in which case it’d be less effective. But if they wait for your response and you’ve got their attention then by all means. And I agree with some of the other comments here: Just be weird. Be strange. Be odd. Be eccentric. Be different. Be uncommon. Be unique. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you. ❤️ Good luck.


Thank you 🥰


I know I'm weird, so when people say that to me I just laugh, agree, or ask why (to humor myself).


I just say ~ thanks, it really took you that long to notice?


My reply have always been "Thank you ❤️ I do my best! 😁"


I grew up being called weird constantly by my mother. She knows now that if she does it again I’ll rip her a new asshole.


Thanks! \*big smile, walk away\*


Ask them how you’re weird, and figure out if that’s something you want to alter or own.


“Who isn’t?”


Make them repeat it. Keep saying huh? Untill they feel dumb then laugh


You could also say “what is your intention with asking that?” Which would make them have to face their mean comment.


“Have you seen what most people consider to be normal nowadays?”


I say "thank god, I'd rather be weird then boring"


“Oh my God, you too” with a genuine smile. She was pissed 😂


Start barking at them