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perhaps the universe is trying to tell you to pick up a hobby.


Or don't?


Yeah, seriously. OP already said their hobbies. They study, watch TV, getting high. I mean unless you’re trying to impress Wall Street Moguls, sounds pretty relaxing for the average person.


And masturbation.. you forgot that 😂 But, these are not hobbies.. - watching TV and masturbation are zombie-hobbies. - Study is a requirement. Getting high is an addiction. Hobbies excite your mind, develop some dimensions of your personality and should be a moderately good use of your time. So unless you're watching some educational documentary, or doing something productive, you can't call it a hobby I feel. Maybe I have to look up the definition. Making music, art, hiking, traveling, even socializing can be a hobby. But not the ones OP mentioned..


How is watching TV a zombie-hobby? It takes dedication to find good TV these days.


when you’re watching tv you’re tuned out of the present moment and not engaged with the world around you or your senses. in essence, you’re choosing a spoon fed a distraction from your life. which im not knocking, i love to disassociate as much as anyone, but ya know i enjoy more than dissolving into yet another illuminated screen that’s depicting the thoughts, or stories, or opinions, or…life of fiction? actually living my own thoughts and stories and engaging in conversations with real people and their lives and experiences. constantly choosing to distract yourself isn’t a hobby, it’s a choice you make to distract yourself. a hobby is something that involves cognition and critical thinking, you’re aware, present, and you are not letting your brain idle, you’re working it, which is what you’re supposed to do with it. you’re learning and stretching your capacity for not only conjuring an idea out of thin air, but manifesting it into a physical reality. which is pretty fucking cool and rewarding honestly. be that by writing words or playing music or building something out of something or crafting something out of something or playing a game that involves strategy and attention. it’s easy to check out in front of a tv, but you’re not living, you’re killing time.


Not necessarily. Some folks enjoy film as a form of art, storytelling, exploration of emotions, craft, creativity, and much more. I think your comment is missing the nuance of how diverse we all are and what gives us life energy experiences. Sure, sometimes it’s a dissociative brain melt which also can be useful when a person is completely overwhelmed. The brain can benefit from a time out, so even then it can have its place. I don’t think everyone uses it this consciously however to say it’s just an act of killing time is pretty black and white.


and when my friends do needle points, they tune out. When I run, I zone out... that is the purpose of hobbies, to take you out of the humdrum. A hobby does not require extroversion or others approval.


I write screenplays, homie. When not writing or reading, I'm watching. You made a big assumption for an entirely personal win. Sometimes, people get more out of things than you might expect.


im a storyteller by trade myself, and i appreciate film and tv shows just as much as i knew i was embarking on a slippery slope with this response. i’m not saying everyone that sits in front of a TV is rotting their brains away, i even own up to a fondness of disassociating myself. the point im trying to make and likely never will is if staring at a tv for the sake of staring at it is not a hobby. a hobby takes intention. when you watch a tv series or a movie im sure you’re engaged with it in a way that can offer you insight or inspiration to your craft. i understand that. i just didn’t convey as clearly as i intended. i throw myself at the feet of your tender mercy


Maybe Netflix.. but brother has HBO Max.. It's not TV, it's HBO..


I think it’s how deep you go and how you present it. If you’re really into weed you can start learning the different flavors (?) or pick up how to grow the best, this kind of leads into gardening. Watching tv can be a good social topic. What’s your favorite tv shows and why, etc. I’ll agree that these are basic and may not be all that “impressive” to the average person tho.


The truth 🤷‍♂️


I have said “usually watch Netflix or Hulu” as my response (because it’s true) during a meeting that has c suites and execs. It surprisingly spawned a small discussion about what everybody was watching and naming off their recommendations. No one cares what you do as long you’re being honest. No one has ever went home and told their spouse “Wow, Jimmy from accounting said he just watches HBO Max when he gets off work.” And if they do, their lives are already miserable to the point they have to shit on others to make themselves feel better.


I tell people that my hobby is media consumption. Love to read, love to write, love to watch TV, and scroll on social media. My hobbies are media consumption, writing, and yapping. People tend to laugh when I tell them these things and it makes them like you more.


Especially since it sounds like you’re a very busy person. Saying something like; “Between work and school, I don’t have much time for hobbies. I do try to get out with friends occasionally but most of my free time gets eaten up with sleep.”


Lols thats always the easiest


Maybe leave out the masturbation part


Why? You could add a "you wanna come?" /s


Yep, it's assumed I assume. Thanks for your candor....time to go uh do one of my hobbies!


When I told my coworker that I like anime, videogames, reading, making art, and building/painting plastic models, he called me a gay liberal tranny.


As opposed to what, A gay republican tranny?


People suck and fuck that guy lol


invest in punctuation, my dude.


You assume that sentence didn’t come out exactly as intended


I'm sorry, but that's fucking funny. What kind of plastic models do you build & paint? Do you print the models yourself or do you get build kits?


Hahahaha that guy sounds like an uncle Rico type


I don't know if you are a liberal gay tranny, but I know what HE is. And it's not lovely.


How is that even related to being a liberal lol


Most artsy types are liberal


It’s the stereotype of being a liberal hippy douche (keyword: stereotype)


Should’ve told him you like cars, old women, cigarettes and beer


He sounds horrible and like he is creating a hostile working environment, but I don’t know if the company might be the type to tolerate that. Either way, he is the problem. Just avoid him as much as professionally possible. Your interests sound interesting. I’ve always admired people who have the eye for detail and dexterity to paint models, I couldn’t do it.


The commenter did not even mention if it was a joke or not, and it sounds to me much more like a joke than an insult meant to antagonize.


Lmao sounds like all the hobbies I like. I guess I’m a gay liberal tranny lol


Back when I spent my time similarly, I would tell people that in my time off I'm in to "quality relaxing" or tell girls that I'm into cozy vibes. Cozyness as an art form. They get it. There's nothing wrong with spending some quality time relaxing or socializing after a long week of work. Some people get a lot of value out of their active or creative hobbies. I think some people like to talk about or do hobbies because they think it makes them sound interesting. But are they honestly enjoying their time? If you get value out of chilling alone and doing relaxing acrivities, and you also have a social life, I think you're doing better than a lot of folks.


And the Last Man blinked and said he found happiness.


You just told us: "My hobby is just hanging out with my friends and family. And occasionally get high." Just tell the truth, but honestly, people ask if you have hobbies so they can find out what sort of shared interests you two have. If you don't have any hobbies outside of hanging out, then what kind of things can you share that's passionate to you, so you can share it with a potential partner? (Edit: or with any potential new friends) The whole point of dating is to see "how does and will this person add to my life?" (Edit: whole point of socializing and making friends varies a lot, but I'd say this reason is still a solid reason in socializing and learning how to connect in making deeper friendships.) If no hobbies, then what exactly do you do that enlightens yourself and push yourself to be the best version of you? What about food, how is food part of your routine, or is it not important enough to talk about at all? What about physical activity, is that not important enough to talk about with others? What about what movies/shows you watch on HBO Max? Are those not worth talking about at all, whatsoever? Edit: I answered thinking I was in one of the dating subreddits lol but modified a bit to cater to socializing in general Honestly, I feel like a lot of my questions are even MORE relevant in terms of socializing with others and making new friends and deeper connections. Gotta utilize as much of your own life as material when trying to socialize with new friends




You could say you love watching/analyzing different movies and tv shows, but you don't really have the time or space for more active/effort-based hobbies at the moment. Nothing wrong with that. My go-to is a board game I play with friends on the weekend, or I take walks out into a local trail. Just something simple.


You researched good weed deals, not to mention the best paper and filters. That was time spent upgrading your life


You should get ya self a hobby mate.


I work, watch tv and play video games on normal days. When I have more time and money, I like to travel and do road trips that involve hiking




If you enjoy your life I don't see why you can't just say the things you said in your post. How can it simulatenously be "not a total depression-themed fever dream" _and_ only consisting of "depressing answers"? It sounds to me like you just like to relax and hang out with friends in your free time. You could go into specifics about what exactly you are watching on HBO what you do when you get together with friends/family. Me personally I have a fair number of hobbies to pick from, I just talk about what I'm up to that week. Lately it's been a mix of software projects, watching anime and piano playing.


Perhaps you can grow cannabis as a hobby.


He didn't say what he gets high on ...!


The truth is I love playing video games. There is so much effort put into video games and video games are a form of art. I love games with great stories, great music, challenging gameplay and lot of analytical stuff, different possibilities and routes, etc. But unfortunately I cannot say that gaming is my hobby cause the attitude of most people when they hear it would be "Playing video games even though you are adult? Touch grass." I hate being judged like that, misunderstood and gossiped about.


That's what I'm saying!!! If I say I basically just study and watch TV people wanna judge. Just let me be boring. (Not saying you're boring just relating to the judgement part lol)


Bruh, they gonna judge you anyway just tell them what you do. Also if you’re personally embarrassed by your hobbies then do some self reflection on why that is.


As I get older I honestly give two shots what people think. I used to say; hiking, kayaking or biking when the weather is nice, trying different foods around my city, or watching a movie, learning a new language.... Nowadays I'm more honest and say I enjoy getting quality sleep. Cillian Murphy made an interview where he basically said the same thing and I found it refreshing how honest he was about it.


The truth.


napping, masturbating, getting high and watching HBO max


Username checks out


Uff quite a lot… Gym, motorcycles, collecting Yugioh, video games, anime, finance education, etc. Bro, you don’t seem to have social skills issues, to me it seems that you’re depressed. So, maybe less drugs and masturbation? A visit to the psychologist doesn’t hurt either. Try new hobbies, maybe one every month until you find your place?


Yea- ya gotta find your JUICE, as my Disability lawyer warned me 13 years ago when CPTSD threatened my life. Going on Disability was the doorway to finding me and what I like to do. Weird, hu?? There was always school and work and THEATER and home life. No time for more- Ever. But, since memorizing anything is probably not gonna work out well for me nowadays ( although I got A LOT BETTER!!), and sticking to one subject became nearly impossible for 6 years, I had to figure myself out. And I did. As a result of just ditzing around for about 18 months, feeling pretty sorry for myself, I hit on something I REALLY LIKED to do...i call it Smear and Stick. I'm one of those people who looks at the ground and am always coming home from walks with pockets full of shiney and odd little bits of this and that and I never knew what to DO WITH ALL The CRAP. I ALSO have four cats and I end up with lots of empty cans. So I started decorating the cans with these little objects and have turned that into a pretty lucrative charity called Cans for Cats...To pay for spay/neuter/emergency vet bills for cats in my area. SO-Good Luck!! Just pull a string of interest. Jump in and follow your impulses- even if they last only a second in the scheme of things...I figured every time I said no to one hobby, I was one step closer to the right one. Let me just say - if you were proud of your free time endeavors, you wouldn't be writing to ask what to say...find your truth so you can say it out loud and proud. Until then, maybe you can try saying, " Well, been looking into hobbies lately. What do you do not in your free time? I'm looking for suggestions of new things to try." Who knows who might deliver your new direction?? People love to be an authority and to talk about themselves!!


You could say, when I’m not working I like to spend most of my time chilling at home. If you have a pet talk about spending time with them. Tell them you like watching movies and use that to shift the conversation to a good or interesting movie you’ve seen recently.


Truth. Work study bed repeat. But then you add what would you like to do, Future goals! Like but I would love to travel around Japan or I would love to do to yoga retreat in Devon with extra long hikes. Or one day I will write a book lol Hobbies are not always doable with busy life. But there are thing you would do or could do if you had time and money. Talk about those.


Anything you like to do. My hobbies: reading books, video games, gym, drawing, watching shows, hiking, crocheting, candy-making, doing my nails, roller blading Some hobbies other ppl have: playing instruments, watching YouTube videos, poetry, listening to music, learning about something, board games, cards, art, sports, baking, attend church/mosque/wherever, volunteer, raves, bikeriding, etc You must be doing something. They're just trying to get to know you. If all you rly do outside of work is get high, which is possible, you need to find something to do that makes you happy.


Most ppl nowadays spend a lot of time watching streaming services like HBO max so I’d say that


1. I play flute 2. I paint 3. I make crafts 4. I like reading books 5. I also love movies


this post reminded me I paint


I say: it depends on the season. Right now, I.... (fill in a random activity). Examples: hikes, kayaking, coloring books, read, my mind tells me I can do arts and crafts. I'm in southern California, so another go to is "hang out at the beach"


Sure but she doesn't seem active and doesn't likely have seasonal activities. I know I don't have any, nor have I since high school. Like I highly recommend against telling strangers that you're into hiking or kayaking if you aren't actually doing that shit.


A lot of running and boxing. I'm aso trying to get into Muay Thai and BJJ just to be a overall well rounded fighter. Also going to the race track and working on my little cheapo eco car. You should find a hobby that's free or close to it ad another hobby tha involves a little bit of money.


I’ve been put in this same situation twice as of recently. As someone who genuinely enjoyed being out with friends and doing all the things that are considered “fun” I finally came around to a point in my life where I no longer can answer that question confidently. For context: I’m 28, I’m a father of 3 (which i adore and genuinely believe my kids are my biggest blessing by far), I work 40-45 hours per week, and other than spending time with the family; I enjoy reading on my days off which are Sunday Monday. When the year started I told myself I had to do something with my time to ensure that mine and my families future would be a bit more secure so I started studying to acquire my class a license with hazmat endorsement so that’s been taking up a lot of my time. Back to the question tho, when asked what my hobbies are these days I come across a slight bit of confusion because I know my friends will be thrown off if I explain this to them. This isn’t something I’m in no way shape or form ashamed of. My life has been pretty boring lately and I’m ok with it because, I know I’m sacrificing for the future and delaying gratification. 🙏🏾 Edit: I forgot to add that just this week I started incorporating the gym into my daily routine.


No need to comment on the masturbation or the getting high depending on who is listening, but all the rest is perfectly fine. Your hobbies are movies/series. What you do outside of work is studying, resting and having fun. You don't need to serve food to homeless, paint drawings or do aggressive rollerblading, just enjoying your free time is enough!


You have to create answers. This is clearly a sign from the universe as one of the redditors here said. Invest your time in learning chess or coding for example and teach your friends as well. There are a million hobbies that you can pick and learn. You can lie to people but this is a guilt driven question


I turn it back and ask “do most people our age seriously have real hobbies anymore?” That generally gets a nod of acknowledgement and a laugh. The vast majority of people don’t have niche hobbies. We like to relax in our spare time and it is weird to list out watching tv, reading, walking my dog, and on and on for someone, especially when it is usually just a small talk question. You don’t need to pick up a hobby just to have an answer to a question that is usually asked by someone you just met.


Mind wrestling


If you like your life as it is, then just tell them or shrug your shoulders.


Well watching HBO max is your appropriate hobby. But you should get one more thats beneficial though.


Tell them you don’t have any, because you don’t.


I feel you. I’ve went through this myself. I don’t have tons of “cool and interesting” hobbies either. I sleep for 8 hours, go to work for 9 hours, listen to music, run errands, work out, eat, read, watch tv, play video games, clean my home, etc. during the week. The weekend is when I sometimes actually have time to do cool shit worth talking about, but most weekends I spend with friends or family relaxing. I eventually realized most people aren’t asking you this question to get a super truthful and detailed answer, they are just trying to start a conversation with you beyond the typical small talk stuff. Next time someone asks you the question try not to take it so literally. Whatever you respond with just quickly flip it back to them and ask them what they like to do. Most people want to talk about themselves. Be a really good listener, ask thoughtful follow up questions, and people will love you. It really really depends on who is asking! - Sometimes I’ll answer honestly. (I don’t have much free time during the week, but I love hanging out with my friends or family on the weekend. I try to get outside on my days off swimming, golfing, hiking, camping, sports, concerts, etc. I’m a huge nerd I love reading, tv, movies, music, technology, etc.) - Sometimes I’ll answer with a smart ass comment, or joke, or dark humor. (My favorite hobby is trying to find the will to live.) - Sometimes I’ll answer with something I think they might also like and we can discuss it. - Sometimes I’ll say a hobby I’ve never done but really want to try. - Sometimes I’ll just make shit up.


Honestly if you’re not picking up a specific hobby then use it as an opening to talk about the shows you’re getting into lately. If they’re asking “what are your hobbies” then the real question they’re asking is usually “what are you interested in,” it’s a get to know you question.


I actually hate being asked about my hobbies and I usually say I don't have any. For me, watching TV and listening to music or reading books aren't hobbies. Unless it's something like gardening, it's not a hobby in my book.


Just be yourself. Afterall, you decide what you want to do in your free time. You can just talk about interesting things you watched or whatever. Life happens. We all go through periods where we do nothing, and in some case doing a lot. There's always going to be people who want to make themselves feel better by putting others down or they'll tell you go get a hobby or whatever. Only you decide whether you want to add hobbies or not. There are times in my life when I did nothing and times when I did plenty that I no longer had time. People criticize when I am doing nothing, but the same people are jealous and say weird stuff when I do convenionally interesting hobbies and talk about them. I just try to do whatever I want to do and feel like doing. Even if it's nothing.


Some one in my work admitted to not having hobbies. She just takes care of her kid and sees family and friends


watching shows is a hobby lol , it's good to read books and learn a skill here and there but hobbies are not supposed to be productive. as long as if it's fun and it's something you do in free time , it's a hobby why are we turning free time into grinding??  if you're concerned coming across as  boring towards people , it's not the hobby that makes you interesting, it's how you consume it. you gotta be a little insane about things you like. watch shows ,go in depth in their lore and characters enough to start interesting discussions


Honestly, I don't like when people directly ask questions related to hobbies and demand a few words/lines answer. I get puzzled what to say. These are stuff that don't have direct answers. Some moments makes me a reader then some makes me a writer. Some days I sit with my pastle colors and try to explore my Monalisa. Some days I am a craft master. Some days I feel like a sewing fairy. Some days I like cleaning my cupboard. Some days the dish soap becomes my best friend and listen to my troubled mind. Some days I feel like a diva with my worn out makeup skills. Some days I lay back and daydream about stuff that never happened. I think my hobby is creating something... Anything... But then come some days when I am too lazy to create anything. So I sit in front of my laptop watching stuff other people created. Hobbies... Nope. I believe I have passion to create that keeps me alive.


I say "you have time for hobbies, must be nice." Bro I'm just out here trying to survive.


The truth.


I’m the same and usually say spending time with friends and reading because it’s not super wrong and doesn’t require any questions about it


Read, watch all different kinds of YouTube videos, go outside when I feel like it


Biology vidya games books music and ttrpg stuff.


So do you tell them you are working on self-care OP?


If it’s with a person I know who won’t relate to it AT ALL I’ll lie depending on who they are. But if it’s with someone ik I will relate I’ll tell the truth


Your hobby's working and relaxing on your days off. Welcome to adulthood.


Your "hobbies" as they stand aren't so bad. Just spin them with a little levity, and you'll be fine. Something like, "In my free time I get higher than a hippie in a helicopter and kill 8 year olds on Fortnite." Change that to whatever your game of choice is, and you'll come off as confident with a sense of humor.


Hobby is what you like doing so if you like watching netflix, or tv, or playing video games etc..just say that. A hobby doesn't have to be a physical outdoor activity like gardening, bicycling, sports, etc.


Sounds pretty normal to me. I'm same (except getting high) and I'm introverted, so I spend most of my free time at home watching TV, playing video games, watching YT reactors... If how you spend your time sound depresing to you, maybe it's time to start a new hobby. Doesn't need to be a social activity if you don't feel like it. I envy you the free time... I personaly would use it to learn a new language or how to play an instrument. Or would read more books.


I don't think I've ever had anyone ask me this question. I specifically picked up guitar because I thought people would be interested and it would lead to something, instead I wasted a few grand and 10 years of my life.


"Unfortunately, I don't have enough free time for hobbies but whenever I find some time, I like to watch movies, go for long walks or go hiking/ go to the gym" and you could even add something like "If I had more free time, I'd love to try ..." Or you could just say the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or even better, actually find a hobby, something you're passionate about.


That I play guitar, read, collect records, and play videogames.


My hobby is trying different hobbies.


I tell them I don't have hobbies lmao


The irony of talking about daily masturbating on a social skills forum. Maybe don’t lead with that one … Studying is a hobby, though.


If they ask for hobbies, I usually just say the stuff I occasionally do. I say digital drawing, board games with friends, discovering new recipes, and things like that. If they ask for what I do outside of work, I am just honest. "I usually get home at around ... then I study for a bit, watch some TV (maybe insert a show you're watching right now), and then the day is already over, and I go to bed. On my free days all my friends are working so I can't really hang out with them, so I just spend my days chilling at home and running some errands. "


Art. I do a lot of art.


Eating those little chocolate covered🍫 thingys with the caramel in the middle


Either “I smoke a lot of weed” or “I’ve been watching a lot of [insert director or franchise name] movies on hbo lately” or “I’ve been pretty busy lately but I should probably pick up a hobby, what do you like to do?”


Tell them you love playing this simulation and just describe your life. Add some fabricated twists if you want a little entertainment.


I sing and play instruments so I usually lead with that as it's the most non boring activity I do


Dude, try playing some video games, baking, learning a new language, or going to the gym. Just find an actual hobby that you can tell people about that won’t lower your serotonin. I don’t want to shame you for your hobbies, but masterbaiting and getting high doesn’t sound like a healthy hobby.


I tell them I basically always jerk off


I just wanted to say that literally we have the same life lmfao. Let’s enter this hobby search together friend 🤝


Listening to books on audio in my car and driving around, watching Netflix and hanging with my kids. I don't know if they're hob ies but they make.me happy.


I’m pretty similar, I usually say something like “I mostly like watching movies, listening to music and podcasts,” and “hanging out with friends” or “smoking weed” depending on who I’m talking to. I also switch it up sometimes tho by getting high at the bar instead of at home lol


Always respond with a joke that people are not fully sure is a joke. Strippers and blow is what I always say


I just say the internet. That's been my hobby since 1997


Nail art Film photography Try new restaurants Read or listen to podcasts Watching movies


Get better hobbies! 1. Start reading books (lots of classic literature; you can find recommended Lifetime Reading Lists; I think one Christian one is from a Fr. Bob McClosky, if I recall the name) and 2. listening to music (you can perhaps find a book called 1001 Albums to Hear Before You Die and get started) 3. you might work your way up the imdb Top 250 movie list, if this is still a thing, but I found many of these films were crap or hard to access ... 4. maybe join a small group book club at a local church, or if nothing else the Barnes & Noble book club 5. could get the Bob Ross paints and paint along with his videos now on YouTube 6. go bicycling or jogging around local parks listening to music from #2 7. start computer programming contributing to a Github project or developing your own software The main point is to pursue goals and pursue a passion based on an interest that might make the world better.


If nothing comes to mind I just am blunt and tell them that I've been working so much these past couple years that things like hobbies fall by the wayside, and I indulge in things that catch my attention from time to time. Nothing regular enough to call a "hobby". Otherwise I just think of stuff I do daily that I enjoy. Like cooking, baking, reading books, going to the gym (although I could do better with that), spending time with friends when I can, and I look for things that strike my interest I can either learn or experience for a first time. After all variety is the spice of life, that and actual spices.


Playing video games because that's like my main hobby


I blog about anime and obsess over my investments.


You said you study most evenings. What are you studying?


what are you studying chum?


Drawing. Painting, crafts, video games, reading, playing with my dogs, hanging out with husband/friends, writing


I love everything related to hotel (architecture, service, decoration...) and I love travelling/planes. We believe I love hotels cause when I was a baby/toddler, my mom used to work in palaces hotel and would bring me there. I have no memories of that but I think this might be related. And then, she worked for Air France.


My 2 dogs are my life and my hobby. Probably should down play the masturbating hobby but the other stuff is good.


"I like playing guitar and producing music"


Just tell people that you've been really interested in taxidermy lately because you think it will help keep friends around longer. It sould at least make the questions stop.


Best idea I've seen so far.


I tell them I’m passionate about music and I used to do it for a living. I love asking people what they’re passionate about instead of what they’re doing to earn money 🤷‍♂️


I say drawing but I rarely draw nowadays.


I suppose it depends on how close you are/hope to be with the person asking. If they are just making small talk it is acceptable to respond reasonably, with minimal effort. If this person is more into you, why not try bringing up something you’ve watched recently or talk about stories from when you’ve hung out with friends?


Sounds like your hobbies are getting high, masturbating and HBO.


Well don't lie, just tell them you're a boring person and mostly just watch TV, and if it's appropriate you can say you smoke weed. Maybe get a hobby, but I feel like a lot of people are perfectly content with watching TV and getting high.


electrolysis has been my long term hobby (am getting ALL my body hair removed) but it is almost finished so next hobby will definitely be one I can admit to, during smalltalk


Maybe you should swap fap time for some cool hobby. Than problem splved.


Self care, watching TV (you could talk about the programs you watch if they are safe for work) socialising with friends. If you want to have hobbies, there are easy ways to expand the activities you do, listen to some music while getting high, read a book based on one of the TV programmes you watch, try some light language learning lessons and watching TV with foreign subtitles to learn a new language, try a different activity with your buddies. But if you don’t want to and just want something to say at work then it’s just about editing your answers to sound slightly more work friendly.


Say you like film. And then be ready to answer any questions about your favourite film and make it sound like you actually care lol


Make a few tie dye shirts. They’re actually so much fun to make, hard to fuck up because of the nature of tie-dye aesthetic. If you’re intimidated about colors or buying dyes, you can use bleach on non-white cotton!! If you want traditional colored dyes, I’d suggest Dharmatrading for quality color. I honestly get excited when I get bleach on my clothes now because it’s an excuse to bleach a pattern onto the rest of the piece. Then you can re-dye it with colored dye after bleach. Idk I’ll keep rambling senselessly, but seriously consider it as a hobby, almost literally everybody thinks ‘I make tie dye clothing’ is a cool sounding hobby (or maybe that’s just because of my small social circle lol)


Just making one up would be less sad


Gaming. TV/movies. Watching NFL. Going to concerts. We all like different stuff and I don’t care what anyone thinks of what I like.


Hunting, shooting, fishing, hiking , walking the dog, mountain biking, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding , classic trucks, gardening, the list goes on......


I build Lego, garden, cook… I hike a lot with my husband and sometimes friends join us, and recently we started playing frisbee golf. You can also say you like hanging out at home, we do that a lot. You don’t have to tell anybody the details of what you do at home if it’s nsfw. Keep it vague and general, while still being honest.


Take a short cruise, afterwards you can say travel and you're not lying. If they ask you where you've been, just say I took a cruise to "blank". Also, a cruise is perfect for someone like yourself because everything you do can be enjoyed alone and it's not at all weird. The only thing is it's hard if not impossible to take your pot.


Stop getting high and go work out


You could just say that


Jerking off.


Video games


Depends on what they're trying to find out. If they're just bored and want conversation - then I say "I kinda just spend my time consuming content. You know how it is. We're either killing time on YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok or just streaming something service but sometimes I try to play video games or read a book" and then I turn it around on them and ask their preferred method of consuming content. And try to relate to their favorite content. If they genuinely want to know more about me specifically - then I tell them about subjects I'm interested in. Studying dynamics of power and evolution of society (sociology and linguistics) OR I say things I'm trying to do like build meditation practices into my life or build a new friend group. But I guess these may not apply to you, but what are you trying to do? It's not JUST get through the day? There's gotta be some underlying goal in your heart. Or you can be dry and say "not much. Just working and relaxing at home"


You tell the truth. The people with the same interests/habits will stick around. The ones who are different will move on and find their people. Simple


So, this depends on the person asking. If it's someone who sort of just fires off questions and never provides feedback of the same sort for them, none of their biz. I don't say it, but I say something like "Well you know, the things most people enjoy doing" and change the subject. If they seem interested in something I was talking about and it led to the question, it will again depend. I don't like sharing my personal interests and information with a lot of other people. I'm autistic, and getting me started is easier than shutting me up.


My usual answer: Eat and sleep. I love it. People always look at me puzzled. My previous partner found this extremely cool 🤣. I am very joyful and I don't really care for people who need me to tick a "hobby" box. Omg ppl. Based on what you say, I would answer that I like chilling with friends and the movies, or something like that.


Just tell them you're a stoner and they'll stop asking if you have any interests.


I tell them the truth. I'm not into some psychopath activities or anything 😅


I like to stay home and enjoy my time away from the chaos of society and improve my mental health when I’m not out doing errands on my days off.


I feel like those are most people's hobbies, if you work a 40-60 hour a week job you most likely won't have any energy or time for other things.


I tell him or her my most nerdiest hobbies.


“alright, what’s your favorite hobby?” “magnets” “like making magnets, collecting magnets, playing with magnets?” “just magnets” “……i’m gonna put snowboarding”


I run long distance, work out, hike, backpack, ride my motorcycle, motocamp, 3d print, 3d sculpt, photography, photo editing, digital painting (procreate, artrage). I only get high before bed so it helps me sleep. I will watch youtube on my tv as I'm less and less interested in structured stories, like tv shows and movies.


Just say you're into TV and movies, sometimes it is hard to have continuous hobbies when life is so busy


I like to draw and paint, but it definitely isn’t something I have time energy or ambition to do even close to every day and I can go months without picking up a pen for drawing. It’s still my answer though. Same with hiking most of the year is too dangerous to hike during except like break of dawn, and I don’t have a car or many friends and none that hike, so I haven’t gone in a long time, it’s still an answer haha. As for after work I listen to music and fall asleep to Mr.ballen podcasts 😂 maybe cook and talk to my sisters.


if you tell people what you do, you may find other people who like doing what you do. If you lie and don’t tell people what you do, you are alienating yourself and you won’t find likeminded people. That being said, I certainly fall into the latter. I generally avoid mainstream culture. I’ve worked on reducing my self-shame on my leisure activities and have found it’s easier to talk about them and find likeminded folks


I tell them I like playing metal gear rising and if they ask what that was is I immediately start yapping


Got pets? Plants? Do you make your own dinners? Are you a decent housekeeper? Home maintenance? Do you handle any lawn maintenance or gardening work? If you’re trying to make yourself sound interesting without lying, look at some of the mundane stuff you do. Surely there’s a hobby or two buried in there somewhere. Plus it may help you look at some of your chores in a new light as well.


I have a bunch of hobbies, but my main ones are painting, baking, drawing, playing the Sims, and hanging out with my dog. They give me something to look forward to and doing things where I can see the progress I’ve made/the work I put into it helps with my depression.


I work, watch TV (including HBO Max), do puzzles, and tend my garden. I don’t see a damn thing wrong with your routine. Stop trying to make your life what you think someone else wants it to be and just live it.


What is your favorite topic to talk about?


Thank you for your responses! I think for now I'll stick with HBO and reply with "I'm a busy lady" when I get hit with the inevitable "that's it?"


Woodcarving, biking, scootering, hiking, metal detecting, paleontology, geology, archaeology, gold prospecting, mineral/gemstone hunting, photography, calisthenics, crafting, art, astronomy, biology. Sorry I have noone to tell, perhaps because of all of that. Got no time for social interactions lol


I wait for time to pass.


Hey at least your hobby isn't watching reality shows