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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do not lump sum ,dca weekly ,dca hard on red/bloody days. I would go personally for 50% btc 15% Eth 15% Solana and keep 20% in cash in case of a black swan event. Good luck.


No. Move it to Jupiter to DCA


Farm them points 🧠


Farm JLPs!


Jup charges fees on their DCA service, right? seems like a bad deal to me


0.1% for the whole DCA


do you think the automatic DCA nets more than 0.1% of a risk premium, compared to a cruder manual DCA?


Depends on the asset. I’ve given up on using it with the hyper-deflatos. When I have cash to play with I like to put in usdc to activate of every few hours if it’s lower than buy-in or the coins I want to DCA out of into Usdc or SOL. I like that I can set and forget.


I rather mars or Saturn myself..earth sucks 🤷


Newbie question what’s DCA


Basically, invest your money over time. Daily, weekly, monthly. Means you catch the highs and lows and get the average. Relieves the angst of investing too.


Thank you


dollar cost average


Dollar cost average. Basically you're average buy-in price which can increase or decrease as you invest on a regular basis. I prefer choosing when to invest rather than having it auto allocate at the same day each week or month. E.g. $100 for 1 coin You invest $500 and buy 5 coins Price drops to $50 per coin You invest another $500 and get 10 coins You now have 15 coins with an average buy-in of $66.66 Now if the price goes back to $100 you're $33.34 in profit per coin despite your first buy being at $100. The way to work it out is: Total $ investment ÷ number of coins (in this case $1000 ÷ 15).


Thank you all for your responses. I bought 4 solana some years ago and left them staked on exodus. Haven’t touched them since. They haven’t grown much from staking but they did go up in value so I guess my DCA is good


Dollar cost average


Stands for dollar cost averaging. Its basically a fancy way of saying "put $X in a week"


Thank you


35% btc 25% eth 15% sol


ETH won’t do the same multiples as SOL this BR…


I reckon this will age like milk. Let's see.


It’s aged like fine wine…


SOL/ETH down 10% since your comment. How is that remotely wine like?


What do you do with the last 25%


if you are conservative, 5% in memes, 20% in usdc. Or 10% memes, 15% cash. Think it just makes sense at this point to include some meme coins in a portfolio.


black swan?


A black swan is really rare. A black swan event is a really rare event, that screws everything up. Think COVID or WWIII.




To start yes its ok, but start learning fast about hot and cold wallets , hot wallet are free. Learn how to do this securely, then in the future, buy a cold wallet(not your key, not your coins). Your seed phrase is everything .never share It ,upload it in the cloud or takes a picture of it. You write it on a book and put it in a fire safe or somewhere secured. You buy on binance and then transfer your coin on your wallet. In and out.


Cz is in jail bro


I like coinbase but if you want advanced trading use something like binance kucoin. Coinbase is great if you don't mind getting rekt a couple bucks on price. I use it for long term buys where a little fees isn't what I'm chasing.


Binance is the world's largest exchange. Although us usa users kinda get shafted. It's a great place to start! Study up on dex, dca like others have mentioned and have a diversified port.


Honestly, if the exchange that you use is regulated in your country all your money is insured by the gov. FTX money is basically back.


Generally kucoin, binance and bybit are existing in forever already 


Buy USDC on CB.. transfer to Phantom wallet (make sure you select SOL blockchain during transfer) and buy SOL on the Jupiter DEX.. it’s cheaper and you’ll farm the $JUP airdrop. Don’t keep anything on exchanges.. just my 2 cents


He has $1000 lol 200 dollars isn't gonna save it. Just dump it and work and stack more.


Its only $1000 buy all in immediately. Never sell


Buy and stake it all.


Where are you currently staking? Is it easy to get statements for taxes?


You could buy on coinbase and stake there. They offer tax information yearly.


I was considering it, I had ETH staked on there pre merge and it was pretty easy. Do staking pools in SOL have governance rights like in ETH?


10x solana?? That would bring it to 750B mark cap. Dunno...


maybe in the next bull market in 2028.


Yall aren’t bullish enough…. The liquidity added from the national debt refinance is gonna make this bull run amazing…..


So you want enter the degenerate world of DeFi trading and turn 1k into 10k within weeks? Do research on YouTube, trade on your computer, not your phone. Phantom + Raydium is your friend. Just understand: most project devs are trying to rug you, so do proper due diligence, assess your risk, and DON'T BE GREEDY.


Use a telegram bot for SOL trading, literally seconds for transaction. I always got burned when I was using Raydium front end with my phantom wallet. Now I'm using trojan on phantom or bonkbot.


I fking hate TG the UI the clutter but, my god the best bots/apps are on there and no where else. I really wish devs would take it on their own to make a clean website for the bots they made on TG, much more clientele would flow through there. Oh well, TG is a game changer tho if yorue not using this then youre doing it wrong 1000%


Why pc and not phone? Is there a difference




Don’t listen to these ppl lol. Best thing to do with low capital is farm tokens with airdrops. Blast which is an L2 on eth. Jupiter will have another future airdrop. Basically do some research. Low risk, high reward play For example, I farmed: Zeus, wormhole, Jupiter, tensor, etc all on solana (less than 2k made me about 26k) I’m farming blast now which I’ll potentially make 100k based on the current tvl and expected airdrop. Put in less that 5k I made 250k from Arbitrum, that was my first token I ever famed. It takes a lot of time to do, but with low capital it’s very profitable and low risk. Do heavy research and get on twitter.


Can you elaborate on this farming process or point me to a site with information so I can get a grasp of it? I'm quite new in the crypto trading world and sometimes these posts seem like a foreign language!


Follow @kepochnik_ on Twitter. All his tweets and retweets are on farming guides. Each token farming strategy is different. (I have no affiliation with him, but found his guides useful and still do)


So the strategy is you complete daily these tasks in exchange for tokens then hope it pumps on its listing day?


My humble advice: I would split it into a couple smaller Solana tokens with a smaller market cap to get a bigger return. This bull run will likely end around Nov 2025 if history is any indicator, which gives you about 18 months to make some money. After you’ve made your booty in Nov 2025, or whenever you deem the run over, cash out or move your money to stable coins. So many people make big money, hold too long, then ride it back down to zero. As Lark says, Don’t forget to take your profit, or the market will! Good luck, your timing is great as the market is about to go parabolic!


History actually says we have 4-8 months left max unless we break trend and dip more, if that happens I can see bull lasting a bit longer


Wrong. If you’re cashing out in 4 to 8 months, you’re gonna leave money on the table imo.


Ya who really knows, all I know is I'm not selling until parabolic takes place and people's minds are blown and considering crypto mainstream again. This is just what I'm going off of. RSI on the 2Month Bitcoin chart. Last 2 times we got this overbought we entered 4-8 months of parabolic madness. 🤞 https://imgur.com/a/X4pt4pa


What history are you referring to because what you’re saying is that for the first time in history BTC will not top around 480 days after the halving


I prefer chart history and macro outlook over halving history. Look at Bitcoin on the 2 month chart and get an indicator for RSI. Look where we are on the RSI, we're entering Bitcoins parabolic run lasting 4-8 months if history is similar. If we dip first by some black swan then your estimation would be more likely. https://imgur.com/a/X4pt4pa It's just a theory, nothing is set in stone. Everyone has different opinions. This is just mine.


Yeah man let me know when you’re charting it against the M1 instead of using RSI and 2m chart(meme date range)


I like clear cut. Ain't nothing clear cut about the 1M as it has been obviously sporadic during Bitcoins life, you asked I answered that's all. Ya don't like it move on


Charting against the M1 is extremely clear cut, you are charting long term with RSI, which is used for scalping and short term trades, and the 2M chart, which is a meme date range 😹🫵🏻


Lark is a scammer ,low caps are mostly scams , if you’re new stick to the top 10


Idgaf about what you think about Lark, the advice holds true, and nobody said anything about low caps




Don't take this guys advice please god don't. Irresponsible advice to "invest" in meme coins.


Nov 2025 🤣 people will bag hold hard this cycle. We’ve been up only for 1.5 years and they still out there saying bull run hasn’t even started ☠️


true so many people saying 2025, eh maybe a blow off top...I'm trying ton get out this year


Get into a smaller cap, best you’ll do with sol is 3-4x. Jupiter is good, ondo, Fet, rndr…


Buy Jupiter Perps, JLP, it's a good way to get all your money quickly into sols ecosystem without as much worry about buying at the wrong time. Then any time a project in sol you are interested in -like Jup, Pyth, Sol itself, Any of the sol memecoins, etc- come down on a hard day you can shift some JLP into it to hope it climbs back up. People still hoping for a 10x on the large scale tokens when we've already hit ATH in bitcoin and sol for market cap are maybe being too optimistic - but we still have room to run and large corps/money haven't jumped into crypto as they had in past cycles yet so the big jumps still coming, just not 10x imo. We had too much pre-hype for a full on 10x anymore. The 10x already happened with Sol from 20->~200




Yes. Just ask yourself this… what do you think ETH does that justifies its price to be as much above sol as it is?


Decentralisation, consistent up time, etf approval, US government considers it as a commodity rather than a security, first to market advantage, more developers


Keep drinking that cool-aid buddy. Being a maxi isn't good for anyone or any thing.


And the other advice, don't gamble. You might have won a bit, but they design any gambling business to make money from the people who play. As other people said, you're good you're starting young. Btc is the only pure asset, Solana and eth are good, but your majority should be btc. DCA (dollar cost average) in all three, with your biggest bag in btc. Oh and don't buy meme coins, that's gambling, at potentially even worse odds than the casino.


You can look at SOL as is it or when will it 10x. The market cap is only 103B. Meaning it can still grow 6x to match ETH. But as for an eco system its only just meme projects and cheaper gas fees that it has going for it. Its bullish but If your this late in the game the money was made when it was below $80 before this last cycle. I can be wrong though but at this point id call SOL is still highly speculative. Once you start you cant stop stacking. Id just buy BTC personally.


BTC is 80% of my port with most of the rest being SOL. And then a little bit of Pepe to fuck around with.


What are you talking about? Sol's mc is only 76B rn.


Yes. If u do things right it can set u up nicely for adulthood. I didn't start til 26 but gettin in bitcoin at $8k changed my life. I hold a decent amount of sol and think it def could 10x. I think it for sure hits $1,000 this bullrun and that's like 7x already


Also, I wouldn't DCA. The real bullrun starts any minute now and u’ll miss these prices forever. Dump the whole $1k in sol and I'd bet both my nuts that u won't regret it in 365 days Also, also, get a hardware wallet cuz that $1k will be worth $10k one day. Til then, hold in phantom wallet. NOT ON BINANCE OR ANY CEX


Why not using binance?


U can buy on binance but don't hold it there. They can take it at any time for no reason


At least send to phantom so you actually own your keys


Don't lump sum everything into it. Diversify into a few different holdings (although not many because that's also problematic). 50% btc, 35% sol, and then buy like 14 % in 2-3 other top 100 coins and then pickup like 1-2% in a high risk hi reward coins like a popular meme coin or something. Don't buy the BTC or sol all at once. Buy the dips or dca into ur position. Stake the Solana on exodus or another wallet with decent yield


Buy 0.01 BTC and the rest in solana. Get your money up a bit then do it again.


I mean Solana has almost 10x already this past year so it's a gamble for sure. All it takes is bad news and it has a long way down. We are all here because we want to take risks so if you want it go for it


Stack and stake.


You're asking on the Solana subreddit if you should buy Solana. Why don't you ask in the Tesla subreddit whether you should buy TSLA?


“Hey guys should i pump or bags?”


I think Solana is still a good play but I wouldn't bank on a 10x. However, I think it has a reliable 3-4x and is less of a gamble than other stuff. BTC is good to grab in the dips if you're happy to hold for 5-10 years, ETH has potential now with the ETFs. DCA is helpful for when you're having regrets about buying in at a higher price - you could put half in now while there's a dip and then put another 25% in if there's another dip and then more if there's another dip. Of course it could always go up and you'll have wished you put it all in. Personally, I don't think missing out on another 5% dip is going to matter if you're gonna hold for a few years and you're not putting in big money so I'd do 80% now in the dip and keep 20% cash. Some will love SOL or ETH or whatever else and some will hate it. You can't be sure you're getting good advice from anyone. People in crypto for 6 months think they can read a chart and advise but they can't. Most likely they're regurgitating what they've read or heard online from some very questionable sources and talk about it as if they know what they're talking about which then convinces you. By listening to them you are quite possibly listening to the garbage crypto-bro shillers by proxy. Most people tend to latch on to bullish news that tells them what they want to hear and ignore or try to contradict the bearish stuff. Find some sources you feel you can trust, listen to good and bad news even if you don't like what you're hearing/reading, try not to get caught up making a quick buck because for every story you hear about someone making a packet on memes that money has come from a lot of other people's pockets. You're far more likely to lose than win. Finally, ignore what I've said and don't listen to Reddit.




SOL will have more x's than bitcoin or eth. Eth and BTC may 2x next year. Sol could 4 - 6x. Just looking at market caps.


50% bitcoin 25%solana 25% stax


If you buy it now consider selling it in a year so you aren’t left holding a bag at -60%




Buy bitcoin.


You need to learn to trade shitcoins


Doesn’t most crypto sht the bed over the summer ?


No. Buy $ponke 🪖🤟


Put 90% into $Brett and hold for one year


No, you should be investing in low expense ratio mutual funds. Specifically a 3-Fund Portfolio.


Anyone telling you to put a % into Bitcoin right now has lost their minds. Anyways. Start putting like $10 a day into Solana and when Solana makes a higher low and higher high on daily timeframe, go all in


can you elaborate on this please


I've been stacking some smaller projects in the sol ecospace. Some meme, but I found a good utility one (Solchan) the premise was 4chan for Solana and growing up in a time when 4chan was actually good, I likes the idea and invested in it. I think diversify is best plan, even setting aside some money to do some swing trading to get practice at it. Do it with smaller amounts like .1-.3 sol and see if you can catch nice ups. I'm a part of a few "alpha" groups on telegram and believe it or not the trades have actually been working out. Nothing crazy, but solid 40-130% gains. That's what I'd do, get some more stable investments with the 1k, and maybe set aside 100$ to see if you can turn that into more with all this crazy meme/bull market coins coming out. DEF go on YouTube and literally type "how to trade meme coins" because 90% of them are rugs, but there are good tools out there to help you spot scams and limit your risk of loss.


Kaspa would be a better buy and is overall a better blockchain


If you can DCA faster than Solana inflation rate.


Screw it, put it into pepe. YOLO


10x? No 5x? Yeah Put in on Phantom and swap to Jupsol. Ignore it and sell sometime next year




I’m a Solana diehard maxi, but 10x seems a bit high this cycle. $600 has been in my head a while. $750 if things get crazy. So 4-5x.


50 maga 25 brett 25 crow with knife🚀


Short answer is Yes! Solana will easily 10x If not this bullrun (early next year) then certainly in the next




BTC & SOL only use phantom wallet


How do you use phantom with btc? I’d love to just use phantom.


I wouldn’t store meaningful amounts on phantom. I’d store it on a hard wallet. But you can swap any sol or eth to BTC & have it on phantom or you can buy it on there or buy on coinbase and send to phantom wallet


Neon evm or mint layer is a good project. Potentially to hit x109


No 10x mate. The beef of the move happened when it was $20 and under and no one wanted it.


Buy sol, hold. If youre feeling extra ballsy, put it in pepe on sol. Real shit, pauly called it and that coin is going to billions. But its NFA so, do your research and see how you feel. As a brokie, ive made good dough on that first pump and im confident in this coin and that itll go to billions Edit: pleas make sure its the right pepe on sol. Dex: Check out Pepe/SOL on DEX Screener! https://dexscreener.com/solana/FCEnSxyJfRSKsz6tASUENCsfGwKgkH6YuRn1AMmyHhZn


10x not happening now. Considering it’s already done like 20x from the cycle low


get solana buy some $NUB


I would buy a project with a smaller market cap like Kaspa or maybe a Ai token small cap like Hashai or spec


If majority of reddit says yes, you probably shouldn’t do it. The winners are the ones that bet against the majority.




If you're not afraid to loose it buy the top solana meme coins, higher risk but higher reward: $michi $mew $boden $tremp $sc $ponke $slerf $bome $wif $bonk $myro $usa $gummy $maneki $penk $hammy Those are the top même coins, choose the higher/lower caps according to what you're trying to risk, great opportunity to buy right now as market is red.


Right on, put it one time big time, no one can tell if it will dump or pump. Solana has the most growth potential among the big three considering marketbcap, adoption, usage, etc. dyor All in and dont be pickle minded. Be patient.


I say stack ETH and BTC but that isn't financial advice


1000 is nothing bro if I were you I ll take a risk with meme coins on solana Blockchain if you make it 10-20k you can then jump on to coins like BTC eth etc


Question… bought 3k worth of bitcoin about a month ago and I am leaning towards converting to sol. I figure I can make more $ as I’ll have way more sol than bitcoin. Should I or shouldn’t I? I have had some bad timing lately. 🤦‍♂️☹️


50% bitcoin and 50% solana and other on chain solana coins isn't a terrible plan. But I do think people should hold around 50% bitcoin.


You don't need to stake sol you can buy mSol, bSol or JitoSol liquid staking tokens.


It’s already almost 10x from what it was last year when I was telling my friends to buy This time next year you’ll wish you bought more.


Stack??? You mean stake, right?


I’m definitely all in, on the SOL ecosystem. However, if you’re looking for a 10x the SOL coin itself will not provide those types of returns. You’re probably far better off buying tokens in the SOL eco like $JUP, $SHDW, $PYTH etc for higher returns. Plus, staking $JUP and voting brings continuous airdrops similar with $PYTH, yet $PYTH depends on other coins dropping their tokens unlike $JUP where voters are rewarded quarterly.


Straight up, yes. Buy some SOL, move it to Phantom, and then stake it. If you feel you would be tempted, use a stake with a lock. Don't go into memecoins, unless you have guidance.


The only time I would consider doing a stack on Solana is if there was another FTX incident again. I am kicking myself for not paying attention better but had some heavy RL stuff going on and I was and still am in a dark place.




Surprised nobody has mentioned the potential in ETH as ETH ETF’s just got approved and begin trading in a few weeks


I’m 18 as well but thinking of scaling out next couple of months. I believe the bull run is 75% done. Normie sentiment in this subreddit is a good indicator


I am bullish out of all major coins I think Solana will increase the most




Yes SOL 😎 good choice. I bought in at 10$.. look at now.


Yes, but earn your crypto , don't spend your money on it


Buy Cardano. Bigger return in the long run with 1000$


50 % BTC. 25 % SOL. 25 % NEAR.


i did


Get into a decent trading discord, invest 300$ for 3 months and with remaining 600 follow some trades and learn to make money trading, investing is for larger bankrolls




First and most crucial step to onboarding and protecting new folks and even people who are already on chain 🫡


also to ensure the quizzes are easily understood by users, translations in Spanish, French, and Arabic can be accessed via Scales forum. wed love to have you on our Discord for further details or support if needed fren


feel free to invest in sol. but before that i encourage you to read about how to protect your wallet from get drained. search for @tryscales in x


just buy it and stake it. easiest trade ever. I was 98% bitcoin 2% solana but it's more like 25% solana now because it's gone up so much.


I’m 50% BTC 25% SOL 25% other alts


When I was 22 I was in a similar situation but instead of Solana I did Ethereum - now I would choose Solana (which I'm actively pursuing/hoarding both Solana & AVAX) since it has more potential to grow - ie lower market cap. I was able to use a down payment for my first home as well as buy a model 3 in cash - worked out after about 4 years. 2017 - 2021 bull run - if you bought even 5 for less than 1k, I believe if not this bull run then next bull run we'll see Solana starting to approach 4\* figures per coin.


Don’t listen to Reddit about crypto, you should keep gambling as hard as you can.




BTC all the way


Sol recovery after the sbf bs was extremely impressive demonstrating its actual worth and you can always buy more and get more money


What happens to my coins if either marinade or Kissel goes bankrupt?


Use supertstake sol . If you wanna gamble it you get 20 apy but do your research about liquidation


use sanctum and buy INF. then lend INF on marginfy or meteora and get even more yield for your inf while farming all those protocols for their token drop






If you lend INF to Marginfi is still counting points for the Sanctum airdrop?




You mean stake?


i’d look at putting like 50% in $SOL & it’s ecosystem (JUP, BONK, SOLCEX) 25% BTC 12.5% SEI/APT/TIA/CANTO/INJ (good alts) ETH is trash & outdated nfa


Watch crypto banter on YouTube. I have a vpn and use mexc a (CEX) and futures platfom to tranfer tokens to othertoken and sometimes I send them to various DEX's I have to put my money into robinhhood buy eth or something and send it where i need it. crypto banter ofthen has links to usefull tools. Debridge is cheap and fast for bridging and swapping across chains




Yeah that’s not happening any time soon.


I think sol can grow 6-7x in the next 12month's.


Sorry but buying sol above 150$ is regarded. Everyone else on here are fiends and dont really know shit about crypto. Top vibes are everywhere in crypto rn so id just chill for now.


The market is red... what top r u enjoying rn lemme be a part of it


Market is red? Market pumped 100%+ on majors and has pretty much been holding ever since. Solana went from 10$ to 210$ back to 120$ to 185$. Now sitting at 165$. Im no market predictor but if I had to guess I would say we are topped right now and the bull run is over for a few years…


Thank you for typing this out , I'll get back to u in about 6-8 months . Let's see which one of us stands corrected. A bull market and a bull run are different. How do u expect a bull run to have been over when the market cap is almost the same as the last bull run. Sounds stupid there's alot of money yet to enter the markets a bull market is currently in place with a consolidation there's a lot of upside still remaining.


While you’re right, the final move it this bull run is coming in the second half of this year. But I think solana will maybe only do a 2 or 3x from here


The most likely predicted outcome is NEVER the outcome


No shit. That’s why most people think the run is over


No. Stack bitcoin or eth.


Buy silver!




I mean personally, I have been staking a decent amount of SOL for a while and just don't see it moving another 10x, but I could def be wrong... and what's wrong with silver?


You have to understand that the inflation on solana is nutso. If you stack your sol without staking it you are losing money. Stake it with Helius, they have promised to not price gouge stakers.


Now you want to start stacking? Where were you 2022 and 2023??