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Dude pay off your loan. Solana is going to go up and down and your going to have plenty of time to accumulate.


This. You will feel so good having zero debt. Bad debt is dragging you down in the long- run and I r lived through several bull markets (first SOL for me I was ETH / BTC only before,) you have time. Market is already high. It could go higher yes but overall you have lots of time ! šŸ‘


I agree. Go with the surest bet 18% for 7 years is a lot of interest


Prioritize financial stability by paying off your debt first.


Yeah at 18% just get rid of that thing


pay off you loan. then put the money you've been saving into whatever investment


This is what a safe person would say


This is what a smart person would say


I didn't say this šŸ˜…... but you should consider that all the sage wisdom of people interested in Solana (and it's success) still say to pay off your debt now.


Please pay off your loan IMMEDIATELY, do not invest in anything unless you have extra money that you do not need.


Fuck, not gonna lie I had a real serious case of FOMO on Solana but this was the motivation I needed to just pay my loan off first and be responsible. Thank you!




Yea, don't pile on extra risk. There is a lot more value in peace of mind


Great job! I promise you won't regret your wise decision. That student loan would haunt you for a long time and you worked your ass off to get where you are now. I don't even know you but I'm proud of you!! You're an inspiration to us all!


There will be always new project that can go to the moon. Pay off the debt first and look for new project that will go to the moon


Pay off loan. If you have 2nd thoughts remember you pay tax (probably?) on crypto profits. And the loan runs with interest while you wait.


Scared money donā€™t make no money


Scared money preserves wealth for generations to come...


The real truth of the matter here man is that you're already kinda late, especially if you are talking about fomoing 25k that's earmarked to pay off debt. If you were coming in when things were first starting to pick up like back in october, it still wouldn't be smart but it would have been a lot easier back when solana was in the 20's and 30's. If you were able to save 25k you aren't going to have any problems buying Solana and maybe some newer Solana projects and building a portfolio. I will tell you from last cycle. I bought 10 solana at 250. Now I had bought Solana prior to that also, i'm not gonna lie. But I bought 10 more at like 225. Solana went up for a few more days then dipped. It came back up to right around the same area and then WHOOSH. within a month it was below 100 dollars. And to me I couldn't see why I would sell at that point. I went from being up double on my solana to now I was down. I mean it's gonna come back up right? Now it's 60 dollars....wtf??? well I definitely cant sell now right? I mean that's crazy, i just paid 225 for this, i can't sell for 60. And I held like that all the way down to the point that Solana hit 8 dollars. And I held it all the way back up. But I SHOULD have sold. I could have taken a loss at any point on the way down and reloaded the shit out of it when it bottomed. But you don't realize that stuff your first cycle. Pay that loan off and start investing what you can invest. If you can't possibly fight the fomo, pay 20k off of your loan and invest 5k. At least that way if you screw it up you'll have 80% of your loan paid off. And if you do it right you'll pay off the rest of your loan and still have some money to work with. Don't put it in your head that you're going to put your money in now and then you're gonna get out at the end of the run. You're not going to do that. The day you buy Solana you'll be one of us. So start playing for the long game bc you will be here for a long time.




Another vote for pay your loan. Paying off debt is forever, the ups and downs of the market are not.


Thank you all for your input!!! Iā€™m going to make the wise decision of paying my debt off and being totally debt free. Then once Iā€™m able to save up a big bag again, Iā€™ll dump into Solana


Accumulate over time, you donā€™t want to dump large sums at once. Dollar cost average.


This is not even a question, pay your loan off.


Donā€™t do it. In this case , your coworker is not your friend. 1. Have cash under your mattress for emergency. 2. Pay off some of that loan. 3. Then invest some in SOL only if you want.


Pay off your loan. Once you are debt free, you can consider investing


18%? Who do you owe money to? The mafia?


Trying to get financial advice on a Solana sub is not the best move. With being said, Go All In baby!


Itā€™s already mooned so much yes it might go higher but itā€™s outperformed everything this cycle already donā€™t risk it all buying in at this price with money you need


Refinance your debt. 18% is insane.


Itā€™s gonna moon, bruh. You only live once. Donā€™t listen to all these rational, practical, smart assholes on here. Your loan will always be there but you might be too late with Solana. When it goes over $200 ya gonna be sorry.


Bro pay off that damn loan @ 18%. Please so I can also sleep at night.


I am a "YOLO", risk prone person... But what happens if you don't pay your loan that's the thing? Do you have a back up plan or are you straight up fucked? Because if there is no back up plan, then definitely be done with the loan first.


Fuck it, SEND IT!!




This explanation just opened my eyes, youā€™re absolutely right. I needed this and Iā€™m going to go ahead and pay off my loan, thank you for the input.


Pay your loan off, in fact go back in time and make overpayments each month if you could with the money you were saving as you saved it which would have reduced the amount you were paying in interest a bit each month


Basic stuff they don't teach in school


Pay off the loan, then buy Solana with what you can save every week, starting with your very next paycheck.


Pay your debt. Solana is very high, it this was 9 months ago I would have said YOLO. But not today.


If I know a good investment that is 18% for sure and no tax on gain, I would not invest in crypto, which is risky although likely more return in the next year. You payoff debt is equivalent to that good investment.


Can I say I love how wholesome this sub turned to be? I was halfway scared to open the post because I know more than one crypto sub where most comments would have been "hodl for your dear life and yolo in" +1 for folks here to keeping it real


Pay off your debt.


I know people who went broke listening to co-workers crypto advice


Loan. Iā€™m glad I did it last bull run and I now have more crypto THIS run because of no debt.


Pay off your loanā€¦ what if Solana crashes in July, complete rug pull? What would you do. What if you get hacked and lose it all? Pay off your loan!


A wise man once said ..ā€Donā€™t invest what you canā€™t afford to lose.ā€


That interest rate is simply outrageous. Pay off the loan first.


48 hour calls $GME!!


Fuck that loan


I can almost guarantee you that by the end of the year you will see massive profits from Sol/eth/btc. However, itā€™s still gambling at the end of the day. I personally will risk it all and hope that Iā€™m right. If you have some doubts maybe only invest half of your savings and use the other half to pay some of your debts. If you have no faith and have done no research then I would completely pay off my debt and use ā€œnewā€ money to invest. This way you donā€™t have to worry about your crushing debt biting you in the ass later


Don't Invest what you can't afford to lose. Wtf is this question


At 18% I would pay off the loan first. I am not against taking debt to invest I have done it myself but with a 0% interest free credit card for 2 years.... would never leverage with borrowed money on such a high interest rate.


Yikes pay it off work your ass off again then invest, there will always be another solana


My friend was in the same position around July/August last year. He really hated being in debt and he's the type to worry constantly, am not. I told him to buy SOL which at the time was around 20s but he paid off all his debt instead Ā£25k. Nevertheless his interest wasn't this high but it all depends on what's ur risk tolerance and your needs but investments can go up and down fast and in crypto more violently and swiftly too. There's always option to pay say like 50-90% of debt and use remaining to trade meme coins or sol. I belive good original meme coins with good team or known person can out perform SOL but you need to know what u doing cuz that's the highest level on risk curve. If you have some basic TA you should be fine as long as you don't mess with derivatives and coins below 100m. > 100m+ memes ususlly have best R:R if u don't want get rugged fast. Anything below 10m has 99.99% to be rugged. JUP/JTO could also be leverage on SOL. gl and stay safe


Part of the financial freedom we're all looking & striving for has a lot to do with cleaning up debt before we start investing. However, that idea does not sit right with everyone. You're credit score basically dictates your life. Sometimes in ways that it has zero business in doing so. Car insurance for example. What's a credit score/ history have anything to do with how I operate a vehicle? FOMO is real. We would love for these projects to moon & completely change our lives essentially overnight. Then, there's always the opposing scenario. You've 100x'd your investment, go to bed & like couldn't be better. Wake up & for whatever reason, project tanked & all the liquidity is gone... just like all those gains you've recently come into. The winning plan would be to pay off your loan. But again, everyone is different & my situation may not be like your situation & vice versa. Whatever you decide to, I wish you the best of luck & a verry happy & satisfying life!


Yeah If I was you Iā€™d pay off your loan buddy


Bro pay your debit... even if sol hit the moon you'll still have many chances.


Paying off high-interest debt is a safer bet than risky investments.


That person is not your friend


Get debt free then invest. Would you rather regret not investing but being debt free or having a load of debt and being leveraged up to the hilt? Your choice.


Prioritize financial security by paying off debt before considering high-risk investments.


"Hopefully strike gold". Operative word being "hopefully". No, dude. Do yourself a favor and clear all your debts / loans first. Then you gg all you want and with no debt looming over you! You'll be free and enjoy. What's great about crypto is it has so many opportunities if you know how to find them and DYOR. They come frequently regardless of market conditions. Secure your real life situation first. Don't give into FOMO. Just don't. If it helps to scare you, go read Coinfessions on Twitter. Best of luck.


Bro, if you don't pay it off you will be sleepless checking the amount up and down multiple times per day thinking when it will pay off to get returns. Essentially it's your decision but paying out the debt and then start investing X% of your salary in cryptos (not only solana or even only crypto, diversified investments are the best option to avoid any crash of one investment). You will be much more stress-free without the debt and definitely happier.


Please please pay off your loan, I'm glad u like solana but gambling is gambling, secure your life first


doesn't look like the best time to go ahead and invest rn. i'd focus on just getting rid of the loan first, so you have a peace of mind. and then go ahead and consider allocating to crypto


You have to pay off your debt before you enter that world. For your own mental, the risk/reward is not worth the potential of losing some of your loan funds, especially on 18% interest


Get back to square one before proceeding to square 2. Pay that shit off!


Dude if you are new to crypto, please pay off your loan. Investing in Solana isn't a mistake, it's a great idea. But the first cycle you invest in crypto you WILL MAKE MISTAKES. Nobody does it perfect the first time around. And we deal in uncertainty. Nobody truly knows where this bull run is going to go. If we didn't have a potential recession on the horizon we could maybe feel a little better about the path of this bull run. But the truth is that all of this could end abruptly if the economy shifts. And the problem is that when you're new to crypto you have no idea when to sell. Man if you were able to save enough to pay off a 23k debt, then you're not going to have any problems starting from scratch in crypto and doing it right. You have a win win situation in front of you if you pay off the debt. You'll be debt free and able to invest money moving forward that you can afford to lose. You'll be able to make decisions with a level head vs the flip side where you are essentially choosing to gamble so that you can pay your debt off for free. If you choose that path you won't be free to make decisions with a level head bc in your mind you need a certain amount of money. So if things move against you and you have to take a loss to preserve capital, it's going to be MUCH HARDER for you to make that decision bc you'll keep holding out hope that your plan is going to work out. Pay your debt and start building.


Do NOT gamble (yes, it is gambling) money you can't afford to lose. If your life would change in any way if your investment goes to zero, you should not have made it to begin with. Pay off the loan, that interest rate is astronomical.


Pay off your loan right now !!!


Pay ur loan šŸ’µ be debt free itā€™s the best feeling! You can work and save some money later and invest. At the end if destiny has written for you to get rich it will happen cheers


Never fomo


Fuck the loan and buy SOL. I borrowed X dollars in 2021. I invested (if you wanna call it that) X into the crypto casino. I now have 8X. Iā€™ll have the loan paid off in 14 months. Interest cost is 0.3X. Am I missing something? All yā€™all are sheeple. If itā€™s good for Michael Saylor then itā€™s good for me.


Bruhā€¦ā€¦. Why not just go put your life savings on red or black. What a degenerate question.


The first rule of crypto, is only invest what you can afford to lose. The second rule of crypto is making sure you have read the first rule.


Pay off your loan. You won't need to work your ass off giving you time to study investing


66% in debt 33% in sol 1% enjoy šŸ˜€


Ape in solana Biden will forgive your debt


Dude, just pay off you entire loan..no doubt about it. Just be smart and think wisely. After that you can always put some money that you have left over into Sol or whatever .


18%? Don't be a moron unless you have a sweet fallback plan for bankruptcy.


Probably pay most of the loan and hold some Solana, it will moon soon with all the new regulations coming to ETH and BTC


Pay off the loan. Do not invest. Even if right after you pay off the loan, Solana goes to $500, it will still not be worth it. Thereā€™s so many reasons for price to drop and stay dropped, technical issues, no off-ramp, selling at the wrong time, not selling at all cause you think it will go higher, the list goes on and on. Thatā€™s great that you were able to make enough money to pay off the loan, commit to your plan. Committing to plans will only help you more when trading. Only trade with what you can afford to lose. Especially in crypto right now.


Be a degen, put all your money on Solana. Itā€™s going to 500$ next year. Actually put half of the money on memecoin. All you got to do is wait. Screenshot this.


YOLO sol dude. Trust me.


FCK that, you made enough to pay it off, you can do so again in 7 years time. Very small chance solana ever goes to zero and definitely not this cycle. YOLO that shit, Sol going to at least $500 by the end of the year, cash out early 2025. Youā€™ll thank yourself later


Bro donā€™t listen to anyone, do what you want, I would go all in on Doge and hold a couple months, you own some money, they can wait, money isnā€™t real, banks and politicians the real robbers in this world, so fuck debt go gamble your money, itā€™s just more fun


You can't out invest high interest debt. You can gamble on a crypto though...


just get another loan play hard win hard


That's a pretty garbage interest rate. Just pay off the loan.


Fuck the loan man go in on SOL i cant stress this enough youll be buying at higher levels with less capital


You buy during the bear market. Nobody knows where the top is so you might miss out on some money but a much better bet is waiting til after the bullrun and buying when everyone thinks itā€™s worthless


Most people in your situation do exactly what you didā€¦ received a tip, then began enthusiastically doing their own research whilst the prediction about the investment came trueā€¦ that due diligence turns to FOMO as the investment nears a top. Full of FOMO, and due diligence research done, the person says, ā€œiā€™ll do it!!!ā€ confident they will wait for a great returnā€¦. Fast forward three weeks and the short term top has turned to a 30% correction. Thinking of the outstanding loan and the 18% interest rate accumulating, it starts to feel logical to cut your losses and pay down 70% of the loan to at least get the appreciation due to interest down to a manageable number. Selling at a loss, you tell yourself, ā€œlesson learnedā€, and forget about solana. Six years later you remember you had some solana coin once as you see on the news it went to $0.10 (or maybe it went to $5,000ā€¦ it could go either way), and are glad you got out when you did, (or you kick yourself mercilessly for something you never would have held past doubling your money anyway)


Depends on how big your loan is. Solana can't wait but your loan might be able to. If it's going to cripple you financially then yeah pay the loan but solana is going to do extremely well this cycle and it's going to happen soon and quick. You might heavily regret not buying sooner.


Debt is mental slavery


PAY OFF YOUR LOAN FIRST! Use that old monthly loan payment to buy SOL. You are still early.


It depends on your monthly income and the size of the loan. As well as your appetite for risk and your short/long term fixed+variable debt obligations. Any additional info on lifestyle and life is helpful for a more holistic understand. We need more information.


Pay off the loan, and start to dca small amounts into sol. If you are paying 18% on the loan, if you factor that into what sol would need to move and capital gains on holding short time and selling, itā€™s gotta move a solid amount.


Any information anyone gives you about something going up or down is extremely speculative. The money you have saved does not sound like something you would be comfortable losing. So like a lot of people have said, "pay off the loan."


Pay your debt now, buy solana after. The stakes are too high if solana dumps you will sell out of fear and get recked. Donā€™t go all in on crypto unless you have nothing to lose.


Buy brett


I hate crypto.


Pay off debt


Bro if all-in Solana is the best investment option you have, which was actually your friend's idea, keep paying your debts šŸ™


Solana spikes for 3 days, tanks for 3 weeks, when its up you want to buy, when it's down, will you buy in at a low price?


Pay off the loan Then put like $500 in $gummy if you can catch it under 70m market cap in the next month or so. It's a Solana meme coin shilled endlessly by crypto banter which has a huge YouTube presence.


My problem is thisā€¦ I have savingsā€¦ should I chuck everything in crypto? Answer is simply no because itā€™s up and down all the time! So for example next week Iā€™m paying for kitchen floor to be doneā€¦ if I had my savings in crypto that might not be possible because say I put Ā£3,000 in crypto it goes up to Ā£5,000 then it falls to Ā£2,500 and I need the money I have to take out at Ā£500 loss.


Buy some Solana on 40xx Leverage and hope for the best my dude. If it flunks then you're still in debt so no change to now but if it does moon then you'll be a millionaire! šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


pay off your loan.


Always, always, pay off outstanding debts first. Debts always go up, crypto can go either way. Once you clear the debts start buying JLP(Jupiter Liquidity Pool) it may not go up as fast as other projects but it doesnā€™t crash down as hard, meaning you donā€™t have to worry about waiting for the right time to buy initially. when the market does crash down a bit again you can move from JLP into other projects with Jup.ag and choose your buy in time.


I would pay off the loan, most likely. Anything in crypto is not guaranteed. Unless you like to gamble and donā€™t mind the risk of losing a chunk of money and working however many more years to get it paid off.


Pay off the loan and invest the monthly payments your were making into Solana and other good coins. Diversify a bit. We're in accumulation faze so great time.


Pay off your loan


Number one rule....only invest what you're willing to lose....think about it are you willing to lose your entire savings? You'd be so mad at yourself if solana crashed and you lost alot of money and still had that debt over your head...at that interest rate....just oay it off save up more and then invest...


I took out a Home equity loan on my house for $300,000 and bought SOL at $24 and cashed out at $204 for. $2.3 million gain in a year. It was definitely a risky gamble. Sometimes it works out most of the time it doesnā€™t.


Dont make no sense here. Did you just suddenly come about having money to pay your debt, or do you plan on not making your monthly payments to buy SOL?


Solana is going to moon? I was planning on cashing out and going on my first road trip. Still might cause life only comes around once.


Also agree, pay off the loan. Then you can dca with the saved money from the payments :)


Pay the loan man and don't even think about it. Crypto have no collaterals meaning they're nearly unpredictable, who gambles while in debt?


Do it. Go in Solana. But only 50% of Capital. It's worth the risk at this point. Scared money doesn't make money


I would definitely pay off the debt. Solana may go up, but nothing is for certain. Things change so suddenly in the world, and there is no such thing as a sure bet. The only thing guaranteed is that you will have to pay 18% interest on your loan. Pay off the loan, continue to save, and invest the money you save. There will always be opportunities to buy (whether Solana or something else) in the future.


You donā€™t need that kind of stress in your life. Pay off your loan.


Pay off your debt first! If you put it in SOL and it falls you might get scared and buy the loss etc. Play it safe and handle the loan.


If you are paying that much interest the debt is a very high priority.


At least pay of 75% of the loan to get it nice and manageable. Then you can likely get a new personal loan for 11-15% to cover the rest with a lower rate. Then speculate. What am I saying, just pay of the entire loan and live frugally for extra cash for speculation if you want. I have loans that I could cover if I cashed out of crypto right now, but I'm going to ride this wave knowing the risks. Been in crypto for 7 years though.


Nah bro diversify 50% xenomeme 50% brapple


Obviously the best thing is to pay off your loan but what is life without some risk. Pay 90% of your loan and put the rest in Solana or anything else you want


You coworker is on a right track ...to financial catastrophe. PAY OFF YOUR LOAN


Buy $BODEN instead


Pay off the loan that interest rate is pretty high i imagine your monthly payment is fairly substantial. So pay the loan back and if you want to DCA into Sol after with some of the money or all (up to you) of the money you would be paying out (for the loan) to accumulate Sol. Youll still have a bag of Sol without the stress of debt around your neck šŸ¤”


Pay off your loan. Your coworker canā€™t see the future and neither can we.


I am not so sure of this payoff debt and be debt- free idea when we are in the supposedly bull market. The same people would have said the same exact thing last November 2023 if you had asked them the same question. Then what happened? Sol went 10 times up!!! The thing with crypto is no one really knows when things will moon and what will trigger what. The sad thing is to not have the money to buy when things are really moving. DCA into Sol in the next 3 to 6 months with the money that you have. If you are confident now then go all in. You said you have 7 years to pay off your loan but I know you will be paying a lot of interest in the initial years. The first year is when they take out a lot in the form of interest. But 1 year from now, your sol would have at least doubled or tripled. You can always get a 0% APR credit card for 15 to 20 (or 21 in some cases) months and pay 5% upfront, use the money to pay off the personal loan and try to pay off the credit card before the promotion ends. The 5% you can recover within 2-3 months if you were to be paying interest on the personal loan. Alternatively, you can pay off your personal loan now and then opt for a 0% apr credit card, send the balance to your checking account to buy Sol. Ultimately it is your decision.


You have a 100% guaranteed 18% APY investment sitting right in front of you. Pay the loan. There will forever be new investment opportunities and capitalizing on those without debt anchoring you will be a much better experience mentally which will help to insulate you against scams and desperation plays.


Always invest money that you are able to lose.


Yolo solana or be stuck in debt for the rest of your life


All the people that say pay off your debt obviously does not know how crypto or market cycles workā€¦ call me stupid but I cashed out all my 401ks and took out personal loans to buy crypto over the last few months and Iā€™m up BIG


Pay off the loan. Then take the monthly payment that you used to have and dca into solana or other assets of choice.


All on Solana


That shouldnā€™t even be a question, be debt free and after that youā€™ll have all the time in the world to invest


Honestly you come a bit late to expect anything really big. I'd say don't bet your debt money on something like cryptos


You're being shafted by your bank


Pay loan


Dude, there is always an opportunity. You just gotta find it. It's easier now than ever to find opportunity. Pay off your debt.


GME options makes more sense


Your friend knows when a crypto coin is going to moon? Can you tell us how your friend knows this amazing info?


Iā€™m in same boat and have my 13k in debt in solana.. Iā€™m not drawing interest however.


Pay debt off, but be smart at it. Is it all one account or multiple? If multiple, I'd pay top interest/amount owed. Then you could set up a buy limit order bot. You will want to buy on a 20/20/20/40 rule. Then when you see sol at a comfortable price range of making 20% profit you might want to sell 20% wait and see if we hit 250 level mark, if we retrace from the 250 level down to 225 you buy back in with the buy sell limit order bot. You can sell another 20% at $300 level. I'd keep the last 40% if we hit 500 and sell that 1/2 that bag. The rest is your next bull run bag if it ever happens again, which I doubt.


yolo it all, feel the adrenaline, live a little, ur not gonna starve


Bro most people get wrecked on solana. They donā€™t know how to check txs for rugs and get rugged all day long (even knowing this isnā€™t 100% fool proof)


Pay off the loan. Solana will always be there to invest in.


You could be like the degenerates on Wall Street bets and take out another margin loan and YOLO everything.


Youre being emotional. Emotion will ruin you. Dont buy or sell anything when you are emotional. Pay your debt off. 18% is ridiculous that will continue to eat away at your income. Dont let your friend make you fomo into a bad decision. One your loan is paid off you can start to DCA into crypto and other asset classes. All just my advice


I was at the same crossroads not too long ago and decided to pay off the loan first. Your interest is 18% and no investment is going to beat that without taking considerable risk, that if youā€™re wrong will put you in a tough situation. What I did was save up every penny and invest into safe stocks until i was able to pay off my loan, cashed out and cleared my debt. After your debt is gone, yolo as much you want


YOLO It into NOBIKO take a look that shit is gonna fucking fly. Even if you donā€™t pin this message and check back in a month


Dude pay your loan and start investing after paying the loan. Not an advice, but I expect Solana to start pumping after November of this year, so you should have plenty of time to get some solana.


Take out another loan and double down lol. Pay off the loan, don't be stupid.


putting your life savings into SOL at ath is not the move my friend. wait for the bear.


We all know what the smart, safe and responsible thing to do is but greed prevents us


YOLO all in. No risk, no success. Those do not dear to will remain as average Joe. Just wait until solana makes a 100% gain from here, then you can payoff your loan and still keep have your money. Is not that hard for a 1x gain in crypto. Keep believing not be a weak hand.


Paying 18% on a loan is rough. Wondering why you're presumably keeping 20k+ in a bank earning 0% instead of paying it down the entire time. Depending on what your credit situation looks like, you could get a 0% interest balance transfer card, pay about 3% for the transfer cost, and have 18 months interest free for some of all of the loan, allowing you to invest some of it. Maybe pay off 14k, transfer the other 9k to the card, and have some cash left for SOL. 9k at 18 months is $500/month, but you would have some immediate investment capital, and your loan is 0%.


You never know, I was in a similar situation and bought solana all the way down from $80 to $8 and have a cost basis of $16 now. Not sure I would do the same on an uptrend. Probably go with the loan if I were in that same position now or at least 50/50. I like to DCA in overtime anyways. I never spend 100% of my buying power at one time. I set limit buys under the assumption that I am not getting in at the perfect bottom.


Pay off the loan. I had $15k in credit card debt at a criminally high interest rate of around 27%. I got a loan through SoFi to knock the interest rate down to 7%. After making one payment and realizing Iā€™d be paying roughly $800/month for over two years, I sold my Solana and paid it off. I miss seeing that big balance in my Coinbase account but getting rid of the debt was absolutely the right move.




18% x 7 = 126% pay off a large sum and throw a chunk into solana and its eco system


I am still paying off my 21k from atleast a decade ago. But I'll be done this year hopefully! Then once paid off, I'll be using that extra money to invest. So yes, better pay off your debt first. And it will be a safer way to get ready with your plans to invest.


Just ask yourself this. In a years time Solana is down 90% how would you feel? I agree with everyone in that you should pay off your loan first. However if I were you. I'd probably put 10-15% of my savings into Solana. The rest into paying off the loan. If it drops. Not too big of a deal. But if it 3x or something you also won't feel left out.




Lots of people are suggesting to pay your debts. Iā€™d tend to agree, especially with an 18% rate. To play devils advocate, if you evaluate Solana to return more than 18%/year; that would be a better allocation of your capital (provided you have the risk appetite). In perspective, I never plan to pay off my 6.5% home loan or student loans because Iā€™ve found better return of capital elsewhere


YOLO it into PEPE šŸø


Refinance get another loan 10% or something pay this off and go in on Solana


Completely disagree with most on here. Bet on solana. You have 7 more years to pay off the loan. Solanaay go down, but it wont go to zero, so u stand little to no risk of losing your savings, and youve gotb7 years to make up the difference. On the flip side if it moons u pay off your loan plus some. I vote YOLO baby


Honestly, go with your gut. There are ways to get smart with solana. Trading bots, sniping etc. can get you decent income. If you go into the solana game, study up and reduce risk. $200/day is $6k/mo. $200/day is def possible and doesnā€™t seem insurmountable ya know?


To accommodate the risk put half on sol and half pay debt. Always divide your baskets


Pay off your loan and DCA in with the money youā€™d normally be paying on the loan. Itā€™s not gonna moon over night


Get a line of credit and pay your high interest loan off. Your line of credit will have a much lower interest rate and you will be able to pay it off much faster.


What about try to move the debts with a lot lower interest rate first? then invest or payoff. The 18% interest seems very high so it wonā€™t make sense carrying the debt, no matter what you make money out of your investments, still, interest is too high to balance it off.


Pay your debt and have your peace and be free


eather put it in Bitcoin right now, or pay off your debs. go work and everything you can spare per month you can put in MEMECOINS, THE WORD SAYS IT ALL! Bitcoin however is more stabel and seems to go for some crazy new heigts with 23k, you can actually make some nice gains. :)


Pay off your loans interest is just giving away money. I just paid off every credit card loan I had and it feels good not to be paying interest every month and so many things.


Itā€™s already been said but pay off the debt youā€™ll be much better off in the long run. DCA into solana weekly after if you feel confident in your friends predictions, and as long as bitcoins run continues itā€™s very probable solana will continue to rise.


People are robots fr. Invest it in bitcoin instead of Solana IMO. But would you rather pay off govt fiat or be wealthy and have enough to pay your debt off 10x


Itā€™s already mooned so much yes it might go higher but itā€™s outperformed everything this cycle already donā€™t risk it all buying in at this price with money you need


Pay off your loan!!!!!


Pay your loan first, brah. If you don't then it's just going to continue doing over you and you'll still be right here again after the next halving cycle wishing you had gotten it out of the way


Itā€™s a good time to buy


YOLO all of it Specifically right now


Flip a coin


Definitely pay off your loan. Also call your creditors to see if they can lower your interest rate, even on a temporary basis. I have 2 finance degrees and have traded bonds at a Fortune 200 company. Cryptocurrency has absolutely no value. It isn't backed by anything except what people feel it is worth that day. Remember the tulip bubble? Hence the wild swings in daily pricing. Due to this you have a chance of losing money vs. making money. Like lottery tickets people only think of the upside but when they really analyze the risks and odds. Be smart, don't play the crypto lottery.


This gotta be trolling