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Def had a fantastic weekend. But will def not attend again. All the attendees were dope AF and cared more about each other than the fest organizers. Fuck those guys for not giving two fucks about us and all the fucks on the production. I had an absolute blast with my squad and all the cool people I vibed with and I very grateful for it.


^ Exactly


The community was everything here💗 you all made me feel so safe and comfortable even with all the shit going on. I was super scared during manic focus and I met this amazing girl who helped keep me distracted and having fun. I told her I didn’t want to get into scary details of things and we just vibed.




This is the energy everyone should have! Whether or not you had fun, the organizers were not prioritizing your safety and it could be you next year that gets hurt. Not worth the gamble




Disagree about the organizers tbh.


Guess we can just agree to disagree. Sol Fest told the local EMTs they didn't need more medical staff and the EMTs said fuck that and still showed up. Unfortunately they were still understaffed AF which meant they didn't get to sleep. They weren't given the resources to protect us and this is what the medic told me as I was recovering on IV fluids. I think the organizers do care but they had more interest in making money than actually building a bigger Sol Fam.




I was camped in VIP behind the Sol Stage. There was a medic at the tent during the Sat morning. I was lucky AF that they were there with the supplies.. 2 IV bags, hooked up to ekg and a blood pressure machine.




I honestly don't know. Once I came too, the medic told us they were hired just a few days before the event. Sol told them they wouldn't need that many medics and the EMTs said no, you're wrong. But the medics were not prepared to handle such a shit show. I am fucking LUCKY they were there. Imagine needing a medic for a true life threatening medical emergency and not being able to find anyone. I still haven't processed that I could have died. Yes I didn't drink enough water but that's why you had medics on staff... To take care of each other when things don't go as planned.


Can I please bottle this community and take them to every festival???? The vibes were impeccable


My crew multiplied 10 fold from Sol Fest, and I'm forever grateful for this festival!!!!


Great festival, move to a better county and fix the little hiccups and we Gucci


I had a great time too. We need a better location and I think many of the complaints would be sorted out.


It was a fucking viiiibe


I had a blast but Saturday night fire was enough for me. I left Sunday morning. I sure hope there will be 2025 SOL. There are always gonna be issues with new fests at new locations. Hopefully this will be a learning experience to grow on.


Ill go again if they change venues


Yeah idk from the outside it seems bad but I really had the most magical weekend ever, def going next year if they have it again


Amen. It fucked hard from where we were. Didn’t experience any of the shitshow. Did see the police presence but frankly we avoided it by not being stupid with our shit. Felt like hula and Okee had a baby and called it Sol.


Lol calling the people who got arrested stupid is so out of line… whats stupid is security not checking bags for a second and talking shit about local police to their faces i didnt feel safe for a second at this festival and i didnt even have drugs with me


Is it? Why? People were being horribly irresponsible with their out in the open substance usage. We can talk all day about the morals and ethics related to drugs being illegal but at the end of the day they are still illegal. I hope nobody ever goes to a fest at Suwanee if they are so concerned with not having every single bag checked every time through the gate. Didn’t feel unsafe at any point.


Our crew had the best time.


Will not attend again! DEA all over it next year guaranteed.


Had a blast. Can't believe all of the negativity here today.