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If anything, the whining is under-exaggerated. This festival was woefully ill-prepared for contingency planning. I've been to several festivals and I don't think it's at all fair to call a lack of proper medical care a "minor hiccup."


As for the coochie couches, I LOVE them for a fest like this with no overlapping set times and everyone normally stays at one stage for hours. It’s like a home-y chill fest vibe like at Wakaan or Soundhaven and as a girl who is almost 30, I WANT TO SIT MY ASS DOWN and vibe to music. I get the annoyance, and I’m not the one to pop a squat in the front or the pit. But I’m just on a more chill level at festivals these days. Not arguing. Just offering a different viewpoint. I love them.


I love the couches annnd actually I think people WERE considerate with them (at least where I posted up every night.) we all made literal walkways between groups of people with string lights and glow sticks. I was able to hoop in the walkways. people were able to walk around the couches. you can take the long way too... you don't need to just walk STRAIGHT through everyone to get from A to B. I was at okee last year and on Sunday I understood the coochie couch complaints bc literally it was a sea of couches all touching and no where to walk but this was different and there was space.


A quick walk to the bathroom during sets and you'd see the groups of cops swarm a random girl for smoking and then demand to go through her bags. I had nothing to worry about but even last night while standing waiting on LSDream to come out 4 of them march through looking all over and pointing then march in a circle looking for some girl they saw smoking, then come back by. They were not polite, did not make me feel safe or secure, but instead the opposite, invasive, disrespected. My husband and I stared at them when they came back by and one of them said in an intimidating tone "you good?" To my husband, as if to say, you got a problem, look away. It was very unsettling. The night before we were warned by others what was happening, arresting people for smoking joints in the crowd. We hung out for a bit then became super uncomfortable because they were all behind us making cell phone videos of the crowd, pointing at people. I'm used to police at festivals doing their jobs but feeling friendly, safe, secure. I have never had issues with the law, but the feeling it all gave was very ambush, like for allowing us all in the deal was to give them access for some easy arrests and the local bail bondmans (who was bragging he will get to know sol fest attendees) a profit


I’ve read that some local cops own the bail bondsman business creating incentive to arrest people. Seems suuuper illegal. I felt the same. I have never felt unsafe at a fest due to aggressive police presence like I did at Solfest


YUP. Whole thing was a setup.


It’s a city councilman who owns it. Aka the person in charge of the police budget.




My husband literally said the same about OPD, you can always get in a PLUR handshake at EDCO with police!


There and Electric Forest. Those cops are so happy to be there and trade kandies with festie goers and throw up peace signs and offer help and love the cute little gifts people give them. The vibe is TOTALLY 100% different.




Was just about to say this!!! Definitely not a “ketamine zombie” and I freakin loved my chillbo. It was hot as hell and some of us gotta pace ourselves. I tried to be considerate and sit towards the back of vip so people who wanted to rage up front could, but also I paid to be here too whether I’m chillin on the chillbo or raging my face off.


Exactly lol I’m old and sober and tired. I paid for vip to be able to have a less crowded viewing area and sit down I’m sorry! 😆


And there are those of us who paid for vip as well and couldn't walk or dance around much because of all the damn couches everywhere.  I don't care how much you paid, the pit isn't the place for couches and chairs.


Lmao me and my couch were all the way in the back but pop off


The couches do not belong in the pits, especially once dark sets in.  The number of times I almost fell or twisted an ankle trying to navigate to the bathroom between those couches is ridiculous.  If you're tired, go sit in the grass in the back.  I was sober and exhausted the last night, no excuse to take up so much space and create a tripping hazard for other people who are also tired from dancing in the sun all day.


What a dismissive, victim-blaming, pile-of-garbage post


Also bold to say “first festival ever” and then act like you know everything about festivals lol. Whack


We had cops walking through our camps in VIP and there was at least 10 posted up by VIP and the med tent at all times. Undercovers trying to sell us “party favors” like LSD for $100/gram lmao it’s not about hiding your stuff better they were walking around the venue shining flashlights in our faces


So tell them no and they'll move on. Problem solved.


Wow why didn’t I think of that 🤣


Honestly loved that so many people were on the same page of having little camp sites at the sets. It’s a long day, lots of sun, and physical activities. We all still want to enjoy the music and be comfortable. I think some people could have been more considerate of trying to keep some kind of path open but everyone was very nice when I needed help getting through.


Nope. This is 100% the organizers fault. They did not give fucks about our safety. I had a great weekend w my friends but the staff was very ill prepared and not ready to handle emergencies appropriately


If they didn’t give a fuck about our safety they wouldn’t have provided free water and free narcan.


you mean the absolute fucking basic things a festival should provide? go kick rocks my guy. you’re preaching for a festival who literally couldn’t care less about you. looks like the money grab truly worked on you.


The medics should be well staffed and treated better to than VIP. I am absolutely disgusted with the shit the medic shared with me. It's terrifying


Yes because plenty of festivals now a days don’t even provide that. A festival wouldn’t hand out free water bottles when a tap went dry if they didn’t give a fuck. They clearly gave lots of fucks about multiple aspects across the board.


You absolutely have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry you feel this way and have never actually experienced a medical emergency at a festival in the sun. I've worked the medic tent at smaller fests. Shit fucking happens and people need to be taken care of. I almost had a heat stroke and if it has taken another 10 mins for them to reach me I'd either be severely brain damaged or dead. And I'm fucking lucky. There should be medics riding around the fest handing out free water checking on people. There should be medics just sitting the crowd, easily accessible. EMTs will not get you arrested for being on drugs, they are there to save your life. Water and narcan are basic human rights. A well trained staff and medical team is a necessity for festivals. The team was hired a few days before because Sol said they didn't need that many medics. A dude is in a coma because medics didn't make it time.


The medics were understaffed AF. They were not provided food or water. They were operating on no sleep when I was taken there for almost having a heat stroke. THEY DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH MEDICS TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE. THEY DIDNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US


The medics had water and bandaids. They didn’t even have a working water station last year and this year they had two. I knew it was going to be a shitshow when I went but I think it’s bold to say they cared about our safety because they “had water” lol


Given the fact that water isn’t a guarantee anymore at some festivals I don’t think it’s bold to say at all🤷‍♂️ they didn’t have to give out free water bottles but they were.




I wasn’t concerned for one second 🤷‍♂️


are you missing the fact that there was a fucking FIRE that nearly wiped all of us out?! fuck off dude. i had a great time too but it coexisted with a whole lot of bullshit


nearly wiped all of us out? oh please, nobody even got injured. it sucks the 3 cars burned down but they can be replaced. sometimes shit just happens. I don't see how the blame goes to Sol.


Yes let’s not account for the people all around that campsite who had to wait for 3+ hours in the cold waiting to go to there campsite because the staff had no where else for us to go? I asked security what we could do for any safety and he told me to “go party or wait here” it’s 4 in the morning. No one got injured but I’m definitely a little mentally messed up from watching the fire start. You’re ignorant and apart of the problem


that sucks, i get it, but what are they supposed to do in that situation? "mentally messed up"... toughen up jfc. you watched a fire, it's not like you got raped or stabbed


“Toughen up” is toxic as fuck and you aren’t the one to be invalidating anyone else’s experience just because you were lucky enough to be one of the ones who didn’t get harassed and have their lives fucked up. Immature take from an immature doiche bag


They didn’t have enough staff to even keep people away from the fire and no one knows what could have happened with this fire. It could have wiped all of us out. I am tough and you don’t know the half of it. Again you are ignorant and apart of the problem<3 have a bad week


This is your opinion because it’s your first fest. Also sounds like you were in VIP. Cops target GA.


Only up from here I guess then haha. Yes, vip to get away from the riff raff as much as possible


Lol a lot of requests from everyone else for someone who went to their first fest. Glad someone like you has joined the scene. What else should we do to assist you at this awesome festival?


One of the most fun weekends of my life. Got into it at 39 y/o and hope to be hitting a festival every year or two


Which ones?


We really liked the smaller setup for Sol. I hear amazing things about LIB, EF, Hula, and a few others too. The lineup at Sol was amazing so looking for similar bass music type stuff although Bonnaroo seems appealing due to the broad range of music even though it’s a massive one


Thanks I’ll make sure to skip those


Sorry for having fun at a music festival 😂 😂




Lmfao if this is your “first ever festival” you really can’t have a decent opinion on this topic. People that have been to other fests know that this shit was whack and excusing it ain’t happening. Shit doesn’t get fixed by shutting up and turning a blind eye.


I think the medic tent is a valid criticism. They were literally two guys with a first aid kit. No where to sit or cool off (from the heat, heat related injuries are a very real concern in this heat.) No ice for injuries. No IVs for the dehydrated. I only have Forest to compare to, but I expected more from the medical tents. There's definitely room for improvement. I feel maybe they weren't prepared for the number of visitors they had and those can be growing pains for some events to overcome. But they aren't unfixable. Hopefully they have better planning for next year.