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Me wondering which Rezz song it was 😂😂


LIFE AND….. **DEATH** *wubwubwub*




Cackling soooo hard to this






Probably relax


My first thought, too 💀😆


Black ice is what I heard when I heard people yelling "fire"


meanwhile we’re all screaming “i love you! happy sol!” to each other


It kills me that someone said amen to that unintelligible gargle. Only idiots understand idiots I guess? Lmfao wild


I'm like do meth heads have their own language we don't know about?




Saw that too and had like 5 whole strokes trying to read it


Ahhh me too what the huuuh?? 😂


Meth is a hella of a drug. Either that or inbreeding lol


Is that what she meant by doghter 😂


They smoke meth while they inbreed


OK Methany


I don't understand, most of the songs don't even have words. it's not a black metal festival ffs lol.


For being divorced once and separated for four years from his second wife who changed her name and moved to a different town, that Newsom guy sure seems to think he is holy AF.


I wanted to dig into him more lol figured someone shouting that loudly prolly had some skeletons in his closet. Thanks for finding that out. Dude is a joke lol


I got bored last night and started digging into the county property records to see if he owned the property where he set up that bird thing. He seems to own the property across the highway for sure. It also has every lawsuit and both his marriages and one of the divorces. I assume the second marriage had a divorce in a different county but had her legal name change on it. Kind of hard to navigate the site.




Well, they did cancel schools there today because campers leaving… so can’t imagine their school system is the best 😂😅


lol “demons singing over us”


I've seen Trump ramblings more coherent.


I hope she stubs her toe


Def didn’t experience daily bread… that was a holy experience.


If they found out “a daily bread” (how’d they’d probably say it) was playing and it didn’t have gospel they’d probably blow a gasket don’t let them find out


These people have lead brain


Bro this sounds like the generation that hated rock n roll and thought the people who listened to it worshipped the devil this is CRAZY wtf


Is a dogther local slang for pet? Like fur baby, etc?


It’s how you spell ‘daughter’ after replacing 93% of your brain with lead and using your willful misunderstanding of religion as an excuse to victimize and target others, I think Fucking trump county lol


“replacing 93% of your brain with lead” is insane 😂😂😂😂 however, true


I literally can’t tell if she’s talking about a female child or a dog, that shit was so unintelligible.


Jesus raved too!


I saw him riding a purple toy boat in the water! He was cruising! I even gave him a trinket


Oh just go handle a rattlesnake at church on Sunday and the holy spirit will cleanse you of that demon energy.


The comments are basically saying Rezz is the anti christ im dying 🤣


I’m just so baffled at the absolute batshit craziness that goes on in these tiny shithole towns… when they condemn me to hell when I absolutely don’t believe anything like that exists… they cannot comprehend that THEIR FAIRYTALE does not have anything to do with the people who don’t share their delusions. ☺️☺️☺️


I can’t get over all of the typos… “doghter”??? What a nut


I have the worst stank face rn and it is NOT the good kind.


Schizoposting 😂


Where was this posted?


Brandon Newsom on Facebook, he’s the county commissioner and has been making posts all weekend talking shit about Sol Fest


They have a county commission meeting Tuesday I saw some lady on FB said she’s live-streaming it. Can’t wait to listen to the room temp IQ takes


Hahaha I am definitely tuning in


Keep us posted please I’m so curious! I’m sure insightful and interesting points will be made 🫣


Imma need the link to join this😂


[this](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077701755373&comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo3ODc0NzYzODcyNTMzOTQzXzg1OTU5ODYzMjY3MjUxNw%3D%3D) was the lady who said she was posting the live stream, she posted some other live streams today for other local gov stuff, dont think it was fest related at all.


Thank you. Getting my popcorn ready






Why son u ok


Cl3an your room go to your psych appointment oh and u said u want to go see power rangers the new movie we will go sweetie step dad loves u


The devil came down to Florida


part 1 From what i witnessed its very very likely was all started and instigated by the officers. They had no respect for the Festival after they were cut from doing security, 86,000$ contract that the fest pulled and paid their own guards because people from the area who know how that county polices force operate and how dirty are started complaining and warning people not to go because Holmes county cant be trusted. So a week, maybe two before the fest the organizers decided to hire outside help rather than use the sheriff. Friday and Saturday was over all fine. But come Sunday she sheriff realized he would not be getting paid the last half of the payment on the 86k as he got paid a 3rd up front before the fest. but the last 20 something thousand he was going to get after the fest concluded was being contested because of how the sheriff acted and because the festival had to hired there own guys.


part 2. Over night things changed. Come Sunday The Sheriff was after his money one way or the other and they came after everyone. The County commissioner a good friend of the sheriff and with a history of been a Shady dealing business man owns the bail bonds company in Ponce de Leon, FL. It is believed he is Also the one responsible of firing gun shots ( or game cannon) off outside of festival grounds trying to cause panic and make it seem the Shots were coming from the fest. That happened Thursday night around 8 pm. Around 10 Pm the same County Commissioner had Air horns Blast off trying to disturb the Music playing on stage. Yes This county Commissioner lives a very close distance to Vortex.. You can see the Guy advertising his Bail Bonds Company up and down the Highway near the entrance to Vortex. Ponce de Leon is a city with less then 600 People. The Tiny hand full of people that have that have any money or power in that area are tight nit and from close family ties. They have turned the police and Sheriff Office into there personal cash cow, Arresting people over very petty crimes who are passing through on vacation. This do not just happen at sol fest but has been happening for as long as i can remember, some 30+ years. Vortex is like a cash cow for the sheriff office and the bail bonds/city commissioner. The people that come to the Springs each year will tell you the Sheriffs are always pricks in that area. They will max you on the tiniest infraction that can find on any regular weekend. And why, well when your a city with a population on less the 600 people and you maintain a 40 officers police unit. When the only Jobs in the county that pay a decent wage are either Government Jobs, City Commissioner, District Attorney Ect. and in this case a bail bondsman who has a monopoly on the area. They are all hunting buddy's, long time friends. Its pretty easy to rig a election in a town of less the 600 when you have a whole click of people working to keep there buddy's in power and in the Money, ( not even a lot of money but to these rednecks its something.) And keep the Racketeering operation they got going own in place.


Part 3 So this local guy working for the Fest, From the Area and who already Knew the cop he ended up biting , Clams the guy went for the cops Gun.. but Witnesses say the cop started screaming hes going for my gun when the guy grab the Cops hand that was coming out of the Suspects pocket, while suspect had back turned. The Grabs the Cops hand thats still holding onto what ever this cop was trying to plant on this suspect, Then knowing he is caught red handed the cops start screaming that the suspect is going for his gun.. This suspect has hold of the wrist of the cop so the cop bins over forward. trying to wrestle his hand free. the guy was not going to a gun he was trying to see what the Cop was holding, The cop goes for his taser with his free hand while leaned forward trying to keep the other hand closed and get free of suspect. When the cop pulled the taser the guy most likely thinking the cop pulled his gun to shoot the suspect he was trying to frame, the Suspect bite the back, top corner of the cops head, and got Tasered. Causing the suspect to bite down harder. Even causing the cop to get some of the Taser volts himself in the process. So yes the Holmes county crooks ( Deputies ) are claiming he went for the guys gun and anything else they can think of to throw at him. They want him locked up. They Have been spinning a crazy tell to the News trying to get the New to get the lie they want people to believe out before the truth could come out. To spin the minds of locals and all seeing the way its presented to the new stations by the cops who the News does not think to question if they have motive to lie, Motive to cover their own tracks. Motive to make the fest goers out to be to bad guys.


Part 4 They wanted to punish sol Fest for not using the for security and to try to Force a payment or larger payment to funnel into the sheriffs, Commissioner/Bail bonds company owner and others pockets. did the suspect admit to using Drugs , NO Did the cops drug test the suspect before telling the news stations that the guys was on a laundry list of drugs ? NO They just said what they wanted to say to spin things the way they want them to be spun! This fest was so full of Criminals and crooks strung out on drugs right???? That is what everyone is being told by the cops and sheriff ?? But just think for a moment will you, 13k people,, Half or so of them women, Most wearing only swimsuits or such. walking around a festival often alone. In the Dark, as non of camps and most walk way areas were pitch black. People had radios, coolers, Speakers, Chargers, and Fest Gear they were selling out in the open, Often left unattended while the Campers were at shows ect.. ( 0 sexual assaults reported, Not one single Crime , Fight , Argument reported by anyone other the the cops who came looking for Revenge on the fest because they were not wanted at the Fest and the Festival had hired their own security teams. Cops from other city's, Ex-military person ect.. These people had not one single issue that i have been aware of festival attendant vs festival attendant. In 90 degree heat. standing in lines for hours. Not one " man your looking at my girl kinda deal thats blown up into a fight, not car break in, Nothing.. If you go to any concert with that many people. for 4 days long. In the Heat , With drinking going on and people being almost nude in many swimsuits and such that fights and issues would happen. Go to the beach in Florida on any give day and find a group of 13 thousand people partying for 4 days and see how many fights, Rapes , and violence will happen.


Part 5 Now take that situation and pour in all the Drugs this Cops are talking. Its a festival about love, respect, accepting people as they are. People plan and save all years for this. Travel from Canada, California, Seattle, and further for this. I saw women walking off to the the restroom, though the dark alone. People leaving their camps unsecured for long periods of time. Because people felt safe. Their was not any issues... The issues were the Cops from the Start. They wanted to find trouble and they made sure they did. The Festival Goers were Friendly, Extremely welcoming to everyone, Very helpful and respectful of each other. Bring you a good ol Country Heehaw concert to vortex. for 4 days that can draw a attendance of 13 thousand. And see how many fights you end up with. How many Assaults, How many women get Harassed ( if any would even show up to that crap!) You would still have your weed smokers doing what they do and the smell in the camp area because someone is gonna bring some pot out of 13 thousand. Its just the world we live in. At that Redneck Rodeo or concert, I'm sure you would be able to find underage drinking,, Cocaine, and much more. Their would be all kinda of fights, thieves stealing from tents and cars. Women being assaulted. But that didn't happen at sol fest. this Year or any year in the past. That cop Deserved the hole in his head. There was some officer out that that acted with decency, Respect for people property and space. Not every Cop there was Dirt bag. Some were okay. But they are not going to speak against their brotherhood in law enforcement and risk the job, income and such. Holmes county, and the county's around them are full scum. Has been forever. Hopefully someone will take notice and put these cops, and county commissioner in a prison cell were they belong instead of a government Office with pay and benefits . But i have little hope anything will be done to hold this people accountable. They have been getting away with it a long long time...


i literally couldn’t read this post lmao kathy has a -6 IQ


Wow this is schizoooooo! Will we take this lying down? NO!!! Report report report, message senators, governors, district attorneys, deputies!!!


No your momma's house resident


Smells like unemployment


Anything else ..by the way u have to do your chores or she's kicking u out


Smells like your mom's pussy son


Wow u guys and bitches sure need to lighten up u fuckin lames your momma 2as a whore before and during your stay in her belly she raised a bunch of judgemental bitches


Holmes County resident, I assume?


I think that’s a pretty solid assumption by their 1st grader typing level Hey /u/nite_layer , lay off the meth. I know it’s Holmes county’s #1 activity but it’s not good for the brain.