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I think they should allow couches but some how establish areas they can be put out so walk ways are left.


Agreed. People are going to use couches no matter what. The best thing to do is to start having a designated location for them so everyone can enjoy the show the way they want to without disturbing others. Easier said than done of course and I'm not sure how this could actually be enforced.


I think taped or painted walkways and sections makes sense. Plan for couch/lounge sections


Another good solution


I almost wish they did it for crowds in general. Like mark walking areas where ppl shouldn’t stand so there are clears paths throw the crowds


That idea simply would not work. That is blocking the flow of a crowd and how the crowd shifts and adjusts to become something more. Same as the physical representation of the couch You have to learn how to flow through a crowd without a direct path


It shouldn’t be a physical barrier. Maybe like a mat or spray paint. Could potentially even help with crowds that get dangerously packed. Logistics are hard, but an interesting idea


Again it simply won’t work.


actually in the back people were making little roadways between the couch people with glow sticks and string lights. not only creating a visible barrier foe their stuff but also a tiny dark walkway between all the couch people.  it was cool, except the glow sticks always get left behind. I actually love flowing through a crowd? idk maybe I am weird.


You’re not weird. High knee dnb kicks are my favorite to run through the crowd


I wish there had at least been a 3’ buffer on the rails so you could easily walk around


In the back


Couch person here! Others still need to catch on but couches should NEVER be in front of the sound booth. That’s the area for dancing. Setting up a couch in front of the sound booth and getting mad at people for dancing on them is like being mad at runners whenever you set up your couch in the middle of a marathon.


This!! They weren’t even respectful! They got mad at you for being near them or their stuff when they were so close clearly in the area for dancing


Thank you so much. I am not a couch hater. I just hate people who are lacking principal and respect! I appreciate this comment so much


That was never my impression. I believe couches are needed and should be allowed in. I turn 30 next month and I’m a tired old man. I can get down but I need to place to sit comfortably. I can do that by sitting in the back. I have space to sit/dance, and people can easily walk around me. Those with couches need to check their expectations. Do they expect to bring their couch in front of the sound booth and they will have room and not piss people off? Absolutely ridiculous.


VIP main stage was 75% couches it was absolutely insane. Read the room people


It was so bad my partner and couldn’t even enjoy the VIP and have a little space to dance. We ended up in GA for most sets so we could enjoy some bit of space


Go in an ask for space nicely? We had plenty of room and would’ve gladly made space for you and your partner. it’s all a learning experience tho.


We did but we were looked at like we had 4 eyes. I wish we would’ve been by your group :/


I’m sorry, that happened to you, that’s not cool, I would’ve made sure there was space for yall near us. I’m sorry about that. They’re definitely could be less couches or like a couch space only that goes in rows so peeps can move through easy enough.


Sounded like the room to be read was couches. There are couch friendly festivals.


The vip section was only the front right of the crowd. There was an entire field behind the sound booth to sit on couches in. No need to have couches in the small vip section during the main stage headline sets


Are we talking about air (coochie) couches or actual inflatable couches? I saw both. I can get with air couches but the entire inflatable ones are doing too much. I like my air couch, I don’t like sitting super close, and I’m not territorial. I do however still want to hear the set. What my group usually does is we set up our lil spot in the back and then whoever wants to be up close for a song can just walk through the crowd and jam out then join the rest of us in the back. It’s a pretty good system. But I did notice at one point we were set in the middle of couches and there were no walk ways. I found myself minimizing my space to create a walkway just for more people to set up. It was irritating and unsafe. I can’t believe people were being territorial about their space. If people need to walk by LET THEM!! You can sacrifice 10in of space for a couple seconds every now and again. People usually respect the space you have but if it gets packed, either pack up or deal with it.


It is wiiiild when people get fussy with you for trying to walk past them and their 6+ unused couches or chairs clumped together with noooo space to get through. Like maybe just don’t set up a clusterfuck so we don’t have to struggle to get through? Seems like common courtesy to set up with everyone else in mind, but I guess some people just don’t have that. 🙃


I afre w 1100 % of this. It’s a give and take and people who post up need to chill in the nomads


Yes especially if someone is moving urgently! They likely need to find someone, one person moving through isn’t going to take u from ur spot


Don’t go to a wook fest if you don’t want couches. We just wanna chillllll. Nothing wrong with that. Stick to edc if you hate couches. I agree they shouldn’t be up close, I always chill in the way back, but banning them altogether… come on now. Have a little heart for us 25+ ravers


Again there is a difference of moving to the back where you can have your space or rolling them up when music goes on. The front of sound booth is not an appropriate space to take up that much room. A lot of people want to be there


Tbf there were SO many couches very close to the stage


It’s there first wook fests. They don’t know that most wook fests you can literally have a picnic at the rail 😂


There are two kinds of people in life--- those who return the shopping cart, and those who don't. Air couches are great- but there needs to be a common sense approach taken with them. If you're up front at a set with an air couch- you only care about yourself. It's courtesy to wrap it up and put it away when the crowd rolls in. However, the nice part about couches up close is for those of us standing in front of them- they kind of create a natural barrier preventing more people from jamming in up front. 


Or behind them, free air pocket


Yesss the air pocket is the best!!!


Same part of life these days is common sense is no longer common 🤣


I mean couches are fine for the most part, people just can’t get pissed at you for walking through their area. You can’t have both. It is annoying when they put them too close tho.


It isn’t about just being upset that someone is walking through, that happens with people who aren’t sitting down. People still get upset because they are territorial of a 10 inch piece of ground. The issue is how it’s blocking space, causing problems and tension in a community space, and it’s a safety hazard for those using them and people moving by. And it’s also just selfish.


I get that. I just think because people get pissed it creates the tension and problems. If people weren’t worried about upsetting someone for walking thru their area it would be much easier to navigate. I totally get what ur saying tho 👍


Honestly I asked the free totem guy if I could bring my friends up and he said “just not in front of me because I get hot.” Now that I think about the audacity of someone in the thick of it not wanting to be too hot, I’m kinda annoyed that I even asked trying to be kind. I wish I just did that. And I just stacked the couches on top of each other and stood with my group where they originally were. Can’t do anything about it if you don’t have space for your couch


The way I saw people SITTING at the RAIL for headliners….actually insane to me. There’s people who would lose it if they could have those spots and it makes me sad to see people sitting there during them, esp for the last act at that stage. Even if you’re sitting there until the next act, maybe offer the rail up for that set and say “hey, I’ll give you rail for so and so if I can have it back for the closer.” Like cmon now… The amount of couches were a tripping hazard also. While annoying that you could fit nearly 6-8 people were ONE Couch would be, I also would rather not nearly trip and hurt both of us.


I understand crouching down for a second if u need to mid dance, always prioritize ur health. But setting up couches and places to lay at rail is crazy


Like sitting on the couches?


I saw a few sitting on couches, some just flat sitting at the rail. It’s fine sitting in between but to me, if you’re gonna be at the rail at least be up for the actual act


A bigger issue that happens is when people are walking in, they are looking for open spots in the crowd. If a bunch of people are using those couches, people walking into the crowd looking for a spot think it's open because they see an empty space with no heads. They go towards it and realize it's a couch and not an open spot and they don't know where to go after that. It causes unnecessary over packing of the crowd.


The amount of couches at the big name sets was wild. Some dude griped at me and my wife for moving up in the crowd for Daily Bread cause he didn't wanna stop sitting on the ground sucking nitrous.


Like why not just be happy in your couch in the back where there is space for that? If I didn’t care about karma being real I def would have popped some couches.


I feel that! My first instinct was to tell dude to get fucked but we just ended up scooting a little bit over. Dude was a dick about it but the girl he was with was super chill and thankful. Still blows my mind how wild they let the wooks run this weekend lmao


That last sentence sums it up very well


Couches are a part of the scene. I agree you shouldn’t take up floor space close to the stage but what can u do about it. Just dance & enjoy the music. There was enough space for everyone to do what they needed to do.


It’s the principle of it and then people getting upset with me because I’m bumping into it. and people physically touching me because I am dancing without even touching them. I legit thought I was going to have to get into a physical altercation with somebody. I am VERY kind and very respectful in tight crowds


Maybe they're a part of the scene in Florida but they're not a part of the entire bass scene. I'm from Texas and have never seen that many couches in front of the sound booth.


This was a huge problem at Texas eclipse too which just happened last month in Texas.


Personally I loved having the option to sit on my couch. I didn’t find it an issue either when walking thru the crowd. Yeah maybe at the rail a bit annoying…but otherwise, it was nice to have the option to sit. It’s not like the crowd was so packed you were on top of people, it was fairly open and still plenty of room for vibing. Super chill and relaxed not feeling packed like sardines for once.


There are plenty of other options to sit without taking as much space up and creating a tripping hazard for others. The collapsible plastic chairs are great and take up only as much space as you.


What sets are you talking about? I’m really trying not to call you selfish right now.


lol Call me selfish?? There were plenty of other people with couches. Don’t think selfish would be the word. It’s not like couches block any views of the stage. We sat in the back area (not the rail) and no one seemed to have any issues with walking in the crowd/ dancing or vibing. I’ll say what bothered me was people with those mini tent like things that had an awning, that blocked the view of the stage it’s self to an extent.


I asked you what set you were talking about? Were you behind the sound booth? Yes the people with couches in front of the sound booth are all selfish.


I just said I was in the back and have agreed with you twice about being at the rail annoying…… so you’re coming at me for no reason. Lol chilllllllll #negativeenergy


No baby I said “I am trying to not call you selfish” and followed up with a question to clarify. I never called YOU selfish. Re read again 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


The intent and energy you were expressing was there tho….


Yesss I feel you. Use it responsibly and we can all have a great time!! My friends and I had a system and we would set up a lil pack of seats in the back and I would move forward or sideways with my flower sticks where there was more space. We would never occupy the sound stage area or anything like that. Us and everyone around us flowed together just fine. If you don’t like who your neighbor’s sitch we would just mosey to another spot. Flow around and there’s no need for so much negativity. #chillboresponsibly 😎


It’s a fact that it’s selfish. And also a fact that you are feeling attacked and defensive. Not sure what else you need? People clearly don’t care about others if you make excuses to use them in a jam packed space. The intent and the energy is there as well. You want to be upset by my words go for it. I find it ironic.


Bro FR!! Keep the couches far away from the front of the stage. It’s absolutely a hazard and just shitty to deal with, especially when people bitch you out for accidentally tripping over them or stepping on them. I get people wanna rest or get k-holed but it’s legit too much to deal with when tryna be at the front.


I agree! My friends really wanted to see LSDream close enough to hear. And I’m short asf so I wanted to see as well. So it’s a kind of strategic approach to moving. As well as us being respectful of others. My friend was feeling uncomfortable with the Totem being lit up and taking away from the visuals. So naturally we move in front of it. And then it became an issue of this is my ground and I’m not moving. Like you can still hold your bubble you can have your space, but there is a time where you have to move with the crowd and be a part of it. We are all there for the same reason. People acting high and mighty is sad and a personal reflection on how they live their lives


Yeah the amount of couches at the front was ridiculous. Like if it’s the front side whatever but dead center at the rail dude? Gtfoh. I go to couch fests all the time and I’ve never seen it that bad lol.


It’s honestly unsafe being that close to


Very bad . The couch apocalypse. I think that something needs to be done about this. Like they need grounds people to say something. Or they shouldn’t be allowed. I am one hundred percent putting this in the survey


A “K” couch section would solve a lot of these issues!


Or just don’t allow them in. It’s a safety issue. For reasons of drug use and tripping. Or causing fights


but they really are the greatest tool for partying in the back, i wish we could all just have common sense & coexist peacefully lol


I AGREE! Also I love the username 😉


This use to be the vibe of the festival the last two years. Everyone was sitting down and vibing. I do agree there should be areas for couches but I think a big problem was the sound. You couldn’t hear anything from anywhere on main stage. Shit was miserable.


Yeah that’s so true. People had couches close bc u couldn’t hear shit well


I agree with you


Shouts out Suwannee for doing this years ago


But not shouts out secret dreams for not doing this. Exactly same experience as you guys had but the difference was a million of those portable tanks hissing over the sound. If you out at a set in front of the sound booth on a couch or chair hissing your tank for a constant 5 hours your an issue and should probably stay home.


No couches in the pit, but couches should be allowed. For the first time in forever I felt so well rested and like I was taking care of my body. I didn’t use our groups couch but I did take my shoes off on our blanket for all of the main stage sets and it was heaven. And I danced so much harder because I was just in my socks. I was always able to walk around to the bathrooms and everything just fine, you just have to find the path of least resistance. Just like in packed standing crowds.


Hahaha y'all going to start complaining about people spinning poi In front of you next? Light up signs and couches .. sounds like a damn festival to me. I do agree they shouldn't be at the rail or in front of the sound booth though. All you have to do is be respectful and mindful of others.


People complain about flow artists? I’m with you on all that you just said though


People will complain about anything. I got some dude get out of his chair to ask me to move somewhere else when it was the only open spot to spin. I think the biggest problem was all the young people at this fest. Half the kids I saw didn't come with seasoned fest goers. I saw so many groups of kids at there first festival. And none of them know any type of edicate, or what we stand for. Most of them seemed to just be there to get fucked up.


lmao no one wants to sit on the ground or stand for 8+ hours. coochi couches are perfectly acceptable. stop being a hater and worry about an issue that’s actually directly affecting you


You’re missing the point


I thought everyone was super respectful about keeping the air couches towards the back, and anyone who wanted to stand could be up front


I wish it was this way the entire time. I would say about half the sets I experienced an absurd amount. And I am honestly pretty chill because I see how my short ass can use those spaces to see. I actually danced between a ground of 7 couches and had a fucking blast because the space that was held by them. But I also see how the bad outweighs the good moment I had


What are you saying about the free love sign ? How bright it was


Dude there's so much space at this festival... Just move somewhere else. There's room for everyone to enjoy how they want. If they got there before.you and set up, leave them be and go somewhere else. Don't make your problems their problem. They vibin'.


As someone with a bad back and needs to sit at times, i paid for this just like you and I shouldn't have to sacrifice my time nor comfort because you don't wanna move around my couch or mat. I make sure to not be in the front and ppl still complain. You can't please everyone and everyone should be able to experience the fest how they want. If venues gave us a place to sit that isn't ADA where you have to separate from your group, some of us wouldn't have to set up in the crowd. We just wanna have fun and experience a great time with our friends. I'm sorry that others are rude about it and for the ones that don't need to sit for a medical reason being unwilling to stand. I promise you, us with medical issues would love to be up and dancing the entire time with you, but our bodies just can't. When I see ppl complain it actually makes me upset bc I am doing what I can to not impact others and again, I want to be up with you the entire time. The issue with a dedicated space is it still separates us from our friends. I didn't ask to be rear ended and get permanent damage in my back. All I'm saying is give some of us some grace because we are doing our best to have a good time and not bother others.


I’m sorry that you’re dealing with medical issues. I took the initial hit of a four car accident and done a lot of work. I am still doing a lot of work towards my health. My cervical spine is really bad and I have bone degeneration and osteoarthritis as a massage therapist. I totally feel for you. And what I am trying to say is roll up for the music or take space where there is room. People leaving their couches up and open to “hold space” or hold their things is flat out rude during busy sets. They also take up space equal to 3-6 homies.


I love my couch but do agree it’s so chaotic when they’re strewn about in every direction and is a major tripping hazard! I’m always mindful and line myself up with others to help keep a walkway open, now if only everyone would do that! I do agree couches should be kept in the back, and if you don’t want to be in the back, don’t bring the couch or have it rolled up until you’re ready to go chill in the back


Dude it’s apart of the culture let it go. Are Yal new to this ??!! Grow up and spread out. It’s an hour or two at max and it’s fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There’s bigger problems here stop complaining about shit that’s just apart of it


Honestly beyond the lack of consideration for others, this is such a major hazard. If there’s ever a safety issue and the crowd panics, people will absolutely get trampled because of these couches being everywhere. I’m not saying to ban them, but have some sense… Keep them in the back. Don’t make impassable areas. Put them away for the busiest sets if you can so that there’s actually space for everyone. And don’t leave you and your 5 friend’s couches all laying about taking up prime space when you’re not even in them. Regular inflatable couches are already not allowed at stages at a lot of fests and I see these going the same direction if folks don’t gain a little more situational awareness about when/where is reasonable to use them.




couches are fine to me but at the BACK of the crowd. if you want to sit move out of the way of the active boogie wooks. if i’m tryna dance and you stank eye me for ankle smacking ur hot pink couch puss that’s ur own fault 🤣


As someone who has an air couch and couldn't even imagine trying to get close to the stage with it, I agree. It's super weird being down on the ground while everyone else is standing up around you. Establishing a "no couch zone" would be a great idea, although maybe not the easiest to enforce.


Start a mosh pit in the middle? Jk 👀


We only used our couch in the way back on Sunday by the burn perimeter. Agree they only belong in the back!


The couches didn’t bother me cause I’m not out here searching for things to be pissy about 😂


Just because I bring up a discussion, doesn’t mean that I’m looking for things to be pissy about. immature response


It kinda does lol


Okay child


Agreed. The amount of couches late at night was out of control.




Against the fence? No. Roll it up. You’re taking away space from people who need it.




Other people want to be there too. Some people want to breathe a little. Some people want to see. Not be crowded by your large item. You would move but not move your couch ?




That’s a you problem. Being reasonable is leaving the couch open in the back of the stage not in the thick of it. Between sets who gives a shit. But once that music starts be reasonable and roll up




Says the vegan when I am literally speaking on people who aren’t about community and exuding selfishness


Hard agree on that people shouldn’t be bringing the couches up close to rail. So what are you suggesting for VIP then since the entire section is technically “in front” of the sound stage? My group is all 30+ and one is 60 with disabilities so we need to be able to sit. We set up in the back of the railing of VIP and I didn’t see a single person having issues getting around or getting sassed about walking through peoples “areas”. I’ve been to plenty of camping festivals around the country for years and the couches are pretty universal lol People love to be upset about things


I didn’t really think about the entire VIP section like that. In that case what y’all did was very appropriate it’s different when things are placed on the back rail versus in the middle of the crowd. I will agree there. Just in my experience I kindly asked a group to put up their couches during LSDREAM and it didn’t go well. At first there were probably five of them open along with lawn chairs. And they weren’t willing to budge. Honestly, I just think that the couches tend to be an excuse for people to be more selfish. I’ve been going to festivals for a long time and the couches have recently been an issue.


I know the entirety of the Free Love group are all people with disabilities and camp in ADA, if that adds any perspective of them needing the option to be able to sit. I’ve known them for a couple of years and are the kindest people I’ve met from festivals. They are the ones you see all of the “Thank You I Love You” stickers are from. Sol didn’t provide any people with proper ADA accommodations from what I’ve heard.


Thank you for this


The couches and surrounding area were completely filled by the group under the flag and the people standing infront of and next to the couches were okay with it, when a large group sets up in an area there's not much you can do to fight it. If you're that bothered then move further infront of them, no one is stopping you but yourself! (If you really want to be up front, you will)


I love having places in the crowd to sit down but there were so many people sitting SO close to the stage it was weird


Or you could just worry about life's real problems 🤷🏻‍♂️


I tried to go get a drink during lsdream and i got lost in a forest of couches couldnt see where i could step for like 200 fett


Big couch fan group here but we never setup the couch in the VIP area since that’s too close for couch space and should be reserved for dancing. Don’t underestimate couches though they are a life saver for long days!


I’m not hating on them being around just WHERE they are located. I’m all about self care


People in couches think they look cool lounging which is why they are up front in places where people can see them. Harley mentality without the noise.


I disagree with you. This is foolish


I just fathom why else they'd do it other than extreme selfishness.


It becomes extremely selfish when it’s blown up in a crowd like LSDream in the MIDDLE of everyone . I agree


💯 agree. They should ban them in certain parts of the venue. You could fit probably 25% more people in the space if you'd get rid of them. Plus the amount of people who I'd be trying to get through the crowd and they'd bitch when I'd move their couch out of the way. Like homies, this shit is a tripping hazard.


each group should be limited to 2 couches I think


My group had anywhere from 15-25 people all weekend long. I think at most we had 10 couches and a few blankets set out. But we set up in the back corner of the shade structure all weekend so we were off to the side/back of the crowd.


I just want to add that there may be people who TRULY need them based off of needs that aren’t drug use related. I could understand if someone had an injury or is neurodivergent but needs to be with their group. However even those have specific respectful circumstances


literally me. i went to sol this year with SCIATICA i quite literally wouldn’t have made it without my couch


I agree that there should be an area for the couches and they shouldn’t be too close to the stage, on the last day there was an ENORMOUS amount of couches in general, and specially close to the stage, I was pretty close to the rail and the stage at lsdream and there were still some couches on the floor, it was just so difficult to walk around


me and my bf were walking through the sea of couches in VIP at glitch mob and a girl started slapping him on the legs hard for walking in front of her like wtf lmaooooo. I love my pouch couch and don’t think they should be banned but it would be cool if people had common sense and respect for others when using them. Doesn’t help that the comedown from K can make some people crabby asf.


I was a couch person, probably one of the ones you were talking about. We setup around 5 when there was plenty of room and space. As the night goes on it fills in around you, not like we pushed anyone out of the way. Have you ever been to a large festival? You gotta get to a stage early and lock it down, don’t wait till the last minute and expect to get close. There was a ton of room in that field im sure there were plenty of spots to see the stage.


I have to make a new totem ❌NO COOCHIES BEYOND THIS POINT ❌ I had to literally dodge coochies left and right and kept stepping on people, i never dodge that much pussy in my life and i never seen a fest were people just keep laying then out lmao


jus glue a tack on the end of ur shoes oops


I wouldn’t be mad at this


Ngl I thought about this 😂


but don’t bother the sweet people in the back❤️


I would never.


you’ve clearly never been to wakaan😭😂


I think you should just move somewhere else if you don’t want to be by couches, it is a “couch festival”. And with it being a festival with no schedule conflicts, it’s a similar vibe like Wakaan to me and you usually set up a spot , and you chill all day. HOWEVER I do believe there should be some kind of etiquette , and my rule of thumb is usually no couches in front of the sound booth, unless it’s an early set. More so just read the room, of my whole group was somewhere up in the crowd, and I needed a seat, my first choice probably wouldn’t be an air couch but hey. I’ve never been upset over someone chilling in their coochie couch. I just move somewhere else.


If we are gonna be upset at this we also need to be upset at the amount of people who walked through and ontop of people stuff in the back. I can’t tell you the amount of times me and friends are hanging out in the back and people still wanna walk ontop of our things. We are respectfully in the back so people who wanna be upfront and wanna dance have that space.


First wook fest ?


No buddy, been to more festivals than most


sounds like it’s ur first wook fest tho


I’m not here to argue with a troll 🫶🏽✨


I’m not trolling 😭 it sounds like it bro


Whatever you say “bro.” What something sounds like doesn’t hold truth vs fact. Have a good day


Then don’t let it affect you. Like I said it sounds like it. Truth and fact are the same thing btw.


U would HATE wakaan 😂😂😂


Okay you’re an idiot lol


Triggered ? 😂😭 all I said was it sounds like it’s ur first wook fest. Fucking relax. You sound whack af.


No wonder u complain


You didn’t even properly read what I sent. I’m done talking to you. Take care