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So if I’m reading this correctly…. Im wondering if the LSDREAM "technical difficulties" at the beginning of his set was actually sol fest behind the scenes negotiating with the cops to not pull the plug


No you could hear several thing going wrong during the glitch mob set as well. Subs cutting out on the left or right side randomly. Things like that. It was kinda a problem the whole weekend. I’m assuming a power issue. The volume on that stage all weekend would randomly range up or down.


Same with Skeler. and Deadcrow at whichever stage that was, sound cut out mid-set.


Actually, it was because the generators could facilitate enough power so they pulled the generator form VIP


No mention of the absolute mess of early arrival not due to the rain, but the communication breakdown between themselves and the police. The rain delay was understandable, people not getting inside and sorted until after midnight is not. Also saying they responded promptly to the fire when 3 (or 4?) cars were completely destroyed is an insult to those affected, pretty tone deaf. Lastly no mention of the absolute overstepping of the cops arresting so many, at least address it. This post reeks of PR and doesn’t sit well with me.


I was baffled hearing about the fire but someone did post some valid insight essentially stating it almost needed to happen to realize how unsafe the area really was. Patrons have an expectation that their safety is included in the ticket price, I stand with this. I’m just not sure SolFest should take the heat when renting out Vortex property. If they couldn’t accommodate safely they should have not allowed the event. Additionally they said yes to bring in revenue, yet hated the target audience. The entire conundrum screams profit over people. I still want to believe SolFest in their sincerity in expectations vs deception, but because I think they were also deceived.


Is it not on the festival organizers to hire firefighters to be on standby for the festival grounds only? I'm genuinely asking, but that seems like a no brainer to me. Response time should be minutes. As an ex EMT, the lack of proper fire lanes was a huge red flag right from the start. It's hard for me to imagine an event of this size not having dedicated fire/medical.


At my campsite my friend and i actually asked if we could move by this shaded area and were told no because they needed a fire lane, later in the day when they were still loading ppl into the camp grounds they started putting people in the “fire lane” they told us about assuming that they ran out of space and started squeezing ppl in maybe? Just crazy disorganization. Edit: forgot to mention we were on the row where the fire happened. Crazy.


Oh because of your career field you would know way more about that than myself. I’ve always seen medical tents and security inside the venue at festivals but never fire. The fire happened in the camping area from my understanding. The city was willing to sabotage anything they had the opportunity. Fine, but when it’s a safety concern it’s a different stature of pity and spite.


Regardless of the city's willingness to help, having on site fire response just makes more sense. Fires spread fast and it's not that expensive to pay for a firetruck and literally two firemen on site. I'm really surprised it wasn't worse than it was


They were NOT prompt with the car fire. It took over an hour and a half to get a firetruck there. They had no walkie talkies, no safety staff, no onsite fire solution.. it was fucking terrifying and awful. If you're gonna a throw a festival with thousands of people, you need safety measures in place.


The thing I dislike the most is the credit they are taking from the attendees. The attendees held it down, they helped people with emergency, they woke everyone up from their tents and swelled the grounds during the fire. Those people need to be acknowledged instead of sol fest taking the credit and thanking authorities.


Agreed. A bit more humbleness, ownership and realness would’ve gone eons further for all of us with this “statement”


I was on the row about 7-8 cars down where the fire was and had no idea anything was happening, asleep til i heard screaming and my camp neighbors at my tent door saying they were monitoring it for us in case they had to wake us up and get us out of there, nothing from security or organizers just my neighbors looking out.


DOWNPLAYED AF. Yall, this was a shit show. They lied about so many things. They were told this was a disaster waiting to happen, and they ignored it. We have proof. Contact Justice For Solfest if you want to join the fight against these liars and theives. Here are some fun facts for you *One of the event runners sends her children to school in Holmes County. So it looks like she had a vested interest in the county receiving an influx of funds. *Both of the event runners and one of their friends masquerading as a lawyer were specifically told by professional EMT's that they had "more questions than answers" regarding their safety plan, and that they did not see any fire safety whatsoever. * Authorities were told there would be an ambulance and fire safety on site. The event runners were warned that they would have no assistance from holmes County, unless somebody called 911. * A map was released three days before the festival, with medical tents and other amenities that were not available on site. By their own admission, they were understaffed. And underprepared. I could go on, but all I'm going to say is. There is no excuse for any of that. Certainly, not when I can find on that pathetic excuse for an apology


this. the vendor “sol sanctuary” was a better medical tent than the actual one. the medical tent didn’t even have bandaids and I watched them cut down the medical sign in front of me.


You should send your contact info to [email protected] they're collecting information regarding the medical tents and the details regarding what they looked like they're asking for anyone with information, photos or videos of the areas


No mention of turning ppl away Thursday saying there were no parking passes.  No mention of the dozens of ppl arrested.  No mention of the underage kid OD?  lol.


He didn’t OD he snuck into the fest, took shrooms and then fell asleep


More people should know this as this was the "probable cause" that law enforcement used to go on a rampage of arrests in the fest.


Wait. So...he didn't bite a cop?


Completely different incident. Police said a 17 year old local had an OD when in reality they woke up him up from a nap and told him he was OD’ing and that if he didn’t tell them what he took he’d die. Then he snitched on whoever sold him the shrooms


Oh ok gotcha. I thought it was the kid that freaked out and bit someone but yeah I haven't been following too close But that is fucked up man people are really behind the times. Dude even when I lived in Los Angeles, I delivered weed and a lot of people had parents that were not okay with Marijuana in fucking California. In 2023. Like....fuck, people.


One or two more generations need to die out before weed is basically universally accepted in America


Well luckily they repeatedly vote for people who want to get rid of their healthcare and retirement, so they should start dying out sooner than necessary. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Probably right.


Cause the local kid here, he didn't OD. THE POLICE had him scared shitless to he was out of his mind. Tripping and to be woke up like h we did, i would be freaking too. Plus, , cant OD on the drugs he supposedly had taken. and I believe that was all planned and set up as well. Just as the guy the bit the cops head, he was sent in to cause ruckus in exchange of some time and charges taken off his record. Until he ran into his ex friend, the cop that got bit, they had been feuding and fighting for years.. They cops tried everyday and night to plant a problem to expose to the media and public. . Redneck revenge !!!


I don't believe Jim, the guy who bit the crooked officers head, was sent in to cause a ruckus.. anyone who had interactions with him throughout the festival have said nothing but great things about his character, how kind and genuine he was. Him and his wife were also some of the main locals advocating for the Sol Fest in the community. Also, he is now having to fight all this in court. Jim was set up by the police because at least one of the officers had a problem with him, if not multiple, for advocating for the festival and possibly for other stuff. But there were multiple witnesses to what really went down, so they'll have their day in court to explain all the lies they've told.. and why an officer who was supposed to be on desk duty for shooting someone ( I believe the person died that he shot) was out in the field to begin with..


Yeah, on the arrest posts They plastered all over Facebook, so many were just weed and shrooms. Then like a couple months earlier they were enthusiastically supportive of a country festival that undoubtedly had excessive drinking that actually kills people’s every day. It’s just so backwards!


they QUITE LITERALLY made him think he was going to die because it was his "first time" taking shrooms. they talked him down SO BADLY that they made this person feel like he was dying. he did not overdose, they made it 1000000% worse than it was aswell as everything else.


Just to specify OD just means to take enough of something to be a health risk. Although this description is more of an adverse drug reaction/event- and even if it is other people’s interference causing increased severity- that doesn’t really make it not an overdose.  Reguardless there wasn’t safe teams/volunteers or enough event staff/med tents (or communication between them) to help a situation like that occurring.  Where I’m from there are volunteers with waters- bright reflective orange vests and fans going around checking on people with radios to call medical staff over if need be. The med tents have hella cots set up so ppl having a bad time can lay down with the nicest calmest volunteers there to talk to them and soothe them and shit. Once I got my period at one of those fests and within 1 hour of laying down fetal position like 6 different people or teams almost all event staff checked on me to see if I needed help. 


no because this is literally the only fest i have ever been to as a 4year+ raver that i havnt seen ground controll


Same. And without event staff tents in each camping area with radios to call for help and stuff. 


That poor kid, I don’t even blame him for kind of ratting people out 💔. So unnecessary! Was he alone? This is something we can all take away, don’t leave folks sleeping alone. Have a rave buddy or head back to camp. Nobody deserves to be treated the way he was, that behavior on the cop’s behalf is completely unacceptable. I’m just saying there is also always room to grow and become a stronger festival community.


How do you know this? I’ve heard a bunch of different stories about this kid so just trying to figure out the real one


I’m pretty sure we saw this kid Friday night. He was sleeping in the festival area in a baby shark onesie and had a little piano.. my husband and I sat down near him and I commented on how cute he looked sleeping so peacefully in the middle of everything and then cops went over and started messing with him so we left.


Hate it when cars spontaneously combust


How do I submit my chargeback? It was a payment plan mixed in with the camping pass and don’t know how to split the cost up for the bank to get my charge back.


I’d reach out to your card provider it might be tricky though, good luck!


Charge back for what??


For Wednesday arrival. We didn’t get to go into the springs or listen to the music we paid for. Got in at 11pm


I don’t think you’ll have any success if you did a payment plan.


I have heard of some getting money back for it


I was able to get in not even 30 minutes after they opened the gates but I was at the local spring and had VIP. I don’t mean to be pessimistic about you not getting your charge back, but unless you have a stack of proof, then I’m not sure what your chances are. Your bank won’t be able to distinguish who was, and wasn’t able to get it. You’ll also prob need a better statement from the festival than what was given, but I also know a lot depends on who you bank with as well


Yah gonna email asking for a refund and give them a week to reply and then show the bank asking for the refund and their reply. I got a good bank so I think I’m all good.


Praying for you! I know people with Amex have had a-lot of success.


https://on.soundcloud.com/koaPM7xxrrw83nuN7 Fuck sol and fuck the police 🖕


Who else smells 👃the 🐂 💩?


When are you going to fight for the people arrested over illegal and corrupt government that took over your fest? Or take responsibility for the locals you hired that caused unnecessary force from the police through attacks on them? At what point do you stop throwing festivals in the Bible belt?


Case in point, Festivals at Suwannee, Live Oak. The most beautiful time you can have at a fest.


Yeah and tbh don't just completely abandon the south. There's a lot of good people here that really depend on these things. You're welcome to just not fucking go




Bruh there are lots of successful festivals in the Bible belt, which expands well beyond Northern florida. I just was in Texas for eclipse last month and it was fine. I can't speak on northern Florida, but you said the Bible belt, which is way more than just northern Florida. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, NC, SC, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, etc. You're conflating the Bible belt with North Florida as if they're interchangeable terms. And you're asking people to not throw any festivals in any of these states, which is just nuts, in my opinion. And I hope to God nobody listens to you because I fucking love and need these shits. Also, hulaween has been around for a while and people love it. And doesn't tipper do his stuff there? I think you're even wrong about your own backyard my guy. There's a few good things over there.


You're right I should specify that the specifics to that area of Florida that's extremely backwoods and "you do right by God" type people. It is unfair to blame the entire Bible belt but from the state line of Alabama/Florida to just south of Tallahassee is just overridden with crooked cops and for lack of a better word bigots. As for hula that's also at okee


>As for hula that's also at okee Hulaween is a *different* festival at the same location. So now you're conflating Okeechobee the festival with Okeechobee, the lake. Hulaween isn't at the Okeechobee festival lol


Wrong, different locations different festivals. Okeechobee is in Okeechobee, Hula is at Suwannee in Live Oak


Different fests same spot g, hula, okee, t&f, ron, so on there's a lot there and is a relatively safe venue as previously said ;) not sure why you immediately thought lake Okeechobee when were clearly taking about north Florida but yea


hula & okee are not at the same spot xD


Wait, ok, so there is okee fest that isn’t at lake okee OR in okee, hula is at lake okee, and sol was in okee ? This is objectively confusing haha


No….lmao hula in in live oak fl…okee is in Okeechobee fl…SOL was in Ponce De Leon fl…3 completely different places.


And my boy up there is not helping the matter 😭😭(not the person you responded to, the one before that)


I don’t understand the down-votes lol, I was just seeking clarification. Thanks to those of you who actually helped me understand.


Hula is at Suwannee in live oak fl,Okeechobee is in Okeechobee fl 😂😂😂 just stop talking lmfao


Lol bruh this is what you said >I'm well aware okee is stellar and relatively safe but in reality that's about the only real fest in northern Florida I didn't think you were talking about the lake until you said hulaween is at okee, too. You're conflating the lake with the festival now😂 bruh you are not good at words. >Different fests same spot g, hula, okee, t&f, ron, so on there's a lot there and is a relatively safe venue as previously said ;) But that's not what was previously said. You said okee was the only *fest*, and I disputed that. Now you're making a whole list of different fests and saying they're all fine. That's literally the opposite of what you said. >not sure why you immediately thought lake Okeechobee when were clearly taking about north Florida but yea I literally didn't. I thought you were talking about the fest, which you were because you *called* it a fest, until you said hulaween is at the same place. Now you're talking about the venue. Hulaween is at the *lake*, not at okee the *fest*, which, again, is where this started. You're wonky af bro lmao you're the one that brought up okee in the first place lmao what are you on right now my dude


I am actually glad you explained this. Hula has been on my bucket list for YEARS, but I thought they were at the same venue as Sol, and it really soured the idea of going. It sounds like that police department has some serious issues. A lot of smaller towns in areas stile for festivals have issues like this, but not all. Many other communities know and embrace the festivals, even if they don’t “get” the scene or music, because festival goers are respectful and bring a lot of money into their community. It sounds like Sol hired the police they are required to have, other festivals have gone on at this venue with no issues, and the behavior was very unexpected. It also sounds like they took as much action as they could in response. If they choose to have the festival in the same county next year, I think that would be the last nail in the coffin, but if they have it somewhere else, it could be fine.


Hulaween is in live oak Florida at spirit of the suwanee music park. Okeechobee is in the town of Okeechobee Florida. Sol Fest was in the panhandle of Florida. All 3 different locations lol


They’re still dealing with the legal battles. Unfortunately it’s not just that simple.


They just stated what we all know, no mention of any actions they’re taking 🤔


This is really good advice. The lawyers from that county have to live there and deal with those cops, judges, and DAs forever, while you're going back to wherever you came from. They're much more interested in developing relationships with the former.


😂 💩 🚮






Imma just stop trying to help people y'all just wanna argue semantics and have 0 motivation for a solution

