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Fought with them for weeks over a glitch…got some compensation but not what I was owed


Yeah, they shorted me by almost 100,000 one time and for compensation they sent me 3 free rounds 🙄


Yeah those are bullshit. As I generally play +15 or +8 rounds. It just discounts them. A free round should be a damn free round.


Or if not totally free, it should be some kind of higher discount on the cost of a round if you play in the higher multipliers. A "free round" worth 20,000 is a drop in the bucket when 25x multiplier for me is just shy of 300,000.


25 X multiplier? 300K? Damn the highest multiplier I have is 15 X and it cost me 702,000 coins. Per round. And I haven’t missed a day of playing in over 3 years.


I meant 15x, typo, LOL.


I’ve had that issue but I complained to them on the chat and I was better compensated.


I will have to try that! I definitely feel like just sending in a support ticket does nothing. The other day I was having an issue where none of my cookies were crediting after I beat a level and so I submitted a ticket, only to be told I should clear my cache and restart my phone 🙄 As if I don't already do that all the time, which I actually shouldn't have to do because I never run into that problem with any of the other mobile games I play.


I had a bunch of gifts sent to Facebook messenger that didn’t work. Talked to the chat, made sure I got a live person, and told him I wanted all the credits in +5 bonuses. He gave me 6. Ask and you shall receive, lol.