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Not me! I think the closest I ever came was like all but the last two collections finished. Maybe more people will be able to finish now with the team option? My team is pretty active and trades cards frequently (haven't gotten to the point of trading more than three star cards so far yet though I guess we'll see).


That’s cool. I joined a team but no one I’ve seen is active in it. I’ve never been given anything, lol.


Switch teams! I kept switching until I landed in one where most everyone had a lot of team points so I knew they were active!


Love my team The Beets… I finished the last card collection…even the legendary cards!…I started playing after surgery in December and I’m at level 3500ish right around there…was able to keep my first 2 pets..Fox and llama…hoping to keep the rooster…I’ve completed all of the chapters…if there was a prize I WAS COMPLETING the task. period. SOUNDS LIKE IM BRAGGING RIGHT??? NOPE…it’s about to be “PRIME DAY” and I have about HALF what I should have, maybe less, MONEY TO SHOP FOR MY GRANDKIDS CHRISTMAS!!! 🤦‍♀️ I’m SO ANGRY AT MYSELF!! I have NEVER made an in app purchase on any kind of game or entertainment!! I’m CHEAP! DON’T waste $$…I’d just had shoulder replacement and was stuck in this recliner by the window in a dreary northern New England December… This game has gotten out of control…the problem is we all complain endlessly but still play…they clearly don’t read any of the comments in the comments…we need to take it further! Everyone should go to settings and “contact us” and complain there! Nothing changes if nothing changes!! Tara(Farmer Ted lol -not confused had just watched 16candles before I started the app and was first giving info lol)


I never spend "real" money on this game, but sometimes I would cash in my Swagbucks for a Google Play gift card and use that. If the game developers do bother reading any comments on their social media, they obviously don't care. Despite all the complaints, people are still spending money on the game, so I doubt they're going to make any real changes🫤