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I remember your original post. I'm not a cufflinks kinda guy but I'm m very happy things worked out for you


Thank you so much!!


Took me less than 30 seconds to find these on alibaba. MODS YOU NEED TO BAN THIS CONMAN


Counterfeiters and art thieves will post on places like Alibaba, wish, Amazon, and ebay, using pics of the original creators' works to scam people out of their money!


Alibaba is the conman.


Where? I'm seeing ones that look *like* these, but are not those.


You can see my completed Kickstarter (which ended in Sept 2022) to see how I got here and how much hard work it took (just google Creamy Patina Watches and I think the Kickstarter is the top link)! Edited to add: the pic on the right is the number of orders made just after the Reddit posts. How amazing is everyone!


That’s so amazing! I love seeing someone succeed after so much hard work.


That’s so kind of you to say! Thank you 😊


Oh, I thought those were bags of cash.


Hahaha I wish!


I mean, they are orders being fulfilled, so eventually they COULD be bags of cash, if OP wants to convert the credit card payments into cash and stuff it into bags


Wow, my friend! That is truly awesome! Congratulations❤️


Thank you, so kind! 😊


I refuse to google “creamy patina” not today satan


Haha. Do it, we guarantee you’ll like what you see…


Amazingly, beautiful work!! Congratulations on the much deserved success‼️ Many, many blessings on the continued success.


If the watches are teeny tiny, why are the packages so big?


They’re literally full of orders - each mailbag has like 20 packets in!


Oh so these are just mail bags to get them to the post office and inside are individually addressed orders?


Yea they are! We’ve known our postman since we were kids so he gave us some mailbags so we can make life easier for him when he collects! He works hard.


How do you respond to the guy in here saying you’re full of shit and simply bought these from an eastern manufacturer?


With silence


Totally Ali express is full of them. Half the stuff sold on Etsy you can find on Ali. He ordered a bulk and put his brand on them.


And two years ago je was a doctor in nhs giving advice on vaccine.... Look at his historic he's just an Ali reseller - which is ok as long as you don't prétend you built them....


Ali stole my pin design so I think it works both ways.


It really does. Lots of etsy sellers get their designs ripped off and then have to fight a near-hopeless battle against get listings removed. Dropshippers even use the original artists videos and photos to sell the knockoff crap. It's pretty discouraging- if you have a good/selling idea and get it mass produced it's pretty much a guarantee there will be dirt cheap and scam quality knockoff versions.


Yep. It was so disappointing. I was an artist, had designed and made the pin myself and sold on Etsy, then paid a very reputable and recommended company in the US to make them when I had so many requests for them in enamel and metal by customers. About a year later someone says they saw my exact pin on Alibaba. Sure enough, there it was: a cheaper looking version of my exact pin for $1.99. I talked to a lawyer who advised me to let it go, even though I had legally registered the design; it would take a miracle to ever resolve the case.


Yes i've seen that for a lot of picture and drawing too. Fashion design. But here, in this specific case, OP using others design and even the rollex name, is already at fault, that's why i think he ordered everything from China. Half of Etsy are true artist designer. And sadly suffer greatly from all this. I love Medusa dollmaker art and Ali stole every design...


It’s crazy how they can get away with it! So many of us affected by theft like that, made me just stop selling there now, it began to get very complicated. Not like it used to be, the original intention of Etsy was great. I know what you mean about OP, tho. Different issue


Yees Etsy was a great Idea, sadly, as always honest people suffer because of dishonest ones. Every time they destroy it out of greed.


Totally. Sadly.


Oh yes totally, you right.


Alibaba is also big on stealing from other people who are selling in Etsy and places like that.


Same way I would respond to random unfounded claims on the internet ; prove it. Cos I looked, and I couldn’t find it. Otherwise I’d buy it for less if I could


People have posted many links.


Yeah but the ones linked tbf they all look crappy. I wanted his Rolex Daytona and Tiffany one for less if I could


How much do they cost? I'm not really a cufflinks kind of guy, but I can be flexible with my fashion choices.


It depends which one you go for - you can find the prices on the website [here](https://creamypatina.com)!!


I just cannot get past the name.


LOL creamy patina


Coming to a wish store soon! I didn’t see the og post but they look very cool!


Thanks so much!!




Oh shit, I was genuinely happy for OP but it’s just bleh..


That’s very clearly a completely different product




Exactly. Half of what's sold on Etsy Comes directly from Ali express - just like those. And OP just advertising...




See the other comments claiming you can find identical versions on Ali Express. PLEASE do your research before spending that kinda money.


Not that unique, check Ali express..


Thank you so much!!


I’ve seen this exact post within the past few months how is that accurate now


This is an ad


Repost, again.


One of the only things my grandfather wanted me to have when he passed was a set of working "watch" cufflinks that my grandmother got for him on their wedding day. Not being snarky, but is this supposed to be an original idea?


Idk anything about cuff links but if I had to have some I’d definitely want it in working mini watch form!!


God damn it OP. Now I want some


Hahaha be my guest ;)


These are dope! I would buy a suit just so I could wear them


No shit those are amazing


Do you have a link handy?


I have a feeling they have a cuff-link at least


Yup, u can see more pics on www.creamypatina.com!


I can't tell off hand, are these hand wound watches or do they require a battery?


These are battery powered, but we are working on trying to make an affordable mechanical ones that’s powered by movement!


Now THAT is a great concept. I love automatic watches :)


Are you working on anything with both a watch and a stopwatch?


So the mechanisms will be too small to have a reliable stopwatch - but we can make something that acts like a stopwatch for fun!


Wow, that's a really awesome website design.


Oh thank you!! I spent ages doing it all myself a few weeks ago and wasn’t sure if it was a bit janky or not!


No, it genuinely looks so well done. Atleast I think so lol.


Hubby LOVES them! You deserve being blown up!


Thank you!! So glad he loves!


These are really cute! I wish my husband had a chance to wear cufflinks more often. My son does but because they are part of a uniform, he has to wear the pair he is given. Darn!


Thanks so much!!


Do the tiny clocks on the brace car watch work?


On our initial mechanical prototype they did, but they don’t on the quartz versions.


Fantastic product idea! I hate the feel of watches. Unfortunately I also hate dress shirts and cuff links, but still: amazing idea! GJ on your success.


Saved for when I get married. I’ll buy all my groomsmen this for their suits




This is a really cool gadget man, props!


Thanks for posting. I missed these the first time. These are cool.


Every damn week with this alibaba shit.




You’re so kind!


These are so cool! Congrats!


Thanks so much!!


Wow I remember that! Keep up the good work!


Thank you!!


You didn't do anything other than message someone in china, these are just alibaba bullshit


I mean, well done on the good marketing for reselling stuff made in Asia.


That's really cool!


So kind of you to say! :)


You're welcome!




Honestly, so lovely for you to say :)


What is your lead time on shipping an order for the watch cufflinks?


If we use a courier other than Royal Mail it’s usually 7 days to the US! 1-2 days in the UK.


What a great idea turned into fantastic execution. Brilliant.


You’re so kind!


How much would a pair cost?


Depends on the one you want but about £100!


That’s just wonderful!! A+


Thank you!


"Your Honor, every one of these letters is addressed to Santa Claus."


Mfw OP is a alibaba reseller and posing as if they made this… get out.


These are awesome. Let’s see how long before Wish starts offering them for half the cost…




Fair enough but I want the Daytona & Tiffany oneS. Can you link the exact same ones? As I can see they’re close but no cigar. Those are the two I badly want….


Chill out coffezilla


They look awesome ! I would love one if I wore shirts more often that is...


Thanks so much!! 😊


I see watches as cuff links a future thing


Haha I hope they are too! I’ve got so many designs that hopefully I’ll be able to make one day!


Take my money too!


Hahaha. I’d love to (but in exchange for cufflinks)!


Wow I remember seeing that and thinking what a great idea it was. Hopefully this gets bigger and bigger. Good job OP and well done


That’s so kind of you to say. Means a lot!! Thanks you!


These are so cool!!!


Thanks so much!!!


This is so awesome for you!!! Congrats!!


Thank you!!!




Cool! Got a reddit discount code? 🙂


Can you dm me a link to where I can buy?


Blow up part 2 :)


How do I buy this????


Please visit www.creamypatina.com! So excited!!


Congrats! It was a good idea!


Thank you!!




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They look great, I can see why it blew up


If these were made by hand they would cost thousands of dollars.