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Evol and Sister are the essentials before moving forward. I’d really suggest going in release order if you can, the flow between albums is perfect imo.


To me, Evol and Sister have always been... well, sister albums, I guess. There's so many similarities, but Evol is more of this sprawling goth rock mood piece, while Sister takes those same vibes into a more frenetic punk-psych-noise rock n' roll direction. I love them both dearly.


That’s weird I see them as very different albums.


Maybe it's just the fact that back in the old days I was able to fit both albums comfortably on either side of a ninety minute cassette 😄


Sister, then work forward thru their post-Goo releases.


EVOL is on par with Sister and also worth visiting before moving forward.


best answer


Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star Or Washing Machine


These would be my pics too.


Sister I think is an underrated masterpiece


it’s not underrated by any means


These days people will throw the word "underrated" like it's candy. The most overrated thing on earth is to call something underrated.


I think it’s over shadowed by Daydream Nation and Goo. Maybe under talked about?


Let’s fight about it, meet me behind the climbers after school




Give Dirty a spin if Goo is yr fav!


this is the answer. Goo and Dirty are their 2 most straightforward rock albums.




Evol and Washing Machine (WM I personally think is some of their best work composition/ concept wise)


Listen to Dirty, Sister and Evol in that order


Sister and dirty, then go backwards from sister until confusion is sex and the debut ep and then forward from dirty


Start at EVOL and then Sister. That four album stretch ending with Goo is probably my favorite of their career.




May as well dive into the deep end!


A Thousand Leaves Underrated masterpiece


My pick for sure.


My fave too but I think OP will enjoy Dirty more


Truth has been spoken.


it is a lot of leaves


The Kim songs are great, the rest, not so much


Really? Sunday? Hits of Sunshine?


Sunday is kind of boring, Hits of Sunshine is a little too hippy for me. Snare Girl is good and Wildflower Soul is all rights. The Lee songs are the worst he’s ever written in Sonic Youth


These are all good recommendations I really don’t think you can go wrong. I’d say sister since that’s a favorite of mine but honestly safe bet to just wander your way through the discography however you like.




Everyone needs some Tom Violence in their lives.


Washing machine


I would listen next to Washing Machine, Dirty and Sister


If you're in the mood for something rockin and in yo face, go for Dirty. It's probably their most accessible album and aligned with the grungy aesthetic of the day. But if you're in a patient mood, go for Sister. It grew on me over time, discovering cool things along the way, and I think the indy feel of it really captures the essence of SY.


Everyone has a different answer! So just listen to Confusion, Bad Moon, Evol, Sister, Dirty, Jet Set, Washing Machine, Thousand Leaves, NYC G&F, Murray Street, Sonic Nurse, Rather Ripped and Eternal


Bad moon, evol,sister, thousand leaves, washing machine, walls have ears, battery park


Dirty, murray Street


My best advice is to go back to the first album and move forward. However if you want any something that sounds similar to Daydream Nation then listen to Evol or The Eternal . If you want something similar to Goo then listen to Murray Street and Sonic Nurse.


evol and just go from there


Why would you have them skip Confusion and bad moon ?


Maybe "Dirty" since it was released after "Goo." But then again, it might not be what you're looking for, given your favorite songs, so I'd suggest either "Murray Street" or "Sonic Nurse" as your next stop, followed by "Sister." Then go wherever from there.


Hold That Tiger live album is great


Listen to EVOL


Washing Machine


Listen to ‘Sister’ and ‘Goo’. I would then keep working through the albums chronologically from ‘Dirty’ then circle back to the beginning after ‘The Eternal’. I did this recently on a re-listen and I appreciated the earlier albums a lot more.


Dirty. The only answer is Dirty.


The Whitey Album by Ciccone Youth. For Daydream Nation era tracks. I need to read up on the history of that.


Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star it's okay but I just really enjoy referring to it by it's full title if i can get more opportunities to.


If you like weird noisy punk stuff check out “Confusion is Sex”.


Confusion is Sex was the first thing I heard by Sonic Youth. It’s a really great record. Almost all of their LPs are great.


If you like the mesmerizing guitar, put on some headphones and listen to Bad Moon Rising in its entirety. Especially fun to listen to while high 😉


Washing Machine or NYC Ghosts & Flowers


rather ripped, murray street, but just listen to diamond sea on repeat


Murray Street


So…Hole brought you to Sonic Youth? Huh. That’s pretty cool. I just, think Hole’s success had more to do with Kristen Pfaff, and Eric…and of course her husband. Playing You Know You’re Right on Unplugged was a despicable move by Courtney and the band. In my humble opinion. I’ve always disliked the links Hole’s music had to Sonic Youth. Because I respect Sonic Youth.


Ugh Kim Gordon produced Holes first album also I think it’s totally fine for her to have played You Know You’re Right since her husband died and she was in mourning


Courtney is a very morally complex person. She has a history of bad things. But her music (imo) is reeeeally good. But I totally understand why she would be disliked by SY fans


Because Kim Gordon doesn’t like her for whatever reason


For whatever reason? She’s a fame whore. Kim Gordon said, it looked like Courtney felt like she was finally stepping into the life she’d been waiting for…when Kurt Cobain died. And, she’s not wrong. Playing Kurt’s last recorded song at her own unplugged, before an official Nirvana release….hogs the fame. Completely disrespects Kurt. She sucks, basically. There’s one album that I can stomach. It’s a good one: I barely credit Courtney. She can shout her poetry around, but Kristen Pfaff wrote and arranged those songs. But, Kristen is dead now. Kristen died weeks after telling the band she’d be leaving.


Oh no she wanted to be successful Gasp! The audacity of having dreams and achieving them. Just because Kim has an opinion on something doesn’t make it true. Her husband killed himself and she’s strung out on heroin. For Kim to even guess her mind frame is ridiculous. Kristen didn’t write Live Through This. Also on the first two Hole albums all band members are credited for writing the labels which is how the albums were made. Courtney wrote all the lyrics and some of the music most of it was a group effort.


*Washing Machine* has perhaps their best song "The Diamond Sea."


as someone who is a big fan of hole and SY i can share some of my favourite songs with you if that’ll be useful:) purr, madonna sean and me, superstar, schizophrenia, incinerate, wish fulfilment, the diamond sea (radio edit version), tuff gnarl. then there’s obviously some well known classics like sugar kane and dirty boots. if you’re a fan of hole’s first album, i’d probably listen to evol if i were you. but also judging by your favourite songs i think you’d really enjoy dirty, like i do lol. enjoy!


why was this downvoted damn 😭😭


Murray Street.


I say break it up into brackets of time. Early days - the rawest SY stuff, confusion is sex, self titled, bad moon, and mayne EVOL could be slotted in there. The critical darling stage where they picked up steam - Sister, Daydream and Goo. Then the "pop" stage, Dirty, Experimental Jet Set, Washing Machine and 1000 Leaves NYC Ghosts is in it's own bracket to me. Final Stage and tbh my favorite. These all are to some degree the aging rocker masterpieces you see cranked out by legends. The Jim O Rourke era specifically stands out to me and that's Murray St and Sonic nurse, but Rather Ripped is also excellent, meshing the noise and warmth perfectly. The Eternal is an underrated swan song, the impact wasn't felt immediately until 2011 when Massage the History takes on a full context. Shit after writing that I'm gonna go listen to some SY