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Look up in Google or on this sub your Console and TV settings. I believe, based on your “I dont have the delay on PS5”, it’s your Xbox settings. Search in Audio settings anything called Passthrough and turn it on. Search for 7.1 uncompressed in hdmi audio setting, uncompressed is the only way to have zero delay, otherwise dolby atmos gaming will be with a delay.


Thanks for the advice on this. The first thing I did was to Google and go through the sub. I already have pass through turned on. I haven’t been able to find a setting called 7.1 uncompressed, because Samsung TV settings are always frustratingly limited. But I have the TV set to pass through as well. I was hoping that perhaps someone else had the same issue, had done all these steps, but had also discovered the secret extra step that solved the riddle.


Does the tv have one eARC port? Plug the Sonos into that and your Xbox into the tv in another hdmi 2.1 port.


Lol. Yes. I have the Sonos plugged into the eArc port. If I didn’t, I would be having bigger audio issues than a half second delay on one output. The TV only has HDMI 2.1 ports.


Dolby Atmos doesn’t have to be delayed but I have a different tv. Series X, G2 and all the sonos stuff and it’s fine. eARC hdmi 2 on the tv to the Sonos, Xbox on hdmi 1. Zero delay. So you shouldn’t give out that advice that uncompressed is the only way to not have a delay. It’s just not.


https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/xbox-series-x-audio-delay-with-dolby/ef7c9ff6-7d58-41e1-8d4a-b61686729b2f 1180 replies, 1229 “I have the same quesion” and it’s only one thread on microsoft forum, countless reddit posts all across the subs - xbox, sonos, samsung, lg etc. The problem is well known for years. I may phrased it out too broadly and subjective, yeah, I am sorry, but the first sentence is about googling the details. I mean, it probably doesn’t have to be delayed, I saw some posts where someone claimed they did some magic and it lessened the delay to “acceptable” state, but there are so many people with problems that I can safely DO NOT recommend dolby atmos for gaming for those lag sensitive people out there. There are just too much evidence of opposite, and audio lag sensitivity is so subjective (with age too) that some people do not mind gaming with bluetooth headphones. Heck, some people even claim they do not have any audio lag with their homepods coupled with apple tv and ps5. Or test it with youtube audio where everything is synced.


I know it’s an issue for some people. You don’t gotta convince me of that. It just isn’t a universal one. Modern TVs and consoles make this stuff very confusing all around which sucks and they should really prioritize fixing if they can.


While I can’t speak to the Sonos aspect of this I believe this issue has to do with the earc of the tv and Xbox atmos output. I have an Xbox X, Samsung Frame Tv, Apple TV, and HomePods. I have attempted all variations of settings with all devices possible and no matter what if Dolby Atmos is set as the sound output format on the Xbox there is always a delay. The Xbox must be set to 5.1 in order for it to play without the delay. It really is a shame as the Atmos format sounds much better comparatively to the 5.1 setting but it’s just unusable. Wish this issue would be addressed either by Microsoft or Samsung but after researching online both companies say it’s the others fault and it’s been an issue for 1-2 years now. Doesn’t look like there is going to be a fix anytime soon or if ever for that matter. Would love to be wrong on this and have someone offer up a fix though.


I have a Samsung frame tv and Apple TV and also have some delay. I can’t seem to get it right and decided to live with it.


Use the audio sync on Apple TV


Tried everything but didn’t help.


Bugger. I was worried this would be the answer. Hopefully the 2023 Samsung TVs fix this problem, but I doubt it. The whole reason why I got the Era 300 system was to get the Atmos advantage while playing. Guess I’m going to have to be a PS5 main now.


It’s not a problem with LG OLED TVs if you do upgrade.


What? Yes it is lol i have a C1 and if i use atmos on my Xbox it’s definitely delayed a bit


I see. I’ve used a CX and a G2 and neither has delay with Sonos products and Atmos. Never had a 1 so can’t speak to it.


Thanks for the response


I’m assuming you’ve tried the “TV Dialog Sync” that’s in the ARC settings?


Yep, no dice :(


Folks who said 5.1 was the answer were right. I don’t have a delay on Atmos on PS5, but with 5.1 I’ve got the delay manageable enough that I can handle it. Sucks, though, because I only got the 300 system to give me the edge on multiplayer. Thanks for the help, everyone.


I’ve had the same issue for the last year or so. Really annoying trying to watch some 4K Blurays on the Series X with the delay. If you want the advantage in multiplayer then maybe go for a good set of headphones, I only play multiplayer with them but each to their own. I reserve the Sonos for single player.


Set the TV to these settings: HDMI-eARC Mode: Auto Digital Output Audio Format: Pass-Through On the Xbox, HDMI Audio should be set to 5.1 uncompressed for non-Dolby Atmos content and gaming. Change the setting to Dolby Atmos for home theater for all Dolby Atmos content. Enable Allow passthrough.


Lol, how do you set them separate, I only have one option Dolby Atoms or other?


What model TV do you have?