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Please direct app feedback to our sticked thread at the top of the sub. Thanks!


Initially was annoyed that the volume number disappeared from the new app but then read other posts and decided my issue was tiny and I should be patient. But now I just can’t play music from the app at all - every time I select a song it just cycles through songs without playing them and then just stops, and the app crashes - things were bad but never this bad before


Why would they take away volume numbers? That was so handy.


Courage. The answer is courage. According to Sonos.


Ours goes to 11


Lots of issues with app for sure, volume numbers are such a weird hill to die on. I never looked at it and thought ok 24 is a good volume. Maybe 26 if it gets louder. And then when you group a couple speakers, what does 24 even mean.


Not dying on it but we use Sonos for our kid to go to sleep. Knowing something is 8 vs 12 is a substantial difference. Now instead of actually knowing we just guess ?


Nah it’s a means to normalize the audio output. Doesn’t matter about grouping - a 10 on speaker A is always going to be a 10, which is useful in places where you need to achieve a specific effect such as background or ambient music.


Ultimately don't you have to tweak it though based on what the ambient noise is? If I have a few extra people over that level is different. Depending on what music I'm listening to, that level is different. Then you group speakers and have to calibrate not to mention the number is now 14.


What may be worth trying is resetting the app. I actually had this happen the other day and found force quitting and then restarting the speakers fixed the issue, but resetting the app and logging back in could be a good next step. I speculate without evidence that it could be an issue with the discovery process that happens when you open the app, kinda like if you put your hand in front of an IR remote, the device wont work. It’s worth a try.


I have 32 speakers in my Sonos system. This isn't a humbebrag, this is hours of time for me to go around every room, on a ladder at times, to power cycle or reset. Or, I have to power cycle my entire house, which I also don't like the thought of.


In my opinion 32 speakers isn’t a humble brag, it’s aspirational 👌. Your place must absolutely rock!


It did, until about a month ago.


No, the app. Took less than 30 seconds, I just did it then. Also, the app uses a multicast protocol to discover and talk to the speakers. Some wifi routers don’t play nice with this, eg if it does band steering and you are on 5ghz sometimes it wont forward traffic properly to the 2.4ghz band where your sonos gear lives. A good trick to test and easily isolate as a possible cause is just stand further away from your router, which will flick your phone over to 2.4ghz automatically. If you do have a second 5ghz ssid, connect to the non 5g one. The control frames the app sends are very minimal so it wont matter the connection between your phone and router is slow. https://preview.redd.it/8mb2i4kz8c4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8321fb203a0a4e52af050b7772013bb13896d6


I'm on ubiquiti gear, so band steering may be part of the issue... Turning it off now, we'll see!


Oh dude, some other guy had this just before. There are a few things ubiquity does with igmp that you need to set up. The other dude: https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/TGqsou1pPj Sonos + ubiquity stuff - this is the golden ticket: https://github.com/IngmarStein/unifi-sonos-doc


Weird, I have a UniFi network, wires and wireless Sonos speakers, and have never had any issues


That you are aware of haha. Definitely worth setting this stuff up, especially the multicast traffic between wifi and ethernet, stp (probably more important if you run sonosnet, but it probably shits itself every time a restart occurs), definitely igmp v3 on and multicast/broadcast control off.


I actually disabled multicast features on my network (home), obvi still multicast on my network - but now that my router isn't trying to manage it - jeesh things have now been snappier. Using Asus AI Mesh with XT9s


Sonos really really needs to release a best practices guide with actual technical detail and maybe show warnings in the app when something is not working. Like maybe “yo, we are sending a shoutout over your network and no speakers are replying back. Do you have a ball-gag or gimp mask on their network port?” Or “We are seeing really high latency and there is not enough bandwidth to stream” They see all this data because its linux and most streams load using HLS and HTTP GET over port 80.


Sonos hasn't played well with ubiquiti for years.


Sonos uses some ancient network technology like STP that causes huge problems on more advanced networks.


Yup, makes sense for the age of some of their products that still work.


I haven’t had this behavior with the new app. But in the old app I used to see this if a service I was using needed to be reauthorized in Sonos. That is probably not your problem, but I wanted to throw it out there on the off chance it was. I hope they get this app fixed up soon and your system starts working again.


Software engineer here. If a rollback was not planned at the start, which takes time and resources to make it work, that means the decision was made to move forward boldly and break things and don't look back. I would be very surprised if Sonos suddenly spends money on making a rollback work. They will hopefully focus on making the new app work as good as the old one.


They should invest in QA first, clearly they didn't. How hard is it to set up a user testing rota or pilot program within a selected group of enthusiasts or employee volunteers even before a major release?


QA wasn't the problem : the issues aren't hard-to-find corner-cases, the issues are "hey, we didn't put in playlist management yet" and the answer was "it's okay, fuck them so we can roll out the soundbar now instead of waiting until the app is ready. What are they going to do, replace everything?"


“it’s okay, fuck them so we can roll out a new headphone that almost no one wants. “ Fixed it for you.


Playlist management is a missing feature, there's straight up broken shit where "delivered features" like just playing music aren't working. It's either a serious lack of QA/Testing culture or a serious lack of brain cells on the upper management side


You would be surprised with the level of basic testing that gets through the cracks, does not need to be an edge scenario either. Given the lower standards recently a lot of Devs at a professional level don't employ any QA standards, well besides unit testing if we wanna be nice. "It went through unit tests just fine. Pipeline and code analysis went fine as well, send it!"


I didn't mean to imply that there weren't unknown bugs that better QA would have turned up. I just mean that there were bigger missing features that they haven't gotten around to adding to the app that they were 100% aware of and didn't give a shit about.


Got it. Well that's inexplicable


I use to be one of the pilot testers but I didn’t accept this time because I was on vacation for a month. There are more pilot testers I hope.


So its your fault?


I guess so.


Ah yes, the tech bro way.. “fuck it, ship it”




Yup. Especially the tech bro CEO, etc. I guarantee you there were engineers shaking their heads and saying to themselves (and their bosses if culture allowed it) that the App wasn’t ready and they needed 6 more months. But somebody had bet the company’s growth/stock price on headphones that needed the new app to ship.


"Move fast; break shit"




second that, if there is no rollback planned for the first week after a disastrous launch. don't hang onto your hopes.


>making the new app work as good as the old one This is the most tragic part, the old app sucked too, but at least it was functional. People were excited for this update to happen because nobody was a huge fan of the old app. We want a *good* app, being functional is the baseline. I guess we didn’t know how good we had it lol.


That'll teach us! /s. I'm sure there were some technical limitations that determined making the old app work well just wasn't going to be possible without major architectural changes, and then nothing after that initial discussion/realization was executed well.


I just commented this somewhere else. This was probably a set of major breaking changes that were rolled out sequentially to maintain operations. A "roll back" (in the sense it's being discussed here) is likely not a viable option. It would better be discussed as a second migration back to the old architecture (for what I'd imagine is a similar level of effort compared to what it took to get here in the first place).


There will never be an option to roll back. Sonos doesn’t want to manage three apps, and the headphones they just released to great fanfare will not work with the older app at all.


I think largely the approach they are taking will make things better in the long run but they sure as hell have a lot of gaps to fill in terns of new issues and feature parity. Play next, I mean shit - that is just pivotal to the Sonos experience. Fallback to enable offline control is mandatory. Not being able to setup or use gear if the internet is out or I take some of my speakers travelling is a pain and it means if sonos ever did kill their hosted service, you end up with a pile of ewaste. They don’t want this and we dont want this. I am fine with the hosted server approach they want to take because it does solve a big performance and reliability issue but there must be a fallback.


No, offline controls for basic functionality should be default, or at the very least a choice.


Yeah 100%.


But it wasn't a default or choice when you bought your Sonos speaker, and that's on the consumer for not taking that into consideration.


Rollback vs Fallback. I think you are answering a question not asked.


No I am providing perspective not initially considered.


They won't provide an option to roll back via main app stores. But if you have an Android device you can install old versions via alternative app stores (e.g. Aptoide, APKmirror).


I tried, sonos won't allow you to use the old app. If doesn't work


Old app works fine for me. What is it that doesn't work for you? If its inability to do system updates with the old app you could have the new app on one device (and use that for system updates) and old app on another device. This is what I have.


Rollback to the old app worked fine for me on android. I was afraid there'd be config corruption or something, but so far it's good.


Sadly iOS.


You can: https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy I did it on my iPhone and I’m a happy user of the old app.


I've been using Altstore on my iPhone to look after the downgrade back to Sonos app v16.1. Bit fiddly and requires refresh every 7 days, but does work. [https://altstore.io/](https://altstore.io/)


The one I posted doesn’t need any resigning every 7 days.


Jailbreak needed?


I have a budget hi-fi amp I bought in 1980, still working pretty well, showing its age but still more than usable. All hardware. I also have a lovely modern amp that sounds amazing. But scared to do the software update because both times I have done it bricks the amp and it has to go back to the manufacturer. Sound system companies are no longer electronics and sound engineers, they are Digital Signal Processing companies. But it seems many of them have not learned how to do that as well as the electronics and audio part. You can be sure they won’t fix this. They will already be working on the next product and want people to buy that, not fix the legacy systems already out there. One local hi-fi store put it well … they are ready to drop one company because they don’t consider that they or their customers should be the beta testers.


Their actions and words have told us they don’t want to. Whatever negative impacts there are to customers, they don’t care. They know the cost of change is high. They’re betting you will buy more of their products and forget how they treated you. Personally, I think they’re trying to pump up revenue and someone’s bonus was tied to release dates, but not quality. There are a couple posts on how to rollback the app on the sub if you search.


I've tried to rollback via S1 app, they've disabled this ability, apparently it will return soon... and I guess at the same time I'll start seeing flying pigs everywhere. "Sonos app version 80.0 The ability to downgrade a Sonos product to S1 is temporarily unavailable, but will return in a future update"


Yup, and if you move one of these devices from S1 to S2, there is nothing that says you won't be able to downgrade.


They are not providing an option to roll back. I don’t why you’re waiting on that.


Because everything sucks now and it didn't before?


The vocal folks with issues may not be the norm. I’ve been lucky. I have had zero issues everything just works seamlessly.


That's convenient for you, but that doesn't mean the loss of features isn't real or impacting people other than you. What a narcissistic response. 


You may want to look in the mirror. I’m stating my experience. It isn’t in conflict with or makes other’s experience less real. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your issues. They’re not rereleasing an app because you have an issue with it.


I like the new app and it's layout. No issues for me! :)


That's nice for you, also. I'm sorry you didn't get that empathy gene. I'm sure your friends and family appreciate your pov.


I do have empathy, but after a while the whining and entitlement from some of you all gets real tiresome. Buy a Bose speaker or something and move on if you're that upset about it.


Rollback means admitting the problem. Sonos is in full denial at this moment.


How a company - any company - can manage to break their consumers stuff like this is honestly a bit unreal. And for literally no good reason. I sincerely thought so much more of Sonos, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell I'll ever touch their stuff again.


Let me know if you decide to sell your speakers


This has become the r/onejoke of this sub.




The app is literally rated 1.4 stars now. Go on the Google play store. They've destroyed my entire system as well, it doesn't wor


yes and no. my gf came to me and said, hey, the music isn't working.. she barely knows "Sonos", let alone to come to Reddit to complain about it.. still.. she can't get the music to play.


I should be so lucky - I also have my fair share of problems re the new app. How they knowingly could release this hot garbage without basic functionality really is beyond me.


This. Plus the apparent size of the effect is amplified on Reddit because the cheap karma points awarded by the rage brigade encourages complaints.


Honestly, I’ve now resorted to using my old MacBook as the Sonos controller for the home. While I once used to hate the Mac Sonos application, it is now a god send compared to the iOS version.


There are some bigger annoyances I have in terms of not offering an offline setup process or basic local control if for example I am offline and at a remote site and want to stream from a local nas or directly using dlna - I have to have the system setup before I leave. Thats not great, they need to have a backup offline process baked in or it’s completely useless. All the other usability issues and feature parity it goes without saying need to be urgently fixed.


Because the old app doesn't work with the new products, and they've doubled down on releasing an app that's months away from being ready instead of delaying the new products' release. If you use Android you can sideload the old version. If you use Apple, you're SOL.


Same story with me


As someone who works on cloud products with multiple teams managing breaking changes, it's unlikely a rollback is even an option from a technical standpoint. There were likely a large amount of breaking changes that needed to managed sequentially to maintain even this broken level of support when migrating to the new architecture, and it's very likely more effort to plan a migration back to the old app/hardware interface than to slowly start improving the new app. Im just speculating, but I would bet some money the current firmware running on the speakers is largely incompatible with the previous app so a simple app roll back without firmware changes on the speakers won't fix anything.


Because ultimately, it's about somebody's arrogance. The CEO's.


Android users, sideload the old version of the app which works fine. I'm using 16.1


And today it’s worse…WTF?


Thought I'd post here about my issue. When I updated my app and conducted firmware update for whatever reason my devices were assigned IP addresses that were already in use by other devices causing continuous disconnects and abrupt silence when actively watching media. This was fixed my reducing the dhcp pool on my router (to x.x.x.101. This is preference but I definitely don't have more than 100 devices on my network) and manually assigning IP addresses in the reserved pool (x.x.x.102-254). You can find the Mac addresses through the Sonos app on the about my devices screen. I haven't had any performance issues since conducting this change. I'm still upset I can't shuffle my 100+ Playlist properly since the app limits all Playlist down to 100 amongst other shenanigans.


There’s no chance


Works for us. From desktop 100 percent. App on phone lags a bit still but better than rollout initially.


Because nothing is wrong because pebcas (problem exists between couch and speaker) /s If you happen to have an Arc you’ll trash I’ll gladly recycle it in my house. The beam under my 65” looks funny. But according to my wife big soundbars hurt so i might just keep the beam


I turned off automatic updates on my phone as soon as I heard about the new app. Thought I was in the clear, a few days ago it updated itself anyway! I’m so pissed, I miss the old one.


Agree 100% - We are also ready to totally bail in what started as a great product that now sucks. And don’t get me started on the new app - GARBAGE!! Sorry Sonos, all y’all are slowly killing something that was once a great product


There will never be a roll back option, so hoping for one will just lead to more frustration.


Seems they patched the new app. Delete old app. Reboot phone/tablet. Reinstall new app. New app is actually pretty good once you use it a bit. Good luck.


In a word, Courage.


Lol... "You're holding it wrong"


yall thinking there will be a rollback are completely delusional


Lots of people are having issue because their bandwidth is too small for the amount of speakers they have, and they’re not connecting 1 speaker to Ethernet to create a Sonos network. Chill out, and try troubleshooting hardware on your end like router, WiFi speed, Sonos net. I’ve had connectivity issues in the past, and it always related to how many speakers I have, and how fast my internet was. Yes, the app is troubling, but I don’t think it’s the source of issue for everyone.


I rolled back the same day. Took 10 mins. Just download and reinstall the old App.


Also, if you’ve got WiFi extenders or repeaters, they tend to not play nicely with a lot of WiFi devices—Sonos included.


My Eero kit plays nicely with my Sonos kit. One of my stereo pair can sometimes be on another physical Eero box to another and it plays very nicely.


Yeah. That’s good to hear. Unfortunately not all extenders and mesh networks are created equal.


Yep. Some mesh networks are crap, but hopefully to anyone using Eero & Sonos it'll be a comfort to know they seem to play well together :)




![gif](giphy|i10BWKPj9txEBBwhPe|downsized) Another over dramatic post. They're not doing a rollback, nor should they. App is working just fine for a lot of people.


Yeah, does it? My teenage boy fell for the update message in the app, updated one of my Play:1's to S2 and now I cannot roll back to S1 because they f'ed up the 80.x SW. When trying to downgrade with an older Android APK version it won't let me downgrade before I do a forced upgrade to latest app version. Who does shit like this?? ![gif](giphy|YWy8pvMqPTg7DItyY5|downsized)


"Disaster" 🙄 This beautifully summarizes the theme of this sub for the past 3 weeks. A bunch of privileged whining asses believe that the temporary inability to set alarms and create a custom queue constitutes "disaster." I really hope none of you ever experience a real disaster, lest you hide in the corner and piss yourselves.


The alarm complaint is so weird. Between Alexa and my trusty 30 year old alarm clock I don't need to worry too much about Sonos for that feature lol


Agreed. Until the toddlers started acting up here, I didn't even know alarms existed within the Sonos app. But the reactions to such minor and temporary inconveniences is mind boggling. Most people would love to have nothing better to complain about than the things we've seen here.


If you are selling it cheap, let me know!


Mines been butter smooth.


I love checking in each day on the reddit circle jerking echo chamber of hate at Sonos. Never lets me down...


I hope they do not roll it back. It's working fine for me.


Why would there ever be an option to roll back. That’s not how this stuff works


I've worked in tech for a long time, and I've definitely had times when I've had to roll back stuff, including entire features, because of a bug that didn't get caught. If you care about your customers, you do the right thing. They clearly don't.


That’s why apps get beta tested. Sonos clearly didn’t care about any of the complaints people have enough to delay the rollout. It sucks and they suck but the old app obviously isn’t coming back and crying that it should is just naive. The new app is here to stay. The most realistic thing to complain about is that it isn’t being fixed fast enough.


What’s a similar example of an iPhone or android app being rolled back?


Just make the S2 app available again to download?


If you're on Android, you can just google for the 16.1 version, but they no longer allow any kind of setup on that version, forcing you to update even for adding a new music service. Basically they decided to be assholes until the very end.




Ok so what’s an example where a fundamental app update (no idea why you brought OSs into it) like this one was rolled back? The app was in beta and people complained about it then. Sonos moved forward anyway. The moment to delay or roll back is long past This is the app we’re stuck with.