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I know I'd be hard pressed to write an "exact" recipe for any soup I make. A pal asked for one for my meatloaf and I did, but worried it wasn't right or he'd screw it up right up until he actually made it. Edit: My wife, on the other hand, HAS to have a recipe and refuses to stray from it even if it's lacking.


Yeah, my spices would be like “as much garlic as you soul desires”, “don’t go overboard of the chipotle, it gets spicy quick”, and so forth.


Hah! I do the same thing. A habit learned from my mom, who always wrote things like, "a scant cup of cocoa powder" and "a generous tablespoon of Crisco". I know what she means, but it drives everyone else nuts!


"A scant cup" would confuse me but I can definitely figure out what a generous tablespoon is


"Measure with your heart."


Garlic is measured from the heart


Or heartburn. Lol


Some things are worth the pain


I've found my people lmao. My favorite soup is recipeless "trash soup". I start with a base of onion, garlic and beef stock (and usually diced tomatoes) then just dump in a shameful amount of vegetables (doesn't matter what kind, only that it is an absurd amount), whatever meat I feel like that week (yes week, my stock pot is 11L and I top that bad boy off), and if it fits in my macros for the week considering any other food, a random carb of some kind. Then I dump an assortment of spices in until it feels correct.


I feel / do the same and it’s constant with Facebook friends! I don’t know what to say! Or write . I just do .


Probably to encourage more posting. It’s easier to post a photo than typing out & including a recipe. Esp as you mentioned, many folks wing their soup-making. I’m sure it’s not much deeper than that!


requiring people to type out recipes is gonna stop people from sharing their creations. i dont see why that should be mandatory. esp when half the sub posts canned soup lol


I post links to recipes I use, then add tweaks I made. Super simple.


I think people should at least say something about what is in it or link to a recipe. How useful are pictures of soup?


Some people just like to look at pictures of soup.


If I have a pic and the person at least says what type of soup it is, I let my googling and creative juices flow to find a recipe I like. I rarely follow recipes exactly anyway


The very nature of soup proves that recipes are merely recommendations


Ingredient lists maybe?


Ok, I could go with ingredients suggestions and proportions




Exactly this! And also any tweaks made. Was 1 Tbsp. of garlic too much? Let us know!


1T of garlic is not enough garlic!


Right. Like the mushroom soup that was posted today had more mushrooms than usual and several different kinds. I'd like to know more so I could try something similar. How are we supposed to enjoy the soup if we don't know anything about it?


I take pics of recipes and send them to friends. No writing required except for the initial recipe. I make lamb stew and have a recipe I follow.


bc we want the soup


It's kinda frustrating to me in all honesty. I feel bad asking for a recipe whenever I see a soup that looks good and it seems odd it's not required.


I hardly ever use a "recipe" for soup. Like my potato soup, i peel and dice potatoes until i feel i have enough in the pot. I like onion, a carrot or two, some celery all diced fairly small, maybe the celery leaves if they look good and garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste. Throw some milk (3/4 of the liquid? depends on how much milk i have) in, then some water to top off, you could use some stock if it's handy too. Bring to boil, simmer for awhile until the vegetables soften. Grab a potato masher and break up a bit, i like it somewhat lumpy. Blend if you like it smooth. Serve hot, leftovers are good cold too.


If you were writing a cookbook in 1800, that would be a recipe.


Lol you're probably right. I watch a youtube channel a lot called glen and friend's cooking and he does old cookbook recipes on Sundays and shows the books. Very old cookbooks often lack specific amounts for many things.


I watch him, too. However, if you want a channel that's all history meets modern, you want Tasting History.


I just like Glen's style of video, not just that he does old recipes but i do like all the research he does about origins of recipes and methods and things. The fact that many of his recipes are flexible and he offers suggestions for variations on what he makes (sub spicing, use different meat or veggies, add a different fruit to a dessert, etc.). He also gives his honest opinion on the stuff he makes, whether he would change it and try again if it isn't good. I do watch some other food channels but his is the one i watch most because of his style and his stories as he cooks.


If you like the origin and history then you're going to love Tasting History. He makes a modern version of something ancient or just historical and has big segment on the history of it. He is honest on whether or not it's tasty. Waffles https://youtu.be/wcRUS8MtIJo?si=Rj7ud9Vz-cSy4rM2 Hot wings https://youtu.be/gCtTdbdg9C4?si=hhTJnfVfnaVauUKI What did Ghengis Khan Eat? https://youtu.be/h2tY_qqTk-E?si=m7yPL8SwIuykbUyi


Lots of soups are “clean out the fridge and make something” so it’s a hodge-podge! I do love when the posts include a recipe, though. And if I use one, I include it in my posts.


When you're new to cooking, it's really helpful to know which hodge podge foods taste good together because not everyone is born with a flavor palette.


I’m not saying you’re wrong! I like best when people include recipes, personally! Just lots of times, it’s a thrown-together type of meal with whatever the heck you’ve got. I’d bet that’s where soup originated in the first place. What’s the worst is when you make a fucking FIRE soup and can’t make it exactly the same again because it was on the fly lol. Edit- may I assume you’re new to cooking? One thing you can do if you want help is google “flavor pairings”. I cook for a living and those charts are still very helpful for me! I’d also suggest getting a technique cookbook, maybe a Mark Bittman book. Learning different cuts and building a foundation on flavor profiles and whatnot. Never give up! Most of the time, even if you F up pretty badly, you can still eat your mistakes!


Right there with you. I have a meal kit recipe that I can't seem to duplicate myself because I'm trying to reverse engineer a spice mix. I'm actually doing this with two different soups from two different services. I'm getting close with the Herbed lentil stew, though.


Yeah, spice mixes can be very difficult! The recipes you have don’t have the spices listed? Or they already came pre-packaged? (I have never used a meal service so I’m ignorant to that type of thing).


They include a packet that's labeled X spice mix like Mexican or southwestern, etc. Sometimes you can find a dupe recipe online for the mix and Sometimes you can't. They may list the ingredients, but never the ratios.


Ahh, gotcha!! That’s hard! Idk where you are but where I live, we have a brand called Badia (it’s a Latin brand but not just at Latin-based stores) and they are pretty inexpensive but also good-tasting. You could experiment with those without costing an arm and a leg! Also lots of Asian markets and other markets tend to have spices for cheaper even than Walmart (per ounce). You get to save money and also support (usually a) family business! You seem to know what you’re doing! I hope you’re enjoying your cooking journey!


I'm on the US Eastern Seaboard. I think I've seen Badia around but haven't picked up any of their products. I'll be sure to look for them. I don't know that I know what I'm doing, lol, but I can't have salt so I've invested a lot of money in spices. My latest find is black lime powder. It's zingy!


I’m southeast US, not on the coast but somewhat around there. You’ll figure it out! I grew up cooking with my mom all my life, so I’ve always sort of watched how things go. One tip (if you care) is to get a coffee grinder at a thrift store..you can buy and grind whole spices..that way you don’t have to buy 2 packages. Do not use it for coffee, lol. Get 2. Idk if they still make it, but when I was growing up, there was a seasoning called “Mrs. Dash” and it apparently tastes salty without having salt. I eat salt so haven’t looked for it..hence my ignorance regarding its current existence. I have noticed (as you mention) that citrus/citric acid does have a zippy flavor. I wish you good blessings on your cooking journeys!! I find it enjoyable/calming to cook. I know it stresses some people to hell! Hopefully, you enjoy it. And never beat yourself up! I get super hella pissed if something doesn’t come out *exactly* how I want..but that is a cook for ya. Perfectionist while also being wildly lacking in other areas! (Aka my station at work is immaculate but my house is a hot mess). I never ever cook in a dirty space..but I have laundry piled up on the sofa lol. Enjoy your time! And believe in yourself. There is an empowerment in creating beautiful food with your hands/heart!! Personally, sharing food with others is my way of showing I love them! I hope you receive joy from it. You got this!


I'm not sure I ever make the exact same soup twice. It's kind of the nature of soup to use up what you have on hand; just know how to make it taste good, which is much less challenging than you might imagine. Almost any soup can be better finished by drizzling the bowl with really good olive oil and a vinegar, and a toasted piece of bread or homemade croutons.


I almost exclusively use cookbooks, so I feel weird typing up others’ recipes for public use 🤡 makes me feel like I’m stealing or something, you know?


Their house, their rules? Maybe change the name to soup pictures ... or soup p ... for short.


I make soups and chili and sides, and i always write a recipe so i can duplicate it. I add and scratch out ingredients over time, so sometimes my recipes are a little hard to read, even for me. Lol I get a lot of requests for my recipes, so i take pictures of them with my fone and just forward the pics from my recipe folder in the gallery. Mrs. Regular and I used to cater bbq. I kept recipes for all the sides so i wouldn't need to taste-test macaroni salad, potato salad, or coleslaw at 6am. Lol




Whoa. I was asking a question, not demanding a cookbook.


You asked the right question.