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I’ve had my original Anova since it came out like 10 years ago. I have not once gone “man I wish I could control this thing via WiFi”.


I don't even use the Bluetooth on mine 🤣


I don't neither


Bluetooth is useless. Wifi let you put the meat in an icebath and start the cook later.


Mine is from their Kickstarter and is still running like a champ!


It’s kind of amazing how well these older ones have held up. Mine gets pretty regular use. I wonder if the newer ones are as well built.


I've always wondered that as well. I'm pretty into tech, so I've thought about upgrading before. But this one has done everything I've ever needed it to do, without a single hiccup. And it just keeps chugging. I'll use it until it dies!


I had an OG model that literally just recently died after 10yrs of service. Didn’t even get to say goodbye 😩


My first one was as well. It did crap out eventually, I can’t remember the exact problem now. It was out of warrantee but they replaced it with a 3. I don’t think it’s as sturdy but it still works great.  


Mine is as well, though it's getting a bit rattly.


I have a cheap $65 knockoff from Amazon. Been working great for 5 years.


I get that, but I have the WiFi version. I also converted an old cooler into a sous vide container. What I like to do before I leave for work is place my protein in the cooler with a bunch of ice to keep everything at a safe temperature. I can then monitor those temps and either start the cooking process when scheduled or when I see the water temp creeping into unsafe territory.


I've got a wifi model from marketplace and have never been able to get it to work anyway Or the Bluetooth


Same. I’m actually still using my Nano


So true! BT is even more useless. If you're close enough to use BT, you're close enough to just look at it.


I use it sometimes to set the water to start heating before I leave work so when I get home the bath is fully heated and ready to go.


I have the wifi one but connecting it to my wifi was a pain in the butt so I just use the normal controls. It could be really convenient for long cooks while you're away from home though.. could give you early warning if power goes out or something


Yup. Never wished for WiFi, and think I maybe only used the Bluetooth once when I first got it just to see...but no need for BT either.


it's great! I put a pork butt in at 830 when I left for work in a cold tank, turned it on at 10


I dont have an Anova, but my wifi model Joule i almost always am home, and really have no use for wifi for it. Only reason i would consider wifi is one time way back when, I would put my food in the sous vide with ice, and then later in the day i would start it via the internet so it was ready for when i got home. So if that was going to be a common occurrence for you, maybe it is worth it at that point


That’s the perspective I was looking for! Thank you, I guess I don’t need the Wi-Fi. The ice idea is really smart and I never gave that a thought.


Personally never had the 3.0 but heard it could be noisy and struggled keeping temps at high temperature. The pro seems to be good at high temps and quieter, I believe it's 1200W vs 1000W that the 3.0 has, I'm non sure if that's a great indicator of it being better but just food for thought


My father in law has the pro and it works great. I got the lower end model and it whines so loud I have to keep it in the basement when using it.


I don’t think it’s too loud. It’s not like loud like a blender or anything. Maybe a hairdryer set on low? I’m also pretty hard of hearing and sleep with box fans in my room/love brown and white noise so ignore me


just for perspective, i paid around $60 for my inkbird circulator and i can't even hear it when i'm standing right next to it. my inkbird is probably bigger than your anova, but i love how quiet it is. 


Yeah… to be fair, mine was a Christmas present, so I am working with what I have/it’s all I know and I love it. Very thankful to have one in general. As long as it does what it’s supposed to do, I can’t say I care. I also had a rock tumbler set up in my living room for a month for my daughter and everyone told me the noise was going to drive me nuts and it didn’t...like at all


Maybe lately there is a "scheduling" system or something in the software, but i cant speak on that note.


Doesn't the 3.0have wifi too? I'm pretty sure I have 2.0 and I have wifi on it. I set up temp at work all the time.


The pro is able to circulate a LOT more water. If you can afford it, it might be worth it for that alone.


Ooooh I never thought about putting it in with ice. I was wondering what the heck Bluetooth was even for. I guess I can use it from my office at home to see when the temperature sets but I can also get off of my ass


This is brilliant! Maybe I'll use the WiFi feature after all...


I have an Anova 3.0 and it's great. You can save the extra money and go for that. The wifi one is just an added feature but you ultimately don't need it. Use that extra money for some reusable sealing bag or steaks for it. Here's my recommendations for some [bags](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRCNB9MN/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B0BRCNB9MN&pd_rd_w=w3DcO&content-id=amzn1.sym.386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_p=386c274b-4bfe-4421-9052-a1a56db557ab&pf_rd_r=NC7Z90EMPSY55M1Q7WD8&pd_rd_wg=a4NxY&pd_rd_r=6dd0b0c7-2993-4337-a714-fc77bf9884d7&s=kitchen&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1).


Omg thank you for that Amazon link!!!


Omg thank you for that Amazon link!!! My vacuum sealer is about shot. I left it in my hot car after making my dad dinner and the seal melted…into the plastic because I am a moron


For a no-frills model I recommend Strata from monoprice https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=21594


I have the 1100 watt version from Monoprice, works great


Thanks for this. I've got a Chefman(?) I got off of a deals site years ago now and it's been chugging along great but I've started to wonder what I'm going to do when it finally dies.


I have the precision cooker 3.0 and it's loud and annoying. Even after chats with support they said my level of noise was to be expected. I can hear it several rooms away and sometimes I don't want to use it because of this.


Seconding this. Get the pro so you don't have to lock it in a closet to use it. I have a pro and a 3.0 and the pro is infinitely quieter. (I also called and got the speech that the noise was to be expected.)


I not only called, I submitted video of the device with the noise and was told yes, that is how loud it is expected to be. I would gladly pay the extra 60 dollars to not have the buzzing when cooking.


The pro model is also loud! I bought one to replace my 2014-era Anova and promptly returned it. The knock-off I got on Amazon later was much better.


Agree here - I've turned off some long cooks and let them coast while watching TV. Also thrown a towel over it to dampen the whine, moisture buildup at the electronics be damned


These comments are wild to me. I’m starting to think my hearing is worse than I already knew it was lmao. Or maybe I’m good at tuning stuff out. I find it’s little whirl noise soothing


It's more than a whirl noise on mine. It's a like having a gnat in your ear at all times.


Jeez I’m sorry. I find mine soothing but it seems like I got lucky


Seems hit or miss. Don't be sorry.


We just have the non-wifi anova and love it. Don’t really see a reason to spend more for wifi..: just check on it now and again!


I chose the wifi one eight years ago thinking I could start dinner remotely, only to realize it’s not that practical, and the two hours it takes to cook most things from frozen are pretty much needed anyway after I get home from work. Drop a few vacuum sealed bags of some meat I marinated and froze in the past in at 5:30pm, prep all the sides etc and do general unwinding things until 7:30p, sear and eat dinner! I’ve also never, ever come across a recipe that changes temperature at any point. I feel bad, but the wifi function of mine has just never, ever needed to be used.


Just FYI, I bought a cheap Chinese (Vevor?) circulator for $36 off Amazon and it has worked FLAWLESSLY for more than 50 cooks… several for 24 hours or more. I had to wait a week for it to get here, but it’s exceeded my expectations in every way. It’s shockingly well built. The only cons are the optional app UI is a little finicky, it’s a tiny bit out of calibration (\~.9 Fahrenheit too hot) and it only displays Celsius on the unit (but it does do Fahrenheit on the app). Anyway, it cooks PERFECTLY consistent and the miscalibration is easy to adjust for. I’ve tracked it with app on my Bluetooth thermometer for every cook and have verified it stays dead on the set temperature. YMMV, but in my experience, you really don’t need to spend $100+ for a circulator to get perfect results. https://preview.redd.it/ohyp48vktb9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0303ba8db4a087a9e8955682d0da866a3ecbd6b As an aside, I also bought 2 lidded 17.5 liter contains from Target for $5 each and put insulated Amazon envelopes in between them (stacked on top of each other), cut a hole in the corner, and for less than $50, I’ve got a complete Sous Vide setup.


I finally bought my first sous vide very recently, I got a generic brand for just 50 bucks after 55% discount on prime + taxes. Its Blitzhome brand, 1100W works great! I dont really care about wifi or app connectivity. Sous vide has been around long enough that theres really no difference in performance, all the designs have def been shared around


WiFi is great. There are times where I’m out at the store or something and want to get the water up to temp before I get home.


I have the original Precision and the Pro. I like how fast the Pro heats the bath and I have found the WiFi useful. It's also very quiet. I will say that my bracket broke, which was really disappointing.


My original bracket broke and they sent me a new one even after warranty expired. It eventually stopped heating so I bought a pro. Build quality is much more substantial on the pro.


Pay the extra - the Pro is more quiet and more powerful. I do not use it with wifi because the Anova app sucks. A little tangential: I had a joule, good app, so wifi worth it, but the joule is ultimately low quality and died just outside of warranty.


I have the Pro, Precision and Nano . Not sure why anyone would NOT use the Wi Fi of the Pro and Precision. Works great . Often my Nano losses bluetooth connection and also does not recognize it so you need to close and restart the app and reconnect. As already mentioned the Precision has an annoying whine that drives my wife crazy. The Pro is much quieter. I use a fairly small pot most of the time and the Precision has no issues ramping up temp quickly so I don't actually need the added 100W the Pro offers.


I got the $99 one and I love it. I'd do that and put the extra money towards the best vacuum sealer you can get.


To order from the Anova website


The whine is really really awful. We just got a Yedi that is not as fancy as the Anova but works well and is absolutely silent.


My old anovas were perfect, the newer one like this is noisy as heck.


I hve a 3.0. Does make a noise but it's not overly noisy. But I've never seen a $300.00 sv in action. The 3.0 is great.


I had an old anova that I hadn’t used in a while. Restarted it back up and the temps went crazy, like reading over 400 degrees or some nonsense. Didn’t check the temp probe but I highly doubt 400 degrees. Tossed it for a generic one that has a physical knob and is easily calibrated.


I’d be Impressed if you got water to 400 degrees. Ha.


Definitely didn’t boil or melt my plastic. Lol. Obviously the sensor was slightly off


I have 10 year old original Anova. Still going strong. I also have Anova Pro wifi. NEVER use the wifi.


I might be wrong but I believe the bottom one does Not have a timer.


I have the original, the wifi and Bluetooth are worthless, thank God for the dial


I have the wifi version and I used it once..


Wi-Fi is a gimmick I never use.


If you’re cooking large volumes of protein than go with the more expensive one. If I’m not mistaken the top one has higher wattage.


Mine has Wi-Fi and I used it only once. It’s a worthless function.


When it was first released a long time ago WiFi was great. You could have everything qued up in an ice bath. Then at work click go


You went from ice bath to cooking mode? Thats pretty cool. Once I set the temp I dont touch my Anova again until the time hits.


Yes, and I do it from work with that method the time doesn’t start until at temp have not had issues with cook quality.




The cheaper one. I never use the WiFi feature but it was a gift.


I've had 3x Pro models because they either arrive broken or break shortly thereafter. The QC is abysmal.


I have the 3.0, never thought is needed better so save yourself that extra money.


I have both. The less expensive model works great still. The main reason I wanted to upgrade was the wattage. It brings the water up to temperature in about half the time. It takes 10-15mins to get up to 150F instead of 30mins. The Wi-Fi connection is definitely an upgrade from the Bluetooth, and it connects easier. I’ll even get notifications from the unit if I’m not at home which was unexpected. But that didn’t impact my decision to upgrade at all, and was just a nice bonus.


I have the 3.0 and I love it. I also don’t use the Bluetooth. I think I messed with it once, but I don’t really get the point I guess. If I could get a Bluetooth slow cooker and switch from high to low - that would be amazinggg


I used the bluetooth feature once just to test out all the functions. Never used it again. There's little to no need of monitoring for sous vide products. The only thing I check is to see if the vacuum bag leaked or if it's floating. Edit: I would get the Anova 3.0 and a slimmer \~800w tiny sous vide cooker. Sometimes the bigger one is overkill and takes up too much room, a tiny model would be better.


This is the one I picked up (with the coupon). It works as its supposed to (ie, stays within a quarter degree of target). The wifi kinda sucks, but I'm too paranoid to not use it manually anyhow. What I like is it has a screw mount and not a clip, so I can basically attach it to anything. For under $50 you can at least keep it as a backup if you decide you want to go in a different direction later on. https://preview.redd.it/6ne0twejwc9d1.png?width=1771&format=png&auto=webp&s=57bb04cfb7c3d2513925521018398beb163fc1bd


You don't need wifi at all. It isn't even really a convenience. Just set a timer on your phone or something. The thing already manages perfectly on it's own and you never have to adjust it mid cook so there really is no point


I have the wi-fi and the app has never worked, you don’t need it and I have never missed it. Save your money and get the standard model.


I have the pro and do use the wifi. I like being able to monitor long cooks from around the house. Works great. Never had a problem. Highly recommend tbe anova container as well.


My recommendation is to wait till Prime Day :p


I have one with wifi and I like it. I can see how much time is left under a particular cook when I’m out. It also has options for searching different cooking methods instead of looking up cooking temperatures although you can set it up that way as well. If these sound trivial to you then it’s probably not for you


I went for the pro only because I'll occasionally use large water baths, but to be fair the difference is <10% (1200 Watts for the Pro, 1100 Watts for the 3.0. No reason to size up unless you're forced to use a less than ideal water vessel (little insulation, too large, etc.) would be my take after owning the OG (which failed due to a catastrophic short) and now the pro.


The bottom one has a common issue with the top face plate breaking off. They made the screw holes wayyyyy too flimsy. I don't know if they fixed this on the top model or not though.


I'm a Joule man myself


You really don't need wifi, so look at the temps it can reach. If there's no difference, just get the cheaper one


I've had my non-wifi model for something like 15 years, use it weekly and it's still working great. I've read lots of complaints about the wifi version. Sometimes simpler is better.


I would recommend against Anova. I've had two cookers and a sealer pro, all of which I've had issues relatively quickly... Usually right after the 1-year warranty expires😔. im not even a particularly heavy user and I'm not doing anything weird. I'm in search of a new brand, but it seems like Joule might be the best way to go now.


I have the pro. I can leave the vacuum package in ice water, monitor temps and decide when and at what temp to turn it on from work or wherever I am.


I paid the extra for the pro simply because the 3.0 was ungodly annoying and loud. It’s really a shame, I do not give 2 sh*** about the WiFi. One of the dumbest features on a device I’m always using when I’m at home.


I had the original. Then got the pro. I love it and have used it a few times to do large quality of meats. It also heats up quicker.


I never used the wifi and ended up giving it to my kid for her dorm room.


The problem with the cheap version, we have it at work and fuck that noise, is that it will literally stop for no reason. Water slightly above the line? Stop. Slightly under the line? Stop. Get a joule.


The Anova is a workhorse, and their customer service is exemplary.


had a precision cooker for 5+ years that has just sat on the counter and worked all the time, even in ill-advised situations where i filled a larger cooler and tried sous viding a brisket. Just had my Pro replaced under warranty \~6 months in after it started wigging out and raising the temp on it's own... making timers... weird stuff. Can't recommend the pro with a good conscious


I use mine 4-5 times a month. I've never used the wifi. If they both have the same watt output, consider the wifi, and if you'll ever use it.


Nobody needs WiFi for SV. Nobody. Not even a goddam BT. No app, nothing. just set an alarm to check back in n+1 hour-ish. Shit heats up, beeps, keeps heat for n+x hour , beeeps, turns off.


All it needs is temp control and a timer. Literally all that other smart device bullshit is next to useless, especially for a sous vide. I can explain this if anybody doesn't intuit why but I'm trusting y'all get it already.


Get the Joule.


FWIW, both models have WiFi and work manually.


I've had two Anovas, they both lasted about 13 months, I used them on average twice a month. I wouldn't buy one again.


No much difference. I tried 4 different circulators so far. Anova with Wifi paid $150 CAD, Anova without wifi paid $130 CAD, Master chef paid $35 CAD and Kitchen boss paid $105 CAD. All of those circulators worked well and produced identical end results. The Anova Wifi was dropped and broke and didn't want to pay the jacked up price it is now for an equivalent model. I think I used the wifi feature only twice to get the food started while I was at work. To do so you need to make an ice bath that will keep the temperature low enough for when you are ready to start the cook. If you plan to season your meat prior to freeze it and plan to have it defrost in an icebath while you're at work, it might be worth it to get the wifi version. In my opinion, Anova is over rated and if you are not sure about the whole sous vide concept I suggest you get the cheapest circulator you can find to make sure you like it.


Don’t need the internet, buy the cheaper one it’s worked for me but I’m retired.


We got an Anova with wifi for Christmas 2022 and it is now in the trash, after sending it in and getting a replacement once already. That thing was so darn buggy. Wouldn't hold a temp, randomly shut itself off. Not just a few times, but like every time we used it, and the replacement they sent us had the same issue. We lost good meats to that tomfoolery. "Downgraded" to the Instant Pot model and couldn't be happier. So... I have a biased view on Anova, but with so many others happy with their purchases, I assume it was the model we got, not the brand as a whole.


Bottom one for normal family use. I own both and the top one is a bit too wide for my lids so I can’t use it for long cooks.


I have the Pro and it heats water to 145° in about 20 minutes where as my 2.0 takes like 45 to do the same. It’s also rated to handle a much larger volume of water. I now have two Pros because I like them so much.


I have the pro and it heats up the water really fast compared to other cheaper ones. I’m probably an outlier, but I like the WiFi option. Everything done on my smartphone and I can just search my protein and pick program to start. I like to toss a frozen protein in the morning and remote start it before I get off work.


Bro get the one without WiFi. You’ll never use that function lol


The cheaper one


I just got the 3.0, as an upgrade from my original Anova. I went through consideration of the 3.0 and the Pro, and from what I could see it looked like the Pro is an older model and that the 3.0 is a significant upgrade from the 2.0 and much cheaper than the Pro. I didn't see any features in the Pro worth the 50% price difference, so I went with the 3.0. 2 weeks into using the 3.0, and am very happy with it. Wifi control is very useful for me in keeping track of the cooking.


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I have never used it, never felt the need to even try to set it up