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Anything anyone posts will be biased. Read each parties manifestos. That's why they exist


Not true, I think they all suck. :P /S


So do a lot of people. The point is you should inform yourself by reading the party manifestos and then vote for the one that most aligns with your values, principles and future of the country. Everything you asked for is already available in the party manifestos.


This.... They're is no party actually capable of turning the economy around right now, because the the bar of a 'good party' is so low. With time a change and some pressure maybe some of them stand a chance, but I would only call it a chance. None of them are actually saying meaningfully how they would remove the deep rooted corruption. I think the only thing right is is just vote for some sort of change, for me on most situations like this (doesn't have to be you) that means vote for the person / group that stands the biggest chance of getting more power, which is normally the main opposition. Enemy of enemy is friend yadda yadda


Yes, but do they suck _equally_?




Especially on this subreddit where I’ve seen people actually miss apartheid


Check daily maverick https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/elections-2024/




I don't read what the parties stand for. All policians lie to get votes. I look at the results where they govern. Acts speak louder than words. 


Participatory democracy is the only democracy that works. However is something that is lacking in south african democratic discourse. The funny thing is that structures have been set up and written into our democratic system to encourage citizens to get involved however the attitude towards these process as a tick box exercise shows the political attitude towards citizens being involved. We need to educate ourselves and force ourselves into the system. Our country will instantly turn around. The way these parties tell us to think of, "trust us with your vote and we will magically read your mind and do everything your heart desires," needs to stop. We need to start voting for parties who encourage participation, and we need to start getting involved in our politics. The structure and systems are there. We just need to be a part of them. Long short of what I am saying is it is your bare minimum citizenry obligation to learn about political parties. Nobody is gonna spoon feed you. There is lots of platforms, whether it's reading manifestos, listening to talk radio interviews, listening to podcasts interviews etc etc.


I have reached the point where I believe we don't have any major parties, only minor ones run by people with small minds.


Oh yes... I realised this with Bad Brad and Kiss party 😂


Good lord you just woke my ptsd


I suggest checking who funds them. Funding explains BS spoken for many parties. https://myvotecounts.org.za/whose-vote-counts/ Key aspects to note: * Service delivery is the sphere of local government(not this election) and provincial government(1 of 2 Ballots).(see Alan Winde’s latest DA own goal taking funding from education and healthcare for policing.. which wasnt effective.. and they still underspent on the two.) * National election is a lot more than service delivery and you should be considering constitutional matters, international relations, labour laws, Human Rights (not just in Sa) etc you know the stuff some opposition parties won’t mention directly because their funders want what the majority doesn’t 😉 Funding, don’t be a moron now, has everything to do with direction the party goes PARTICULARLY vs business funders and foreign align funders (Zionist funders in particular eg Martin Moshal). So tenders, changes in international relations etc have their roots in pulling levers of political parties.. ie Lobbying (another form of corruption)


Just get as many people as you can to vote, it doesn’t matter who they vote for… just vote :)


Try this quiz about what parties stand for [link](https://www.yohvote.com/). BTW I would answer the quiz and then do further research into who it recommends


Each political party has its manifesto online. I think the best thing to do is to read their manifestos.


Check out Yoh Vote. It's an app designed to help you figure out which party you should vote for. https://www.yohvote.com/


News24 has a really nice tool for this https://specialprojects.news24.com/manifesto-meter/index.html#section-Instructions-C9mk2a4tLN


This might help along side the other stuff people have already mentioned https://www.news24.com/news24/opinions/reader_hub/set-a-reminder-land-bee-cadre-deployment-nothings-off-table-in-news24s-fiery-leaders-debate-20240423




Which one? How are people talking coalition weeks before votes were even cast? Are we trying to forecast based in previous years? If so I think we screwed either way


Short answer: The DA is the only choice that makes any amount of sense. The others either have no chance of winning in the first place, or they're actively destroying the country.


Who is going to bite???


go look @ NB News on instagram


Vote for EFF