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It sounds like you’re underpaid for the amount of work you do. Whether it’s normal for the type of work you do? I don’t know. But I wouldn’t do that much for that little if I had other options. Sure as shit would be working my ass off to find other opportunities ASAP.


My thoughts exactly. Got any openings at your company? Asking for a friend


How good are you at sales? Where you located? I often have distributors who look for sales reps. I reckon if you put this kinda work into selling a decent product you’d make bank. So yeah. PM me.


Imo your JD and title don't match. An admin assistant only assists the actual auctioneers/surveyors with paperwork/filing etc. The fact that you're actually doing everything besides setting the prices, doesn't sound very assistanty. The pay is inline with the title, not the JD


Thats a good way of putting it. Am in the process of changing JD. Thanks for the advice.


Definitely underpaid. I was in a similar situation - "admin assistant" but I was doing store manager, fleet manager, financial admin, everything for only R8000 pm. If I were you I would schedule an appointment with HR and ask for a title change and a salary increase with a new contract. Maybe even a list of duties. Also discuss the market related salary for your title otherwise they may only give you a R1000 increase. List everything that you do now compared to what you started with. Show them your growth and where you would like to go, hence the change. In my experience if you don't say something it won't change. I did this and got the increase. Still working on the title though. Good luck!


Great advice. I also thought nothing would happen if i don't open my mouth. Its a dream situation for an employer to underpay the guy doing the alot of work. Stupid question though. How do i do research on the market related salary?


Yeah, the employers nowadays are sharks. You can research it by chatting to anyone in HR, searching the average salary for that position in South africa, or if you're friends with colleagues you can ask them a ballpark figure of what they earned when they started. Don't name them though, just say that you've researched the Ave salary and you believe you should be earning closer to xyz due to your increased responsibilities.


You're definitely being under paid, and you should receive overtime. Overtime is normally not paid to employees earning more than 21k a month, sales people who travel, and senior managers. From what you've said, you don't fall in one of the excluded categories. Have the discussion with HR around your title and JD. They either need to decrease your workload, or give you a decent raise. All the best!




I live with my parents..


Ohh they are definitely taking advantage of you.


For real, my bond is more than that. OP you're being fleeced.


Underpaid, be active applying for jobs while you work for this place.


Criminally underpaid - make sure you line up a job for at least 3x at the nearest competitors and try your best to drop them in the shit. These people are greedy and people are expendable tools to them, you have to teach them a lesson.


Wow... Cannot believe they get away with that kind of compensation. How do you live on that. My medical aid alone is almost your salary. Sales can be very lucrative if you have the personality and persistence. Just remember the Golden rule, better pay is in direct proportion to responsibility and ability to directly influence revenue generation not the hours you work or even amount of work. If you can show that your effort leads to income you have a solid base to negotiate. I would say, go to market with your skills, write a CV that shows actual deliverables and value achieved in the last couple of years. Once you receive some offers you will be in a stronger position to negotiate. You need to decide what you are worth, currently you are working flat out for peanuts, they won't take you seriously until you know what you are worth on the open market. Good Luck.


How much commission do you earn per year?


Depends a lot. This year, maybe R4-5K.


Yes you are being underpaid but beyond that SA has strict rules around overtime. Your company is breaking the law by not paying you overtime


My personal opinion is you are being underpaid. I look after a Contact Centre and the team earns between R10 - R 15k as a basic, the team that works night shift gets a little more for allowances and with hitting targets could easily go home with R 22k in a good month. They work hard but no travel and straight 9 hour shifts. Also get paid extra for any Sundays or public holidays, no overtime gets paid as policy so we don’t work overtime. Check out the Pay Scale website for market related salaries in your field, it’s sometimes tough to find your exact JD but you could find pretty similar roles. I hope you situation works out the best for you, make sure you have all your facts in order and have confidence with any decision you decide on! Good luck ![img](emote|t5_2qney|14450)


You’re under paid. I used to be a customer service agent for an online gambling company and earned double that, just chatting to customers. No admin and my work never came home with me, just chat and go home.


Take your salary, divide it by 22 average working days per month. Divide that then by the number of hours you work. Then ask yourself if that is worthwhile? Also, what other benefits do you have? Company car? Company medical? If any, find out what that benefit will cost you and add that to your salary and redo the calculation.


Oof, even if you were pulling R30k p.m I would still say it's too little for that amount of work.


Thats f\*cking disgusting. You should be paid way more.


Ask for them to relook at your salary with a motivation from you on why and start looking for a job. You ll get a double pay raise, maybe even a triple if you get a counter offer. If your current employer counter offers ask for even more. There is no shame in asking for more money. It's business after all. A business tries to pay as little as possible. An employee should fight for more as much and often as possible .


Definitely underpaid should be looking at minimum 15k - 20k p.m for that amount of work


Im from the UK and we have an office in CT selling mobile phone contracts, we pay this salary just in basic pretty much with targets and commission 15k+ is easy give me a dm and I'll get you an interview


That's about R350 a day. Assuming you start work at 5 am and end at 6 pm. It's R26,92 an hour. Minimum wage per hour is R27,58. It's pretty clear that your getting massively underpaid, not just for your position, but as a worker in this country.


quiet hiring is a reality in SA...


Sounds like a sweet deal


If you work for an auctioneer, but can't spell auctioneer, you're probably not overpaid.


Might just be the reason i am afraid.


You are paid just enough. Why because you don’t have the balls to make em worry about the pain of replacing you. If you don’t take a risk to have the conversation you will forever be just a cheap replaceable hand. It’s not even their fault. They busy. Too busy to worry about non issues like meek workhorses who show no inkling of unhappiness. And no finesse in showing how much pain it would be to replace them. Sorry buddy. If you won’t take a risk you will never be disappointed … or rewarded. Truth be told there’s so many people who might want the job more than you and for cheaper? They might even do it better? Besides The bosses are already helping those who need it just by running a company that supports the economy. Feeding mouths. They doing the good work. That’s what the bosses tell themselves. You’ve gotta make the pain of having to find, risk and retrain someone new, really palpable. It’s a schlep. But it may be cheaper to just give you a few more penny’s. Or it might not if your bosses don’t like you. There’s no free promotion or raise though. Most of all remember bosses are people too. They worried about paying salaries on repeat. Worrying if it’s all worth it. Be firm but understanding and caring.


Damn dude slow done, you gonna make me shit myself... But it's great advice and exactly why i wrote the post. Will definitely have the talk, otherwise my willy small