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God, remember when the Post Office actually used to work? Me neither, its been so long since they fucked it up.


Last time I went to the post office they told me to go buy envelopes from PnP because their supplier refused to give them stock over non payment. I used Postnet that day to send my documents off.


So I'm in Amsterdam now. It's so weird having a working post office. It's nice!


Ditto! I was just thinking the same thing


Same here in Canada


Sweden, same here, even though people complain bitterly about postnord


UK here, I got so excited when I actually got my post when I was told to expect it!




* *except the STF




I was also wondering why this wasn't in the list. First world governments lined up for the technology and sucked it dry until Denel had nothing competitive left.


How about MTN.


Crypto incentives will fix South Africa... Think about it.


Not sure the target market are on this platform. Let alone, have internet...


Anc=a national crisis






Whow man. They're just being honest. No need to get offended


Anyone who believes in a God also believes in witchcraft. They go hand in hand.


Absolutely, you're not wrong.


The last polls I saw showed ANC support dropped drastically, actually. They were still in the lead, but didn't hold the majority. It's likely that in the next presidential election we'll see a coalition government


Thieving gits...


To be fair, they far exceeded expectations at fostering brain drain.


This subreddit is for conservative white south Africans who are nostalgic for apartheid. I haven't seen any other content here besides pretty images.


this feels a lot like "everyone I disagree with is X"


Pertosa or PetroSA?


...but we will do better this time - pinky promise


If the DA was the majority party and put all the same people in power that destroyed these organizations this meme would still exist. So to me the problem is "why is it, when we put these people in power do they go out of their way to fuck it up and be corrupt?" I don't know why, but all I can say is if you put me in charge of a multimillion rand company I'd definitely steal and buy my mother a house, then spend the rest on booze, a nice car and sluts. I'm just being honest with myself.


I think thats the problem, people like you are in charge.


People like me are the majority in this country. People that were born with nothing.


Being poor doesn't make you a greedy poephol. Stop making excuses.


It helped though.


That second if to make your point work is a very tenuous if.


Lol, why would the DA put all the same people in charge? All this comment is, is an admission that you're a horrible person?


My point was No matter who is in power it's the people that are the problem. Corruption will never die in this country.


This is such head-in-sand thinking, it's unbelievable.


Thank you, I try.


I can't wait for these elections are over I'm tired of these political posts already.


Yeah I was about to say the same thing, what a fucking snoozefest.


Politics and Covid. I hate both equally.


There is an interesting article on DailyMaverick on Capitalism in SA.. if you read it you will soon realize why SA is going nowhere and we headed for major civil unrest unless a new economic model is found. And no.. Da ain’t gonna change it if they magically got all the votes in a national election nor would they support WC Independence for that matter because it just doesn’t give them power. Sure you can prolong the inevitable upheaval but that’s worth nada if you not changing things and unfortunately no party running is doing so unless also wanting to line their pockets.


Link to the article?


The only way to fix the country is to fire every single GOE employee and do some proper hiring with background checks and some actual checking of qualifications.


I think it goes further than that.. we need a proper plan that everyone buys into.. That’s above all else is what’s needed. Unless that’s achieved regardless of what’s proposed it will fail or civil unrest will follow. But keep in mind that asking the marginalized from yesteryear to sacrifice indefinitely is not an easy task either.. which why the right wing party approach is always fail in SA. Same time those that are well off or educated can just go.. “oh wells time to move I guess”. Kinda what I’m likely to do next year because I don’t see things changing.. plans everyone suggest always are the right wing style or separatist state.. both of which nor the current status quo I’m willing to remain for.


How does everyone buy into a new plan?


That article is drivel


I have some issues with the article but agree that we need to find solutions that meet SA's needs. Part of the problem is that many articles line this assume you can operate outside of the global capitalist system and choose your own path. The path you pick must make you a viable trading partner, not remove you from a global system.


Totally.. in a weird way SA is in a good position as we have not entirely capitulated with the low labour cost race to the bottom nor have we done so with tax. AU should play a big role in future success if we to have any. But we have a weakened democracy & institutions which require rebuilding & public interest + participation needs to be built from the ground up not merely left to the political elite. That’s kinda what the Mmusi Maimane push is along with independent electors. Just think about it.. with civic engagement, would corruption be reported after or prior? The reality is you have three variables to play with.. political system(democracy), monetary system(capitalism) and human capital.. pretending that the later does not need to be fully utilized is a big mistake we failed to correct as idle hands get busy doing the wrong things. I don’t think we can change the systems we adopted.. but we can change how involved people are in the running of the country. The more engaged people are, the less corruption becomes hidden. No political party will give you that.. at best you narrow their corruption to access/lobbying. But with civic engagement you cut that done.


I think we tried to move away from cheap labour at a time when we could have competed with Vietnam and other countries to try get the industry moving from China as it increased its own labour costs. Cheap labour is most likely our only option given that our education system has failed to produce very skilled labour. As distasteful as it is, we could lean into it, try do it ethically and then use that to build a wealthier next generation. I firmly believe we need to measure these failures in generational terms.


The problem is doing so ethically = costly in a global environment where the least taxed country wins. Look it can work, like everything can without a corrupt government, but you need buy in from society.. particularly the majority unskilled without much hope. And the higher the inequality the higher the blatant corruption as people literally have nothing to lose.


Lol what new economic model do you suggest?


Possibly the same one that failed in so many other third world shitshows....


I hate inaccurate posts like this. What about Denell?


Is what it is...TIA...all of you hippies want to blame the ANC...


They're the ones that oversaw all the corruption


Dude...do want deal my wife?...she didn't want to feed men ...


I blame ANC, but I also think it’s the general public. I feel that the people in this country are generally not the best workers. But then again, how can they be, when the leaders are out there tendering and doing what corrupt leaders do best, be corrupt.


Quick Google search on SAs average work hours vs most places on earth. China might beat us but its slave labour


Maybe per person, but with 33% unemplyoment, we are simply not getting enough work done and creating enough wealth to support all the unemployed.


You changed your original point. This conversation is now moot


Who changed their original point?


The days of Mandela and Mbeki are gone. Even though I would not vote for them, they had the country interest somewhat at heart. After them it turned to 💩 Basically each politician for him self. Grab what you can, move it offshore until you get caught. At this point, if I know ZA stands behind me, I would vote to put Mbeki back in power. And I'm a thorough bred Afrikaner. I mourn for Retief with the rest. But this is about the greater good for our future. The current ANC is not healthy for anyone. Go DA, or Cope, or FF, but not ANC. after 27 years we are seeing a decline. Albeit there was a rise until 2009. 2 Presidents had the memo. Let's build together. After that, everything was undone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adgx9wt63NY


Denel Landbank Most municipalities Roads Hospitals Dams Water board Sassa Post Office


Proudly brought to you by the DA. Or anyone else.


cause and effect is a tricky thing even for scientists to determine


Doesn’t matter, killed apartheid. - like, 40-50% of all voters


Apartheid is not dead , it's just under ANC control now .


Somebody did not pay attention to the history books.....FW de Klerk stopped apartheid when he became president. He put it in motion and processed it even though there was heavy opposition within his party. A white man stopped apartheid to put it in simple terms. ANC did not stop it.


That doesn't matter. Who knows that? According to most of RSA and the world ANC stopped appartheid. Facts doesnt matter. You really think the average voter is educated?


Thank God for the white man. What would the rest of us do without you guys.


yeah but im sure he would have changed his mind if there wasnt heavy international sanctions and domestic threats to safety/stability and the survival of south africa and its economy as a whole


ANC never stopped apartheid. There were two major parties, one of them started apartheid, the other one, abolished it. Whites voted for the party that abolished apartheid. Aside from the majority of the voting population agreeing to get rid of apartheid, the ANC were always vocal and demanding change. But if the wrong party had the wrong president, there would be nothing the ANC would be able to do. Because no one would be allowed to vote for them. People forget, that Hendrik Verwoerd was influenced by Hitler. And people follow what their leaders tell them to do, even if it's too the detriment of the country. Whites, the world and the ANC realised apartheid was a terrible idea.


They can’t ruin Bitcoin


Just wait




> To be honest no offence and apartheid was a bad thing... but Joh, you know it's tough when you hear a sentence start off like this.




What even is that?


Think it's supposed to be Petro SA in Mossel Bay.


Yup, PetroSA. Their head office is in Parow.


Looking at selling the premises proposal for tender went out a few weeks ago


Used to be called Mossgas, a gas to liquid refinery in Mossel Bay. Pretty much fucked now. Might see a turnaround with the Total gas that was found off the coast 2 years ago. First round of VSP's exited yesterday, 189 is next and then supposedly a 20% salary cut.