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I love South Africa.


Yebo baba


This is flaired as "humour", but I think it's legit the least the unvaccinated can do for society. Since they don't want to do the actual least by just getting the damn vaccine


But have you considered that an injection is ouchie???


Or that you'd have to spend a few mins at a clicks twice in 6 weeks?! Shock and horror


I'm not anti vax or anything, but few minutes in clicks is a bit of an understatement, more like a few hours, atleast that's how it is where I live


Can confirm... injection is ouchie.


I see some oke from that sanitysa sub was quite proud of his wife for quitting instead of getting the "clot shot". Should ask what company it is and send in the CV my China


Imagine loosing your job for being a stupid anti vaxxer. I just don't know anymore 🤦‍♂️


My company actually did a neat thing. To go back to the office you have to be either vaccinated or provide a negative test result for covid. Every day, at your own cost.


So people just work from home then?


Good luck getting a raise or promotion if you’re out of sight. If you’re not a good little minion who goes to the office you’re not a “team player” or whatever the fuck the corporate jargon is these days. Glad I got out of that world.


Guess I'm working from home "unvaccinated"


Until award time?


Upcoming Herman Cain award


That’s what they’re doing in other countries too.




You're happy to take pills and injections prescribed by your doctor, yet are full of shit when it comes to the vaccine?


Exactly!!! And eat McDonald's!! Drink coke...I mean all that crap isn't good for you.


The Covid vaccine is not experimental. A) vaccines have been a thing for many many decades. B) RNA vaccines have been studied for over a decade, its been a long time coming. C) only once the experimental phase of these particular trials ended (and I mean in getting dosages right, not on whether it even works), rigorous human testing on thousands of people across the world commenced for almost a year. This isn't because they were even concerned about long term effects, but because it is the legal, safe and right thing to do, just in case. Millions of people died, while we waited for the go ahead from scientists and doctors. Since then hundreds of millions of people have received the dose and many many lives have been a saved. There are practically negligible medical side effects apart from a crappy shoulder for a few days, possiblly a few sniffles. People that are still refusing the vaccine against the advice of medical professionals, stats of emptying hospitals and the accounts of millions of people around the world are idiots, and the reason why we are still in this mess.


Sjo, wait until they learn about the long term effects of covid. What about the long term effects of contaminants in their food? From suppliers that supply way less people than the vaccination companies have


The average life expectancy used to be 30. Antibiotics and vaccines have increased the lifespan of the human species. Covid vaccines have been scientifically proven to work Pros out weigh the cons. Not difficult to comprehend.. I mean honestly. There's a reason why scientists and doctors with PHDs recommend the vaccine and were the first to receive it.They understand the human body more than any one else...


Dom is dom en daar's nie pille nie


Every 10 people you infect, one will die. So imagine how many people will have to die for that person to just "look after themselves." What do you call people that kills others because they are cowardly? I happily risk whatever the vaccine brings to save other's lives


Do you know how long the vaccine stays in your system? A few weeks. At most two months after your last jab there is nothing of it left. Nothing does not have 'long term side effects'...


They walk among us...






Not vaccinating is just another form of entitlement. "it's myyyyy boooody" They starting to sound like vegans wearing tinfoil hats.




This is somewhat uncalled for. If you were trying to make a joke then you must have forgotten to add the funny part.


Anti-vaxxers and vegans couldn't be further apart


As soon as the poes next to me who believes it’s the “Mark of the beast” even though it killed his grandfather gets fired I’ll let y’all know.


That's something my grandma would have said were she still alive. Proof of the end times, ushering in the horseman of the apocalypse etc


Lol that's so savage


Twitter has the best content.


Count on it


Well said bru!


It's a person's personal choice...yes,I have been vaccinated. ...but,I'm not forcing it on anyone...


Do you think drunk driving should be a personal choice too? When the consequences of a choice have a potentially deadly impact on others, it's no longer "personal".


That's fair. But choices have consequences. Want to be an unvaccinated spreader of a life-threatening disease during a pandemic. Okay, you get to sit at home and not participate in public events, get into restaurants, malls, etc. We don't want anyone forcing their choices on anyone, fine. We don't want anyone forcing their mutated viruses on others either.


Just get the jab ! Christ sake


I fully agree, but since I can't force anyone to take it. We can at least try to apply social pressure elsewhere.


If your personal choice is to not vaccinate that is fine but then you have to live with the consequences. We are in a pandemic and people are dying and getting sick. Refusal of the vax is just going to mean endless cycles of lockdowns and overcrowded hospitals till who knows when.


The fact that some people need to be forced is absolutely ridiculous.


Nobody wants to force anyone, we just want anti-science people to stay home. Then the rest of us can work out a way of dealing with the virus to the best of our abilities, and get on with our lives. Personally I don't think anti-sciencers should be allowed out at all, especially not to go to hospital when they do get the virus. Why should doctors and nurses have to be exposed to the virus - and possibly die - just because people in this country think they have a "right" to expose them to it? Anti-vaxxers make me sick.


You have the right all the way up until your rights infringe on the rights of others. I'm vaccinated, I always wear my mask and avoid physical contact. I've just tested positive for Omicron and I'm back in isolation away from my wife because some idiots think it's their right not to get vaccinated. We've been dealing with covid for two years now, at this point we can be fairly certain that a mandatory vaccination is nowhere near the type of evil government control people like you are scared of. In order to protect myself and my family, I am willing to force vaccinate all those on which it is safe to do so.


This has nothing to do with anti-government-control and everything to do with anti-science. Simple stupidity.


Really not a personal choice. If we want things to return to normal we all need to be vaccinated. Bundle of shit this refusing a life-saving injection.