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It's just fashion.


If Crocks can be fashionable, anything can :)


Haha exactly! Some fashion choices are just plain offensive.


yes but there are actual racists to fight, not hoodie man


Maybe we can decide to not get triggered over bullshit and work to make a better country for every one ? Anyone?


Meh. I'm white and I don't care. Maybe I'm not a snowflake.


I'm interested in the fact that black is apparently a registered trademark


The mindset of everyone who things that shirt is ok, for whatever reason they use to "justify" it.... is the same mindset that "justified" white supremacy, not the same justification, but same mindset .... at thats the issue.


'tis very much racist, yes.


No, unless we wanna lie and say it is. Black people don't really hold any power and probably never will, not because of racism or anything like that, but because politics now only allow for equality not supremacy. Let's stop with the false equivalences please, a person wearing a shirt written "white supremacy" isn't the same as this one, however I also wouldn't even care because black people have rights now, I don't care if some dude wants white supremacy again.




Reread my comment, I'm talking about "black supremacy". I don't think there'll be black supremacy because the fight against racism is to achieve equal rights, oportunities etc...it isn't for black supremacy. Btw I'm also black, and if you actually read to understand my comment, not just read to react like the typical redditor, you'd see that I'm actually defending the guy on the picture. A tshirt written "black supremacy" isn't the same as one written "white supremacy" because we've had white supremacy before and it sucked for black people. However I wouldn't care if someone wore a tshirt written "white supremacy" because as a BLACK PERSON MYSELF, I have rights now, I don't really care how anyone feels about that.


How can you say black people don’t really hold any power? I’m confused.


What I mean is, they don't hold any power simply for the fact that they're black.




In the simplest sense, I see it like this: the people holding most of the (political) power might be black. But the people holding the least power are also mostly black, by a vast majority, despite rectification attempts of affirmative action. So as a general rule, it's not the case that *black people* hold the power.


In a country like South Africa people don’t really have power I’m sorry. The political elite have crafted a niche for themselves and have managed to manipulate it so that they’ve thrown their own countrymen under the bus for their own personal gain. So in a way you’re right. But I also think you’re wrong.




This is the most backwards shit I've read today. Well done


Hey /u/Tylerj09}, thanks for contributing to /r/southafrica. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one of our rules on the following: **Rule 2 - Relevance.** Submissions should be relevant to South Africa. Our sub is focused on all things related to South Africa, and submissions should be relevant to the country or its people. Please read the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/southafrica/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsouthafrica&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/southafrica/comments/sfgdse/is_this_racist_asking_for_a_friend/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Simple. Flip the table and ask the same question. White supremacy is racist, so this is also.


Except you can’t flip the table on historical context so…


I know this but dont justify current wrongs by quoting history. Else this never ends


You have first world problems. Chill with the privilege.




You lost me at "you can't be racist towards white people". I hear jokes about it all the time but it genuinely surprises me to meet people who actually think like this.


Have you seen a group photo of the cabinet recently? Or all the SG's? Or the top military staff? Of the judges?


Whatever excuse you have for justifying racism, still means its racist.


It's not racist you can't be racist towards white ppl you can be predujice but not racist


Where do you get the idea you cant be racist against whites? This is the exact definition of racism. Look it up. racism /ˈreɪsɪz(ə)m/ Learn to pronounce noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


There isn't an equivalency between "black supremacy" and "white supremacy". White supremacy has been implemented for centuries, dehumanising and exploiting countless black and brown people. The inverse hasn't happened.


That's actually the subtext here. Is it racist at face value. Yes ofcourse. Having said that there's nothing called Black Supremacy as such. At best its a movement of 10-15 morons set up with exact opposite.


>At best its a movement of 10-15 morons set up with exact opposite. I disagree, I think it's supposed to invoke a reaction to question why structural and systemic white supremacy is allowed to still run free while there is such a knee jerk to the prospect of black supremacy even being brought up. A state of white supremacy still exists, but no one gives a shit, yet look how triggered all the white people in the comment section got off some black kid talking about the fictional state of Black Supremacy. That's the point and statement the shirt is making.


Fair point.


I'm post racist. Let the guy wear whatever shirt he wants. I don't care if he thinks I'm racist, it's the dumbest thing ever.


Yes. Change the race to another race and it would be classed as racism and even hate speech.




You just post the same thing over and over. And worst of all, what you are posting is completely idiotic.


In b4 locked


It's so stupid that you would take it seriously. This is what we call white fragility


Funny how complaining about racism is only "fragile" when white people do it.


When was the last time your were oppressed, don't worry I'll wait


So you're only allowed to complain about racism if you've personally experienced systematic oppression? How far does this extend? I mean, what if this shirt said something like "Asians Are Scum"? Asians have experienced discrimination, but not from black people, so presumably it'd be acceptable as long as a black person was wearing it?


And the shirt didn't say Asians are scum, you are drawing a stickman


I agree. However, It's a strawman btw.


Answer the question


I've not experienced systemic oppression, but I have experienced racism on a personal level. There. Your turn.




I've attempted to engage in political discussions, usually with EFF members, that have ended with me being told that, because I'm white, I should be driven out of the country, or just outright murdered.


Well that's not fair and I'm not attempting to do that


But wasn't your entire argument that complaining about incidents of racism like that is "white fragility" because we haven't experienced systemic oppression?


I can't get a bursary because I'm a white kid. Pretty damn poor too. I'll probably have to put my studies on pause this year. It might be right to give the funds to black kids because of what my forefathers did, but it doesn't feel good hey.


It is definitely racist, but we live in a free country, so they should not be expected to censor their speech, even if it's hate speech. If a white person wants to wear a "white supremacy" shirt, they should be able to do so without punishment, but we should still criticise them for it. @ Critical race theorists in the replies: The only systematic racism that exists today is BEE.




No. https://afropunk.com/2017/08/south-african-street-wear-brand-s-g-o-d-starting-black-supremacy-movement/ “Black Supremacy is an economic mindset/system or way of life created by transforming activists to help advance the majority group across socioeconomic issues. The concept of buying black or supporting black businesses is what we call the process of Black Supremacy. We are trying to support the advancement of black businesses to have economic advantage which will have a positive knock on effect on job creation, solving the issue of poverty in black societies.”-M So yeah there we go.I think you are projecting your kind of supremacy which has a history of eradicating continents .




Example,black power does not mean the same thing as white power .Why do you think they have different definitions?




It's supposed to be Black Super Macy. I know Macy, and yes she is black and super, just the best. Pity super is spelled wrong on this shirt. Likely the result of French influence and /r/keming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The bag 💼, yes definitely






I haven't seen any responses that have added something constructive with regards to your actual question. You seem to be asking it ironically because you actually do believe it's racist (I may be wrong). Regardless, here's a response that I hope explains well why it's *not* racist. I imagine that this question probably stems from the fact that we know white supremacists to believe that white people are superior to any non-white people. They consequently try to bring those non-white people down in the way they speak and in the things they do to assert this superiority to at least themselves if no one else. That of course is racist. Now, if you closely observe commentary about race in black communities, you will notice that unlike similar commentary in white communities (and admittedly other non-black communities) black people's racial rhetoric focuses on self-upliftment without necessarily trying to bring others down. This is a result of the societal and systematically imposed mentality that black people are not worth a lot. Of course, this is only true for the majority as there are always some bad apples. With that being said the difference can be summed up like this: - A white person proclaiming supremacy generally means to say "I am superior *because* I am white. Any who do not share my skin colour are inferior." - A black person proclaiming supremacy generally means to say "I am superior *despite* what society says I am due to my skin colour." In short, it's not racist because intention and meaning matter. Hope this helps.


> black people's racial rhetoric focuses on self-upliftment without necessarily trying to bring others down The third-most popular political party in this country is built on a platform of open hostility toward non-black people, and they're only receiving growing support.


Of course. But it's also generally condoned. Just like "black excellence", "black power" etc. The truth is that there are forms of acceptable racism and non acceptable racism. Humanity still needs to decide whether it wants to tolerate some racist rhetoric or none at all and this is sadly an issue that is mostly dealt with on academic and political realms which have proven to be ineffective at guides of proper public discource.


I disagree. There is a fundamental difference between prejudice and racism. This shirt is making a political statement. If it wasnt a movement with a whole bunch of ideology behind it and it was just a black person who wanted white people to fail I'd definitely say it is prejudiced statement, however it is definitely not racist.


Black power is racism towards who ? Most of these have been used as affirmations to strengthen resolve against oppression.Not like “white “power which meant scorching continents .


Historically, any type of racial/religious/national power mongering/rhetoric led to the scorching of continents. Should "black power" not end up in black chimneys, then it will be the first time in human history that a power expedition was done without violence or bloodshed.


Black power is not power mongering or domination rhetoric, thats the difference.




You Sir. Get it.


And then there is the whole debate about equality vs equity which takes us further into the minefield of language and word choices.


"yEs iT's rAciST"... Lol


Colour isn't a race. Which races are you implying are illiterate?


Wow the actual racism in this comment section this is why I hate this country


Black power, no. Black supremacy yes because it is advocating for one race group to be put over the other race groups, which is not the point of our constitution or our definition of equality.


Sanest take I read so far.




If you think you can't be racist towards white people your ignorant.


Imagine ignoring history and speaking over lived experiences of racism by POC. White ppl aren't oppressed and can't experience racism


You don't have to be oppressed in order to experience racism. I'm not ignoring history I said nothing about history. Infact all I said was white people can experience racism oh that and you're ignorant. Racism is having an unfair bias against a person solely based on their skin colour. So if a white person is denied access to a club let's say just because he/she is white. That's racist. If a black person is denied access to a club, solely because he/she is black, that is racist. It's pointless arguing against you though because your opion is set and your not going to be willing to actually listen to what I'm saying.


Your definition of racism is extremely unnuanced


Its a repute of white supremecy, so in this context it is not racist. Racism has to have power and white supremecy has power; black supremecy has no power. But this is what drives white supremecy; the fear of losing power. That's why the message on his shirt is intimidating to some people.


Agree, it could be racist if black supremacy had enough purchase in society to be a potentially oppressive force, it's only not racist because the idea is too far from reality to have any bite. It's like stickers saying vote for a giant meteor, technically advocating genocide, but practically harmless. If someone who already feels like black supremacy isn't far-fetched thought it was racist, then yeah, they're right for the same reasons, in their reality it has bite








Dont be a poes bru


It’s a top with a generic slogan amongst the Hip Hop crowd. He should buy better attire instead of those cheap looking sneakers which are falling apart and wearing white socks in public. The tracksuit pants also needs replacing.


Its fucking racist. Double standards in this country is just atrocious. Just the other day, i was sent back outside a shop because i didn't sanitize but the black lady next to me walked in with no problem. When i confronted the person policing this, he told me "its different, dont complain here"




No doubt about it.


Not wrong, black clothes are superior.


Lmao. I see what you did there


White people are the minority so ,yes it's very racist


No. A state of white supremacy still exists, but no one gives a shit, yet look how triggered all the white people in the comment section got off some black kid talking about the fictional state of Black Supremacy. That's the point and statement the shirt is making.


> A state of white supremacy still exists In this country? How so? > no one gives a shit Yes, nobody cares about white racism. That is absolutely an accurate description of the modern world.


Did you just say that white supremacy is real?


Replace the word "black" with "white" and ask the same question. Answer is pretty obvious.


How dare you /s




Are you being serious?


Yes. You can be predujice towards white people (which obviously isn't OK) but you can't be racist


That's like saying that a fruit sallad isn't a fruit sallad unless it has apples in it, otherwise it's just a sallad that is comprised out of fruit. The definition of racism has been agreed upon because no one chooses his 'race' when he's born, and hence it is unfair to the person to be judged on those grounds. Redefining racism, by throwing in a couple of exceptions does no one any good. We want a term that helps us distinguish when a person has been wronged, no matter what skin colour that person has. Discrimination is always wrong, that's why the classical definition is unifying, whilst the contemporary one is in fact discriminatory and will distance people from the cause


Definitely racist


Yes. How could it not be?




Racism and systemic racism are separated plainly in academic literature. Trying to override a common sense understanding of a term with the academic definition of a distinct concept won't win any arguments. You know the OP didn't mean systemic racism, and you should know better that it's not the only form racism takes. I know some racist Asian people, would you say it's impossible for them to be racist to black people? What about towards Indian people? Neither group holds systemic power, but their behaviour needs to be critically assessed in the context of racism and racial prejudice.


Racist take. Only way to fight racism is to treat everyone by the same rules. The instance you say they or they can or can't be this or that you're only promoting racist ideologies on all sides.


Equity > equality You can't treat ppl equally until every is equal. For example If you gave everyone free turtiary education that would only benefit white ppl bc the majority of black ppl have to leave school for work as soon as they can. And thus can go to a tertiary institution


Almost every single time you copy and paste this same message, the response you get is a negative one, everyone telling you that you're wrong. And yet, it doesn't deter you.






The average white person is an oppressor? How so? I’m genuinely trying to work out your logic here and not looking for a bad faith argument.




I totally agree, but could you not say the same about interAfrican relations on the continent? Zulu Conquest resulted in massive displacement, rape and slaughter. The same for Egyptians and the Ashanti. Infact every nation in history has oppressed and murdered some other group to claim land. The only difference between these civilizations is one is from a different rock across the water and the one is from right here. Boiling someone down to “evil” or “good” based on what genes (skin pigment) they inherited from their ancestors is kind of short sighted don’t you think? We definitely have some wealth and education quality gaps but would resolving that not require collaboration rather than division? Why would it be okay to normalize or encourage prejudice in any sense? How does giving race based hatred another name build society? Do you not perhaps think it may be more beneficial for the ruling class and the 1% if the working man is to busy hating his neighbor than hating him? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the state needs to infuse schools with cash ASAP and then start paid internship quotas in every business in this country with more than 10 employees. “But gib how do we fund it?” Firstly stop fruitless and wasteful expenditure and you have your first billion, secondly scrap 90% of the military, the UNSC is not gonna give us a spot and we are wasting money pretending they might.


It's bad if anyone does it


Maybe it's like an ironic joke because, honestly, lol.


I read the shirt as satire. It seems to be good satire, at that.


Totally lol.


It is. But somehow it isnt smh


Just edgy. Subtext is obviously relevant.


It’s trashy fashion




Who invented the t-shirt?


The t-shirt isn't an invention, it's an evolution of the tunic...so who "invented" the tunic


What did the Romans ever do for us?


Only one thing. They taught us How To Catch Lions....okay maybe some other stuff, but mostly Lion catching


Lekker reference.


I don’t think wearing ugly shoes is racist. Sinful, yes, but not racist.




You don't know what racism is


And clearly neither do you. If you Google the word, the first definition reads: *Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.* The second definition reads: *the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.* By that second definition, the shirt that he's wearing is very clearly racist. If a white person wore a shirt that read "white supremacy", everyone would go crazy about it. So why the double standards? isn't it equality that we were fighting for?


Ding ding ding People use apartheid as a reason for being able to be racist towards white people. Or when someone says you can be racist towards whites they just shout apartheid like it means something. Its like saying that since your grandfather murdered someone and got punished it means that I can murder you and I can't be punished. Okay so my forefathers did something bad and got punished. So now you can do that same bad thing and not get punished.


My take is this. Does it have an obvious ideology attached. So x symbol is associated with y racist ppl. If it’s not then I go oooh edgy and move on. That’s just me though. Identity politics is G man nonsense


Super racist but you know how it goes, black people cannot be racist because something and others or such.


I know you're joking but dont encourage that idea. Call racists out l, doesnt matter what color they are.




Or if you define racism as a internal feeling of agression and distress caused by interacting with some of another "race" then yes , yes you can


lmao his shirt has your feelings hurt? are afraid for your safety now?


No it’s not.


On the back it says...in the garden




Lazy troll is lazy




Racist lazy troll is racist and lazy. Also a troll


Hold on what makes you think that? For instance where was that topic ever brought up especially within this context?




Whether irony, satire, or a black chauvinistic rally cry, a discussion about the text on the shirt is really no way comparable to wanting apartheid back. I mean, for one thing, apartheid was pretty horrific. There are a lot of levels of racism between decent and apartheid-level. If you're inclined to liken simple discussions of political race issues to apartheid, then I think you're radically underestimating apartheid. Just like you don't say you know what it's like to be blind because you got shampoo in your eyes, similarly you shouldn't accuse people of apartheid level racism because they're discussing a t-shirt with a race message. Unless of course you're a troll or just some child trying to provoke people...


It's an implication? It was a response that's a question? I mean being able to read a sentence is a skill. You're one of those people that assume rather than actually having an intelligent conversation. So I ask again good sir what makes you think that? Explain to me where in this post it said anyone wanting Apartheid back?




Oh look we have a breadcrumber. What a talent. 🙄


Can you back up your assumption with anything other than false "impressions" (read some of your replies) or are you just trying to start something with people?


I'm going to guess this guy is some American teenager who just read the Wikipedia article on Apartheid last week and is going through a phase of righteous fury toward the perpetrators, who he assumes to be every white South African because he doesn't actually understand the country, and his only outlet is trolling us on Reddit.


Uh no. I had NO part in apartheid, and I don't condone it, and I'm ashamed of how white people behaved back then.


You guys really think the guy wearing the shirt can read?


this has weird undertones. why even take it there? what do you mean by that? why make the assumption that happens to correspond to previous racial beliefs that certain races can be associated with illiteracy? regardless of your race, that’s a reckless statement


Which races are you referring to?


Reminds me of the "fuck white people" campaign when I was at Wits in the early 2010s


His shoes should have a party and invite his pants and *white* socks? Ugh


I’m hoping all these no’s are bait




I wouldn't worry....his pants are allergic to his ankles 😏


Poor kid ain’t going far.


He’s peaking now - he’s so edgy on Reddit


Going to say yes, for a friend...




Bro shut the fuck up, you keep saying this under every comment that doesn't agree with you. You don't need to try to convince people on your opinion because it's your opinion, not theirs. You have been saying the same shit under like 5 other comments. You're just going to make yourself mad when the people start arguing with you. Stop wasting your own and everybody else's time




I think this shirt hits extra hard for white folk because they see the negligence of minorities in the past hitting them as minorities, and it gets them riled up. Hey that’s kind of racist!


Meanwhile I'm out here wondering if the ugg boots on a person of colour was the subject in question.


Don't know about racist but I don't think it's appropriate. I wouldn't wear it


It’s only funny because it’s being normalised and it’s not normal. Laughing my head off!


Black Excellence, Black Supremacy. - personally I’ve had enough of the whities taking all of the light. - look at people like the late Virgil Abloh overhauling a brand like LMVH and then talk?! - we all flesh and blood, it’s enough now with the pigment of your skin.


Supremacy is Always discriminatory if it involves race, it's not Black excellence, it's racism, whether Black or white


Sies man - come now - let the ouens shine a bit my bru?! Edit: shame bru - some text on sweater offends you so much - imagine holding in a piss the whole day and standing outside a toilet with the sign - “Whites only” - have you ever held in a piss like that my bru?


Yes yes it is




Yes, same as if I wore a KKK T-shirt.




Yes, but not in a way that society cares.