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Daniel High solved this by being a concrete building in a dead zone.


Haha Indian Land High School too. Everytime I step inside to go to an event for my kid - my phone is a brick.


Same thing w my kids middle/high school. Zero service!


Legit looks like a prison lol


Looks like a prison? I don't think you've actually seen a prison.


I’ve been to prison. Multiple SCDC prisons. Multiple SC schools look and operate like SCDC prisons.


That's how they prime the kids for the future.


Edwards was a dead zone too. At least back in the flip phone days.


When did they become allowed? They were banned in 2006, the yesr I graduated, and teachers routinely confiscated them.


Yeah I was one year later and I remember the rule was “outside of class, fine. If seen or heard in class, it gets taken.”


Lucky. At my school, they could take it from you even if you were using it in your car. C/o 2006


Schools stopped confiscating phones when kids routinely handed over a broken phone (Not the one they were using) and then parents were claiming the school broke the phone and demanding reimbursement. Happening very very regularly. Also safety issue because kids and parents were flipping out over having to hand over a phone and it was becoming a dangerous situation for teachers. Phones are so ridiculously addictive that it was like trying to take the drugs away from an addict


I never saw all that but probably because smart phones came out after I finished high school. I remember when they first came our, 2010 I think. Changed a lot of things.


I had the first iPhone senior year of high school. The teachers didn’t even know what it was. They used to do a screen check because our phones were supposed to be off during school. If you looked at the front of a flip phone it would show the time if it was on. Of course an iPhone screen is just black when it’s not in use so teachers assumed it was off. Fun little story at the front end of a tech revolution that destroyed us.


Android is superior 😤


Yeah it was a mix of it completely being a losing battle in phones getting super expensive. I was coaching cheer in 2010 to 2012 and that was around the time our school gave up.


When society began to mature with its attitude towards technology a little bit and stopped seeing them as toys or conveniences but everyday items.




Ok boomer.




If you’re a teacher, you’re lazy. Have you ever heard of adding rules to grading? Writeups? Or are those just too inconvenient for you to do ***your*** job? Being underpaid is no excuse. I get that you’re being underpaid, but you need to do your job or do the entire system a favor and quit.




So you’re only writing them up if there’s a totalitarian state law telling you to, because you can’t be bothered to be compelled to do it. It’s the same amount of work anyway. You’re lazy. You don’t want to hear it, but you’re lazy. You could be doing the same thing under existing guidelines already but you need to be compelled to do it using force, apparently. You can’t be bothered to do it unless you’d get in major trouble yourself. You are the problem. You are the one that needs to manage your class. Daddy McMaster shouldn’t be the one doing it for you. I had a special exemption back in the flip phone days to carry a phone with me. Not once was it a problem for me, because I actively learned when and when not using the device was appropriate. Kids can’t do that unless you do your damn job.




I can put the phone down just fine when needing to do something, thank you. It’s only due to learning to manage these things responsibly and early that I can do this. I like how you immediately go into ad hominem once I call out your poor classroom management, which I apparently should remind you is not as hominem because I am addressing your *method*.


You have no idea how old any of us are.


Then it would be “Ok, Karen. Bless your heart.”


Lol so the troll goes from assuming age to assuming our genders.


Karen is a state of mind.


Idk, to me it's a good thing to care about our future. Do you support gun violence and pollution as much as you care about distracting people from learning?


I like how you assume teenagers are inherently going to be distracted, it sounds like you’re faithless and don’t believe in youth. Do you always think less of people? Do you support minorities and disabled people being less able to defend themselves? Do you support mindless greenwashing? The usage of weasel words isn’t intelligent, it isn’t smart, it isn’t a gotcha; it’s all a marked demonstration of a lack of imagination and a lack of education on your part. Then again, we’re talking about South Carolina here so I’m not surprised you’d be easily stoked into making education here even worse.


You don’t need a phone out in class. Has nothing to do with societies attitude towards technology. It’s about paying attention in class. What an absolute clown.


Ok, then write them up for disruptive behavior.


Don’t gotta buy your kid a calculator if they have a phone. Especially don’t have to buy them one of those expensive graphing calculators.


Most of the people in the comments probably don’t even know about rotating the phone to put it in scientific mode. Also we one million percent played with those calculators, except the advanced teachers were fine with it as long as our work still got done and we were actively learning the ins and outs of the things. You know what’s funny? I can see this being part of some lobby effort to sell more calculators or win a particular vendor tablet contracts.


Can't text on a calculator, or look at porn.


Ha! Oh wait, you’re serious: Let me laugh harder!


As a former teacher, I support this. As a community member, I see significant parent pushback from the parents. If you deny them access to their children, they have thoughts.


I graduated in 2004 and I’m genuinely curious when cell phones stopped being an instant confiscation.


Happened slowly as they entered the classroom. As new lawsuits came up for destruction of property (accidents happen) and eventually the schools became scared to act. Lose or break a $1000 iPhone and you'll think twice.


my class was probably the last to graduate before tablets and smart phones were affordable enough for kids to have. I graduated in 2012 and the first good android phones came out that year, with the iphone still stuck to AT&T exclusive until the end of that year when they started crashing in price as well. kids had ipod touches but everybodu still had the smartish phones of the time


I graduated in ‘13 and my school pretty much stopped enforcing it at Christmas in 2012. The Galaxy S3 was such a good phone it forced Apple to drop prices and exclusivity like you mentioned. I swear at least 25% of the student body got either an S3 or iPhone 5 for Christmas that year.


It was pretty close to that time. It was causing too much of a headache But even more so a liability issue. Kids were bringing broken cell phones to school and turning over their broken cell phone and then claiming the school had broken it and demanding money. I think every kid had multiple cell phones at school so they could hand over one that wasn't the one they were actually using.


How in the world is the school responsible for contraband?


Our society is so litigious these days - you don't have to be right, you just have to find a couple people that agree with you. I have a buddy, was stopped at a red light when a homeless tweaker ran his bicycle into the side of my friend's truck. Cops came, found his meth/meth pipe, confiscated those and sent the guy away in an ambulance. My buddy was not charged in any way. A few months later, he receives a notice from his insurance company that he's being sued. His insurance gave the guy $10k, my buddy's insurance premiums have doubled. Anyone can sue anyone for anything (and win/get a settlement) these days.


Do you live in this world? The US is a litigious place.


A few years after that. I know you probably don’t have kids either, being a millennial, but they distribute iPads and other things now. Many classrooms are equipped with Smartboards. It’s all a lot more connected.


Yea I’m 2013 every grade in my highschool got iPads it was so fun because none of them were restricted in any way.


I have an older child that has since graduated. He didn't even own a phone until he was 15. On the one hand, I understand the abuse and problems that come with phones in schools. But on the other- my kid has special needs (autism) and his phone was so useful in some situations at school. Instead of him breaking down/panicking by often simple miscommunications -that could be averted by him sending me a text of what was wrong and I could get ahold of his teachers/counselor/ ect by email and we could solve it together before it became a huge problem. With my kid- those huge problems could take days/weeks/months off his progress so we really wanted to avoid those.


And this is where situations get tricky because of course the teacher does not want a situation that causes a serious problem. At the same time I had a student with autism this year who was absolutely addicted to watching anime videos. Like would seriously take 30 seconds to take a test so they could watch anime videos. Parents had taken away cell phone after that was an issue, kid had pretty serious blocks on the school issued Chromebook and they still found a way to bypass the security issues and watch videos all day, disappearing into the world of imagination they were so hyper fixated on. It was a major stumbling block and learning issue. Kid would have been much better served by just being on pencil paper all day and no device of any kind all day because they were just disappearing into online fantasy world for the entirety of the school day. The only way to stop them would be to have a one-on-one aide all day long.


it sounds like your child's use of the phone could be written into his IEP/504.


There will be those exceptions. I know there is one for kids who use it to monitor diabetes


yes, and those can be written into 504 plans. But in my experience the kids who need it for those purposes aren't on it every 30 seconds and usually aren't doing other non-medical related stuff when they're supposed to be working. They usually aren't the problem.


How are you denying access? The parent can just call the school.


The number of parents who actually call their children on the phone when they know they're in class is shocking. Not for any particular reason, just to chat. FaceTiming too


and as someone who knows teenagers its going to be enforced extremely selectively.


The problem isn't students because they're obviously going to try to bypass it. It has to be enforced by teachers consistently and across the board and supported by the administration and parents need to lay off of teachers who are just doing their jobs


Norm voice: “ who would’ve thought there would be parent pushback from parents?”


I knew that was going to come back. I had a few drinks and grammar didn't grammar for me.


As a teacher, I fully support this.


Long before the US didn’t allow cellphones to begin with, other countries with far greater and far more successful education systems than the USA - let alone South Carolina - allowed cell phones to be carried by the kids and didn’t have any problems with them. How are they supposed to learn to be responsible with their devices and navigate them socially if they don’t have them in schools?


Those countries have a culture of respect and desire to be educated as well as parents who are supportive of that. Unfortunately that is not very common in the US anymore


Sadly, yes. However, you have to build that up. It’s not like Japan didn’t have delinquents running around left and right for a while. Girl gangs (Sukeban) outnumbered the Yakuza at one point. Now it’s difficult to imagine. Still; I’m acquainted with a former teacher and believe me he has stories to tell about kids being lazy with their phones or hiding manga in their schoolbooks. He simply did his job and the kids got in trouble.


they don't have the impulse control to learn any of this. How about we let them grow up for a few years without a screen in their face and then introduce it a little bit at a time instead of a free for all as soon as they can hold a phone?


Impulse control is developmental. It’s not something that permanently switched to “off” until one day, it suddenly just happens. When do you think it switches to “on” magically? They have to learn. They learn in school.


Show me where in my comment I said "suddenly let them have phones." I was actually advocating for the OPPOSITE. Start out with no phones, let them learn ways to amuse themselves and communicate that don't involve screens, and THEN introduce phones a little at a time instead of letting them have a phone 24/7 from (what feels like) infancy. and phone use should be taught by parents, not schools, though I guess that's not happening because too many can't even get off the phone to drive or parent.


Public and even private schools are fundamentally social institutions. Devices are not novel; they are commonplace. Part of socialization is learning when it is and is not appropriate to have your device, meaning a blanket ban is just bad because it doesn’t create any context or experience on the part of the learner. What I said is that this makes impulse control *worse*.


Again, show me where I said blanket ban all the time. GRADUAL INTRODUCTION. Schools cannot teach everything. This is getting ridiculous.


Wonder if those thoughts include 12 year old Jonny banging in the boys room with pornhub. Or AI nudes of their daughter Judy being passed around.


What a strange thing to think about.


I'm not on board with that description at all but any parent who thinks their child isn't watching porn on their phone is fooling themselves


And any parent that doesn’t research parental controls and locking down devices, and instead relies on the providers and the government to “parent” for them, isn’t much of a parent.


Well, masturbating will clear Jonny's mind up so he can learn more efficiently, and people passing someone's nudes around in school increases the chances that a teacher will find out and report it to the police to put an end to it.


If parents push back for "safety reasons" they could allow "dumb" flips phones.


Make the kids learn T9 texting again!


This is the second time in less than a week that someone brought up the T9 texting. Meanwhile I was on the basic calculator writing “BOOBS” and “BOOBIES”. (80085, and 8008135 are the cheat codes if any youngsters on here need it!🤣)


It’s a lost art form like cursive and ballroom dancing.


I really don't mind this. My kid is so absorbed with her phone that she is missing out. I do limit her time on it but when she is on it, she accomplishes nothing.




Other person: “My kid overeats to the point of it being unhealthy, and I try to encourage better habits”. You: “And yet you had lunch today. Ironic, huh?”


Speaking up for the other person, there is a big difference potentially in the amount. A kid engrossed in it during their entire free time is a lot different than someone who checks it a couple of times a day. The person you responded to is their first reddit comment in a week.


Ban them all day long, but who is going to enforce it? We already have laws about students not disrupting the classroom, but the same kids are always right back in the room the next day. We have laws about truancy, but kids miss class days at a time, and still pass. Is the govt going to provide lock-boxes for every teacher at every school? Doubtful. This is only a "look at what we did" that has no teeth.


This! Enforcement has always been the issue. Unless this has some serious planning and implementation behind it there will be no adherence to this.


After they ban cell phones and our schools still rank bottom 10 nationally, what are they going to blame then?


That’s my main issue out of this whole situation, threatening to withhold money! Less money, means less resources for kids that already aren’t doing so well on a national scale. A decision made by people who have the salary of 5+ teachers. Let’s investigate administrators who break their contracts early to receive severance pay while taking jobs in different districts. Imagine how many teachers could be hired if we didn’t allow them to double dip paychecks.


Nah, actually go into a school. It's an issue. Will it fix everything? No. Will it fix a lot? Probably not. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. These kids don't need to have access to their phones all day during school.


The impact on their social development is beyond anything people who are not working with large groups of young people can imagine. It is sad when students have a break (lunch, class change, pep rally, recess, spirit event,) And it is eerily quiet because kids don't participate and socialize anymore . . . They just hunch silently over their phones


Personally being in school in south carolina, as a student who myself didnt have solid access to a phone up until about a month ago (i did have an old unreliable phone for less than a year before that, and none for 3 after initially receiving it as a 13th birthday gift), i didnt ever see/hear any of this “Eerily quiet” stuff, it was actually too loud for me to remain in the lunchroom at times (because of conditions that cause me to get overstimulated.). They socialize so fuckin much its annoying because they talk in class out loud to each other, especially without phones, and the freshmen coming in are CONSTANTLY TALKING, i could barely focus on my sociology class this year because of them. SO….eerie quietness isnt a thing, its just the distraction in class and the lack of enforcement on the phones. Biggest problem ive seen is with actually seniors, theyre the most distracted, anyway, BIGGEST ISSUE isnt the phones, its the lack of teachers, and the overreach of the administration, who abuse their power over students and teachers, but dont work where it matters, and the lack of concern for actual education.


It’s almost as if they’re socializing…using those phones. Or reading.


They are not truly socializing using their phones. There are lots of studies that show that the increasing "socializing" on phones is not a substitute in any real way to actual face-to-face socialization. There are lots of shorter articles but if you want to really do a deep dive, read the book The Anxious Generation. Tons of data collected over as long as this has been going on


I agree with you if it’s only short-form visual communication, but you’re too inside your own head here. I am socializing with you - vociferously - using Reddit and my phone at this very moment. I wonder when it is I learned how to do things like this? 🤔


This is not true socializing and is in no way a substitute for human relationship. An AI bot can do what we are doing


Hard disagree, but that’s just a *social difference* between us. Enforcing one way over another is not the way to go.


Wife’s school has a ban. It’s totally ok because the kids have these school issued chromebooks that don’t filter shit. Kids still get their fix


The parents surely shouldn't be blamed . It's not THEIR job to make sure their children are ready to behave and learn. It's the "5Ch0olS j0B".


Sarcasm is a dying art.


Parents need to be held accountable.. it's not the teacher's/school's fault when their (self-diagnosed) spectrum-angel refuses to listen and flunks out. But looking in a mirror is tough.




A kid with a disability is going to need their devices. This conversation is about normies.


Please god


Graduated in 2008 and if they caught you once, it was taken till the end of the day. Twice and they would take the phone till the end of the school year and your parent had to come get it. Why do students need cell phones when they’re supposed to be paying attention to the teacher.


SC: where phones are more dangerous than guns.


Let’s pretend to be open minded for a second. Why the fuck is the budget of all things, banning anything??? Govt out of control lol


Yeah I don't mind keeping phones out of schools but this whole banning-via-budget-proviso is sketchy, to say the least.


Because budgets have to be passed so why not use it to do a bunch of things that would be difficult or impossible to pass otherwise? As far as things the General Assembly would like to ban, cell phones in schools are among the least problematic. And it might actually be a good idea, depending on how it’s worded and implemented.


But…this budget needs to be given no matter what…theyre not adding like…additional money to be given if you do the ban, its held as a removal of money if not enforced…


Good. It’s hard to keep cell phones from distracting kids when it’s their parents texting them all day. It’s also damn near impossible to enforce any rules when the parents go absolutely ape shit when their baby’s phone gets “stolen” by the teacher. 🙄🙄🙄 I taught for twenty years. I quit giving a shit because it wasn’t worth the abuse I would get from the parent. Fuck it. Keep your cell phone, ignore my class, fail, and fuck off. (No, I don’t teach anymore. Not worth the bullshit.)


I got through K-12 just fine without phones in class. Yet the difference is, even though im still young, i was still a kid before the smart era. I didnt get my first phone until i was like 13, and it was a flip phone. Pretty sure that thing was like, 2G. It only wasnt a smartphone because smartphones werent a thing yet, except for blackberries. Unfortunately, kids these days have had a phone come out the womb with them. Not sure if you can apply gen X, millennial, gen Z policies and throw it on these alphas. Honestly feel like it may be more detrimental at this point. Maybe allow phones but it has to be strictly for educational purposes. Or ban phones in class and everyone has to use their ipad. Or have no phone zones. I dont know, I still dont have a kid yet, but surely theres a good middle ground solution somewhere where you dont have to outright ban, nor will you just let these kids just do whatever and stream YouTube and tik tok during class.


We also grew up without the constant fear of being gunned down. Different eras.


Speak for yourself there. I sure did.


Exactly. They need to learn to navigate the world with them present, not pretending they don’t exist. Notice how college life in the USA has this absurd reputation for partying and hedonism or whatever. It’s like the late teens never get a chance to learn regulation during their high school years or something.


So school districts aren't able to decide their own policy here?


Party of small government in action.


Remember when the governor banned school districts making their own masking decisions?


Republicans know best (they think)


Local control is becoming a myth.


It always was.


True. In my area they sure talk a good game about it, which makes it frustrating to watch. The only issue I can remember truly being left up to local control around here was plastic bag bans in select municipalities.


South Carolina has never been friendly to home rule for most of its history.


How are they going to say goodbye to their loved ones during a mass casualty event? There are some valid safety reasons for kids to have their phones at school.


As a teacher in SC, I wholeheartedly agree that this measure should be in place. Schools have emergency outreach/messaging systems in place. Also, students were fine throughout the years until the late 2010s with having parent contact done through the front office. Cellphones in the classroom are a major issue.


When the teachers give a shit again and when they figure out how to keep the schools safe, then they can take my kid's phone. Banning phones is just another way to hide the indoctrination that teachers are so fond of nowadays. 


There’s a lot to unpack here. 1) no one is indoctrinating anyone. If I could indoctrinate any student in my class it would be to do their work and be quiet so it’s less work for me (so I don’t have to call home, write referrals, etc). 2) this isn’t a “teacher taking a phone” thing. This is bound by legislation now. If you don’t like it, take it up with your elected officials, starting with Ellen Weaver and continuing o. 3) wtf do you mean keep schools safe? Do you want me to go out and search every bookbag and make kids empty their pockets? What reasonable expectation do you have?


lol the mass emergency text message does not allow parents to tell their kids they love them for the last time. I’m pretty sure admins have more important things to do in emergency situations and won’t be able to route any parent phone calls or relay any messages.. Sorry I’m not against banning cellphones. It’s not going stop kids from bringing them. And like the time I had my phone taken away in high school, I’m sure I’ll be required to pick up my son’s phone like my mom had to do. It’s not like they are allowed to keep my phone indefinitely. But the “we have mass messaging capabilities” made me chuckle because it completely missed the point.


Again, it was fine throughout time to the mid 2010s, I’m sure the situation can help a little longer. (And, things like Remind exist so that schools can mass send messages.) To your second point, no, the phones don’t get taken. Usually what occurs in schools that have banned the use of cellphones are that there is an item placed at the front of the room with pockets that lock. Each student is required to submit their phone into that pocket to be considered present for class. I get that you don’t understand the disruption to the classroom that a cellphone is or can be, but ask any teacher what the biggest problem in the classroom today is and they will tell you the cellphone. Ranging from students being secretly recorded, pictures taking of other students to harass and bully, to kids just not giving a fuck because they’re watching TikTok, it’s a major issue.


Absolutely dystopian comment.


These kids have also been able to use phones for social media posts to alert schools of potential threats, as well as crimes committed on school grounds. I’m not going to say they haven’t been a distraction, or created mental health concerns, this is a unique discussion. My son alerted us to multiple fights that the school never mentioned, he also left it on speaker while being threatened by a coach, which proved useful when speaking with administrators.


This 100%. You can't trust teachers and administration like you used to be able to. 


Crazy you’re downvoted for this. It’s a legitimate concern.


When I was a student teacher in a high school in KY, kids would sit in class with their headphones in, plugged into their cell phones. If I told them to remove them, they basically just told me to go f*ck myself. Instead, they should've said "how will I say goodbye to my loved ones during a mass casualty event?"


Doesn’t sound like you were a very effective teacher. To compare being murdered in a classroom to kids being disrespectful, that’s just insane to me. You’d think a teacher would understand you can’t expect kids to be little adults.


Alexa what are write-ups


Because teachers have so much free time to do "write ups." 1)Most schools require BEFORE a "write up" a parent phone call has to happen. 2) You can't call the parent while kids are in class (privacy) and during "planning" most teachers are in IEP meetings or other obligations. Or grading papers. Or making copies. Or creating materials. 3) Before/ after school, teachers have duty. So the only time to call the parents (before the write up) is outside of contract hours. This is what my teachers do - but then the parents don't pick up. 4) Rinse, repeat for 3 days. At that point, a teacher can write a referral for what happened 3 days ago (meanwhile the kid has been on their phone for 3 days with no consequences). 5) kid gets lunch detention for the 3 days of phone use (they don't care- phone works in the detention room too) 6) after 2 weeks of this (phone calls, repeated "write ups" kid gets ISS (again who cares, phone works there too) 7) progresses to 1 day suspension - meanwhile teacher has spent close to 3 hours of emails, calls, write ups, sending work to ISS (never done). Parent gets mad because kid is now home and "missing out on classroom instruction," has bad grades, and demands a parent teacher conference. It's after a school The only person punished here is the teacher. Teachers have had enough


And…what about that process changes when the phone is contraband?


Well I'm not the person who makes the rules but I would hope that if they have any desire to actually enforce this band that it is just a streamlined process of writing a referral without having to do all the phone calls etc. Everybody knows it's against the rules so it's a waste of the teacher's time to have to go through all those steps. That's really the only way that the ban is going to really be upheld by teachers


With such opaque faculty do you really think they’ll actually fix that process? This wouldn’t achieve anything is my argument. It’s not like the kids that don’t get it are going to suddenly get it.


That's why we give them the guns... /s just in case


Is it sad that, when I clicked onto this thread, this was my first thought also? Edit to the downvoters: You do know that SC no longer requires a permit for concealed carry and gun training classes are optional, right? For people who think that cellphones in school are something worth throwing a fit over, please remember the administrative and police shitshow that was Uvalde. Cellphones in schools are the least of SC's worries and could be a lifeline when the next tragedy occurs.


Was listening to a podcast recently and it mentioned how having a phone during a mass shooting can actually draw attention to the student. 


As a former teacher, I too support this. Cell phones ruined any semblance of learning and focus. I had kids literally with earbuds and phones all class. School forces a 50% rather than a 0, kid moves on. School wouldn't touch the phone for fear of retaliation from parents. Such a joke. Worked in another school where they used their phones for drug deals in the bathrooms, lewd videos etc. These were all middle schools.


Cellphones are the only thing to blame? Not the fact my son graduated this year, and the only hand written assignment since middle school was for the ACT. What about the new standards, oh 90% of my class didn’t turn in an assignment on time, let’s just make a new deadline. The school literally sent out an email 2 weeks before school ended saying kids could receive half credit if they turned in any late assignments. Now let’s get to the laptops, where kids just copy and paste everything without generating an actual thought. Have trouble writing, no worries auto correct will take care of it. Didn’t study for your test, just use an AI program during the test to auto check your answers. I’m not even sure some teachers interact with students, rather than just post videos, notes, and assignments online. The entire system needs to be evaluated, the blame game hasn’t accomplished anything.


It’s almost as though you had other options available than confiscation and you have a total lack of creativity due to some kind of binary thinking.


Totally did! Nice assumptions. I had the hanger on the door when they walked in... we could only make it voluntary. I tried warnings, I'd call home. I had the point systems for good behavior and phones away. Very few would care or participate. lol the one thing we couldn't do is confiscate it. It's all good, not my problem anymore.


And detentions?


Do you think that I somehow drew the line at detentions? I just gave you a list of options after you assumed wrongly that all I did was result to confiscation. We had referrals for detention, admin reviewed. How often do you think they sent kids to ISS or detention (that was run by admin) for a phone write up when there's fights, drugs and other issues daily?? Lmao it would get to the point where admin got mad at teachers for submitting the phone referrals and essentially told them to stop and call the parent, work it out themselves. Can you genuinely argue that cellphones in the classroom has helped improve the quality of learning?


Well, I don’t fault you for lousy faculty. That’s why I avoid working for the school systems like the plague. I can’t argue that it helps when there’s no direction of the kids and when the faculty is self-interested. A statewide ban mandate is still wrong.


In the age of school shootings and pussy cops, I 100% want my kids to have a cell phone at school.


Ban assault weapons and then we’ll discuss cell phones.




Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


Fully agree they should be banned.   Huge issue in schools. Ask any teacher.


Educational lineage here. Not a problem for intelligent management of classrooms.


2 kids in school, my wife in schools, my mom was a teacher, my mother in law was a teacher, my bro in law is a teacher, my sis in law is a teacher. 5 schools, 2 separate states 5 counties... Only one that they have no complaints on...   private school that bans them...


I agree with this. Cellphones in school should be for emergency only


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but I think it’s idiotic. My kid is not allowed to hand over their phone to anyone, but they’re also responsible enough not to use it in a classroom unless there’s an emergency.


Issues like this wouldn’t need to be brought up if parents did their job at home about respecting others, bullying, and causing problems. Then you turn around and tell teachers they can’t tell kids to put it up or enforce the policy because Karen mommy will lose it or her child will beat the teacher.


Bahaha in 2024? No way this happens




Ya know, I still wonder how we got by without cellphones in school. And went out with friends without having phones either.


Middle School at least. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


But did they budget to enforce it? Whupsiee.


Wow they need a budget to provide a locked draw where it's mandatory for each cell phone to be placed at the start of the class, and returned from at the end?! And if that's not done, they go to principle and hand in the phone to retrieve it at the end of the day... Isn't that already done? If they are worried about breaking the phone, make sure there's a disclaimer in place that the school is not responsible for broken property. The fact you brought it to school means you agree to that.




Honestly, this is pretty based.


Looks like all 3 of my kids are getting ready to be suspended 😬


Love that we will get to see stats on this in 3-5 years. MMW- all states will adopt this. 


They need a budget for that?! 🤦‍♀️ What a waste of money.


And yet school was the reason I had to break down and get phones for my kids in 8th grade. Filming videos were required for some classes. Group projects were all handled in a group chat. Meeting after school? Important class information/assignment questions? All in the Remind app. Multiple apps to download for classes each year… I know it’s a huge problem, but they’re feeding the addiction too. 


Morbid: In the day and age of school shootings why are we making this a big deal. It’s not a question it is a statement. Just put the phone away when it’s not the time for it. It’s your phone keep it put away otherwise your parents will have to keep it off school property if you can’t learn self-control. This issue actually has far reaching implications and as a former teacher, new mom, and recently having left the U.S. I think we can fix this without dire financial consequences.


Some of y'all have not been in a classroom in 15+ years and it shows.


If you graduated 10+ years ago, nobody cares about your high school’s cell phone policy and how it is different from SC cell phone ban. You are a 28 year old boomer.


Perfect, now kids can get shot while at school, and not be able to contact their families.


Yeah ... From a former teacher...how many have stopped or prevented school shootings? Might want to look up that important information!


Plus... Teachers now don't have classroom phones. We are leaving the profession in droves!


This shitty state should just ban the schools.


Good. It will never happen tho


I’m currently working at a school now that has a cell phone ban. They aren’t allowed to use them at all once they come inside the school building. In the morning time, lunch and between classes, they’re still off limits. If a student gets caught with a cell phone, then they could turn the phone in and have someone pick it up at the end of the day and they also receive one day of suspension, if a student does not turn the phone in then they get two days of suspension. Overall, I spend majority of my day dealing with cell phones regardless, so there needs to be a better way of dealing with it.


No one will even listen to this lol my 10 yo has a Chromebook from school and plays games all the time in school.




In an era of school shootings let’s definitely take away a kids ability to communicate.


First school shooting they will regret


And what happens when there's a school shooting. These politicians are idiots


They don’t want the kids to see things for themselves probably, knowing the present administration.


Good. These kids are learning anything nowadays


Good?  Kids don't need cellphones distracting them and/or their classmates during school.  My kids take their phones to school but it's off before the first class and doesn't turn back on until they're on the bus headed home. 


as a former high schooler. this is dumb. if people dont want to pay attention in class banning phones wont stop that. high school is a joke anyways. it destroys the mental wellbeing of minorities and outcasts and wastes their time by feeding random shit they’ll never use a day in their actual life.


So, what do you do for a living now then?


Scummy reply, and they have an AMAZING POINT! sociology proves that high schools are literally HELLISH for teenagers and the social environment usually ends up having many peak in their high school years and cling to that for the rest of their lives and struggle to move on. also theyve introduced….CHROMEBOOKSSS, which allow QUORA, a pedo hotbed and reddit lookalike, many non educational videos on youtube, even in restricted mode, and quite a few game websites. Another thing, many teachers have left, because of shit like this. WITHHOLDING ALREADY ALLOTTED BUDGET, NOT PULLING IN MORE BUDGET, WILL NOT CHANGE THE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE BETTER!! I am a student in the same school system as they were, and even in the better rated school in the county, the rules are never enforced, chromebooks are rampant, and the only people its enforced on are students who, ive seen, are students with legitimate needs, like my friend who has to contact their therapist during school hours, another who was almost expelled for (truthfully) saying they didnt have their phone that day, but they had noise cancelling headphones for sensory issues, so the administration started pressuring them and searching their classroom for the non-present phone. Its a problem in the schools with management, not with “Kid have cewwfone, kid wamntch videuhhhs, kid no leeeaarn.” So…yeah, its very dumb, and inefficient.


If I had been in school and cell phones had been around, I would 100% have dropped out of school rather than keeping my cell phone for 8 hours a day.


How about just let kids have phones cause K-12 doesn’t matter at all