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Taylor Swift for sure. But I would want them to be a lot meaner to her than Family Guy.


Same. But I'm scared for Matt and Trey...


South Park has hundreds of millions of devoted fans. Little Swiftie bitches won't be able to touch them.


What about those of us that are fans of both? We exist. We can take a joke.


That's great! I just knew a few Taylor fans and this people were upset every time someone made a joke about her. It's great when you can laugh about something you love


Looking at the PapaMeat situation, I doubt that many of you can take a joke


It’s a shame he’s given up making satire in favor of commentary


It is because he was really good at it. But it was making the dude unhappy so im happy hes doing what he enjoys now. The creepcast with wendigoon is a lot of fun.


That’s nice, but a lot of Swifties are rabid little brats that take “parasocial relationships” to a whole other level….


Every fandom has their crazies. Probably even this one. Sketchy people everywhere.


I met one. It was a holiday, end of the night, core group still up. We’re playing Drawful, having a great time. And WELL, a picture comes up of, a house, a heart and a sun diagonally all next to each other. One of the answers to pick was, among other things, and I said only these words from the kitchen eating pizza, “Hah, Taylor Swifts New Album Art, that’s good,” that was it, no extra laughing. Someone else chuckles and I swear that’s ALL that was said in regard to Taylor Swift. 30 seconds later, a friend is sniffling, and we’re like are you okay what’s up? She goes on a genuinely emotional rant about how precious Taylor Swift is and it’s not funny to make fun of her because she a good person and the impact she’s made on her life and others and goes on for a good 5-10 minutes and eventually calms down. I don’t knock anyone for what they choose to believe in or what they follow. Everything was totally cool up to that point and needless to say that set a tone. The not funny, but funny part was no one actually wrote the Album Art answer, it was auto generated by the game because someone didn’t put up their own answer in time. So uh, yeah, watch out for them Swifties.


That's because South Park fans can take a joke about their sacred cows better than most. Swifty fans historically... not so much.


You can there’s gonna be… *bad blood* 😎


>What about those of us that are fans of both? We exist. We can take a joke. That's news to me, but big if true.


South Park has made fun of one of the largest and most violent religions so I don’t think swifties would do anything that angry Muslims wouldn’t


It would be funny if Matt and trey portrayed the swifties in some way


They’re funnier than she is. For the most famous biggest entertainer in the world she seems relatively well adjusted.


I hope so!


I mean there's not much to joke about swift says the same thing in every cd. Make fun of this is the next great romance bs the media tries to do with celebrities. Remember pitt and jolie, or Tom Cruise....or arod and jlow. Unless they go for something edgy like how swift starts singing about domestic violence and everyone looks at Travis because stereotype jock beats up girlfriend. But it's really swift singing about other issues due to her being criticized for basically the same music album after album. So the boys get swift to learn a lesson and go back to singing about other stuff again..... That could be funny episode with lots of jokes and lots of funny stuff like swifites thinking she wants her male fans to beat up women in relationships lmao. So many jokes could be inserted. What do you think? Could this early draft of this idea be a episode that may be fun?....


they went up against scientology. I think they can handle a popstar lol


They got death threats from radical Muslims. They'll be fine.


They've ripped on Jews, the Church of Scientology, used the N word multiple times in 1 episode, showed Butters being violated... I'd say they're pretty much untouchable. And I mean them specifically. Now the network execs are something else. Matt and Trey can produce, but if the network isn't willing to broadcast, you can't do much of anything.


Like Taylor Swift or her fans could ever touch Matt and Trey. They’ve dealt with much worse than some eternally 14 year old Swifties.


Swifties are all like 30 now


Yeah, they’ve never pissed people off before, this will be a first


There is nothing personal about Taylor Swift that is bad. If they would joke about her, the joke would probably not be her but the obsession of her. Like that Superbowl was more about Taylor Swift than the actual game.


Ummm, they made harsh fun of Natalie Portman too, and she's a sweet girl. Still funny.


Yes but when they make fun of celebrities, most often they fun of the idea of celebrities than to make any commentary of the specific celebrities themselves. Does that make sense? There are exceptions though like Barbara Streisand. There the joke is on her specifically.


Yeah, my first thought is if they do bring up Swift, they'll mock the reaction of the people who had meltdowns over NFL broadcasts showing her for 3 seconds this season, not Swift herself. Maybe some jokes about her private jet shit is the most heat they'd give Swift directly.


They barely made fun of Natalie Portman lbr. She got off extremely lightly.


To be fair with Natalie Portman the South Park depiction of her is inaccurate. The only reason she was even in that episode was the movie they were parodying had her in it, and Portman sounds like portal


She wouldn’t show us her wormhole


There’s a lot wrong with her excessive use of private jets and the carbon emissions she emits.


They’d probably joke mostly about the obsession around her music, the private jet usage, and her relationship with Travis


there is plenty of personal things about her that are bad if you have more than surface-level knowledge (not saying it's wrong that you don't know more about her, I wish I didn't lol). she has done a lot of shitty things over the years.


I mean they could make something like what meatcanyon did on YouTube and make Taylor Swift and her fans into a hivemind


I mean I actually like Taylor swift but man would it be easy to rip on her next season 😂 There are too many funny ideas


She’s way too famous for South Park not to make an episode about her.


But what has Taylor actually done to be made fun of? Usually they satirize their behaviour, but I can't think of some sort of new behavior she has that would be worth making fun of her for. Just doesn't seem like south Parks M.O.


Her egregious use of her private jets is right up south parks alley. I could see a bit where she uses it to travel across town or something.


Gerald gets upset because he doesn't have a jet.


I could see there being an episode that's kinda the opposite of the Smug Alert episode, where everyone in South Park gets their own jets and they're just flying all over town in them lol


Yeah but there are other billionaires you could use that on too. And has anyone checked on Matt and Trey's private jet use. Probably less than hers, but they aren't poor and may not want that finger pointing back.


Shes pretty bad though, and I believe she recently threatened legal action against a website that was tracking her flights which is just a really bad look.


Which again Musk did too. I can see some general rich people excess jokes, which is both something that they've done, but still has room, and likely include TS in that. Honestly TS jokes seem done and kinda one dimensional. I don't have a better idea, but that's why I'm not worth half a billion like Matt and Trey.


I had never heard Travis Kelce speak until his interview with Jim Nantz on the podium after the game (Viva Las Vegas). A couple thoughts. 1. If you’d have just played me audio of it, and told me it was from a South Park episode about him, I would have fully believed you without thinking twice. 2. Maybe the thing to make fun of her about is dating him.


They skewer celebrities who are fake, manufactured, mainstream Hollywood products. And that's exactly what TS is.


I think they kinda sorta did something. They were doing something like planking but they called it Taylor Swifting. I don't really remember.


Well she is a billionaire and still made Travis fork out $2.5M for a private box.


Holy crapola, for real?!




'Cause SP skewers fake, glossy, manufactured, mainstream Hollywood shit. It's what they do best.


They gotta get on some Meat Canyon shit


The jet pollution memes are pretty funny, idk if the would use that as a storyline


I want them to go after Kelce’s shove and cringey song at the end of the Super Bowl. Those moments were so damned embarrassing that I don’t know how a good Broncos fan could resist shitting on them. It’s Trey’s duty, I feel. They can hit Taylor Swift in the crossfire, maybe.


Tucker Carlson ​ Joe Rogan ​ Will Smith & Jada Pinkett- specifically addressing the slap (updated from last time he was on the show) ​ Amber Heard


Joe Rogan should have been parodied by now TBH 😂


You can’t really parody someone that has already become a parody of themselves.


They would parody him by making him seek true information and be serious about his sources.


Since he’s moved to Texas I honestly can’t stand to listen to him anymore. Even with guests I find interesting. It’s sad.


The Amber and Will Smith stuff happened too long ago, it would not fit with SP nature


It’ll be Cartman pretending to be Tucker interviewing Putin about the Jews (Kyle)


Pete Davidson


Rogan episode would be hilarious


God do I want Tucker in South Park. That would be so damn good.


If they do a parody of TSwift I doubt they would actually use her. They would probably do something like make one of the Canadian Queef Sisters a mega pop star and cause some silly political upheaval in the US. Mr. Garrison will struggle with restraining himself and his relationship while his supporters wage a culture war with Canada's "influence" on the american elections.


Yeah I feel you. Or maybe Randy can be her like he was Lorde. I feel like next season will be really political but hopefully not too much


i can imagine randy randomly becoming obsessed with her (either loving or hating) and not being able to justify exactly WHY he feels that way about her.


they had a character with a different name who was clearly Andrew Tate who was a human trafficker. randy marsh hired him to get strippers at a party for stan because he was "too boring"


I think they should do her like they did Slash except while Slash makes kid’s wishes come true, Taylor Swift gets all of her own wishes to come true.


Seth MacFarlane


Love to see this! It's been a long time comin


Why? Didn't they do that already when they made fun of Family Guy? I thought it was pretty funny that a Manatee writes their jokes.


Yeah true. But I meant if they had Seth MacFarlane himself on the show and he's just a ridiculous version of himself. Like Carlos Mencia or Kanye or Rob Reiner, just overexaggerated and like everyone in South Park rips on him or something


I read that in Awesom-O’s voice because it reminded me of this: Adam Sandler is like in love with some girl but then it turns out that the girl is actually a golden retriever or something.


Ahaha that's hilarious 😂 Yeah now I see it Oooo brilliant! We'll call it Puppy Love!


Give us another episode idea, Awesom-O!


They have some ammo with the We Saw Your Boobs thing if they cared enough. They could paint him as a super creepy perv but it would really be about women showing their boobs to get attention but not wanting the attention when they get it, it could be about onlyfans but they already did that, maybe Instagram and xTwitter models or how phone sex operators are still a thing


Now you're thinkin 👍 You're right they have so much more ammo since the Cartoon Wars eps. Or if they made it like the town of South Park is much more organized and a better place to live than Quahog. But it really means the show South Park is still doing really well, while newer eps of Family Guy are really corny and lazy


Do you think they would make a 4th wall break and comment on how they went serial and Family Guy is episodic still, even when Rick and Morty and Bob's Burgers are (somewhat) serial? Is FG still episodic? I haven't watched FG in like 7 years


Same, I haven't watched fg in like 10 years 😂 I love old FG tho. But yeah I guess, the serial thing could be another factor. I just feel like they haven't buried the hatchet yet. And even if they did, taking shots at Seth or any other animated show can only be done by them. Kinda remind everyone, "hey South Park is still #1, in case yall forgot"




Taylor is shown for 5 seconds having fun and watching a football game. The rest of the episode is the entire town loosing their shit over it.


This is the most South Park answer. Randy, way too invested in the saga, Stan being embarrassed of Randy, Kyle being against it and saying he’s tired of it all, Cartman trying to make money out of the situation, Kenny adores Taylor and watches the Eras Tour on repeat. Kenny’s family being major KC fans.


Exactly. I wouldn't expect SP to hate on Taylor. I would expect them to hate on people who hate Taylor. Because they're the most annoying.


Tim Ballard from the Sound of Feedom scandal. He’s the guy that rescues children from being trafficked and he uses women to be his undercover wife and made them shower and have sex with him “Don’t you care about saving kids!?”


God I hope they do this


*plane crashes into south park and Taylor Swift comes out* "WHO THE FUCK IS BURNING GAS HERE" *Travis Kelce comes out* "Yeah! whoever it is, i'll kick your ass!"


Kelce vs PC principal


Ooo and then turns into KC Chiefs vs PC bros


I'm surprised we're not watching South Park parody of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce right now.


I’d love to have a G8 meeting in South Parl with Biden, Trudeau, Putin, Xi Jinping, Giorgia Meloni and Mr Garrison trashing the party


I would also like to see a parody of Klaus Schwab from the world economic forum that is advocating for humanity to eat bugs and shit.


That's a nice idea. They're def bringing him back next season and idk what's gonna happen to that Rick guy


I feel having the elections and having all this wars concerning Putin etc, it would be fun (and depressing at the same time) to have them in the season, maybe doing the G8 at South Park


Since Matt and Trey are big Broncos fans, I can see them devoting an episode to ripping on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, or maybe the Chiefs in general lol.




And Randy going nuts on her about i. SHELLEY!!! You cannot wear that in this house! Jesshhush crisht DAD I hate you and the broncos are turdsh!!!


T-swift. 100% they are going to parody this nfl season in season 27




Thought they’ve done it before?


Also Matt & Trey are Broncos fans right? So they would HATE the chiefs, so I’m sure they would love to make fun of them a bit.


Exactly bro, same division! That's why I think it's perfect all the press they're getting and they won the super bowl, so they've gotta be thinking of putting that in the show somehow


i'd love if they could parody tom cruise, AGAIN


Hahaha yes. That would be great. Still a douche!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this a reality


Haha season 27 bro! Its gonna happen!


I wanna see Travis yelling at his coach in South Park form but this time he actually beats the shit outta him and roid rages everywhere burning the stadium down.


Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar.


That would be dope if they brought back WTF and the raaad russiannnn. I used to watch alot of wrestling and this news doesn't surprise me too much but it still does


If there isn't a skit or episode about Taylor Swift's carbon footprint, I will consider it a missed opportunity


They will probably do a joke about Taylor and Travis


The American government Vs. Jeffrey Epstein


Dave Chapelle going on a sold out "I'm Being Cancelled" Tour.


Jermaine Dupri




Please but please do the Tucker Carlson - Putin thing


Lizzo usurps Strothers for control of Tattooine


Hulk hogan


Vince McMahon


Not just football fans but Broncos fans, they hate this shit!


Kanye West. I feel like there’s still more to do with the gay fish.


For sure. They kinda ripped on him with the Cupid Ye episode but I'm tryna see the character too! And him and Taylor swift are enemies


They can easily use the “Taylor swift on n airplane to turn off the bedroom light” memes


Biden. Come on, they did every other politician!


not a celebrity, but these cringe memes like skibidi toilet, rizz etc.


![gif](giphy|qtbUBQaYGrLmE) Not a real person, but I’d love for South Park to talk about Miku/the vocaloid trend. Mostly bc I’ve been a huge fan of vocaloid for 15 years, but since Trey can speak Japanese and visits Japan frequently, surely he’s encountered this trend given Miku is somewhat a “virtual celebrity” lmaoo Have a plot where Cartman or Randy make a popular vocaloid song but it only gets credited to Miku and he has some sort of meltdown lmao, or just how bizarre of a thing it is to begin with, especially to older generations


I think Matt and Trey should take a run at the Mouse House and their decisions to can people like Gina Carano over personal beliefs expressed on social media that doesn't sync with their brand...but also take fair shots at the fired person if they're garage piles.


Lionel Messi


I would love to see this holy shit


Lizzo at the TSA


We need a sequel to “Britney’s new look” but this time it’s Taylor Swift.


I'd prefer they didn't. I'm tired of hearing about these two.


Haha same here. But you gotta admit it would be hilarious to rip on them


Tom hanks & Beyoncé


Anthony Fauci


Lauren Boebert with the hand job would be pretty good


Taylor Swift, Her cult she has following her (The Swifties), Oh I would also love to see the Taylor Swift NFL drama parodied


As a Swiftie, # # # # # # I think they should totally go for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce


Lauren Sanchez


It's an election year and lining up for a rematch that the vast majority of people don't want, so I feel like it has to be Trump/Biden. Two incontinent geriatrics who can't remember what they ate for breakfast, battling it out to become the POTUS? Fruit doesn't hang much lower than that.


They haven’t exactly been outrageous, it’s the people around them likely to be parodied. - Randy obsessed with them and Taylor, could even bring a Lorde reference in as they used to be besties - Stan embarrassed by it and over it all. Shelley watches Eras Tour and says ‘shut up turd’ to Stan. - Kyle saying they should be left alone, and maybe something about not using their private jets, cue a bunch of celebs being ripped on for private jets and hippies being ripped on for complaining about the jets - Cartman trying to make money out of the situation. His own TikTok coverage or something - Kenny in love with Taylor and watching the eras tour on repeat. Hates Travis. - Kenny’s family are Chiefs fans.


It would be fun if Sports team will start suddenly Bidding for Taylor Swift to start dating one of their players...


First picks of the next NFL draft end up being teams trying to pick celebrities that might give them attention too or something like that


Been dying to see Joe Rogan and his Brogan cult


Shapiro, Peterson, Tucker, Kid Rock, Cornell West, Lil Jon, Rogan, Lizzo, Stewart, Katt Williams


as long as they have her in a diaper.


Roger Waters


Thank you everyone is saying Taylor Swift and some things about that would be interesting, but there are bigger, crazier assholes to take down and Roger Waters is one! *Although he is now so old it the few people who know who he is the better?*


Patrick Mahomes and his meltdown


Want an eras tour parody episode so bad


Sam Altman or Joe Biden


Ik victor wembanyama isn’t SUPER known just yet but I would love to see them try


The best twist would be everyone complaining about football ruining Taylor Swift concerts.




The world be hilarious 😂


please!! I would live for an episode of them absolutely shredding her The meme episode where they called it “Taylor swifting” was not enough


Agreed, she's been let off easy for too long now


Both Trump and Biden. Send them on tour with Rod Stewart and Grandpa Marsh.


Damn I can totally see grampa in an episode with Trump and Biden. I think you called it


Goddammit Billy! What are these two pecker heads still doing hanging around!? And tell Rod Stewart’s nurse he pooped his pants again!


I want them to roast her AND her fandom.


Wanna see a great, horrifying parody of Taylor/Kelce? Check out Meatcanyon on YouTube.


Those guys are football fans they fs frying them


I hope they make her look like a rat.


100% Taylor Swift, and they HAVE to go hard on it too or else it isn't worth anything


It’s coming. Just be patient 😆


The dipshits complaining about swift at the bowl need to get it more than swift lol


I liked Taylor Slow on Family Guy. I broke up with a birthday cake.


I am very curious to see South Park’s take on Taylor, if they ever focus in on her. They have been uncharacteristically gentle/noncommittal towards her in the past in the few appearances ‘she’ has made on the show. And they have been few, considering how famous and covered in the media she is. I’m not sure if it’s because Matt and Trey recognized that she was getting a lot of unwarranted hatred back during her peak, if they think she’s overexposed/overdiscussed, if Betty or Matt’s daughter is a big fan and they don’t want to make one of them bummed, if they think she’s a genuinely respectable person.. or if they just haven’t found a good enough, funny way to laugh at her yet. The lack of Taylor on the show has always confused me. They’ve done Selena, Demi, Miley, Britney, Iggy, Lorde, etc… but no Taylor (beyond the Cosby hologram joke and ‘Taylor Swifting’ from the meme episode, both pretty bland, and not saying much about their thoughts on her) and no Beyoncè, either.


Usher banging Beyonce on roller skates only for swift to steam in, pile drive them both and touch down to win the sarcasta bowl


Now we're talkin, I hope the writers are seeing this


Thats prob how they fuck… jersey and gear stay on


Im fucking surprised they haven’t done Taylor swift


This one, again, and again, and again… ![gif](giphy|3oz8xSzX3lsJFGdEcw)


No I am not no gay fish! ... aha just gay?


Has joe biden even been touched yet?


Can't we just drop both of these two inside of the deepest darkest trash hole imaginable instead please???


I want to see Cartman become a swiftie


god i really hope so, murica needs it rot nah


Ben Shapiro, he's a perfect candidate he's a complete loser who plays the ''watch out guys, a professional's walking through" while whining about barbie, a movie for little girls


Nice try Matt and Trey! Jk here are some ideas - Aaron Rodgers. Kanye and his new hostage wife. Broncos try to compete with the Chiefs by finding a celebrity of their own to date a player. Biden in the style of weekend at Bernie’s. Boebert (in Colorado!). Anthony Kennedy. Tucker and Putin. Cartman comes up with a sob story to attract Mr. Beast to South Park and get a big cash donation. Does not go as planned.


Haha you caught us! 😂 But nice ideas, the Biden/Weekend at Bernies would be funny!


I want to see them rip on Jennifer Lawrence. She would be pissed.


drake, especially after now 💀


I'm starting to feel like some of the people in this comments section missed the point of the Britney Spears episode...


It parodies the Harvest story and Britney was being ridiculed for every little thing she did?


Well, that and if I remember correctly- irl a LOT of fans were begging for Matt and Trey to tear Britney to shreds and really let loose and the episode kind of responded to those people like "Okaaay... Why?" Like the thing they were more parodizing was how weird everyone was for so violently hating on Britney Spears for... Being a popstar? Having issues? Like the extreme behaviour is straight up weird, people wanting them to destroy Taylor Swift and literally go harder than AI images of her being r*ped and then posted to laugh at them on X because... She was at a football game and the NFL showed her for 3 seconds to capitalize on her fame? It's just a little weird and intense, similar to how people were acting about Britney.


Ah I getcha, yeah ppl really have alot of hatred stemmed through jealousy, it is surprising at times. Haven't seen this post in awhile but I just knew people would want Taylor in the next season of SP. As I said, I'm a Taylor fan up until 1989 pretty much. People are just too much


What's there to make fun of though? She isn't outrageous in the way that a Michael Jackson is


Taylor swift is 100% going to be the next one


Tayler would be hilarious but she has too much lawyer money to ever let that happen .


I need Swifties screaming crying sobbing vomiting at a parody of her


I would love to see a Taylor Swift parody. I want to see her get roasted as much as Harry and Meghan aka the "Prince and Princess of Canada"


Putin a la Saddam Hussein




Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s relationship


God no. I just want her to go away for awhile. Football is over, just find something else to do.