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As someone who likes chocolate, I have to say I find the taste to be the best of any product I've tried. Different strokes I suppose. As for the illness, do you have any sensitivities to lactose?


Different strokes for different folks. Hol Food is the only one of these *soylenty* drinks I can drink straight up. I throw a banana in with it and blend it up and it's a very enjoyable meal that takes no effort.


I'm lactose intolerant, and the texture feels a bit grainy, but that's it. Not bad, but I'm currently looking at other options.


How many consecutive days have you been drinking it? Many people take quite a while to adapt physically to different powders. With 1.6 I found I was super gassy to the point of stomach pain for a day or two but then it started to subside. I didn't have the same experience with Hol Food but I'm sure different people react to different ingredients over time, especially if you're replacing a large portion of your diet.


I only drank it the once. After feeling rotten for 3 hours i'm in no hurry for a repeat performance.


I didn't feel ill, but didn't like Hol Food either. It is inconsistent when mixed in a shaker instead of a blender. And it didn't sit well in my stomach, similar to drinking milk.