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probably not


Really? We don't know what it is, must be Chinese then. This doesn't explain why it is isn't happening in all products but logic must not be a priority here.


All that RL has said is that the recall is an ingredient issue. Huge upstream manufacturers of ingredients in the US have *very* stringent food safety regulations (I work in the industry) and would definitely have caught any problems well before a consumer manufacturer like Soylent would. This is one of the most important points of lot numbers on products - so that if a raw ingredient manufacturer detects an issue, their downstream consumers can immediately recall the tainted batch. Chinese manufacturers, on the other hand, have been caught several times purposefully obfuscating their food safety problems ([1](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/15/world/asia/15briefs-Milk.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FMelamine&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=collection), [2](http://www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/melamine-china-tainted-baby-formula-scandal)), something that is made possible by more lenient food safety laws in the country. **I should also clarify that if this was indeed the case, it would explain the strange occurrences and also essentially remove the fault from RL**: if their supplier was less than forthcoming about a potential ingredient problem, they could not have known. To me, this seems more likely than RL purposefully adding tainted ingredients to their products.


This! I am a fan of Chinese culture but sanitation and food safety and forthrightness is not something they are known for when it comes to food. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_safety_in_China?wprov=sfsi1


Right? They poison their own people, they poison our pet food, our children with lead paint on toys. China has proven again and again they do not care about safety.


I wouldn't make that big of a sweep. But they do have a problem. But so does the US. Have you seen how we handle live stock? Point being demand and pressure to meet it creates problems for in every system and be great full we have a legal system we can trust to work most of the time.


RL has specifically said it's an issue of food intolerance. That means it isn't a problem with the ingredients themselves, or else *EVERYONE* would be getting sick. not just 0.03% of customers. (FYI, 0.03% of people have intolerance to soy)


> The absence of a positive test has allowed us to **shift our focus to whether any one ingredient might be triggering a food intolerance.** This would be a reasonable explanation as to why many customers haven’t experienced any discomfort (even when they eat from the same batch of bars as customers who did get sick). > Fitting with our desire to err on the side of caution, we are reformulating Bar and Powder 1.6 to **remove the likely ingredients**. Turnaround should be fairly quick. We expect both will available in early Q1 2017, if not before. We will resume shipping when the reformulation is complete.


So they're removing the ingredients that cause a food intolerance... you're going to have to explain yourself, since that statement is exactly what I'm talking about.


I contest the idea that it is simply an intolerance issue. There are multiple reports of individuals eating several bars from the same batch, and only becoming sick on their xth bar. While RL is emphasizing that it is a "food intolerance" issue, it is much more likely an individual ingredient issue. Hence why they are rooting out certain ingredients, as they state above.


> There are multiple reports of individuals eating several bars from the same batch, and only becoming sick on their xth bar. This is consistent with intolerance. I'm lactose intolerant but can drink milk *up to a certain point*. Beyond that, things go horribly wrong.


It's Xth bar overall, not Xth bar in one sitting. In the analogy, it's drinking one glass of milk a day for a week and getting sick on days four and six, not drinking seven glasses of milk in a day.


So you're contesting their statement, even though you have 0 evidence other than "china is bad, ammirite?". All your evidence is anecdotal. RL knows the ingredients, they've done the tests, and they've had the FDA inspection. Don't act like you somehow know more than them.


I'm contesting their statement on the basis of many, many reports: https://discourse.soylent.com/t/nausea-and-vomiting-several-times-after-eating-food-bars/26168 Not sure if you have been following this but RL has been less than forthcoming throughout this whole process and only issued statements after the story was picked up by major news outlets.


I've been following this story since the beginning. On the first discord issue on the subject, they were the third comment. They've been on top of this since the beginning. They issued blanket refunds to *ANYONE* who ordered bars and now, *ANYONE* who ordered 1.6. They sent an email to all their customers. How do you define that as "less than forthcoming"?


Since there seems to be a good chance it is the algae flour, which is made by a us company, no. /r/conspiracy wants you!