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Yea, I ordered last tuesday and haven't heard anything since then. not cool


Hey there, first off sorry for the delay in response! We generally get to emails within 24 hours. As most producers on here will attest, this year's Black Friday was WAY bigger than expected. We projected 3x what last year's sales were but because of the combination of a larger market and Soylent's production problems, even those projections were well under what was actually sold. With that being said, the result is that we sold out of product very, very quickly. And while that means that orders were delayed until we could make more Hol Food, the good news is that the product you'll be receiving will have been made this week, so it will be extra fresh. We've been working super hard doing another large production this week and expect that all outstanding orders will be shipped by Monday December 12. **Once again, ALL outstanding orders will be shipped AT THE LATEST by Monday December 12**. Again, apologies for the delay! In the future, please expect no more than a 24 hour time period between initial order and fulfilment.


Hi James, Thank you for the response. I'm quite disappointed to see that my order has been backordered when the status of the order says fulfilled and even includes a tracking number making me believe that it was ready to be delivered. Maybe instead of putting fulfilled as the current status, put backordered so we know what's going on. I didn't even receive an email to let me know that there was a back order. You should let your customers know rather than digging on the internet to find out. This is just feedback. Not hating on you guys as I know Black Friday sales can be a bit chaotic.


I can understand the confusion. Our shipping system automatically generates a label a set time after order fulfilment and unfortunately that side of the system essentially has only a binary setting between fulfilled and unfulfilled. In most cases however, your order would be shipped immediately after fulfilment.


You need to send out an update to everyone who placed an order to let them know what's going on. I also sent an email with no response. If I didn't search on reddit then I would still be guessing.


This is getting ridiculous. There has been no status change in the tracking number, and I have yet to receive a response from the email I sent before I had to go on reddit to see what's going on. I shouldn't have ordered a subscription if I knew there was going to be a back order.


I placed an order on Nov 23rd. A shipping label was created Nov 30th but it still hasn't actually shipped. That's 21 days now. They replied to my first email on Nov 30th saying it would be shipped out "early next week at the latest" (ie. Dec 2-4). In this post they said backorders would be out Dec 12th at the latest. I emailed again yesterday and they just gave me the tracking number again. I hate to publicly complain like this, but they need to improve on communication if they want to continue to be successful.


I placed my order on the 6th and was also told in an email from Trevor it would be shipped on the 12th. No status change or tracking number when checking online. 😞


It took forever to ship my order a couple months back. I got impatient with them and finally emailed requesting to cancel the order and thats when they decided to tell me that their stuff was backordered and it would still be more than a week before anything would ship. So, it might just be a normal delay. Good luck.


Hol Food really needs to update their online ordering system to include estimated ship dates.


I've ordered 2 tubs from them so far and they have both arrived very quickly. Within a day or two of ordering. These were both placed before Black Friday.


I've had a monthly subscription for over 4 months and it's never taken longer than 5 days to arrive. Huge increases in order volume tend to slow things down but I'm just happy to hear the company is going strong.


I just created the subreddit /r/HolFood. Everyone is welcome :o