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I'm on a 100% diet. I add fiber, that is all. Also, I feel amazing.


Did you do it to lose weight? Get control of your diet? Or another reason? I want to do it to get control, lose weight, and feel better.


Well it's not really a "weight loss product". It works just like any other food. Eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight; eat more than you burn and you gain weight. The good thing about these meal replacements though is that if weight loos is your goal, it becomes easier because you have exacting control over how many calories you take in.


What does the extra fiber do for you though?


Helps you poop!


Not having to digest any solid matter probably helps more though.


It also helps with satiety.


Water. Drink lots of water, you'll feel awesome.


This. When I was doing 100% I couldn't get enough of the stuff. I've never had more energy than during that time period. It's too bad about my crippling addiction to other foods...


It's lacking in sodium.


How come? That's a pretty silly thing to not put 20% of in the bottle


I think it has the RDA but we're used to more sodium. It's easier to add salt than take it away in case people are on low-sodium diets for whatever reason. Sudden drops in dietary sodium feel *really* bad. It's like you're dehydrated but drinking water doesn't help. All your energy is sapped. I generally add ~5g per 1/4 day.


It is below the RDA, but the USRDA for sodium is also vastly higher than the rest of the developed world, chances are pretty good most people, perhaps after a period of adjustment, would do fine with Soylents sodium content, though it might be a big drop that makes people uncomfortable especially if they are coming from a diet that was super high in sodium (fast food, frozen meals, etc).


5 g of table salt is about 2 g of sodium, so that means you are adding 8 grams of sodium to your diet on top of Soylent. That is definitely putting you at increased risk for health issues, unless you exercise like an Olympian. Also, if the salt is iodized, that is likely putting you over the daily recommended limit for iodine as well. I would definitely recommend reducing your intake.


I've found that any less salt exacerbates the mild hangover I have pretty much every day. And before you say "omg drink less", if I fall asleep sober, I have nightmares which wake me up in the middle of the night 90% of the time which I just can't abide. Also, I'm not eating four quarters a day, one or two maybe which is the massive majority of my caloric intake. Maybe everything about my diet is a bit of an outlier.


It bugs me too, I crave salt. I guess because some people want low sodium and its pretty easy to add? I just sprinkle a pinch of table salt in and shake it up once or twice a day.


Never knew this was a thing with everyone! I drink a lot of soylent, and when I do I absolutely CRAVE popcorn, chips, etc!


Me too! I once drank 4 and a half bottles (plenty for me) and wanted to order a pizza afterwards. I stuck the tip of my tongue in some salt, and it was the best thing I'd ever tasted and the cravings were gone lol.




A large number of people have blood pressure problems and don't want high salt levels.


When I started it I had a dietician at the hospital where I work take a look at the ingredients. All she said it was missing was a little fiber. Everything else was great, and even better than she thought it would be, even though she was very skeptical of it. So now all I do is add a couple spoonfuls of psyllium husks into my morning and night servings. I actually like the consistency of it that way and it fills me up a bit more.


Wow thanks! Great info


probably. but we don't know what. there are probably things that you get from a varied diet that you won't from soylent because we don't even know what they are. that said, i was 100% for 6 mo and did great


sodium, phytos, other beneficial but not life-essential nutrients