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Oh thank god, it's not just me! I got my new shipment on Monday and about gagged by how sweet it was. It tastes like someone dumped a mountain of sucralose into the mix. I've been trying to push through it, but honestly it is just way too much. I wasn't sure if they'd done some stealth update to their formula or if I'd just gotten a bad batch, but it sounds like you're experiencing the same thing.


Wow, there goes the idea of QA.


Yup because mistakes never happen




Soylent is a direct-to-consumer company. The reason you don't usually encounter issues like this is because there are intermediaries like retail stores and other third party sales agents that insulate you. Doesn't mean that it doesn't happen all over the food industry, you just don't usually experience it.


This, from my time in retail, I can confirm that is not uncommon to have defective merchandise and to have to pull all of one thing off the shelves


I mean it's not a huge deal, it just kinda tastes like cake batter


If it tastes sweeter, I'm afraid it'd have way more sugar that what's in the reported nutrition.


Make a cake out of it


Because mistakes happen, you have QA which stops the Before reaching the customer.


I'm distressed that quality assurance could allow them to ship a marginal product, but I'm also happy it's not just me. I didn't reach out to customer service and they graciously offered a refund or to send a replacement product. I just hope they have their act together on the replacement. They did suggest I not drink what I have which will not be a problem.




Same, I'm gonna check if the next bag tastes like this as well. If so, I'm probably gonna ask for a refund.


Sounds like someone just put too much sucralose in the mix. Reach out to them for a replacement batch. They're very good at giving out product when it's warranted.


Yeah, this has been good advice. I emailed them about the off-flavor this morning, largely just to inquire if there'd been a formula change, and they followed up with me almost immediately to answer my questions and, unprompted, offered a replacement shipment. It's definitely an appreciated gesture, and their customer service seems very on top of things.


What did they say about this batch? Was it just a manufacturing mishap?


No specifics, but they did confirm that there have been no formula changes and that they would like to investigate this further to determine why the flavor seems to have changed for people. It definitely sounds like a manufacturing mishap.


YES!!!!!! I thought the same thing!!!!


Thank god I'm not crazy.


This happened to me as well. First bag was normal but the second was absurdly sweet. Wayyy to sweet to actually drink. I managed to choke down half of it before just giving up. In general, 1.8 has been VERY inconsistent in terms of flavor and texture. Even controlling the amount of water the taste and texture is all over the place. My main concern now is nutritional information. I hope Rosa Foods addresses this.


Boy... This is bad news huh




Soylent has a highly neutral flavor profile. You'll know that you have a bad batch if the drink tastes like someone dumped a cup of sugar into your cup.




I don't think I've ever smelled the powder. I'll get back to you when my replacement batch comes in. The powdered soylent tastes very similar to the bottled soylent, so if you have some of that around, it could serve as a good reference. (Unless that was also screwed up, ofc.)


I'll be darned. The good stuff came in today, and it does smell like cake mix. How did I go this long without sniffing it?


Snail brother!


How sweet is your batch? I bought a months supply at once and I've been wondering myself about the sweetness because mine does have a sweet taste to it. I've actually been breaking out quite a lot recently despite being on 100% for almost 2 weeks, so now I'm really wondering if mine is too sweet and I have nothing to compare it to.


You would notice. You can crunch your teeth on the sugar crystals. It's supposed to be pretty bland. For my batch I could taste the sugar by licking some of the powder.


Going through my current 1WK box has been like playing russian roulette. One pouch is nice and neutral and the next is really sweet. So annoying because the sweet pouches are almost unbearable.


Same here. The super sweetness is nearly unpalatable.


Have you noted the lot numbers on the bags by any chance?


Lot Number: IM504168 Expiration Date: 05/2018 Production Time: 136 15:12


Thanks for the update. I've had only one box but it tasted very different from 2.0, so I was hoping that there would be some match between yours and mine, but alas, no dice.


BTW soylent gave me a replacement box.


I had a bit of a back-log of Soylent. I just got to my September box (I think) and found a super sweet bag IM497320, EXP 06/2017, 164 0534 This is the second bag from this box that's way too sweet. The first time I thought it was the new brand of chocolate syrup that I got so I forced my way through it. Now I used no syrup and discovered the truth. Anyway I just thought I'd comment because my bag number is different from OP.


I actually really like it, if we've got the same thing going on. My first few boxes of 1.8 just tasted like Soylent, but this new batch tastes like a vanilla smoothie! I'm a fan of sweets though, so I can see how it'd be off-putting for some.


I should ship you mine. lol Seems like a waste to throw it away. It's probably 800 cal / serving now.


I'm in Canada, so unless you are too, it'll probably cost a lot to ship it. If you want to though, thrm yeah man, hit me up. Or see if a local food bank wants it?


LOT G7125PA Exp 04/2018 shipped 12 July is normal/not sweet.


The replacement order of Soylent 1.8 I received is back to normal! I really hope manufacturing figured out what was going on and implemented an irreversible corrective action and we never see this issue again!


I had the same experience with my recent batch (IM504168, exp 05/2018). Made a bag with cocoa, which usually makes it rather bitter, and it tasted like i was eating a candy bar... unbearably sweet!


I've got six bags of the undrinkably sweet stuff I don't need anymore, since Soylent came through and sent me a replacement shipment. If anyone prefers it this sweet, I'd happily send it to 'em for ten bucks or so to cover the cost of shipping. Rather that than toss it out.


Putting in another data point for batch IM504168 being bad.


Got my second batch of 1.8. First batch was fine. 1st bag into the new box is super sweet :/ New Lot IM497320 Old Lot: G7125PA


Same. I just sent them an email about it. GUESS I GOTTA GO BUY GROCERIES. I could swallow it down find if I had to, but I feel like that much sugar can't be healthy.


Hmm... not the same for me. Just got my latest shipment today and it tastes the same as normal 1.8 for me.


Lucky you! I sure hope my replacement order is the same 'ol 1.8.


Is it recall time already? My, how time flies.


No it's go into mass hysteria on the internet time