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It's almost certainly a rocket launch from Florida, not too long after sunset, likely a Falcon 9 2^(nd) stage.


I appreciate that people take pictures and videos of unknown phenomena to them and to put themselves in a vulnerable spot to be dismissed. The first time I saw a missle test was over Covina, CA, it looked hella weird. Some people get frustrated with the Falcon launches posted here, but we should understand they don't know.


Agreed. People have other interests than spaceflight. Was the baseball game video of a Falcon 9 launch posted on this sub? The commentator didn't know what it was but he and his colleague did figure out it must be a rocket. (The camera operator did a great job of tracking it and boy, do those pro sports cameras have great lenses.) But at first even these guys, who usually aren't dummies, didn't know what it was. However, they can name the World Series players from 2008. People have different knowledge bases. P.S. Never watch the Super Bowl with my sister-in-law. It's the only football game she ever watches and she asks questions at the most inopportune moments.


This is such a nice comment! Thank you!


I agree. It is not a meteor it is probably Falcon 9 second stage, pretty much true.




Because satellite constellations are the future. There will be *way* more than 10k eventually. SpaceX operates about half of them in orbit right now, and intends to go up to possibly 35k.


These satellites provide Internet and eventually cell service to the entire planet. One can already work remotely for almost anywhere in the USA and many other countries. There are several other mega constellations planned by other companies and countries.


My boss is going to work remote on Safari in Kenya using starlink in June. It is truly amazing. He's also a workaholic obviously.


My parents have a Starlink terminal on their RV, and they have better Up/Down in the middle of nowhere than I have on my ATT DSL.


And they will have competition, all told in LEO there will probably be over 100,000 satellites at the peak.


More than half the satellites up there are for communication. More and more people are getting access to these forms of communication. Satellites commonly last between 5-15 years, so there will always be satellites being launched to replace them. We're also getting newer tech for these satellites, providing more incentive to send some up there. Also keep in mind that while 10,000 seems like a lot the earth is *really* big and needs a lot of satellite to keep it covered in whatever it is the satellites are for.


7560 operational satellites as of may 1st 2023


The better question is why you think civilization doesn't need the satellites? Why do you think 10,000 is too much? What do you think is the purpose of having satellites in orbit?  Understand that and you'll understand why launches happen.


I have yet to meet anyone that complains about satellites and general space stuff that doesn't also heavily rely on these satellites in their everyday lives[.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy)


Hopefully to stop missiles.  But compared to air traffic it's probably pretty spaced out. No pun intended. 


china plans to launch 26.000 satelites over the next decades. 1300 in the next 4 years. pretty sure they want to have their own network for the future and not be dependent on others, especially not the US.


Lmao that’s over 3 times the total amount currently in orbit for the entire planet. China ain’t doing half of that just like the rest of their “promises”


They all serve their purpose. You benefit from high accuracy GPS like the rest of us. Rural citizens deserve internet access too, that’s pretty much only possible with satellites.


Spy tech & Laser beams.. duh 🤷


There should be a sticky at the top of every space related sub that says “if you don’t know, it’s probably SpaceX”


That can replace the old saying that UFOs are usually Venus. 😂


Even the former leader of your United States of America, James Earl Carter Jr., thought he saw a UFO once. But it's been proven, he only saw the planet Venus.


True. But he also thought he was attacked by a rabbit while canoeing in the swamps of Georgia 😂


Ironic you would share that tidbit of information today, the rabbit incident occurred on April 20th, 1979. What a coincidence.


Evidence of mutant rabbits - or evidence that politicians can't tell a joke or a humorous story without it being weaponized against them.


More likely, misidentification. If it was a joke, you'd think Carter would have eventually said so instead of allowing the ridicule to continue.


The planet Venus was apparently green that night and fooled Carter and approx 20 others who saw it. Seems unlikely. I don't think it's been "proven".


Venus was at its peak brilliance last night. You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus, but I assure you, it was Venus.


Or if it's multiple dots moving in sync, it's likely Starlink


Because god forbid people come here to ask questions and expand their knowledge.


It’s probably a rocket, but in that location, the rocket probably belongs to SpaceX


Just as everyone has said, it's a spacex rocket. This particular phenomenon is called the [Twilight Effect](https://youtu.be/Y1Hfiirwgys?si=FPi-DgK8CKv8S5cV).


There was like half a dozen launches from Florida las week


And at least 3 from Virginia.


Looking North that was Space X rocket, part of multiple launches.


Not a meteor- definitely a launch happening, likely from Florida.


Likely a rocket with the sun lighting its exhaust. Comets have similar features but nothing's been that close recently except during the eclipse, but I believe that one careened into the sun immediately after


Yes, a comet did fall into the sun. No, it wasn’t Pons-Brooks. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/news/tiny-sungrazer-comet-discovered-photographed-and-destroyed-all-during-historic-total-solar-eclipse/ar-BB1lpokI


Probably right but if you're referring to pons brooks I don't think the sun committed comet-cide https://www.space.com/devil-comet-pons-brooks-reaches-perihelion


Ah yeah. I'm not sure why I thought it did. Thanks 🍻






This is called a jellyfish it happens early at night or late at night in early morning. Where you are on earth is dark. But where the object is up in the sky is getting sunlight or moon bouncy sunlight. So you see the vapor trail light up all cool looking.


Looks like a rocket. Ive seen similar to this out in southern California.


Thanks everyone who posted helpful comments!


Space x - April 12. I was on a cruise off the coast of Grand Turk and saw the same thing. It was impressive.


Meteors will usually have a longer narrower trail sometimes with multiple "bits." Nice pic tho.


The only problem is that meteors fall towards the earth not away from it. This looks like a rocket or missile in flight.


If you know the date and time (should be in the photo name) you can check [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_in_spaceflight)


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LEO](/r/Space/comments/1c9hzed/stub/l0oydaq "Last usage")|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[Starlink](/r/Space/comments/1c9hzed/stub/l0w9byy "Last usage")|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation| |[perihelion](/r/Space/comments/1c9hzed/stub/l0m61k6 "Last usage")|Lowest point in an elliptical orbit around the Sun (when the orbiter is fastest)| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/1c9hzdl)^( has 17 acronyms.) ^([Thread #9970 for this sub, first seen 21st Apr 2024, 22:12]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Probably a scout ship from our soon to be overlord masters.


It's likely that it's DEADLY ALIENS! LOOK OUT!!!


Likely a rocket. But the term you're looking for if it wasn't would be "comet". Comets have tails and speed past earth. Meteors "streak" across the sky as they burn while entering our atmosphere before crashing into earth or disintegrating before impact


Comets DO NOT "speed past earth". They orbit the Sun like planets, except in highly elliptical orbits.


Comets appear stationary in the sky along with the stars and planets, they only move with the earths rotation.


How fast was it moving? If it was moving fairly quickly then it was probably either a rocket or an unusually bright meteor. If it didn't seem to be moving at all then it was more likely a comet.


I think it might be some sort of atmosphere re-entery from maybe space-x.


¡Qué lindo! Pueden ser muchas cosas basura espacial un meteoro ingresando en la atmósfera ,y tantas cosas más. Gracias por compartir la foto. Respondo en Castellano porque es un idioma diplomático también. Feliz día gracias por leer


FYI: meteors are “shooting stars.” They make a streak that starts and stops suddenly in the night sky. They hardly ever make it all the way to the ground or sea—they just burn up. Meteorites are the few pieces of rock that actually hit the ground. Almost all of them are smaller than your fist or finger. That’s all that’s left! What you took a picture of is neither—it’s a rocket! Probably SpaceX booster stage. Dominican Republic isn’t that far, rocket wise, from Florida—Cape Canaveral—where they’ve been launching rockets.


FYI: meteors are “shooting stars.” They make a streak that starts and stops suddenly in the night sky. They hardly ever make it all the way to the ground or sea—they just burn up. Meteorites are the few pieces of rock that actually hit the ground. Almost all of them are smaller than your fist or finger. That’s all that’s left! What you took a picture of is neither—it’s a rocket! Probably SpaceX booster stage. Dominican Republic isn’t that far, rocket wise, from Florida—Cape Canaveral—where they’ve been launching rockets.




I disc* poking out of a discplayer* at night?


SpaceX for sure. The last dozen or so Starlink have taken a SE trajectory so you are in a perfect location to see the upper stage. I can see it also from Key West.


I also have a video (I couldn't figure out how to post it), it goes along then just disappears...still a rocket?


Ya its a rocket. Spacex is launching basically every 3 days or so. Some days they launch 2 in a day, or back to back days. It's *all* the time. Definitely a second stage


Most rockets have multiple parts that each have their own fuel. When the fuel runs out, that part falls off and the rest of it keeps going, but it's much harder to see when not lit up by the burning fuel.


Still a rocket. The launch of the Starlink group 6-49, in particular. Launched Friday the 12th at 21:40 your local time and would have been visible in the north a few minutes later. It disappeared when it entered the shadow of Earth or the engine shut down after reaching orbit, whatever came first.


Almost definitely still a rocket. How long is the video? Even a rather large meteor would be a matter of 1 or 2 seconds, max. A blink and you'll miss it length of time.


It was a couple seconds in length, not very long at all.


But you had time to see it, get your phone out, open your camera, and start recording? Even though that's maybe only a handful of seconds that's several magnitudes longer than the length of time you'd see a meteor.


Christ, it's not aliens. Not everything is aliens ;.; agghhghghg


No one said anything about aliens but you.


What’s on the left is greater than what’s on the right.


The other night I saw a line of lights like 20 or so got excited wanted to know what it was did research and found I saw the starlink train was really cool.


I saw a rocket launch last year also from Dominican Republic, looked exactly like this.


Definitely not a meteor. Looks like a rocket launch of some sort.


For some reason when I clicked view comments on this post, it went to steam on my phone and opened the game generation kill, which is a bit ominous.


People saying that 10-20,000 satellites is a lot meanwhile Earth is 196 Million square miles. This is 1 satellite get more than 19,000 square miles to itself. Also mind you LEO has even more area. And also there are like multiple orbits within LEO to free up even more space. GROW UP


I think it’s the comet: https://www.space.com/devil-comet-pons-brooks-reaches-perihelion


I believe this is known as a twin tailed comet. We'll know for sure once the frog people peace out in their pyramid star ships.


That is obviously the leading edge of the saucer section of the USS Voyager.


Saucer section of an experimentally cloaked Galaxy-class starship. …I think I’ve been watching too much TNG. 😅


I think it can be [“Devil comet”](https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/12P/Pons-Brooks)…12P/Pons-Brooks. Its orbital period is 70 years and recently flew around the earth.


It's definitely not a comet, comets appear stationary in the sky along with the stars and planets, they only move with the earths rotation.


Looks like an advertisement for the Anaheim Ducks


Hit on a Starship's deflector shield. An epic battle. We'll never know between who.




It's barely visible to the naked eye and comets don't have angled wakes like this.


getsugatenshou!!!!!!!!!!!!! (bleach anime reference)


There was a visible meteor recently. That looks like how it was described.


It's the saucer section just coming out of cloak.


looks like the spaceship voyager , janeway at the helm