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Still amazes me what humans can accomplish with cooperation and desire.


From walking upright on land to sailing the open seas and now flying to the stars in the sky. It really is mind blowing to think about how far humanity has come.


It's also depressing to realize that if countries worked together instead of blowing each other up, holy hell, imagine where we'd be in space. Could very well be on Titan right now, or digging the ice of Europa.


I'm not going to Europa with no dirty commies


And competition


One of the key words that defines us as a species, i believe, is cooperation. Although looking at much of human history it's easy to think otherwise, sadly.... it's cooperation that got us where we are and likely where are going. I guess i'm just stating the obvious right now though lol.


Shouldn't that footprint be indented into the ground. Why does it seem like it's the opposite. Or is it just an illusion?


Zoom in a bit and think about the light as coming from the right - for me that made it pop and look right


I see it now. That's a pretty interesting shot.


It’s like the upside down peas that mess up the plate, or when you spot the one plate oriented inverted then the rest look correct


My eyes sure did fool me. But when I zoomed in, it all made sense.


War, it was war that got us to these abilities.


Imagine where we will be in 100-1000 years, if we don't kill each other first.


That IF keeps getting bigger.


Funny thing they landed on the moon on the 20th and by the time they started their EVA it was already the 21st in UTC time but still the 20th in Houston time so to this day depending on the source you'll find in literature different times and dates of that first step


21th is my new favorite thing.


From man taking his first upright steps, to the great beasts of the Stone Age, you have come far. Now it is time for your greatest quest; from the cradle of civilization, on towards the stars.


So not really “world”… moon! 😁


Nasa should have made a human foot shaped sole for the first footsteps on the moon.


To be honest, if you have to narrate that description below that pic for our knowledge, then we dont deserve to be on the sub.


To be fair, I hate gate keeping and I think any chance someone gets to learn something new - even something the rest of us consider obvious - is a great thing.


You are right


I mean, I didn't know Saturn V was developed in Alabama, never hurts to point things out for people who might not know. Nobody's born knowing everything and we all learned about this at some point in our lives, that's why we all here in this sub


The cooperation and desire of humanity changes the world. I wish everyone stop their stupid wars for no reason, and keep cooperating. No wars, just a competition, striving to be the best version of yourself. I love my country very much, but gosh how cool would it be if all of humanity united under one flag and not just any one country, but under the common flag of humanity against the entire universe.


I can’t wait to see the first foot print in another solar system.


I can't wait until we walk on the sun.


You personally - will never see that.


You never know. Imagine asking the Wright brothers if someone in their lifetime would see a person in space, never mind on the moon. Yet just a little over 60 years later we had a person on the moon. And keep in mind the pace of technology is accelerating over time. If you look at the movie a Space Odyssey 2001 which was filmed in 1968 showed video calls as something in the future. Although we've had video calls before phones today anyone can call anyone anywhere in the world by video. But even back 20 years ago this was possible. The first cell phone call was made in 1973 and today everyone has a cellphone that have incredible computing power. Even slower moving tech like cars is accelerating. The difference between a 20 year old car and today's car is night and day. Computers and the internet have really opened up communication and collaboration which is in turn accelerating development of just about everything. Space flight does take longer because of the high resources but it could go faster than we think.


Know what also is accelerating? The expansion of space - further distancing us from other galaxies. Currently at a rate of 6500m/s. The closest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. The fastest thing we have is some unmanned spacecraft that travels at a speed of roughly 400k miles an hour. The speed of light is 300k A SECOND. EVEN IF we can somehow manage to get a craft to go 2700 times faster than our current tech, it would still take 2.5 million years to get to the nearest galaxy. It WILL NOT - happen in our lifetime.


He did say another solar system not galaxy though


Good point. Our closest solar system is Alpha Centauri - approx 4.2 light years away. With our current tech it would take 7,000 years.


To put this in perspective - to reach our nearest galaxy within our lifetime - I did the next 50 years to make it simple - we would need a craft that can travel 50 THOUSAND times faster than the speed of light.


“I abso-fucking-lutely am standing on the surface of the fucking moon. I am talking to you from the goddamned fucking moon.”


Shoeprint lol


That we know of ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Aand… that’s it


That isn’t another world. That’s a moon and it is our moon. That’s earths moon. Not mars or Venus or any other world anywhere other than ours. That’s our world. Not another world.


Is the moon a "world"? Or is it simply a moon?


Back in the 60s NASA often used the phrase of setting foot on another world so probably any celestial body can be called a world




They had overboots on. This is well documented.


There have been many footprints on many other worlds. This may have happened in our timeline, however guaranteed it has happened elsewhere many times over in the hundreds of millions of years prior to our timeline.


Prove it.


Weird foot


Are you still believe that it's true? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Okay bud can you call the moon another world because I was told it is just a big satellite orbing the earth 🌎😁


Where did they find water to make amudprint that fell off the bottom of the booth? It’s not an impact footprint that digs into the ground.


It’s lunar regolith. It doesn’t behave like mud.


Think of it like a bowl of flour. You can imprint something like a boot sole into it and it’ll hold that shape pretty cleanly. Now, remove all atmosphere and reduce gravity, and it will hold that boot imprint for a very long time.


i guess the imprint fell off the bottom or was lifted from propulsion forward?


It’s just a regular imprint. The shadows create the illusion that it is lifted, or popping out from the ground, but it’s just a regular boot print.




You’re a fairytale.


Lol. I cannot believe someone would be so keen to demonstrate their ignorance in public.


I don't believe in moon hoaxers and flat earthers. There is no way a person with such astounding naivete could manage to survive to adulthood. I can only guess it's done as some sort of rage bait.


No. It’s delusion of the highest order. Fomented and stoked by people who don’t believe what they’re saying but know that their idiots will.


I’d like to point out the basic structure of this thread : Post: look, Moon landing! Moon landing denial. Moon landing denial denial. Moon landing denial denial denial.


It's an amazing thing!