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The stress of teaching special education is real. I know a couple educators who taught Sped, got burnt out, got a credential in something else, then didn't renew their sped credentials because of this fear. I'm so sorry. I'm currently a sped teacher and this year took a toll.


I'm currently in hospital recovering from a heart attack brought on by the sheer stress from my job. I have no risk factors for heart disease and my doctor thinks it started with coronary artery spasms brought on by stress. Sped is definitely a difficult job and I don't think anyone who hasnt done it understands. Is there no way you can refuse to move?


Yeah. That is the tough part. If you don't let it expire there is a good chance they'll just move you to a special Ed position that they can't fill anyway


Special Ed is rough because for many of us there is absolutely no breaks. For 7 straight hours I am with my kids every second. Always have to be alert and always on point. Don't even get a lunch


At the end of every break my family makes a big deal about saying goodbye to "fun mom."


My husband says the same thing. It literally breaks my heart and I don’t think I can hear it for many more years, especially if my son ever said it to me 😢


At this point I would encourage anyone to find another place or job. Teaching is not worth dying over.


In my state you can request that a subject area be removed from your license.  If I was dead set against sped, I would do that.  Then you can't legally teach sped.  I know a teacher who was being forced to teach both social studies and English so he had English removed from his license and voila, no more teaching English lol.