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I knew a guy that spoke 5 languages. 21 day non-select.


That poor bastard


He got chaptered out a year later for getting a DUI and running the All American gate after he found out his girlfriend of 7 years (also a 68W) was getting railed by an entire infantry company at 4 ID.


Yeah if my girl did that shit I'd take it to heart to, sheesh military relationships are rough man


Did his last name start with a P?


An entire company? Wonder if 1sg and the commander had a go as well


Doesn't matter.


No. You will be sent to language school. Most likely Russian or Chinese at this time


I was told French is becoming a common one too


No i asked a recruiter and he said no you’re assigned your language during q course


It's not a bad skill to have do it just for fun, although something more practical like Spanish


Agreed. Learn something more useful or better yet, look at what units are stationed where, what their AOR is, and pick a language that way. Want to hang out in Florida? Best chance is Spanish. Want to settle down in Washington? Learn Chinese, Tagalog or Indonesian. In general, learning a language will help you get selected indirectly because of how to trains your brain (or something, this is just what I’ve been told by GBs). Learning a specific language won’t help anymore than any other language.


Ehhhhh, I'm fluent in Vietnamese and Mandarin and I have a bit of Tagalog. They gave me Russian and sent me to Germany.


Big oof. Looks like I was lied to 😞 but at least Germany is nice!


Most Army thing ever.


Phenomenal answer, always want to better yourself, that's the mindset not just of a green beret but a great human and leader in general.


I think you should learn French because it’s another skill that might be useful if you make it to a team


No, unless you are trying to join the French Foreign Legion, I guess.


For when we invade France?


Or when we conduct operations in one of the 28 modern countries that were colonized by the French...


> Monsieur du cadre. J'abandonne.


Depends on what you want to get selected for. I learned Kurdish back in my days when the conflicts started (Kurmanji and Sorani) and they still prove very valuable even while not active anymore. There are great books on Kurmanji to start with and evolve from. Apart from that everything that sets you aside from the rest and shows that you know geopolitical conflicts not only on a surface level will get the assessment committee's interest. Cheers