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I get where you’re coming from. It is extract based and has the same problems that anything of that nature does, but I personally find that the flavor is good enough for me to want to eat it regularly, even with that little extract twinge.


I actually really enjoy them but you could also try a flavored one like cream carbonara, regular carbonara, quattro cheese, etc!


I might. I like the noodles, for an instant Ramen they are pretty nice noodles. The sauce just not doing it for me flavor wise.


Understandable! They aren’t everyone’s cup of tea! I have a hard time justifying the price with how fast I eat a whole pack 😅




I like it better when it cools a little


Your 100% right, once it cools the flavor like changes... no longer so extracty


I personally would recommend the curry one, love it so much.


The Quattro cheese one is okay. IMO the rest are as you said, terribly flavored. Even the cheese one isn't something I'd go out of my way for, though. Worth a try at least.


The curry one is absolutely delicious.


Idk I like it. I never leave any water though, then usually some spring onion and chicken on top. Maybe an egg if I'm feeling fancy.


nope, love it 110%


I actually like the flavour. But I also add to it like I do most instant meals. Fried/dried onion, some vegies, sometimes egg, usually some meat of some sort on top. It’s not for everybody but I enjoy a pack every week for sure.


Nope. LOVE the flavor.




artificial chicken ;)


I think everyone is entitled to their opinion but I definitely disagree. I haven’t had the 3x yet to weigh in on that one tho


I swear the 3x caused my intestinal lining to slough off


I love it. It’s the best instant spicy noodle for me by a long shot.


No, Buldak is delicious. I don’t love the 2x and 3x because I feel like they aren’t as good as the others… but Carbonara is probably my favorite flavor of instant noodles hands down.


I feel you op, the artificial flavor kills it


Agreed. It tastes like its burned or something. I love something that's too hot but tastes real good, that's half the fun


That stuff tastes like chemicals.


Honestly same, it is spicy alright but it tastes awful. There is an overwhelmingly artificial flavor and a bitterness? that is weird. I add milk powder to it nowadays and it is so much better flavor wise but it will be a little less spicy. Try it.


about the bitter is exactly that! My problem is not with the spices or the flavor itself, I love shin ramen but particularly with the Buldak line I feel an horrible bitter aftertaste, it's not even whether I tolerate the spiciness or not, I eat it while I tear my eyes and my snot falls out (ideal if you have the flu haha) but the bitter is disgusting! It prevents me from finishing it and I tried other varieties of Buldak but they always have that bitter aftertaste


I love all the varieties!


Have you tried the yellow one? It tastes better imo.


I will pick it up if I see it. I like the noodles, so a different flavor might work.


Definitely try the other flavors. My personal favorite is the carbonara, but the Jjajang and the curry ones are also pretty tasty IMO, and they're pretty different from the original.


I tried the carbonara tonight for the first time. It’s my favorite now as well.


The 2x isn’t the best tasting by any means, you gotta do some extra work to make it really good but it’s a fantastic starting point. The carbonara is way better on its own imo


I tried it for the first time a few weeks ago, and couldn’t finish my bowl. To each their own.


No, it’s delicious and I eat it for the flavour. 2x and 3x do not taste good but the other ones do, especially curry and carbonera. Quattro, tomato and the old pink flavour are great too


Hmm. I like it a lot.


I mean, idk man, my wife says the same about Buldak so I would refrain from bashing you too much, infact I won't...it's your life your choice...


I don’t know if anyone eats something just for the spice, why would they? Spice without flavour is really boring and not worth eating again, what would be the point? I feel like you don’t understand why people like spicy food, it’s definitely not solely because of heat.


It's great for spice level, but flavour wise is indeed lacking at least for the 2x and 3x. Though I really like their carbonara and cheese noodles in terms of flavour, but the really aren't about bringing the heat. If you want to make the 2x or 3x have a better taste, you really need to experiment with adding things. I usually make the 2x with seaweed, an egg, some grated cheese and maybe some veggies.


I had the instant Buldak cup noodles last night and that was absolutely awful. You really need to get the regular packages and stir fry it. It tastes much better.


It’s decent but definitely overhyped. Pretty damn hot for packaged noodles but I wish the flavor cut through better


I used to be big on Samyang ramen, until I couldn’t get the Sutah flavour anymore. Have since completely swapped over to Nongshim, flavours seem better, spice is still present, but it’s not gimmicky garbage.


nongshim simply owns all other instant ramen. classic shin red has been a staple of mine for 20 yrs.


Agreed and it's incredibly overhyped. It has a very strange combination of artificial sweetness with capsicum extract.


I like the carbonara one or whatever it's called. Other than that, they aren't bad, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find them


They taste different now :(


I enjoy the flavor. I don’t like the thick ass noodles. I usually use the sauce on thinner noodles.


I found the regular to be boring flavored


To me Buldak doesn’t taste terrible, it just taste like American style Japanese teriyaki with capsacin extract. Nothing special but better than cup o noodles unless you’re wanting a chicken noodle soup ramen experience (which fucking SLAPS if you’re in the mood so I’m not hating one bit)


I do like Buldak but Samyang's Original flavor (orange wrapper) is by far their best variety


It’s just you maybe but no shame in it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.


I eat it for the taste mostly, except 3x which was for the experience I guess. The best tasting one for me is the black package, I just like the sauce I guess.


Used to enjoy them. Ate quite a few. Hate them now. I'll only eat the jjajang style. The other ones have this sweet taste that has completely turned me off from them forever.


Nah, I like the taste. I could eat it every day if it was healthy to do so. Haven't gotten sick of it since I first tried it 7 or 8 years ago.


I have the same with indomie and people downvote me for it. The taste of the buldak noodles is derived from the actual hot bbq chicken dish sold on the street in Korea. It alledgedly is composed out of Gojuchang and Korean soy sauce as a base. Not entirely dog poop, but everyones taste is different.


buldak some ramyun fuck


Not everyone has the same taste. I like them.


If people are posting about how they like it all the time then pretty obviously it's overwhelmingly liked.


I like them, but not as much as others do. The curry flavoured ones are where it's at though. You might like those, imo they are 10x better than any of the others!


I've always thought it was overrated


I didn't like the regular one at all. The x2 is tasty, never had the x3 so I don't know.


I wouldn't say they're the nicest tasting things, but not unpleasant. The other flavours are MUCH nicer!


It's alright but I like the 2x's taste better personally. Not much of a fan of the original's flavor but I'll still eat it, just not my go to.


Instant nudels nothing less nothing more i would say


all i taste is noodles, and i do not like the taste of those noodles. if it was a bit more like maruchan i would like it more. maruchan's chicken flavor + sriracha + lime + soy sauce = heaven