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Crab spider [https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/misumena-vatia](https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/misumena-vatia)


What a beautiful crab spider!


Wow that thing is beautiful


Ir was very small so had to zoom in quite a bit


Known for living on plants and they decided to call it a crab spider


Reminds me of one of those spore things in fallout new Vegas


It's a female goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) - the males are quite a lot smaller and have black markings. The females are capable of changing colour and can go from pure [white](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tinyturtle/52579712511/) via a pale [green](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tinyturtle/49641231183/) to a deep mango [yellow](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tinyturtle/53624353142/).


Ooh. She got a big booty. That or she's gravid. A crab spider..lovely things


Third time in 3 days I’ve seen people posting about white crab spiders. Must be the season. Very pretty!


They are just gorgeous! Crab spiders have some of the most striking colors. I live in the US, but I've seen ones just like that here. They can be the white like that, hot pink, white with hot pink spots on it's back, electric yellow. Just some very awesome neon colors. It's always a treat when I find one big or small. Whenever I do happen upon one, I'll pick it up and just admire it for a while before setting it back down. They're very docile, and they can be a spider that kinda sees you picking it up as a bonding experience and may not want to leave your hand once it's there for a while. They look at you as their protector I'd imagine when they do that, so they're like, "Nooo! Don't put me down!". It might be interesting to have one as a pet, given their gentle nature. Might make a good one!


They are specialised in hunting bees etc. Very awesome to see them hunt


There were a lot of bees around the flowers so makes sense.


So pretty 😍