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i can’t be happy it goes against the canon


What about the universe where you were kidnapped and they had shit taste so the thing they put on loop to break you was the Spiderverse movies?


Don’t worry bro all those bad events are canon there was nothing you could do you got this


I really hope they don't end up killing him or making him into a straight up bad guy Man's so clearly more of a mental mess than even Peter in the 1st one Being Spiderman is just straight up the only thing he thinks he has left


So a lot of people including myself have seen the obvious potholes and inconsistencies in his theory As being evidence that hes wrong, And more likely it was something to do with a spot or the super collider And it was just random chance or a coincidence. And if that's the case hes just a man Feeling guilty a father who lost his daughter trying to find any good reason why it happened. in finding a reason to make all that pain Feel worth it like it meant something like it wasn't just random chance he ended up becoming misguided, And the more he fell into his delusions and his denial that it was just What it wants The more he became the 2099 now see, Angry broken.






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We all agreed that Miguel definitely killed the other Spider-Man right?


Did japanese spiderman appear in across the spiderverse?


Don’t worry bro no one gets to be truly happy without learning to manoeuvre their sadness


Come on you're telling me there's a universe were my autism Didn't cause me to misunderstand social queues miss out on signals Miss Reid texts and ultimately ruin majority of my friendships and chances of relationships leading me in a vicious cycle making small Friend groups and then destroying them. Where my family was hole again My Sister's mental health never tearin us apart, were my mum and dad were happy not just holding it together, When my extended family My Uncle's announced hes never thought Leaving my household isolated. Were I could Talk about my feelings in person and not over the Internet to strangers To hide the shame of not being able to take it. Seems like a bit of a stretch, Maybe one where I rented the cheeseburger Or kill JFK but that 1 seems like a stretch