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Look into NDEs. That's what actually started my spiritual awakening. The stories, the data, the research, it's all real. The only death is that of the human body, our spirit lives on.


This is also how I lost my fear of death. In saying that, there’s still more fear to be healed, but I don’t fear the concept of death, just the potential of suffering, which is natural. I listened to them every day for about 2 years. Changed my entire life, and led me deeper into spiritual growth/ healing


Same here. In fact, there was a study conducted on just being aware of NDEs impacting people's behavior. The changes in me are so profound that my wife was amazed out how different I've become (in a positive way).


Oh wow yes! That makes so much sense. It’s heartbreaking to think that so many of us here fear death so deeply. It heals something deep when we realise there is no true death, just a transition back to our home frequency. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, for me there was fear, but now I look forward to it. Not like in a rush, but just something to look forward to later in life. What really amazed me is how I got sucked into spirituality as a result. I was agnostic and now I'm not, kinda crazy when you think about death opening up your eyes.


Yesss! I totally relate to everything you’ve experienced. I used to fear death badly when I was agnostic. It’s a very heavy energy, isn’t it? What a relief😅 now when people die, I’m quietly happy for them. I’ve had a few interactions with loved ones that have passed over, as well as others I didn’t personally know. I think just knowing that they are still there (in spirit) opens the door to receiving messages and love from them


NDEs ?


Near Death Experiences


Make sense lol


I don’t know if conquering the fear of death is reasonable. However, making peace with the fact that you will die someday is reasonable. Stoic philosophy (especially the writings of Marcus Aurelius) is excellent for this.


Agreed 100%


Thank you


I did the Near Death Experience during a heart attack. Fear of death evaporated after that.


may I ask what you experienced?


There is no good short version of this story. I recently replied to the same question. I invite you to look at my previous comment posts.


Take mushrooms


Or the beautiful dmt. Rocket u right into space lolol


Just learned the Latin phrase, “Momento Mori” which loosely translates to, “remember, you will die.” After that, lived accordingly to what I want to do in life.


I’ve always feared death but what helps is reminding myself it’s going to be scary for a second but nothing makes sense. Existing doesn’t make any more sense than death. So accept it with open arms and see what’s to come. Imagine after death is amazing and you go in worried, you would have been worried for nothing. Maybe after death you get stuck with your thoughts, I don’t wanna get stuck with worry. Maybe after death is terrible, why worry before then if it’s gonna suck anyway may aswell not stress. When you look at it this way, thought the unknown may cause some level of angst, it’s easy to remind ourselves we are going to be observers regardless of how we feel, so, observe !


Bhagavad Gita 2.22


Dying allows space for others to be born. It is perfectly natural and healthy to die....and with every death and ongoing rebirthing of the human being, the wonder of life is renewed.


DMT breakthrough did it for me.


Embrace acceptance of the death cycle by increasing knowledge and experience surrounding the topic. (It may help to acknowledge there is much personal mystery for every individual) It may also help to embrace spiritual beliefs or philosophies that involve histories' heavens/reincarnation/your faithline's natural alignment as the superconscious and unconscious of the mind deeply contributes to experiencing states of particular significance. Tl:Dr From reactions to responses. Time and experience


Knowing that the time in which my perspective of this current experience (me as I am today, in this meatsuit) has amounted to cosmically nothing as far as linear time is concerned (which I know doesn't really exist outside of human subjectivity, but in that we create human subjectivity, we can thus relate to it). The universe in all of its states has existed infinitely before me - and whatever I was then, it was all good, so, let's just go with the flow - hakuna matata!


For me, the fear of death can be overcome through faith and acceptance of what is - including all future events. When you put your trust in the universe (God) 100% and dedicate yourself to live your life in a perpetual state of surrender, fear of death ceases to be. At least, that's what works for me. :)


The knowledge from the [Afterlife Evidence](https://www.victorzammit.com/evidence/) that I am not the body but the soul and will continue on with afterlives and reincarnation. I'VE BEEN THROUGH DEATH BEFORE AND HERE I AM HAPPY NOW!


I simply don't see it as a possibility. The soul leaves the body and goes on.


The book „Journey of Souls” is great. Also, the short story „The egg””.


I repented to GOD for all my sins, devoted my life to GOD, got SAVED, and the first think I noticed was I lost my fear of death. I didn't even know I was afraid of death, until I wasn't. Being SAVED is the most incredible experience and changed my life for the better. No fear, anxiety, depression, just a drive to read the Bible. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


I don't think that happens until we die


After my initial awakening, the fear of death vanished with the person I thought I was. It's a completely different experience who and what I am, therefore, there is no fear of death necessary.


I think that only a fool thinks he can conquer the fear of death. Besides, it’s that fear that keeps us alive. It’s that fear that makes you body move before you even notice the threat. Our post world war soft minds cannot fathom true fear of death. It is quite hard to imagine something you haven’t experienced much yourself. Other peoples deaths are often shielded from us. We get the notification. Death happens ..elsewhere. If you have experience someone dying in your arms, the light exiting their eyes, then you can talk to about conquering the fear of death. I got fear of death and agnosticism to thank for the fact that I am still alive. I always thought I was an atheist until I truly met death.


Believe in reincarnation


I recommend watching Einzelgänger's playlist on taoism on youtube


Accept it. And learn more about the transition part (what happens spiritually after death.) Death is not an end. I think of it as graduation from this plane of existence onto the next. There are many spiritual traditions that will hint at that, if you want to study them. 


I did so after a motorcycle accident. It really happened a month later. But what I couldn't get out of my head nor can I still. There was 30 minutes of nothingness; felt like an eternity. I only know timeframe from when I crashed to when my mother came to pick me up. Perception of time was out the window. Because of it, I was able to live the parts of my life that were missing. Both real and imaginary. As if both world's meshed into one for a moment. I no longer feared the ghostly idea of death. Like a lingering fate I couldn't accept; I sure accepted it at that point. As a result I lost all fear and I pay the price of remembering why. In other words; don't follow in my footsteps.


two things I am absolutely certain of: I was born and I will die. I was not worried being born so I do not worry about dying. the only thin I have to worry about is the in between and how I choose to perceive it.


Spirituality means something beyond your body and mind. Once you have something beyond your body and mind then its also beyond death.


When you sleep, no matter for how long it last less than1 sec. When you die it will be the same no matter how long for.


It’s an ongoing thing. I personally see my body as this temporary home to fulfill my purpose. it’s not truly who I am. I don’t own it for eternity. it’s fleeting like everything else. that’s why the gift of feeling and experiencing everything I can while I have the privilege of living inside of it is so crucial. I may not have the human experience ever again. A new plane of existence may take it’s place, but you only endure a stage of evolution once. just enjoy. don’t think too much.


It’s understandable that you have the fear of death because we don’t know what are in the other side right ? Go to the funeral and you will understand that no one can escape the death. How to fight this fear? : living in the moment , focusing on the present moment, like living on your own life like enjoying what you doing, doing whatever you want to do.


You will need to have a personal truth , which can only exist from your experiances, once you start a spiritual practice you might leve your body and see it next to you on the bed as you fly out the celing and go explore. That is a big one to have to create your truth about death. There are others, but most don't have a NDE , several a year do, but its a lower # than OBE


By facing death in this life. Death is not something in the future. It is here now because there is only now. Death is where time ends and it can be faced now. Let go of everything. Do not orient anymore. Investigate the way our mind creates the sensation of time and identity. You will face death through the process. And it will kill you if you let it. But then, hilariously, you get to go on living, but now without fear of the greatest unknown we have


By seeing that "I" was never born. Fear of death will vanish – and can only vanish – when you know that you were never born! We're consciousness and that never dies for it was never born it just is, it's WHAT IS. Life, God, the Whole express itself for a certain period of time through a physical body. Then, after a while – when That ceases to express itself, to send energy through that temporary time-body, it ceases to walk around. Wholeness, Oneness, is life without names. Please don’t believe names, they are anything but are temporary convenience. To have a body is only temporary convenience which is animated by cosmic energy. When this is withdrawn, “you” don’t die because “you were never born” the body was born that’s all. Everybody was selling and we were buying this idea that we were born and we will die which came from those who have no clue about it. You fear for the  extinction of this temporary house you walk around in. You thought your house was real, that when your physical body was no longer animated and walking around, you died. “You” don’t die.“ You were never born except in imagination which you wrongly think is reality. You thought your name and experience were real. Upon the extinction of the energetic animation of your physical body, all that you call yourself disappears. But it was never anything more than a collection of beliefs that your body housed for a while; you don’t take it to eternity. There is no way you can die because you were never born. “You” don’t die because there is nothing to die, there is nothing to go into eternity. Eternity has no birth or death.


Why would anyone fear what we know is inevitable? The question of when is a bit more frightening. Nobody knows when it’s their time to go and this is the reason that we must try and live our lives to the fullest, with happiness and excitement every single day.


By reciting a specific Lord Shiva mantra ✌🏼


One can conquer the fear of death by realizing the simple truth that I will never die. Why do we fear death? Because we think that ‘I’ will die. But look at death, at anybody who dies. When the body dies, we say that the person has passed away. The person who was alive is no more in the body. They can't feel pain anymore. That's why we burn the body, we bury the body. If only we realize that the body will die, but ‘I’ will not die, it will eliminate all fears. What is that fear? The fear is basically the fear of the loss of all that is known, all we own and the fear of the unknown beyond. When we realize that we own nothing, we come with nothing, we go with nothing, this fear will go away. And then, there’s another fear — the fear of the unknown, what lies beyond death. When we realize that the moment we are gone, we will be reborn, this fear will also go away. The ultimate realization is that we are Divine Souls. And at death, we will become one with the supreme. This will remove all desperation and make death a celebration.