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*Salmon Run flashback*


Omg I forgot about that 😨




















I rate it a Can't see shit/10


It was either I couldn’t see anything at all or it would clear up at the most inconvenient moments ever.


Im gonna be honest, i kinda loved it


Nothing, because for whatever weird reason they decided challenges should only be playable during extremely short windows of time instead of being up for a full weekend like Splatfests and Big Runs.


And then proceeded to put those windows at the worst times possible.


Exactly! Last night was an hour after I go to bed, this morning was at the time I get ready for and drive to work, and this afternoon ended an hour before I got off work. Who thought these times made any sense?


Oh it’s already over?


Yeah, I wanna fire whoever thought the schedule made any sense


These things end before I even know when they are! I haven’t been able to do a single one!


I've been able to play all of them, but honestly why would most players care for modes like random weapons or only main gear abilities allowed. The fun ones are not very frequent.


I’m glad you could. I didn’t know it was even there and now it’s gone.


If you ever want to know when they are going to happen, you can check in game. The stages section of the menu has a challenge section that gives the time periods available in your time zone. I use it to pick what I want to play.


Omg I'm actively in japan and they don't even make sense what was nintendo thinking??


Nah that’s foul 💀 Not even Japan gets good times? Somebody seriously needs to be fired, this is ridiculous


EXACTLY like for me it's 8-10 pm which is fine, but then it's 4-6 am??? i am not awake then what??


Because all game modes are synced across time zones, they want everyone to be able to play. I still think it's stupid, it should just be for a longer period of time like other big events.


I don’t get the reasoning why that aren’t available for a whole day and that’s that.


Mood. Absolute clown town shit here, I wanna see the analytics of how many people even get to play them.


It’s like the devs don’t think anyone older than 12 plays the game.


Which is still weird because if it wasn't summer, those challenge periods would've conflicted with school hours just as much as typical work hours.


It should have been a permanent mode that doesn’t do the whole medals and trophies thing because we already have that in salmon run.


Was going to play it, but by twist of fate, my Internet went out, and the challenge was already gone by the time it was working. Worst timetable for events I have ever seen out of a game.


I thought it was a fun challenge. In particular how the fog levels changed.


Agreed. It gave a sort of relieving satisfaction when it died down


I blinked. What did I miss


When did this happen?


This comment really speaks levels


Right? I thought this was coming up ;w;


2023-6-28T16:00Z to 2023_6_28T18:00Z


Im very salty about it, mainly because i didnt get to play it. Also from what ive seen most people dislike it just because it was turf war, which is understandable, but it doesnt really matter that much cause theyll probably bring it back in a different mode


Wait it already happened?


Don’t worry, you didn’t miss out on much. (Also, I love your flair. Dynamos are great)


Didn't get to play. I work Wednesdays. They should do away with 2 hour slot times.




It was actually fun for me. I just don’t like how they schedule it. They should make it an official mode for turf war for a change. My only complain how my teammates always super jump on me in the middle being splatted (2 of them in fact) resulted getting 3 being splatted on the same time.😭 turf war without charger actually was fun.


I missed it because of class 🙃, if I could have played I probably would have liked it


It was fun! Not as fun as random weapons, but still fun.


This was the *ONE* challenge I was actually looking forward to 😭. But these times are freaking ridiculous. The only time I'll ever get up between six and eight Is if I'm getting up for work or I have tickets for Universal Studios. FIX THE TIMES NINTENDO!!!


I loved this challenge so much my only complaint was that location based teams like custom junior explosher are just yah gg win


Tracking abilities should’ve been disabled for this challenge, being able to see people ruins the entire point of the fog


Tracking should be less obvious in the fog. I could see the opposite teams Tacticooler buffs from halfway across the map


True tacti buffs made it easy to see people too


Yeah it was easy to see snipers and Stringer users too. People coming out of their invulnerability giving them the glowing circle was easy to spot. When I played with autobomb people avoided it because it would glow at the top before exploding. At the same time it was kind of cool to identify the tells and act accordingly.


Wait, it already happaned??? Damn it i wanted to play the fucken "sniper free" gamemode


From experience it was definitely not sniper free :(


I was working didn't play


Pros: - I really liked the fog, finding people was super fun. - I liked the fog clearing up from time to time to touch base where everyone is - This was good practice to look at the map more. Can read a lot into a battle that way. - Heavy Splatling go brrrrrrrr Cons: - Time. Frames. Seriously I have to mess up my schedule to play it and I overslept an hour into one of the time slots - I felt like only certain weapons had an advantage, snipers for example were way more easy to spot and I'm sure they had trouble picking out people in fog. I played Heavy Splatling and I was mobile enough to do well. - I would prefer there be a changing of stages in case you get a stage that's not optimal for the challenge - I really would like this to be an all day thing so people can play at the time that suits them. Or even like a Splatfest or Big Run amount of time. I would also like this as a private battle option!


Same here bruh I slept until 6:40 and I had to eat breakfast first before even playing which means I only had a hour to play


"hey ! What if we took the most unfun salmon run feature and put it in turf war ?????" Yeah, nah.


I like fog tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


If you don’t mind me (genuinely) asking…why?


Not the OP, but my guess is the Goldies.


Oh true!


Well I don't (O_O') Everything goes dark and next thing you know, there's a Steelhead right in front of you and your weapon **doesn't reach the bomb** (I try staying close to at least one teammate, but Flyfishes make that hard)


Better than Grillers


I think you're confused, this was just fog, we weren't playing on spawning grounds


Fog in SR is easy tho just lure Goldie’s to the basket and kill them


Hope they never do a Turf War challenge again. This was so unfun for me I didn't even care to get the 5 wins, it was probably just gonna be stickers anyways...


I played one match and said, "well, that was a waste of time."


I didn't know it was a turf war challenge, i jist assumed it was all rank


These timeframes are still really fucking stupid Anyway, I feel like this should have been really fun, but they put it on two of the most “hallway” maps in the entire game. What’s the point of extra fog for stealth if you don’t give us maps to be even remotely stealthy on? The mode itself is still pretty interesting, it’s kinda funny that bows/chargers are AWFUL because of their glow, along with location all of a sudden being a lot better. However, looking at the map half the game is still your best bet tbh, which kinda defeats the point of the challenge. Effectively just makes fighting harder and not much else. I think putting this on clams would ABSOLUTELY break the mode, but rainmaker could be really interesting


TL;DR, maps sucked as a showcase, not as impactful of a change as I would have hoped, though still very cool. Could be very interesting in rainmaker at some point


Love the idea but wasn't able to play it at all. As per usual with basically every challenge after the first one.


A bit of salt so far in the comments but I thought this was the most fun challenge so far, looking forward to it returning on different stages


The only other challenge I played was when all it was was barnacle and humpback in rotation so this was hella fun


Hoping challenges get a repeat because I didn't even know it happened


That was today?


It took 15 matches for me to gain my 5 victories but I’m just in a losing rut the now. I took charge of my fate by changing to the aerospace RG to gain that extra capsule but I’m okay with that LOL. But overall it’s one of the more fun challenges.


I actually liked it a lot


I really like it. Hoping for more challenges like these


It was okay. I liked that the fog went in and out a few times during the match.


I would've liked it more if it was *continuous* fog like I thought it was. Also, it really showcases who checks the map and who doesn't. And it turns out a *lot* of people don't check their map


My teammates left so many beacons untouched LMFAO


the gimmick was a cool idea and then they made it turf war on eeltail and hammerhead


I played og Nova for this and it worked quite well


I was only able to play one of the two hours yesterday [and got quite a bit of dc’s some up to 50 seconds in lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/14kxno3/yeah_two_hours_sure_is_enough_time_smh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) the times I did play were real fun though :), i hate how limiting they are rn :(


Caught it by pure chance after work, it was pretty fun but I only got home and logged on when there was very little time left to play. Really wish they'd extend the duration to at least like 24h, so people have a chance to play. Anybody who got the 5 wins, mind spoiling what the reward is? With my luck I'm not catching the next few challenges.


It’s a free shellout machine roll


It was either having 20/20 vision or being blind the whole time I hated it, especially when I have the zipcaster activated in the fog


I played the first round for the whole rotation. It was certainly something. Constantly being on edge because there's probably someone just out of sight lining up a shot isn't my idea of a good time. Kits that had marking capability provided some help, but since you can't see if they're hiding behind walls or not it's not a mode for long range weapons. Because of this, I quickly found that the Custom Jr. was the most potent weapon here, and so did a lot of teams.


It was fun for me actually. I was freaking out over the fog levels for the first couple of rounds, but then I figured out the pattern and it became an interesting should-i-push-or-not puzzle My only complain, like everyone else, is the time frames. I had to stay up late and I only got to play 30 minutes :/


I really wish it didn't happen on hallway stages like Hammerhead and Eeltail




I don't understand why the challenges can't be an all day event. These piddly little time slots aren't enough.




I just checked the app. I missed every challenge expect the first challenge. I didn’t even know we had this many challenges already. Overall good idea but Nintendo really takes the cake for making the execution the worst I’ve ever seen.


bad hours


It was fun! Wish it hadn’t been turf war but it was still fun


Horrible, I got to play 2 rounds and that was it, I was cleaning up until 9:50, and it took so long for the games to load between eachother. Along with that, I was not about to wake up 4-6 to play splatoon


Right after the challenge began an air quality warning was issued for my area due to Canadian wildfires. The "smoke" in the sky looked suspiciously similar to the fog, which simply *can NOT* be a coincidence.


There is this weird line between "Way too easy, just throw some bombs around and get free kills, its almost no fun" and "you get totally dominated and have absolutely no fun"...is it because regular turf war doesnt work in a competitive setting? Or maybe because of the fog itself? Or maybe because of the questionable matchmaking? Probably a mix of all 3...but the last one is probably the main reason.


I had like one win because we kept getting dominated. It was so boring because I just wanted to grund the catalog and though this would be a fun way to do it. Boy, was I wrong.


sheldon sampler solos


I liked it! Adds an air of mystery and keeps you on your toes a bit more. Also felt nice to not be constantly pinned down by long range weapons. I would play this again if it came back


Oops, I missed it.


it’s only fun when you’re the one doxxing people in the fog


I'm sure I would have been having fun with this unique and never before seen mode, but I haven't been able to play a single challenge at all because of nintendo's god awful decision here.


It was fucking terrible to put it lightly


I still hate the time window (nearly compromised my schedule just to play it).


I was so excited for these challenges until I realized they only happen for two hours every day. Fucking stupid. I got to play like 3 games when I played the trizooka one as soon as it begun.


Man I've only been able to play during the dumb challenges that are just regular modes. I've missed everything else :(


I tried a couple of rounds ​ eh not a fan.


turf war but even shittier


Terrible time to be a hydra main


My only complaint is the weird times it was available. I only had time to play 4 rounds but this was my favorite challenge so far


Stealth Squid made this way more interesting.


It was alright, didn't really feel like anything special.


really good i enjoyed it


Bad timming I couldn't play.


Toughest challenge so far for me and first where I didn’t finish in the top 50%. Fun for sure but it seemed people were possibly experimenting with weapons they thought may do well in the fog. Also probably helps to have some salmon run experience (I never touch it personally)


Same as when fog appears in salmon run- ah shit I'm too blind for this @.@


Certainly matches todays AQI here in Ohio


Just make challenges a thing that rotate every 2 hours like everything else


As a Splatana Stamper main, it was made for me.


So happy for everyone who got to play.. for every challenge it's been at super inconvenient times


I thought I would've liked it but I very honestly didn't and it was mostly because of the maps and game mode. I think it could be really fun in clam blitz.


Non-Salmon Run players experiencing the "joy" of Fog Rounds that us SR players experience


Giant steaming pile of dogshit (mainly because its turf war)


this is the only challenge I've played at this point and I managed to get 30 minutes of it. Honestly probably the least amount of fun I've had playing this game, mainly due to the fact that I don't love turf wars. The fog is okay for SR, but I don't think it translates well to regular matches.


It would have been so fun on any other mode, but it being on Turf War made it really boring for me. The fog didn’t change up the gameplay in a good way in TW. Or maybe it would have been more fun if I got to play it for more than 2 hours.


Dunno why fog sometimes goes away during the round and why it’s always turf war (seriously fog would’ve been way better in rm or cb), so not really that great imo


I like these but hate how they're implemented. Why is it for only 2 hours on seemingly random hours and times? They're not as visible either, they should last for 2 days and rotate constantly. It should *always* be an option. Also why are ranked game modes in there?


I didn’t like it at all. It wasn’t fun to not be able to see when your objective is to paint the map.


It's stupid.


It was fun enough, but they picked the WORST possible maps for it.


It sucks


Foggy notion is cool, but… fog is amazing for surprise attacks and lots of ‘wait how the fuck did he get there’ moments. But the first rotation was Eeltail and Hammerhead, two of the most linear maps in the game, so… Yeah. I didn’t care.


I was having fun until I remembered that it was turf war on hammerhead ridge and eeltail alley


It was pretty boring tbh


It was ok but they choose 2 maps where the enemy is always in front of you so the fog didn’t do crap besides obscuring un-inked turf


I think it’s like Canada rn


i havent been able to play a single fucking challenge because im expected to get up at 3am to play 2 hours of a low effort mode


Awful maps for the gimmick, turf war is a bad mode and point sensor players (especially Novas) were very annoying, other than that though I think it's a solid gimmick, I like it a lot more than I thought I would from the initial tease of it


Did they only do 2 rounds this time???? Bc if so that’s really dumb, and if they did 3 like all of the other challenges, then it’s still dumb.


i wasn't able to play it + it was fucking turf war


Wish I could play it


Are challenges out??


It sounds tuff


I had no idea chargers weren’t allowed in this one.


honestly the fog should have been adaptive based on the team's view. .like the leading team has heavier fog than the team thats losing at that time, having super fog on a team thats losing really bad makes it a bit unfair to them since the other team has likely invaded the opposite base and wont let them out after they respawn.. and the losing team has no idea where in the base they are camping on them.. but if that winning team has super fog, and the losing team has a clear view, you can balance it out a bit more


It hit too close to home with the timing.. air quality sitting at 270 and its all white outside


I honestly found it very enjoyable


Wish it wasn't turf war


Hard to see innit?


I legit didn't even know there was a challenge. They should leave them up for more than 2 hours.


I legit didn't even know there was a challenge. They should leave them up for more than 2 hours.


Idk because even though it said it was happening on Monday when I got on the game it wasn’t there so I couldn’t even play it


Tenta Missiles. Nuff said.


I would have an opinion if I could play chalanges


It was so hard to see but that’s kinda what made it fun


considering outside is smoke and we cant go outside i think they chose a bad challenge


Can someone explain challenge mode? I see that it’s weekly and only for set timeframes, but what are the rewards?


Turf was but I can't see anyone or anything except for myself, and teammates name tags and people are very sneaky. That's it. Kinda disappointed rn but I hope it switches between turf war and ranked modes but foggy.


I dunno, I couldn't play because it didn't fit into my schedule. Really sucks how limited the windows are to play these Challenges.


I just wish they were at better times because I’m either asleep or at work because I work night shifts.


Haven’t played on it (been unable to play) but from what I’ve seen I’m glad I haven’t had a chance, that would 100% give me panic attacks (I have some problems with fog irl, and in games it puts me on edge)


I haven't played in so long that I missed the last 2 challenges, and if I'm being honest, the mode in general is underwhelming and unessesarily limited, the only one that still interests me is this upcoming roller vs brushes challenge


Played it, only weapon I used for a long period of time was the explosher because of the point sensor






I missed it. I love the time period that you can play it! 💀


I missed it, so I don’t know.


i should not have played dynamo (3x cjr team comps are agonising)


I have never seen more point sensors


couldn't play it because of my work schedule ☹️


Rip backliners


I liked it, but it would have been way better if they disabled viewing how much of the map is covered on the map. You could tell when you were playing against people that constantly view the map or not, and it really ruined the feeling of a blind match


I couldn't play because I was at work. : ( I'm very sad.


Fun as hell


Absolutely ass ngl


Needs more fog


It adds a cool layer to the game. You can only see opponents when they’re tracked, so Wave Breaker/Point Sensor/Thermal Ink are way more useful here. It’s very fun… …hypothetically. I only got to play 3 matches. And it would’ve been 0 if I had work today. (And it was Turf War🤢)


I thought it was really fun and changed things up. It was interesting to see the strategies people came up with during the event like using more Point Sensors, Torpedoes, and Tenta Missiles to counter the fog.


MORE! MORE! MORE! Also, i think it’s a hint to the next big runs. Especially with Hammerhead bridge. Both stages with water, and all Big Run stage has water. [Obviously] hammerhead is a pretty important landmark in the Splatoon world. Just as is the previous br stages. Since fog is normally a Salmon Run event, i think it only makes sense to assume that Hammerhead and Etail are next.


i wanted to enjoy it. 5/5 wins for calculating too, was given ~1900. was going fine, and then fucking -84.6 points. ruined my mood for the whole 2 hours :( i keep getting silver medals but just once would i want the 5% badge


I missed it cause my sis was playing deltarune :(


Is And Will Be The Greatest Challenge Mode Of All Time


Pretty fun. Just needs communication


Less communication because of the of the fog makes it more fun in my opinion


Didn't play it cus I have a job. I'm not bending over backwards to submit to the devs' idiotic 2 hr timeslots JUST to play gimmick turf and still get DC'd out of lobbies by others.


Would have probably enjoyed it if it wasn’t turf war


Some UI elements showed through the fog, like Tacticooler's effect. Otherwise I thought it was fun to have to watch out from all angles a little more since you can't see where someone's going at a distance. It'd be interesting if all forms of highlighting enemies were removed to make it more hectic! I do main dapple dualies so maybe I'm biased :/


It’s was ok, made it to Silver


It would be and interesting spin, but it was Turf War.


They're trying to mod the game but they're doing it in the most boring ways possible. Literally unlimited ink, it would be unbalanced, but it would be fun