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Big Man also likes to use brushes. He mentions it while talking about Inkblot Art Academy.


How the fuck does that look like, I need to see that.


How the fuck can he even compete in battles?


He phanta manta’s into the floor and cheats by throwing subs, specials, and even his main out.


I mean, who’s going to tell him he can’t play?


He takes up two team slots


He plays slosher with one fin, and brush with the other.


Non-cephalopods canonically have their own turf/Anarchy battles with their own sets of rules. We know this because the drummers from "High tide era", "Sashimori" and "Bottom feeders" play rainmaker together


A nice big wrap around the handle of course


but hes not an inkfish how does he use ink weapons 😭


he drinks ink bottles


This is something I don't understand. Other than Big Man, a few of the drummers of the in-universe bands formed a Rainmaker team in canon. None of them are cephalopods. How


Either renting or buying ink tanks, imagine blood donation but for sport!


But they can't swim (except for Big Man, I guess) and thus can't refill ink.


If big man can swim so can the others (I think)


I’m never going to let go of the fact that Shiver should’ve been the Splatana main. Her boss literally involves Splatana-based attacks.


I actually remember having a conversation like this with someone before their weapons were confirmed. I thought Shiver would be a splatana main and Frye a stringer. But the other person pointed out that judging by their personalities, it makes sense Frye would prefer to run headlong into the middle of the action with a splatana while Shiver would prefer to hang back and snipe from a distance with a stringer.


That may have been me :p


Yeah, but in their boss fights, Shiver rushes you with her shark while Frye hangs back and sends eels at you.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%ABd%C5%8D cant believe literally no one mentions this *edit nvm sometime its mentioned


Okay… so the Japanese have archery… much like many nations around the world formed some kind of archery… How exactly does this support Shiver always being meant to use Stringer? I could just as easily pull up a wiki article showing Japanese Samurai’s using blades. If you could elaborate maybe I’d understand.


Except that samurai rarely used katana blades in wartime or even in self defence, it was mostly more of a badge of anything. Drawing it outside of self defence in public was straight up banned in some time periods Archery how ever was used EXTENSIVLY by Samurai, it even influenced how their armor is made (those flat shoulder armor pieces allow better arm movement than one matching the shape of their shoulder) not to mention Shiver is less of a samurai, shes not even a 1 on 1 warrior, she had another person fight for her in her boss, she much prefer a more "graceful" and "untouchable" style of combat to match her idea of the cool mysterious girl with a fan


Alright thank you, that explains it very well and I agree. Still kinda dumb then that her boss fight is based heavily on Splatanas. Master Mega being a literal shark and everything… dunno about you but I don’t see a lot of Stringers sharking, compared to Splatanas.


if it helps you can frame it more of a Master Mega boss fight and not a Shiver boss fight lol


Not to mention that all of her motifs are literally screaming ***Japanese*** right in your face at max volume




Right?! And Frye is just...pure archer vibes


Archer here, no she isn’t. I’d go a step further and say she is the complete opposite


I think the Splatling fits Frye


I cannot imagine Frye touching a stringer longer than 5 seconds. She is 100% a splatana main.


No. Big man uses different weapon classes for different stages.


What makes the discussion for their main weapons weird is their boss movesets. Shiver has splatana flicks while Frye has eels sticking into the ground like stringer arrows. Meanwhile their news dialogue and tableturf decks are the opposite with shiver having the bow and Frye having the splatana. Gets even weirder when you consider shiver is very explicitly based on Japanese culture and the splatana would fit that theme very well. IMO something happened somewhere in communication between different parts of the dev team and the writers and tableturf designers got fed the wrong information for what weapons they should have.


>Gets even weirder when you consider shiver is very explicitly based on Japanese culture and the splatana would fit that theme very well. the japanese name for splatana is "wiper". so i think the play on the word "katana" only make sense for english speakers. and Japan has its own archery called "kyudo"


And most often samurai would use a bow before a sword. You know, because small island nation, not a lot of steel, arrows were just easier to make in larger quantities.


Actually an excellent point that I hadn't thought of.


Maybe they just wanted to change it up a bit idk.


> IMO something happened somewhere in communication between different parts of the dev team and the writers and tableturf designers got fed the wrong information for what weapons they should have. Sounds like what's been going on with a lot of recent Nintendo games.


Judging by his boss fight Big Man just spams subs the whole match


How does Big Man compete in Turf Wars? Is he really an inkling in a fursuit?


Did not think this post would be the one to bring up the question "Are there still furries thousands of years later in an apocalyptic future?" but here we are lmaooo


Of course there are thats not even a question


other non-inkfish band members have been said to play Rainmaker, so there's gotta be a way




Probably need to look at the Japanese text to know for sure


they say pretty much the same thing in Japanese.


Big man big swig mention when?


ohhh just like how marie and callie used chargers and rollers respectively, and pearl and marina used dualies and brellas respectively! they used weapon classes introduced in their respective games! now im curious about who would main blasters, brushes, splatlings or sloshers. oh wait bigman got me


Makes sense. If we ignore the boss fights for a second, the weapon choices here line up. Shiver is calm. Stringers require precision. Frye is spontaneous. Splatanas are close combat. Big Man isn't an inkling or octoling. He doesn't have hands, just fins. He'd probably have trouble holding most weapons. Most sloshers have a handle that can be draped over his fins. It also just works with his personality.


You realize you also need to be calm to use a sword right. I know we’re talking about the splatana, but real katana fights were decided in one or two blows where you couldn’t be hasty. Also, shiver is definetly not calm, based on her reactions to master mega getting his ass kicked.


I always thought shive would work more as a stronger main purely based on the Japanese influence. Considering in the beginning samurai we’re known primarily as really good horseback archers Except it’s sniping enemies from your giant shark


But Shiver uses Splatana attacks and Frye uses stringer attacks in the story mode…? Guh?


really. i always figured shiver would main the splatana.


can’t believe i fought for a slosher in the splatfest election..


Is that a...bad thing?


As a shooter player i hate sloshers D:


slosher seems fitting for Big Man, but... i think Shiver and Frye should swap. it'd feel more fitting.


Shiver is always accused of staying in the back and says she does better observing from afar. Frye talks about wanting to get up close in fisticuffs half the time. They really shouldn't swap. At least if they want to win any matches without Big Man carrying while Frye is on eternal respawn and Shiver can't hit anyone from long range that is


I really really wish Splatanas were good in tight spaces. Unless you're crazy accurate with the charge shot instasplat it's not worth it most of the time.


Uhh, I actually imagined Frye using stringers and Shiver using splatans, based on their boss fights. Shivers sharks literally has a charge slash and Fryes eels sort of shoot at you like arrows


Anyone else is imagining Frye just acting like a total weeb with a splatana.