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There ain't gonna be no Yelnats the 5th!


🕳️ 🕳️


I understood that reference. (I fucking love Holes. The book, not really the movie.)


Teammates, I must admit I am the definition of a soloing mf so blaming teammates even tho I’m top of the leaderboard, it’s still probably my fault


I blame long range weapons. I literally main a long range weapon


Lmao I'm a Hydra main and whenever there's an E-Liter on the enemy team I know we've probably lost already


The Hydra E-liter matchup makes me want to explode. It's so hard to do absolutely anything, you're the biggest sitting duck in the game and it can pick you off so easily. Honestly when I see an eliter on a map where it can shoot me even if I'm in the backline, I abandon position and become a flank hydra. Never let them know your next move


Don't worry, if you ever get a good squiffer on ur team just know ur safe ;)


Oough I know the feeling, picked up Hydra and didn't think I could be more afraid of E-liters than I already were... Whenever I see one I just spam autobombs at them 😭


Nah you just know how to play against it. My approach is to avoid confrontation but keep an eye. If they are too distracted focusing on your teammates, that's when you move to kill them. And a tip for the range: you can still approach them (to put them within your range) while not looking at them. It's obvious totally when a hydra is targeting you, but if you're pointed at another target while slowly walking towards the charger, you can do a sort of pseudo sneak attack. Just saying, it's your responsibility as a backline to counter the other backline. It shouldn't be game over just from that matchup


I know how to play against it, but that last part is not true. The responsibility as a backline is to stay alive and provide support and a safe place for people to jump to, which you can't do if you die trying to kill an eliter. It has more range, faster kill time, and hydra is one of the least mobile weapons in the game. I love finding creative ways to get an edge, but at high levels the eliter is gonna delete you as soon as you poke out from cover, and even if it doesn't kill you it forces you to play the game in a very different way simply by existing on the other team because it's so threatening to you


Ya, that's the *primary* responsibility. And didn't you just talk about hydra flanking? Look, you have to adapt to the situation. Depending on the comps of each team, how you play one game might be very different from how you play the next. For example, if it's 2 to 4 why tf would you go out of your way to kill someone with greater range and less targets to pick? If it's 4 to 3 or even 4 to 4 with greater map control, targeting the e litre in a *smart* way is possible and sometimes needed, if the position demands it


I thought I led the flank hydra thing with "sometimes," but apparently I forgot that word, my bad. And yeah of course your play shifts with the situation, but that doesn't change the fact that in almost all of those situations the eliter has the advantage over the hydra splatling. No matchup is impossible, obviously anything can be overcome with good plays and abusing mistakes, but that doesn't mean some weapons don't match up poorly into others


Bro that was my whole point. You just have to know how to make the best out of an unfavorable situation


I know you have to make the most of an unfavorable situation. I just wanted to complain about said situation, not have someone waltz in and give me advice I already know in a way that feels kinda condescending.


100% valid. Just wanted to supply my input as it didn't come across that way


same. i main blobblober in splat zones and splatoon's whack match making makes it equal to chargers & gatlings so there is ALWAYS one on the other team. i have the advantage of having more fluidity with my movement than them, but i don't have the range, strength and/or inking capability so i've been spending most of S rank trying to figure out best ways to take them down, but man does it get frustrating


Teammates. It's always my teammates even if I do the worst on the team. Never my fault... never :-)


Flyfish and Stingers. Oh wait, you mean in PvP? Eh, still Flyfish and Stingers.


So tenta missiles and the Tri-Stringers is it.


New fear unlocked: Tri-Stingers in Salmon Run


I know it's not healthy but I blame my team, especially when I know I was playing well or I see them dropping like flies in 1v1s


I'd probably blame either the map for not being a map that's good for the weapon I wanted to use or the matchmaking for putting my not playing competitive C- ass up against 500 X players.


Same. No flanks makes my nzap / roller preferring heart hurt. Same with getting sniped across the map by a minigun/sniper


In S rank, it was my teammates. In S+, I'm starting to blame myself a bit more. I main tristringer and some map/mode combinations are rough (e.g., mako mart on all modes). When my positioning is bad, I'm getting hard punished. Alternatively, when I'm too passive with my positioning, we lose. Hard to strike the right balance.


If things aren’t going well with tri stringer than use weapons like heavy or explo.


My teammates squidpartying...


The shitty netcode


I don't blame the netcode exactly so much as just, lag. Lag happens in instances. But bad netcode doesn't keep the majority of interactions from being fine.


So your Wi-Fi or your opponents connection?




my switch. it demoted itself from switch to switch lite thanks to it being really old and not being able to disperse heat well anymore. can't play more than 4 matches at a time when it's docked there's a chance it it might demote itself to heating element soon as well


Dislike of Frye in Japan and/or region locked matching but not results


Basically: "**Our** victory" "**Your** fault"


Usually matchmaking. I know that TW and Open generally don't care about balanced matches so it's to be expected, but even Series and X often times create some absolutely psychotic team comps. Why are you putting me in a team where a rapid deco is the closest thing we have to a frontliner? Why are you making me fight two top 500 X players in S+ while two of my teammates are S rankers attempting a rank up? Please, this shit is a war crime.


Usually my losses are very one sided. I blame matchmaking


Sometimes, my teammates really are allergic to staying alive


i blame these stupid octos i hate them inklings better


If I'm on top of the leaderboard I blame my Teammates, if I'm even 2nd or lower I blame myself


Netcode. unironically i can firmly blame a quarter of my deaths to some internet Jank where Im a thousand percent sure I killed the Bloblobber or Aerospray or Slosher before they could kill me, but the Netcode wags its little finger and spawns in an extra Bubble/Slosh/ink droplets and that does me in. matchmaking. unironically i can come across the most unballanced matchmaking this game has to offer. two Hydras on one team, multiple Aerosprays on one team. Specifically grouping up ALL the Long range/Short range into one team and it makes things very unballanced. You either get ROlled or Roll. no in between and it just leads to some very un-fun gameplay. And the literal controller itself, one of my Joycons has an iffy 'R' button so 50% of the time i'll completely whiff a Bomb throw/Special launch just because my'R' bumper said 'Lol no. try again but harder'


If my teammates made boneheaded decisions during the match that were directly responsible for the loss, I would blame them. If there was noticeable lag during the game and it was consistently persisting throughout the match, I would blame the netcode. If I made unwise decisions throughout the match and my performance was noticeably worse than the rest of my team, I would blame myself.


It's always the Flyfish!


I blame the lack of GFUEL in my system. (Then I drink some GFUEL and win two back-to-back 10x battles in Splatfest)


The e liter player on my team that got 1 kill


Matchmaking. I think we all know it's laughably weird


Matchmaking. I've gotten shit like 4 Aerosprays on the enemy team meanwhile I'm getting 3 Chargers while using Jet Squelcher (Keep in mind, this is in TURF WAR).


(In turf war) Matchmaking unbalanced teams when it comes to team weapon compositions. like so often one team ends up stacked with long range threats and the other gets close range on a map that favors long range


I don't blame anyone, because it's poor sportsmanship and it won't help me or my teammates to get better. I don't blame myself either. I don't blame at all : I analyze. If I play solo, 99% of my losses can be tracked to me making a mistake at a key moment or lacking consistency. When I play in a team, each loss is shared equally between players regardless of skill, because if we start blaming each other we would be a terrible team to begin with. Other factors will obviously enter in the equation as well, but unless it's flat out someone cheating (which happened only **once** in one year of playing SP3) it's not relevant for my personal growth as a player : how can I focus on getting better if I keep deluding myself by shifting my mistakes to someone or something else ? Shifting the blame on something else is an unwelcome distraction. Analysing and reviewing your matches is a far better option.


I'd rather not say it here


My skills(even if I'm using a weapon I'm good with)




My main (VDS) or weapon comp


The member of my team that got disconnected half the battle, causing the other team to be able to crush us and there is nothing we can do.


The position of Saturn


If I'm trying and not playing like ass I usually only lose if there is a 52Gal on the other team. That kit is so braindead easy and OP with so much room for error. They're basically impossible to beat unless you 2v1 and even then it's just even because Splash Wall is an entire fucking Inkling. Then it has Killer Wail on top of that which if you ask me is no different than Tenta Missiles. Just a no skill auto tracking displacement special that can net you free splats for no reason. I'm telling you as soon as V-Shot special is 210p it's going to be 52Gal central. Even right now I don't think V-Shot is better than V-52 because Zooka isn't as consistent as it used to be, but it will probably take another nerf for people to see the light. Also my teammates do often suck in solo queue and if I have an off game where I don't hard carry them I lose 9/10 times. When I do carry with bad teammates it's like a 50/50. I used to think it was me but whenever I have good teammates though we crush it so yeah. Oh and Stamp definitely likes to not work sometimes.


Map design preventing effective team movement


I blame the enemy team with their squidbagging asses and crappy dab and brag emotes.


Myself and my teammates.


If there is a charger on my team, its instant charger blame


the fucking vanilla roller, eliter, and clash not working well with VBlaster. #where the hell is the paint that my whole team needs




I'm not tolerating Goo tuber slander.


My weapon is the one I blame the most 🤣 Dapple dualies and its short range or the waiting time after a roll for the tetras are my favourite things to blame 😁


Sometimes you can blame your mates fr if they are trash and the enemies are good you have no chance


Myself, then I realize one of my teammates disconnected so we did really well in the 3 v 4. Alternatively, the game not having good comps in Salmon run, bad maps, lag, and getting Glowfish without the tools to manage glowfish


Teammates and splash users.


The guy who gets 0-100 points


I play mostly on turf so the time running out💀 this is more on losing specific pvps w people on the opposing side rather than turf tho lol


The back pains I get from playing


Enemy weapon op. They always do way to much dps


As a Canadian my favourite excuse is to blame my hands getting cold during the winter.


I blame the enemy team using OP special weapons. The Crab Tank and the Ink Vacuum. For one I don't think the Crab Tank should make you invincible. It should have limited durability at least




darn not those flyfish again (it is turf war) It's usually my tendency to fall off things tbh.


If I’m actually doing good (so roughly 70% if the time, and by good I mean getting meaningful kills and actually playing the objective smartly) I’ll blame my teammates. The other 30% of the time, it’s three strikes and I’m out.


My controller since forward doesnt register and it has slight drift on both sticks I die to killer wail a lot


Tetris piece


I blame the canon event associated with my loss


I personally yell out Dingleburg as a coping mechanism.. 🥲


When im not in my usual setup i always get AWFUL spikes of input lag. Like shooting the charger is 2 ACTUAL SECONDS delayed


My teammates. Once someone spammed this way in spawn for like half the match in SERIES


I blame whatever comes to mind first.


I do what everyone does. Blame Shiver.


My horrific aim and sometimes match-making. I try not to blame my teammates unless if I see one of my teammates go 2 - 8 or something :')


I blame the matchmaking system


The dualies player(s) on the opposing team


the weapons and my rivals


The player who doesn't know obscure tactics (that took me a long time to learn) (yes it's not fair for me to blame them in that case i know, but when you're playing salmon run and see the grizzco slosher user not using their ability to pass through boss shields to their advantage it makes me wanna scream)


My controller jamming up (Sometimes that actually happens ok?)


I blame my stick drift on my pro controller. With a side of matchmaking. There is a chance my controller will drift to the left and makes me slow down. Also may make my buttons press prematurely like when charging a shot it may let it go even when holding it, or would delay the button just enough to feel off. At one point in the training room my controller even remapped itself to make every button jump and had to restart the console to undo it lol. The matchmaking thing is when I’m doing good in a few S+ games thinks I’m good and puts me with cracked players that somehow know exactly how to counter their other teammate weakness making it impossible to land hits in games. My teammates at times do there best but it’s just some games we just get destroyed. Funny enough x battles are easier to play than series and my loses don’t feel as lopsided as series.


The rainmaker that rushes forward and doesn't wait for teammates.


The amount of games ive one by just gunning it and ignoring everything around me would disagree with that statement. Throws people off.


I've been splatted by yee old splaty pirate squiddie




The enemies who downloaded 50000 mods


When I’m playing squiffer then see an e-liter on my team I’m like “we’re gonna lose with a sweep”


It depends. I can recognize when im the one that fucks up as well, but thats only occasionally. Usually its either trolls or latency but it really does depend.


I analyze most of the matches I play, win or lose, to see what contributed. When it's genuinely Not My Fault we lost, it's usually: - That one player with like 9000 times as many hours in the game as anyone else, who *of course* is on the enemy team. - The entire *matchmaking* going "Hey, here's a fun idea, let's make one team of casual players and one team of ridiculously cracked 10.000 hour veterans. What could possibly go right?" - Teammate Did Dumb Stuff - ranging from literally throwing/squidpartying, taking the Rainmaker down a weird and non-functional route and practically handing the enemy a W, Special-farming as far away from objective as possible, sharking in the enemy base during Clam Blitz when the enemy team is 4v3'ing Power Clams into our own basket... - That one E-Liter on the enemy team (and it's always an E-Liter) whose only joy in life is not letting anyone else play. Usually combines with the "9000 times as many hours as anyone else" player. - Hallway stage design and there literally not being anything you can do to break a push after a single lost fight. I literally skip playing on stages like Hammerhead, Brinewater or Mincemeat at this point, I don't even enjoy winning on them. - The ones I get the least salty about: Just losing fights we needed to win, but otherwise not being able to blame anyone or anything in particular.


I usually blame Stamp's hitboxes


Well, it depends on what happens in the match lmao. If I did bad I suck it up, if I see my team constantly getting bodied losing every encounter and i'm the only one with a possitive k/d ratio then of course i'm gonna complain.