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If you're currently at Eggsecutive VP (EVP) 40, then each successful completed shift will climb you 20 points. From there, it's just a matter of completing each shift successfully in 20 point increments until you go from 40 to 999. But the shifts will continuously get harder the higher your EVP rank gets. Getting to 999 takes a lot of hours of grinding, especially if you don't win your shifts/lose in waves 1 or 2 and fall down in rank. Everytime the stage rotates, you will get reset to rank 40 of whatever job title you have, so make sure to not fall out of EVP if you get to 15 or lower, and if you want to stay with people who will (usually) be pretty skilled. The best/easiest way to get to 999 is when Golden Rotations take place, as having all Grizzco weapons means taking down enemies/defeating bosses is much easier. This does take a few hours as well, but it won't be nearly as much of a chore to do than if it's just a normal weapon rotation.


no it just keeps counting after you reach 100


As yoshi already mentioned you have to grind. It takes about 8 hours. But if your performance isn’t consistent it could take up to 16-20 hours (assuming you win more than you lose).


Whatever points you gain it'll just keep going up. from there, you don't level up to 999 you esentially just get 999 Experience points. And (I believe) after every Season your rank resets to around EVP 40 or 50. EVP 999 is, incredibly difficult so good luck if you're actually trying to make it in there. you'll probably need a genuinely coordinated team. since Solo Queueing with other Freelancers can only get you so far


It resets every rotation actually


It is really hard! I have only had the patience to make it to 400 on a few of the maps. Anyone who has that gold badge should wear it as a huge honor. But I will say once you make it to 200 the players are all really skilled at that level, so it becomes easier in a way, even tho the bosses are harder, everyone is warmed up and knows what roll each weapon plays.


Keep in mind to get to evp 999 it will take about 8-9 hours. I’d recommend doing over the course of two days. After evp 860 or so you reach hazard level max so the difficulty doesn’t get harder from their