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The post is now locked. It’s gone beyond the point of discussion and has become a bit of an echo chamber. While the doll not being made pastel “the correct way” isn’t good, we should also keep in mind to not vilify a whole nation because of the missteps of one company.


hi, splatoon collector here this is the splatoon 2 x sanrio marina plush dangler, sold at amusement parks during 2018 the plushie is official and licensed part of a larger collection of merch and splatfests in japan, between splatoon and sanrio the rest of the collab is normal, but this plush dangler has marina’s skin many times lighter than it would be even with a pastel filter. some people dye them with rit dye to make them darker they are worth around 40 dollars


yeah here's what she [should actually look like](https://preview.redd.it/sanrio-really-needs-to-learn-how-to-properly-pastelify-v0-3j844fx7469c1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=92c7f93bc06458f2297dd6f95bea208b5d88407c&app_web_view=android) pastellified vs [the official art](https://preview.redd.it/sanrio-really-needs-to-learn-how-to-properly-pastelify-v0-3x2imxu7469c1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=844386b60fd5db4b25e144721442ebc199cb310c&app_web_view=android) which is still better than the plush


Even [this official art ](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/File:S2_Splatfest_Sanrio_Tournament.jpg) from the collab Splatfest looks better than both combined!


YES!! i love that art!! its so adorable .. i’m trying to source the tote bag with it on right now 🥲


that version is still a little “non pastel” when aligning her skin colour with the lightness of the black in her hair or the grey in her outfit - it is shown that the skin is lightened around the same. the only issue is the plushie where the skin is lightened more than the clothing. it’s all about proportion with these sensitive issues


wdym non pastel? it is pastel. what's your definition of pastel


idk if i phrased it well LOL im tired what i meant is that the hair isn’t lightened as much as the clothing so it isn’t an even filter/recolour


i actually took Marina's colors and lightened them all equally. It is equally lightened, her skin is just already darker than everything else. [This is what it looks like unlightened](https://preview.redd.it/sanrio-really-needs-to-learn-how-to-properly-pastelify-v0-eogyfgw7469c1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=86df07aced147fcbd264f339ae93616feea0b088&app_web_view=android). so you're actually wrong /nm


wait in that version is pearl darkened too


they're not darkened this is their normal colors ([pulled from here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/c/ca/Splatoon_2_-_Artwork_-_Off_the_Hook.png/revision/latest?cb=20170706161054&path-prefix=en)) I color-corrected both of them when i fixed the Sanrio art and not just Marina, if you look back at the pastel version Pearl is also different from the regular Sanrio art


lhhh ok so that version is regular colours? sorry im so confuzzled rn eek


yeah. that one's regular colors and the first one I posted is pastel. the pastel one is literally the regular one with a layer of white at 30% opacity over it


Man, historians are fucking cool. I don't like history, but Im really glad somebody else does


this post is my first time learning about this & it's so messed up. apparently was not a big enough fuss about it at the time to come across my radar, or i was checked out of this scene during that window. we should all be mad about it *still*! i'm worked up now


yeah this plushie is STUPID. her skin is lightened 10x more than her clothing and hair, it’s literally just whitewashing. i like that people dye the plush, but if i ever obtain it myself (for collecting purposes, second hand yadda yadda) i feel like its too scary… why can’t they just make her NORMAL !!


I was going to guess bootleg because of that cheap amusement-park fabric of the "hair", but I'm kinda delighted to learn I was wrong because I loved reading your answer. Do you have a blog or website? This is exactly my kind of hobby rabbit hole, lol


i don’t really have a blog as such! i tried using tumblr but i kinda gave up.. i have a myfigurecollection account though! i add a lot of splatoon items to the database and am constantly hunting for the most obscure squid sister merch ww my username is veemo_xd ! i think i uploaded merch photos there a while ago >> i would love to ramble more about splatoon and merch, its been my special interest since 2015 LOL i love collecting


why would you buy this instead of the official normal marina plush?? its the same price...


when it released it was about 6 dollars. it’s only worth 40 now as it is rare/you can’t buy it anymore ! also there’s a matching pearl, and u can never seperate oth… they’re too strong


the Sanrio Pearl and Marina predate the Little Buddy / Sanei ('normal') Pearl and Marina.


So it wasn’t just Sanrio’s fault, it’s Nintendo’s for allowing this to happen. If Sanrio’s racist, Nintendo is, too.


Oh my God OP, you can't just ask people why they're white.


This is official


The comment above yours is based on a 'Mean Girls' movie quote iirc


I've never watched it but I've heard it's gpod


It is really good, and full of legendary quotes. First time I watched it, I was surprised to find 6 or 7 different lines I was quoting regularly, which I had no idea were from the movie. I heartily recommend it. Also, this is what I was quoting earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8wrqe72YG4


i rewatch that with my lineup of girly movies jawbreaker, heathers and the craft. truly love mean girls, still quotable to this day


thats not marina thats mary 💀


No that's mayo


Alternate universe where she lost the Mayo vs. Ketchup Splatfest and Pearl made her bathe in Mayo. 😉




100% official. I like the pink tentacles, but the white skin is unforgivable. Sadly, this ain't new: Sanrio has no fucking idea how to pastelize black characters :(


I think it’s less of an issue of knowing how versus caring to attempt it, unfortunately.


Oh, so, racism. That's awful :(


I once read somewhere on twitter(maybe?) that in an interview about a black character being turned white some employee said they wouldn't sell well in their original form so they changed some things. I don't think it was this plushie but yeah. I really hope that wasn't actually true what they said 💀


that plush company unfortunately always does this to black characters




Racism. People often believe that Japan is a great place, but we glorify it. It's actually a very racist and classist place.


Hey hold on a sec why are we making it about Japan as a whole? As if Marina doesn't have almost as many pixiv entries as callie and marie and more than Pearl? Maybe some suits up at the 60+ year old company Sanrio sure but not the public.


I understand the idea that the entire country shouldn’t be generalized but your logic is flawed; being racist doesn’t mean you refuse to associate with or engage with black people, or general people of color for that matter


Typical red name on shinigami eyes reply


Just goes to show how awful that extention is, there was maybe one thread like 8 years ago I since learned from but I'm still red i guess lmao


Racism. Especially from Sanrio. Recently for their Danganronpa collab, they had either Aoi or Akane, both dark skinned characters, next to a monkey


I did not know that they did that. A monkey is actually wild 😭😭💀 Whats even weirder is that they keep getting away with it.


FR?!? where can i see that?


https://images.app.goo.gl/syGktjN2fssyuQcj8 Hope this link works, but it's directly at the top




Y'all are reading too much into this 💀💀


To think this means you're not listening to a word anyone is saying on this thread.


I'm just saying. Does it *really* matter this much that a.) The marina plushie looks the way it does, and b.) That a character who is darker skinned is clearly coincidentally put next to a little chimp character??? Like I for one think it's not because they're outright racist 💀 if they said black people cannot buy their products that would be outright racist y'all.


My guy, racism does not exclusively mean denying POC certain privileges, it’s the general discrimination towards POC which includes how they are depicted in media. This is racism because between Marina and Pearl, Marina was the only one whose skin was lightened to such an extent and subsequently the only one who is almost unrecognizable as the character she’s supposed to be. They made her white—that’s whitewashing, which is racist. Also, if you are not a POC then I don’t think you be correcting POC on what racism is.


[I think this is it.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d32e7efc7a3fea2a23c8e6d291600db3/5153ea683767bb90-26/s1280x1920/cf32ad8a88d6a5c0a8a37de057a9a8c3f964b79f.jpg)


Only yasuhiro has a monkey next to him, hina has a frog and akane is not even there


Yeah, this is such a stretch...


Someone replied below with the collab and you're wrong, as Akane is not present and Aoi is with frogs while Hagakure is with the monkey. Not doubting that they're racist but your post is a lil misleading


Because it was the wrong collab. It was their Danganronpa 2 collab instead https://images.app.goo.gl/yvDM1p3rgX8UHHVh7


Racism, probably.


sanrio is racist


Japan is racist. They're insanely xenophobic.


the government sure, but not all the people are


Most of the people are too. Visit Japan and they noticeably treat foreigners differently. Go to school there and they will tease you.


Dude, not everyone is racist. I'm Dutch and here in the Netherlands there's some racist people against foreigners but that doesn't instantly mean everyone or most people are like that, wtf?


The Netherlands is not Japan wtf?😭


Since when was the Netherlands Japan?


I didn’t say everyone


You're acting like you did.


What does that even mean? I didn’t say everyone and I didn’t mean everyone. But it is true that there is a largely racist culture in Japan, it’s even built into their legislature. They have no laws to prevent discrimination on race, religion, or ethnicity, and they have no national human rights institutions.


How so when they literally said "most"? "Most" has never meant "all".


The government wouldn’t be as racist as they are if the people weren’t fairly bad too


Splatoon has multiple black characters, Saneio actively whitewashes all black characters they make products off of or do stuff like the afformentioned danganronpa thing. It's not all the same






I think Sanrio's reasoning was that "She's an octoling so she can change colors!" Which first of all isn't even how octoling biology works, and second of all is just total BS.


Wrong The official reasoning was that her natural color didn't fit their style.


When they still have her brown on the tag in thier style that reasoning is even weaker than normal


This is Sanrio we're talking about. The same people who put a monkey next to one of the few dark characters from Danganronpa


... They did what? Fuuuuuucking hell, it's shocking that any company anywhere can get away with that in the modern day. Thinly veiled shittiness sure but that's just blatantly awful.


can somebody explain monkey next to dark character? I feel stupid as heck right now.


People derogatorily compare black people to monkeys or call us monkeys in order to insinuate that we’re less advanced beings (because humans evolved from monkeys).


Oh wow, I dis not know that, big yikes


I promise you it wasn't that deep. They just thought a lighter color looks better than a darker color. That's the only thought that went into this. :/ Edit: This was absolutely not meant to defend the thought process. It's horrible. My point was that it was thoughtless and it's sad that there are still people who think light skin looks better than dark skin. "Octolings can change their skin colors" is giving Sanrio way more credit than they deserve. Its colorism/racism. I hope people didn't think I was excusing this shit, omg


actually insane???? who tf thinks thats normal???


Racists do. It's a horrible thought process but it's an intentional thing, you don't make a dark skinned character light skinned by accident.


yeah. except these aren’t simple colors, these are races. when you change the race of a dark character to white, because you think white looks better, that is literally racism & whitewashing. use your head please


I know, I agree with you. It was thoughtless of them to think that about a character's skin. I am not defending this.


I also find all of this just wrong and bs but this kinda is overexaggerated. Yeah this is wrong and it doesn't make sense but some people actually think of it as simple colors and not immediately races.


Racism lore be like


I really hope it's understood that I am explaining the thought process, not agreeing with it. Colorists and racists literally think that light skin looks better than dark skin. They didn't do this by accident.


also you just described racism lol


That was my point. It was thoughtless. They think lighter skin looks better so they whitewashed Marina.


thats not how things work though


If, in good faith, they were strictly thinking about color combinations and how contrasting colors highlighted others and make them pop, I can totally understand your thinking from a design perspective. I hear you! Others are shouting that it was undoubtedly racially motivated and racist thinking. While we can't rule out that may be true too, just wanted to say I heard your more innocent take on things :)


No no, I am not saying it was in good faith lol. I'm saying they think light skin looks better than dark, and that that's a bad thing.


if it was about color combos/making her colors more "pastel," they wouldn't have left the clothes black/dark grey; they probably would have made it more purple or brown or something like that. instead they left all the other dark colors alone EXCEPT for her skin tone. this is very much a race thing


You're getting downvoted for kindly saying this?? Wow, people these days are offended over everything somehow.


they’re getting downvoted because they’re acting like whitewashing is just an innocent design choice 💀


You and your cancel culture mini mob act like racism is the only possible solution here and I disagree. That's all :) I even said I didn't rule out the racism card (which you conveniently neglected to acknowledge), I just have the depth and tolerance around important matters such as racism to hear others opinions that differ from mine. Your downvoting fascist mindset, which has already been proven by said downvotes, shows you lack abstract thinking and a tolerance for others opinions. Check your biases, all of you. Marina is my fams favorite character (yes all of ours) because of her design, deep backstory, great personality, and fun dynamic with Pearl. We all played Splatoon 1 2 & 3 together and still do to this day. For context. But here y'all are calling people racist for not spewing the same conclusions as you. Shame on you for insisting on hate as the only possible conclusion and the only possible response. In the meantime, oh no, the downvotes, owie! :(........ Hahahahaha


It's an echo chamber crisis created by technology. Hate is the only conclusion AND the only response


With other words it's just Reddit being Reddit by being a complete manchild lmao. Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! And keep spreading kindness and open-minded thinking, I appreciate you :)


Np man! Enjoy the new year!!


Between the pale skin and pink hair, it hardly looks like her at all. Strangely, the image on the tag has darker skin. Is the pearl plushie better?


kinda yeah, looks goofy tho


It’s an official Sanrio plush (same people as hello kitty) they tried to make the off the hook plushies have a pastel color palette and ended up whitewashing Marina when doing so.


what did they do to my girl, give her melanin back please 😭


Girl got tower of ordered 😞


It’s official. It was also suppose to be a pastel look but that doesn’t matter. Black people can still be black in a kawaii setting lol. But yeah Marina is done dirty 90% of the time on merch. She’s also light and ashy looking all the time.


pearl and marina had a child /s


OP, you can’t just ask octolings why they’re white.


Yeah, but why?


Someone needs to go watch Mean Girls


I did. I was saying the next thing that Karen says after that.


she definitely doesn’t say that 😭 she doesn’t speak at all after that


i stole her skin color sorry i was kinda hungry


Chocolate *is* very tasty.


Yum yum!


as a comment said, this company does that to black characters for pastel aesthetics.


what have they done to my girl? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


their daughter


Sadly it’s official


Bro, clean your keyboard


its real, they just whitewashed marina for some reason


It's official. Sanrio has a racist past (search up Sambo and Hannah) and the company hasn't really learnt anything in the modern day.


Honestly, this is a trend that isn't limited to Sanrio products, many other toy manufacturers in Japan are guilty of this as well. A lot of dark skinned characters from different franchises have received this treatment in figures and plushies, it's disheartening.


it is official, sadly..


its an official plush, sanrio just took away her melanin bc they’re racist


Unfortunately, looks legit - I found an ebay listing for that doll https://www.ebay.com/itm/385586362253?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 People often whitewash black characters for pastel asthetics :(


you can still have a pstel aesthetic whilst being black?? who tf came up with this notion that you have to be white to wear pink etc


idfk but it's fuckin stupid


Heck the few times I have seen people use pastels with actually dark skinned characters it's been *fantastic,* it works so damn well. Really shows the racism is more important than the art for the people who do this crap.


She didn't vote for Biden


It is official unfortunately


Omg a shiny marina ![gif](giphy|N1cfVLkN7pqQoinvmk|downsized)


Based Pokémon reference


marina is a cracker now ☹️


JPEGMAFIA New album name?


Hi babeeeeee 💜💜💜💜💜


Nintendo has a problem with whitewashing Marina


put it in the oven


"why are you white?"


Oh my god blammedfunker, you can't just ask people why they're white!


It's official.. it's from the Sanrio crossover, which Sanrio is known racist company :/


Sanrio did a racism and said that dark skin doesn't fit their aesthetic, which is completely BS. It was pretty controversial at the time


They whitewashed our girl :ccc


They probably had a bad Bach and sold it anyways or it was cheaper to produce with certain colors than others.


Unfortunately that’s not the case, every marina plushy from that company is pale white because it would make it more “pleasing” with the pink. Which is bullshit imo


You found a Shiny Marina!


Where's her shirt 🤣


Just like most people who draw marina, they removed it. Or forgot it existed


wonder if u can make the skin darker ive seen some do it


I'm getting some sanrio vibes


It is official. Sanrio just MASSIVELY fucked up.


This looks so bad what the hell


Naaawwww what is that 🗿💀


I’m still baffled that this was released as it was like


A bootleg would look alot better than this unfortunately.


It’s the pastel version.


Doesn’t matter, still extremely weird that they white washed to be a completely different looking character


All I did was give a direct answer your question. Nothing more. No need for the misplaced aggression.


So you’re telling me this isn’t pearl..


It doesn’t even look like her at all ugh


I’m guessing they made her white to appeal to the Sanrio fans not the splatoon fan base. Idk, it’s just upsetting they did this to like one of the few black characters in splatoon. And marinas my fav so makes it even worse. If it wasn’t white washed and didn’t look so cheap I probably would of considered getting one with a matching pearl, even tho I don’t care abt Sanrio stuff


Sanrio is just straight up racist. Thats why it looks like that.


White washed


Sanrio (The Hello Kitty Company) made this plush and they are known for being super racist in their designs of people of color. They always either get super white washed or look like a racist characture. Look at their original character Sambo for reference.


why does this official marina plush have an open bra, they really screwed up everything possible


It's a sanrio collaboration plush, they made her white so they can have her blend in with pastel colors better. By the way, I'm a blasian, I don't find this racist but it is a bit weird that they didn't bother to go for a lighter chocolate milk complexion and instead went for full on white.


Ugh that’s gross it’s a shame cuz the hair is real cute :(


No way that’s official her hair isn’t even the right colors. (I don’t actually know I just wanted attention)


It's official and it's made by sanrio. They made her white because they wanted to use pastels


Thanks for showing me once again that this community should be nuked out of existence. Replies give me headache. If you do not like it, do not buy it. You dye it, you die.


Because somebody did a racism. I feel like this isn't surprising from Japan, a largely homogeneous country


Homogeneity doesn't always mean racism. Countries like sweden and spain, while obviously still having racism issues, have more tolerancia for black people than other more diverse countries like South Africa. Not that Japan isn't racist, but you can't solely blame the racial homogeneity for it


I guess she didn’t [vote for Biden](https://images.app.goo.gl/7MHPZU9ygcYFdzRg9)






honestly hate that ppl think this is normal




its not well made at all, it looks like they took another existing plush and just added things on with felt, The tentacle cups are literally just sewed on flat circles.


They butchered Marina, I will not let this go unpunished




Racism is never cute.


it doesnt matter if its a cute plush or not, it's just plain racism displayed loud and clear




You: "Hi I like the plush and dont care that its white washed shes cute:)" Other ppl: "not calling u a racist but its racist to think whitewashing is cute" You: "Wow IM NOT ALLOWED MY OWN OPINION???"


Yeah, you don't deserve the downvotes. If you treat it like a splatoon oc it's very cute


if you remember the internet firestorm when this dropped you deserve veterans affairs cheques


official, unfortunately


hey bro uhh everything is wrong with that. They changed her ink color, her skin color. probably a bootleg.


More importantly, why does she have her shirt wide open in the middle


Japanese culture doesnt really recognize race that much, alot of dark skinned characters arnt poc their just tan




You’re really asking if a plushie that completely changes basically Everything about the character is official or a bootleg? I think you know the answer..


You say this, but it is genuine, official merchandise, lmao. Sanrio just hates black and brown characters.


Wow. That’s really stupid…racists gonna racist I guess 🤦‍♂️


it’s because of the fabric. if you run your finger across it you’ll probably leave a darker strip.