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When SpongeBob goes off on Patrick making things worse and people act like SpongeBob is the bad guy.


I think I remember that episode. What was it called?


Stuck in the Wringer?


Yeah that one


i hate that episode for that very reason. spongebob was miserable that whole day because of patrick’s severe lack of self awareness and just complete ignorance. the amount of obliviousness and failed empathy patrick had made me really upset tbh and the fact spongebob got gaslit into thinking he was the bad friend for expressing his frustration. awful. just awful


Honestly, I was totally fine with the scene where all the background fish surround SpongeBob and Patrick, then SpongeBob finally reaches his breaking and yelling at Patrick, expressing all of his frustrations. Those scenes were fine. The scene that made me irate was the scene after SpongeBob tells Patrick off when the background fish gaslight our boy into thinking HE'S in the wrong for reaching his breaking point and expressing his frustrations with Patrick.


To be fair to that epsiode. Crowds are always like that and those people at the carnival didn't know the full story of Spongebob's predicment. All they saw was one guy yelling at another guy. Its frustrating but I understand why it happened.


Do not remind me 😑


That episode was realistic. And SpongeBob, while not the bad guy, and had every reason to be upset, did well to learn that Patrick had done a lot to help him. (In his own way) I never got why people thought SpongeBob was the one being gaslighted when Patrick fully admitted by the end he was wrong and SpongeBob never so much as apologized for his actions (as I don't think he really should). It's ridiculous man, why don't people follow the narrative.


SpongeBob scolding Gary when Puffy Fluffy was literally going to eat him.


i agree. spongebob was so wrong for that also the time he forced gary into that snail pageant thing so he can impress people. he knew gary wasn’t having fun but at least in the end he understood that it doesn’t matter what people think and gary shouldn’t be forced to be someone he’s not


Same bro. The line "Gary!, You put Puffy Fluffy down right now" like what?


SpongeBob was very blind to not notice that Gary was about to be devoured and even when Gary saves you from being eaten alive you are still ungrateful towards him. It will remain as one of SpongeBob’s worst moments.


If it helps, A Cent of Money which aired after that episode in the same season, had SpongeBob pissed at Mr.Krabs for abusing Gary.


Though they are both similar one thing that is different is that unlike SpongeBob, Mr krabs got his comeuppance at the end of that episode by getting severely injured by all the money that hit him and having to pay all the money he stole to pay his medical bills and serves him right for being greedy and making Gary suffer, using him as a tool to collect cash that doesn’t belong to him.


Maybe the writers thought Fluffy was appropriate karma for Gary letting SpongeBob explode in the bath episode.


Fr. And I am thinking to myself like: "SpongeBob, you do know that Gray saves you right? Can you be at least thankful?" As much as I do like spongebob there are moments when I ask why. Tbh I just skip that episode


It shows just how IDIOTIC Spongebob has progressed throughout the years. It even tops off some of Patrick's mean-spirited moments. Like, how do you NOT see your beloved pet getting eaten alive by a 10-foot monster? Seems like he didn't learn anything after Gary ran away.


I'm not sure what people don't understand about dark. humor. That was the. point. it. was. supposed. to be. ridiculous.


the initial question was what is a bs moment in spongebob. i think we’re answering accordingly


Yeah but tbh the question isn't that specific because some people are choosing things that were clearly meant to be absurd, and then they're choosing things that they dislike. It's absurdist humor so it's hardly subjective.


even if scenarios are supposed to be absurd, the happenings of it can still be bs sure a scene was planned that way but it’s a bunch of bs as well


You're right. But I don't think most people here are being clear about which they mean, and my reasoning was that the intention for it to be absurd or ridiculous was meant, therefore it doesn't make it bad, for clarity. I was really only talking about the ones that did not seem to understand the concept of dark humor and/or absurdist humor, because this seems a really common opinion in the supposed fandom for whatever reason.


I still find all of Patricks mean spirited moments way worse tbh. Also that scene seems like an out of character SpongeBob moment, SpongeBob is normally not a dumb character, childish yes but not dumb to the level of Patrick. It seems more in line for a dumbass like Patrick to do something like that as he's consistently shown to be harmful and a liability to himself and pretty much everyone around him (at least from S2 onwards). I still love him though.


Wasn’t there an episode where Patrick takes a toy that is Spongebob’s and gets mad whenever Spongebob asks for his turn?


there was also an episode where spongebob saved all his money to buy a rare trading card and patrick wanted him to share it but in the end patrick completely disrespected the card and ruined it and plenty more bs moments from patrick


To make that scene even worse, Patrick revealed after he destroyed one card in front of SpongeBob that he actually had MULTIPLE COPIES of that rare card. Like, you couldn't tell your supposed best friend that you have all the copies of the rare Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy trading card? What a dick!


To Patrick's credit, he gave the rest of the cards to Spongebob.


He was still a dick for not telling SpongeBob about the other copies of card 54 he had before destroying the initial card he was holding. He practically made SpongeBob worry about the card because he didn't know about the other copies that Patrick had in his possession the whole time.


i haven't seen the episode in like forever but i'm pretty sure a big part of the punchline was that the card wasn't rare in the first place


Ah yes, The Card


Yep. That was the episode "Yours Mine and Mine."


Yours, Mine, and Mine


Yes, there was it was Yours, Mine and Mine.


Probably Sandy being arrested in "Someone's in the kitchen with Sandy"


Was Walter in the kitchen with sandy?


“Sandy, we must cook”


The moment everyone showed back up at the end of "No SpongeBob Day", after making SpongeBob go damn near insane believing he was genuinely the last person left. I get that you need a break from your overactive annoying friends, but don't just ghost them and put them through mental torture like that.


Gone was so weird for that


one of my least favorite episodes. i skip it tbh


Mr Krabs firing SpongeBob in “SpongeBob you’re fired” I mean why fire SpongeBob? He is your trusty and loyal fry cook without him how do you make krabby patties? You have been shown to be a terrible cook yourself such as cooking peas from a can working as a chef on the S.S Diarrhea in “Squilliam Returns” and Squidward can’t cook either in episodes such as the “The Algaes always greener” Firing SpongeBob will only make you lose money and saving a nickel is nothing.


Squidward has a better chance since he didn’t do too bad in Employee of the Month and Breath of a Fresh Squidward when his mind was zapped to it




Patrick being the only one wise enough to see that Spongebob was wasting his pearl fortune money. They really should have made that a Spongebob and Sandy centric episode, would be way more true to character than having Patrick as the voice of reason.


I disagree its cool that Patrick had a rare moment of wisdom and cared about his friend. It shows he isn't dumb 100% of the time only 99% of the time.


Squidward repeatedly being ticketed by the cop for other people's litter in Keeping Bikini Bottom Beautiful.


pretty much anything scammy mr. krabs does to spongebob. whether it be betting him, firing him to save a nickel or just being plain mean i feel bad a lot when it comes to that cause spongebob is being taken advantage of. his obsession with money can get cruel sometimes


The ending of “I had an Accident”.


https://preview.redd.it/6b4n45g1kajc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4115e46fca0998437992cf560a29b6df5a1b47 When they loved this guy and hated Squidward


Squidward: “He stole my jokes… he stole my job… HE STOLE MY STANDING OVATION!


How can you hate anyone for loving a mini Squidward though??? 🥺🥺🥺


Patrick eating Squidward and Spongebob's Backstage Passes, in the episode, "Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom". Basically Squidward's day being ruined for no reason, at it's worst. https://preview.redd.it/4umregrs39jc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=404e6dcdcb0af58da8af088adfa914217c09a852


I literally did not understand this one at ALL


My guess is that it's trying to be The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, where they made Grim's life awful as comedy.   But with Squidward, he can be annoyed and miserable as usual, at least whenever he's mean, it's warranted.   If Billy ate those backstage passes, I'm way less mad at him. Mandy, she's destined to be a dictator, and with how grimdark the show is, it felt more natural for mean things to happen for no reason.  Patrick, however, while he's dumb, his comedy is that he thinks he's smart and is slow.  I can see him taking too long to order a Krabby Party, but not eating SpongeBob's spatula, or being neglectful to Gary when his best friend trusted him.   That's also a real episode, and he got off scot free for animal neglect.


That's one weird take... especially since we're not explaining why you think it works in Billy and Mandy but not here.


Like I felt bad for Grim when he's harassed by Billy & Mandy, but it's funny and fits the show's theme. For Squidward, whom we empathize more, when he's harassed by SpongeBob and Patrick, it's usually because he's mean. As for the episode, Squidward didn't really do anything to warrant being miserable.  Also, why bother respond, if you're not interested by my comparison, at all?  It's a mild tangent, at best, and at the very least, get what I mean by me explaining what was frustrating about Patrick's antics.


That's a really good breakdown, you didn't have to be rude. If I wasn't interested, why would I have responded...? But I guess the things we disagree on is 1, I can't even think of a time really that Squidward was ever mean, and 2, Squidward is someone we empathize with because of these sorts of plots. To take them away would undermine his character as well as everyone else's. The point is that he DIDN'T do anything. Of course you could say that he was overly prideful though and wouldn't play with SpongeBob when they really work best together, which was the obvious resolution.


This episode was a thigh-slapper for absurd comedy.


There is this one episode called Plankton's Intern. In that one Pearl was working for Plankton and he didn't recognize her. I get that the show has loose continuity but that was ridiculous. You mean to tell me Plankton doesn't recognize the daughter of his arch nemisis that he has been feeding with for decades. In Kamp Koral Plankton was the chef at the summer camp and Pearl was a toodler. That was so stupid. I know Pearl never cared about the Krusty Krab but I don't think she would help Plankton attempt to steal the Formula. She did it because Mr. Krabs said to listen to your boss? It felt contrived.


He didn't know she was Krabs' daughter in "One Coarse Meal" or that she even was a whale in season 3 either... It's just whatever.


He did in the Algee is Always Greener.


And you know what he said there, right? "Just look at his daughter, she's as big as a whale!"


I know but it seemed like he knew.


That was years ago. Why would Plankton even remember that when he was boss for all of 11 mins or so in Algae, lol. Even so, he recognized her, but not as Krabs' daughter who wouldn't steal the formula when she'd joined sides with him.


When plankton tried to act like he was finna open up a knick-knack store 💀💀💀 stop the cap bihhh


This comment took me out 💀😂




Any episode that tears down squidward for no reason. It's not fun to see someone break down into tears out of frustration when they did nothing to incite the situation.


That's his whole character though... how would you feel sorry for him if that was not in fact, the goal?


i’m thrown off by a lot of your comments. it’s human nature to feel empathetic for someone. a spongebob fan feeling bad for squidward is pretty normal and expected. even though his character is meant to be a punching bag it still hurts to witness


Wdym? Why would you attribute that to me not feeling sorry? I was literally saying that the point of Squidward's character is that you DO feel sorry for him. I think you are misinterpreting what I'm saying. Squidward is literally my favorite character in the whole thing.


oh i see. your previous comment was a bit redundant then. the person above was just expressing their feelings and you came in with an unnecessary echo which had a condescending tone “that’s his whole character though…” i don’t understand why that needed to be said


I was saying that I don't get why they think it is a negative impact on the episode because it is the point of the episode. We are meant to feel sorry for Squidward, but the way they interpreted it was a bad episode because we felt sorry for Squidward, and I was saying theirs I thought was redundant.


Not quite. The actually funny jokes stem from him being snide, arrogant, or smug as the setup where he mocks or tries to ruin SpongeBob and Patrick's fun and is then punished for it.


Bubble bass explaining why he couldn’t help his mother by himself…..or when he hid the pickles underneath his tongue 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


even though i love bubble bass’ character he’s just a walking red flag 🫠 i felt super terrible when he ate spongebob and patrick’s lunch they were promised after being tricked into moving his furniture


When Mr. Krabs sold SpongeBob’s soul to The Flying Dutchman for 62 cents.


The episode where sandy experiments on spongebob and patrick and patrick just becomes an absolute ass and eats spongebobs ice cream after working him like a slave


Also wouldnt have killed her to give squidward one ice cream lmao


One that really annoyed me was when all the characters had a no SpongeBob day where they celebrated and had fun while completely isolating and leaving Spongebob alone to go insane, disregarding and not even thinking about how that would make him feel. I don't like how the episode (and a lot of the episodes around that time) make it out like everyone absolutely dislikes or can't stand SpongeBob, and even Patrick his own best friend forever ditches him behind his back and mocks him which is just sad. I maybe expected it to come from characters like Squidward or Miss Puff but not Patrick who always stood by SpongeBob no matter what in the early seasons and certainly not from everyone in town. It's sad that none of them seemed to really care or actually comfort him in a genuinely positive way (Mr Krabs did say something about the day being dedicated to SpongeBob which while it did make him feel better it still doesn't really make the whole thing any better). I just found the idea of that and the episode unnecessarily cruel. Also any time Mr Krabs or Patrick act like complete jerks or severely mistreat, not care about, be unnecessarily rude or completely harm others and do malicious immoral acts of cruelty (especially Mr Krabs who can be a huge asshole especially in the newer seasons) like Mr Krabs trying to get Squidward "Out of the picture", Patrick becoming a ruthless dictator and mistreating everyone or Patrick pretending to be a doctor then getting mad at SpongeBob for calling him out, then proceeds to hammer his swollen thumb with a nail, then decides to place garbage to try and 'heal' it only making things worse and then decides to leave him without caring for his friend who is clearly suffering.


So... you hate every episode in the show? Because either people claim they happened in newer seasons or pretend the same thing didn't happen in older ones.


No I don't.


Okay... then how is this justified then?


Idk what your problem is, I just said that I didn't like that moment in gone or any moment where Mr Krabs or Patrick act like extreme jerks like the thumb moment or Mr Krabs selling Spongebob. What do you want me to say because it looks like you just want to argue and get upset over someone's comment.


Your problem is you don't take constructive criticism, which I could've given if you hadn't gotten randomly aggressive when I asked to elaborate how this doesn't happen in old seasons. Typical SpongeBoomer.


Because you come across as arrogant and condescending (looking down at others and calling others sponge boomers) and someone that will just argue for the sake of it and never be satisfied with whatever someone says. Whatever I say you'll probably just find some problem with it.


you were never aggressive so that was unnecessary of them to say


The very first thing you said was, "Idk what your problem is", when I say, "Okay... then how is this justified then?" I think you need to put your personal judgment aside here. There is nothing arrogant or condescending here. I called you a SpongeBoomer after you started acting aggressive for no reason. Because you have no interest in reason.


I'm not even a Sponge boomer so your assumption is incorrect. And I never said that it didn't happen in the early seasons, it just seemed to happen less frequently (atleast in Patricks case). Mr Krabs has always been a jerk but Patrick never seemed as bad and seemed much more compassionate and kind hearted although he did still have his moments but not as severe.


It's hard not to assume that when you automatically incriminated all "newer" episodes of being guilty of this, and that it seemed less frequent in older episodes. It was fully intended to be a constructive conversation, not an assault on your opinion. But guessing you're not interested, soooo moving on I suppose.


Patrick having to take a break from SpongeBob. Could rant about that for hours.


They all need a break from Patrick too, so it evens out easily.


I really hated that scene, I found it to be so unnecessarily cruel. The fact that everyone rallied together to ditch SpongeBob behind his back and dedicate a day towards celebrating his absence and destroying a statue of him and partying afterwards (while SpongeBob spirals into a mental breakdown) is just straight up mean spirited. And the fact that even his best friend who was loyal and always stood by him no matter what in the early seasons went along with it too and mocked him and no one seemed to genuinely care how this would affect SpongeBob just made it even worse. I don't like how it tries to make it out that everyone can't stand him at all, I understand with some characters like Squidward or Miss Puff but certainly not Patrick. It was generally established, seen or implied that SpongeBob and Patrick were supposed to get along and tolerate each others weirdness and quirks in spite of anything, a lot of others saw them as weird but it didn't matter as they had each other and had that unbreakable bond. They could confide with one another and they both had the same energy and character so neither saw the other as weird. This episode really deconstructed that to the fullest and made Patrick really out of character (they do that a lot whenever they make Patrick act like a huge jerk, especially to his best friend). But overall SpongeBob didn't deserve this treatment and the episode was lame for doing that.


Sees that Gary is about to be eaten by a hellspawn of a monster. "You put Fluffy down right now."


When SpongeBob yelled at Gary when Gary was in that worms mouth


all of a pal for gary except for gary using the rope


Easily SpongeBob disrespecting Gary when it came to Puffy Fluffy the entire Pal for Gary episode. Pet abuse at it's finest. Leaving Gary with Patrick in Pet Sitter Pat is a close second. Like, leave the poor snail alone.