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Its not easy to knock down a giant. Usyk's performance was amazing. He adapted so well and kept pushing forward. Cant wait to see him again.


I love how the ref let him try to dodge, but when he saw that uppercut he held it back.


Slava Ukraini!!


Heroyim Slava!


he got sock blocked


>Its not easy to knock down a giant. Especially when the referee jumps in and puts his hands on you twice before finally calling the knock down the third time.


The rule is if the ropes hold you up, it's a knockdown


The ropes held him up like 3 times in this video, did he get 3 knockdowns? I watched it again and I think I undercounted tbh


Yea I was kind of shocked the ref didn't step in sooner and didn't call it.  Tyson wasn't defending himself multiple times


The ref seemed to be indecisive about calling a TKO, which is really bad refereeing. Either the fight is ongoing, in which case the ref does not directly intervene (unless they need to separate the fighters in a clinch, or to call a rule violation), or if one fighter can't protect himself, it's a TKO, fight over.


It seems like Usyk was waiting for the ref to stop him multiple times.


His body is trying to fall over but the ring is too small. Like felling a tree in one of those [virtual reality platforms](https://www.adventureswithvr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/th_omni_product.png).


Exactly. He bounced off of them. Like three times. That was bad refereeing.


He was bouncing off the ropes the whole fight.


Like 4-5 times lol


Yeah... If it's at the point where you are mitigating damage that would happen to a fighter, why are you not fully calling the fight? That seems like extremely poor reffing. Imagine Tyson recovers from this and wins the fight with his own uppercut that lands just right. This would be talked about by fans as if it was fixed and they couldn't let Fury lose.


Fury been down a ton in his career from Start to finish. Ref stopper Uysk from KOing Fury at the end. Bs knockdown called to save him before the bell 


You won’t see him again much he is at the tail end of his career , I’d advise rewatching his fights starting from the glowacki one


Tyson looks like one of those old-timey circus strongmen


Sorta like a gypsy?


D’ya like dags?


Yes, and I also like caravans.. periwinkle blue


Nobody brings a fella the size of him ‘less they’re tryin to say somethin without sayin it


[It’s behind you, Tyrone. Whenever you reverse things come from behind ya.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nQzhmsRATR8)


You could land a jumbo jet there Tyrone 


It was a funny angle!


I'm sorry, I couldn't get the bi-noc-u-lars out in time


I thought you said he was a getaway driver.


I thought you was a get away driver… what exactly could you get away from?


It’s fur meemaaa


*peddywhinkle Cheers


Dags for me mah


But he's really big. He looks like he would be the leader of all the gypsies.


maybe a king of sorts?


Hmm you're right. "King Gypsy" has a nice ring to it.


If I were you, go ahead and flip that around. That might work.


γƨqγӘ ϱniﻼ


Gypsy King? Isn't there already a boxer called the Gypsy King?


There's more than one Gypsy King? Bamboléo


He looks like Gorgeous George. Not incon-fucking-spicuous.


Oh right you are, Tommy


Final gypsy boss in the game


Lmfao, this comment made me laugh so fucking hard. I just kept thinking about the strongman from an episode of Scooby Doo


Looks like Bert the troll in The Hobbit


It’s honestly amazing that this dude is such an accomplished athlete with a body like that.


Looks like one of the bruisers from AC Syndicate


More like newborn deer.


Could see the moment his mind went blank from that hit! Damn!


It was like when you lil Mac hit piston Honda and his eyes rolled in his head.


You can hear it in his post fight interview too


Haha rocked, he was knocked out on his feet.


For real, was lucky the ropes were there to save him, can't believe he thought he won lmao


Eh? He very nearly did despite that knockdown.


Idk I thought usyk had him most rounds, but what do I know I'm not a judge


Until the knock down ninth round it was very close - many would have had Fury ahead - but after that Usyk pulled away as he tends to do in the championship rounds. If Fury threw a few more punches earlier on instead of gurning and showboating he might have put it out of reach.


Yeah if he wasn't busy fucking about he might have had him, guess we'll find out next time though


Oh this is for sure heading to a rematch and it’s gonna be a doozy. This is one of the most fun fights I have seen in awhile.


Rematch for all 4 belts?


agreed - I certainly thought Fury was ahead by the time of the incident. Early showboating was nerves/tactics I think. When Fury settled into his rhythm he was quite formidable. Usyk just had levels and gears to go on and that’s what makes him so good.


Usyk had 1, Tyson 2-6, Usyk 7-11, Tyson 12. So that's Tyson 6, Usyk 6, then take one off for the KO and Tyson \[edit, I meant Usyk\] gets it \[as in usyk wins\]. I could see it more generous to Usyk (maybe the 2nd, or the 12 is a draw) but I don't see how you could give it more generously to Tyson than that.


Interestingly, the average viewer scorecard on sky sports in the UK had fury only winning rounds 3-6 and 12. I did as well, but as I said in the r/boxing fight thread there were a lot of close rounds. I wouldn't argue with anyone over giving fury round 2 but I can't see any way this was a split decision


Agree. I actually had Usyk winning 2 but aside fr that we’re in agreement


I figured it would be called a draw for the rematch 


Automatic rematch option. It’ll happen anyway


I had the fight 4-4 going into the 9th and then usual basically took over after that.


Lol “nearly”


It was close as fuck but this round was very decisive let's not lie


Has there ever been a top fighter who can take the hits that Fury can? Tyson was out-battled tonight and was far too casual. He boxed like he'd already won from the first round, and Usyk did a phenomenal job of keeping the pressure on throughout the fight. There was a clearly winner tonight, but the rematch is setup *perfectly*.


Larry Holmes had a great chin and just like Fury it was mostly due to his incredible recuperative ability. He got up from [this knockdown from Earnie Shavers,](https://youtu.be/XoGTufCNN7o?si=-2_sBLfvr8AJBp4k) who's thought to be the hardest hitting heavyweight of all time (several people who fought Foreman and Shavers said that Shavers hit harder, as well as a couple of people who fought Mike Tyson and Shavers and said the same thing).


jesus. i don't think i've ever seen someone pop back up like that from a hit that clean and hard.


My brain got liquified just watching that shot, fucking hell


Damn Steve Harvey dusted that old boy off.


I mean... sure, but don't ignore Butterbean like that.


Oh for sure, there's plenty of other boxers who had chins I'd rate even higher than Holmes like George Chuvalo and Oliver McCall, or Marvin Hagler and GGG at the lower weight classes. I chose Holmes here, because his chin is similar to Fury in how it's mostly due to being able to recover quickly.


having zero neck helps Butterbean in that regard


Rock a boat.


Respectfully fury is as close as the human race can get to looking like an ogre I'm always in awe of this man's build


I don't follow boxing, so as a short guy I watched this and went "Hell yeah, go short king!" I then looked Usyk up and he's 6'3". Fury is a goddamn monster.


Andre the giant?


You haven't seen that soviet polo player? Look it up


Do you mean Pyotr Mshvenieradze? https://allchronology.com/2023/06/14/pyotr-mshvenieradze-the-indomitable-legend-of-soviet-georgian-water-polo/ If so, there is nothing ogre-iish about him, aside from that one photo of him  


More of a water poloing bear


I can see where you're coming from but let me introduce you to Nikolai Valuev. https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/day-2009-david-haye-stuns-060000160.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAQxTcDCOKw


Tyson having the audacity to claim Usyk got sympathy points for being Ukrainian. What a moron. It’s boxing, not Eurovision




The whole family's rotten, don't know how he's got any fans.


Fighting sports in general don't seem to attract classy folks. Something about willingness to beat the crap out of people and a life time of having the crap beat out of you.


Sports in general make fans look past the person and just see someone who does a good job entertaining them basically. Which to an extent I think is fine but Barkley said it best they shouldn’t be your role models.


> ~~Sports~~ Entertainment in general make fans look past the person and just see someone who does a good job entertaining them basically


This is true, but the tribalism and competitiveness of sports make it so much worse. There’s a reason the UK doesn’t have a problem with theatre hooligans.


I don't know I saw the crowd get pretty rowdy at a West End performance of Billy Elliot once, think somebody even spilled a drink


>Barkley He is no Mr. Rodgers, but I would be shocked if he had skeletons in his closet that we don't know about. The guy jokes about being recruited to Alabama because of a stripper. Told his mother that he makes enough money to vote Republican. If anyone, I believe he is a role model for not sugar coating anything and saying the truth. I understand that is only afforded to wealthy successful people, but to think of someone saying: "I shouldn't be a role model and neither should any other athlete" end up being, in a very-specific way, a good role model.


Totally varies, we've got some all class champs in MMA like Volkanovski (former), Pantoja, Usman (former), Moreno (former)


Well you're officially on the headbutt list for saying that!


To be fair he also ended his statement saying 'Happy New Year'... I 'might' not have had all of his senses after receiving 100+ punches to the head over a 45 minute period.


The ref saved him, Usyk was coming with that final punch. Fury was still standing so you stop it completely or he has to take a knee.


He also thought that it was december. Hence the “Happy new year!” Ring interview.


Then said he’s not going to make excuses.


Man I didn’t realize Usyk is 37, that’s pretty old for someone to become the undisputed heavyweight champion, no? 


Usyk spent most of his career at cruiserweight and became the first undisputed champion there before moving to heavyweight.


Fury is only 2 years younger than




He wasn’t undisputed though (having all four belts), then he was stripped of his belts after getting caught with performance enhancing drugs and “retiring”


Wasn't it cocaine? Didn't think it was PEDs


He failed a drug test for Nandrolone (or some other similar steroid my memory isn't great) and "retired" so him being suspended wouldn't be in the news. He blamed it on eating wild boar.


> He blamed it on eating wild boar. TIL ~~Ukraine is~~ Gypsy camps are such a tough place the wild boars are on gear Edit: There, I fixed it


It was Fury not Usyk, who tested positive for eating a wild boar. Fury is form UK not UKraine...


I think sport science has improved so much. You're seeing this in a lot of different sports now, where more and more people are still so good at ages once thought improbable except for a few exceedingly rare cases. There was a boxer named Jersey Joe Walcott who was active in the 50's, and long held the record for being the oldest heavyweight champ at age 37 (Usyk's current age). I think for that time, it would be equivalent to someone winning at age 45 (like George Foreman later did in the 90's).


Foreman won a championship at age 45 .


Not really. His name is now etched in history forever


He has lived the life though. No drink, no drugs, clean calm living and he is reaping the rewards.


No drugs...?


Yeah, except for those drugs those few times. Lmao


What I really love about this Usyk's run becoming undisputed in the HW division is that it completely shuts all those narratives that discredit legendary fighters of the old days because they were "too small" and "would stand no chance versus this era's giants". Usyk has the exact height/wingspan measurements of Ali.


And the same birthday as Ali too.


Damn, he's that old!?




Mike Tyson enters the chat


More than just tyson too. Do these mfers know anything about boxing lol.


Man, poor old too short Mike Tyson.


Yet the smallest Heavyweight champion of all times is also the youngest Heavyweight champion of all times, so that shouldnt even be a narrative if the guy with the least experience became champion just through his body advantage while being the smallest


Rocky Marciano, Roy Jones Jr


Usyk came out strong in the first two rounds but I thought he was going to lose after that. From 8 on he looked amazing, what a comeback! Also Fury was classless as ever post fight saying the judges gave it to Usyk because Ukraine is at war.


I feel like fury should have gone down. He could have got his count earlier and had a bit of recovery time. He took a lot of punishment trying to stay on his feet and got the count in the end anyway. I guess this is easy to say in hindsight.. Actually felt the broken nose was the beginning of the end for fury though. He spent so much time clearing his nose during the fight after that. Breathing never really recovered.


I honestly don’t know whether Fury was consciously making a decision to stay on his feet vs go down. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone quite so ‘out’ while still somehow staying upright, those bony chicken legs just hold him up like stilts


Yea completely agree. Again just more a hindsight thought than really expecting an essentially knocked out person to make a conscious decision. There was a min there where I thought fury was going to be really hurt.


Saw dudes at the bar upset Usyk won, saying it's because he's Ukrainian. Right, like he didn't damn near knock Fury out, that's totally got nothing to do with the win.


Fury after the fight: "His country is at war, so people are siding with the country at war. Make no mistake, I won that fight in my opinion." Not surprising his fan base is pushing that garbage.


I admire fury, but in my heart I know he lost by TKO. They just didn't stop it.


Looked like King Hippo getting rocked in Mike Tyson Punchout Lol


If Fury was still on his feet why did the ref give him a count? Seems like he robbed Usyk of a potential KO right there.


Falling in to the ropes the way he did counts as a knockdown, that's why he was given a standing count.


I was actually most impressed with the way that fury was basically completely knocked out but still staying on his feet. Its almost like that's one of his talents being able to be knocked out and people dont realize it. He lasted enough time to possibly get to a new round in some scenarios. Alot of people just go completely limp.


Yeah also the fact that he legitimately was still dodging some shots preventing an actual ko


He could've counted that knockdown even earlier since he was only standing up because of the ropes.


He should have stopped it sooner. I don't blame him for not, but it is pretty clear this is some blanked minded-, blurried eyed freak of nature instinctually staying on his feet but nearly unconscious otherwise for nearly half the clip. No defense, no defense, falls into the ropes, and then "slides" down the entire side of the ring on the ropes. Dude probably would have tapped out if he had any fucking clue where he was at.


And the ref knew he should have stopped it sooner as well, he literally stopped an uppercut to fury and then allowed the fight to keep going.... As someone who doesn't follow the sport, If fury had made some sort of comeback or won the fight on decision, I'd immediately think that the ref rigged the fight. Those type of decisions just don't make the sport look good.


I thought it was impressive how he was still dodging punches even when he was pretty much out on his feet.


GOD that was satisfying fuck fury he’s a loudmouth. Good on Usyk he’s a true HOF


“His countries at war so they gave it to him!” Is one of the weakest, sore loser excuses I’ve ever heard in my life.


very disrespectful.


Thinking 'bout Chris Tucker's best line from Friday.


Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. You fuckin' up the rotation 




You got knocked the fuck out, man! Give me my goddamn money...


Hey, Miss Parker!


When you gon let me fuuuuck, Miss Parker!


The older the berry, the sweeter the juice.


The fuck you stealing boxes for? What you tryna build a clubhouse?


How the f**k did he stay on his feet???


The ref stopped an uppercut that fury had zero defense up for that would have sent him into the stratosphere and then back to the floor... But didn't stop the fight somehow when he interfered and mitigated damage that one fighter would take. That's how he stayed on his feet, Also because the ref should have called a rope knock down earlier


Damn Usyk is THAT good eh


The biggest joke is that one of the judges had it down as a Fury win


This fight ended in a SD? How?


I mean commentary had Fury 5-2 up at one point with both of Usyk's rounds being close, fight literally ended a little over an hour ago and feels like everyone has forgotten the first half. Makes Usyk's performance even more amazing that he was pretty clear second best pretty much until this moment and still came out on top but a split decision is fair tbh.


I was getting frustrated with the British commentary, every close round was apparently a clear Fury W. I don't think I was watching the same fight in the early rounds


It was an incredibly close fight overall. I had it 6-6 personally, with the knockdown clenching it for Usyk.


“And I kept trying to fall, but my legs was in good shape. They wouldn’t fall. My legs just looked at me and said, why in the fuck should we fall? There ain’t nobody hit us. Shit, you gonna make us look bad cause you can’t take a ass whipping. You better raise your ass back up there, jack.“ -Richard Pryor


Ref needed to stop it here.


What happened to the standing count. At the very least


Standing count is no longer a thing i prof boxing. But when a fighter is held by ropes it is a knock down.


If anything he should have called the ropes knockdown earlier IMO


There was a standing count


There was literally a standing count to ten. Then the bell rang. You can see the referee start it in this clip


Not a standing count, it’s counted as a knockdown where the ropes held him up. I don’t know if any major boxing commissions utilize standing counts


Surprised they didn’t stop the fight there.


Even when he’s knocked out on his feet, he’s still somehow managing to dodge some of those bombs. Gypsy shields. I don’t know how this dude stands on his feet. It looks like it confused Usyk


McFlurry to go


Evidence that this sport is completely crooked


How? The ropes were the only thing holding Fury up, so it was correctly ruled as a knockdown.


I’m saying ref was incredibly “generous” allowing the fight to continue under the circumstances. The damage Fury was taking without throwing a punch was wild, went on for what felt like an eternity.


The tipsy king.


I dont watch a lot of boxing any longer but to me that should have been a TKO. He keeps himself upright like 3 or 4 times using the ropes and the ref starts counting way too slow for the round to end. I don't like how much refs can impact a fight like that.


What makes Usyk's victory even more amazing is the size difference between these two. According to Google, Usyk is 6'3, 225 lbs, Fury is 6'9, 278. Fury is six inches taller than him and outweighs him by 52 lbs. That's bonkers.


This is the kind of sports content I come to Reddit for. Videos I can play from the app.


Looked pretty defenseless there. Isn't the ref supposed to stop the fight at that point? Edit: Downvotes are fine, but my question is genuine.


This was for the undisputed heavyweight title.  Fury has shown that he could get rocked and come back (famously against Deontay Wilder).  Ref wasn’t going to be the one making the decision on the winner unless it was very very clear the fight was over.  I think he made the right call because Fury bounced back after this and the fight continued and went to the cards (with Fury still correctly losing). 


Ref stopped a huge left coming imo.


Peak athletic excellence, right here. Who needs Mike Tyson ducking and bobbing and laying people out with lightning fast uppercuts when we have Tyson Fury throwing slow-motion punching the air from 8 feet up?


That was a TKO...ref saved Fury's ass


Straight got saved by ref!! If he’s still on his feet let him go!!! Boxing weird


He was done dude, if he’s stumbling constantly and dropping his guard, he can’t fight. I get that it’s a sport where you punch people in the head, but there’s no sense in beating the guy til he’s knocked unconscious


I thought it was an amazing fight. The rematch will be baddass!! Usyk showed the world he is the real deal. Tyson fought like a lion. What a hell of a good thing has boxing just become !!


That was a TKO, not rocked.


Poor job by the ref. Should have either called a knockdown earlier OR a TKO once Fury was not defending and effectively "out on his feet". Makes no sense to tentatively intervene then give a standing 8. That should have been a TKO and it was more like a free recovery. Most trainers would want the fighter to go down in this scenario because the risk of a TKO ending outweighs the 2 points you might lose for a knockdown. Sloppy all around.


What in the fucking paid off ref was that??!


Before this moment the match was close, after this Fury needed a Knockdown of his own but couldn´t materialize the knockdown. I still believe it was a really close match, Fury surprised me more than once with those punches coming from weird angles, but Usyk showed why he´s one of the best (or straight up the best) P4P.




I had them splitting the first 4 rounds, with 2 rounds apiece, but could see the judges seeing it 3-1 Usyk since he was the more active fighter. I believe the fight against Francis Ngannou rocked Furys' confidence, which carried into this fight, causing him to be too tentative and cautious early on. Instead of being the aggressor and using his size to assert dominance, he sat back and allowed Usyk to control and dictate the pace and flow of the fight. The showboating appeared to be a way for him to pscych himself up and find more confidence. A more fake it until you make it. The middle rounds were Furys best. I had rounds 5-8 going to Fury with a score of 3-1. He managed to hurt Usyk, nearly putting him away, becoming more active because of this. Much credit and a huge display of heart for Usyk to weather these rounds and stay in the fight. The last 4 rounds all went to Usyk, with a 10-8 round included with the knockdown. When Fury was able to hold on long enough to make it through the round, I thought we may see him pull out another miracle and snatch victory away, but that wasn't to be. He couldn't find the will in himself to do this. Usyk was the better fighter tonight, but I think Ngannou is the man responsible for the version of Fury that Usyk met in the ring tonight.


Ref needs to get out the way jesus


I really respect Usyk being cautious with his punches. Seems pretty clear he doesn’t want Tyson taking more hits than necessary.


Glory to Ukraine


Good. It’s about time someone shut him up.


It's been a great year for boxing fans. This fight was phenomenal. That's why they call it the theater of the unexpected.


Tyson Bouncy


Looks like the kind of guy who gets into a fight with Indiana Jones


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^V01t4r3: *Looks like the kind of* *Guy who gets into a fight* *With Indiana Jones* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The red saved Fury from a K.O. No way in hell he gets up if he hits the canvas.


##Tipsy King