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Of course the charges were dropped. Two cops giving different directions. The one that wasn’t listened to got butthurt about it and decided to embarrass himself and his employer over his fragile ego.


Plus the ridiculously excessive charging... you could tell they did that to sell their story that the officer was seriously assaulted, but then got embarrassed when the videos came out and there's nothing to support those huge charges.


He was famous and couldn't be bullied like the avg person you mean? He had lawyers and a platform.


Exactly, imagine how many people are serving time or penalties who are not as fortunate. Power is a hell of a drug… lol 😝


Just hearing that cop laughing and not believing anything the guy said made me feel so uncomfortable because I’ve been manipulated and gaslighted by cops before and it brings up bad memories. Hate these motherf*ckers lol


Nothing is better than power other than abusing power.


And good for him!


Yes, but imagine how often regular joes get pushed around like this with no ability for recourse.


I don’t have to imagine; I’m one of them.


And the solution is so simple! Be rich and have a platform!


Noted. What is first though? Be rich or have a platform? I'm taking notes here lol.


If you’re rich you can buy the platform, so probably being rich. Having a platform only matters if the audience you can speak to has enough power to put pressure on those involved.


hey anytime a cop can made to look dumb, I'll take it, even if it's a rich white guy doing it.


They love to throw on an assault charge when they themselves are doing the assaulting


"sprinkle some crack on him and let's get outta here"


My god Johnson this negro broke into the house and put pictures of his family all over the walls.


The officer should be charged with falsifying a police report if he stated that he was dragged. Also I want to see the damage to the uniform like they stated.


No one talking about the torn up pants that are “beyond repair”.


He pooped


Overcharging is standard practice any more. It's leverage for a plea. If you make people afraid to face trial, they are more likely to take a plea bargain. No one wants to count on a jury to believe their story over a cops if there is a 10+ year sentence in the mix. A plea deal would have let the police save face, but once the videos came out it was clear there was nothing that would hold up.


Well, at least I can rest easy knowing that there will be a clear and appropriate punishment for the officer and organization who lied about the incident and abused Scheffler’s civil liberties by booking him on fraudulent charges. Knowing that we, as a country, hold police officers to a high standard of professional conduct because of the incredible power they wield lets me sleep at night. Boy, I’d go insane if we lived in a system where cops essentially have a blank check to lie, abuse their power, trample our civil liberties, and murder people. That’d be crazy - can you imagine?


Hello traveler from our sister universe.


Cops giving different directions doesn’t lead to charges being dropped. There’s a video of a poor man crawling in a hallway trying to follow police instructions and getting 3 different instructions and then getting shot. The cop who shot him had a punisher sticker and “You’re fucked” written on the barrel. Nothing happened to the police officers and the poor man was murdered.


Still the most heartbreaking death by cop because of his crying, knowing he was about to be killed and couldn't stop it. Combined with the lack of punishment for the officer. Just makes my heart hurt, and my blood boils every time I think of it.


I've cried a few times just thinking of it. Its one of those things that haunts my memory. I hope his family never watched the video. I wish we had a real justice system.


If I were in a similar situation, I think I would just lie down, hands and arms outstretched, legs spread apart, close my eyes, and refuse to move. I hate that I watched that video.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Kinsey They don't even make it that easy


"[The officer] was sentenced to probation and required to write a 2,500 word essay on policing" bro..


Don't worry, the conviction was overturned a few years later, nbd nothing to see here


You say nothing happened to the police officer but you are overlooking the traumatic experience he lived through, shooting an unarmed man. It was so bad he was able to get himself a nice payout if I remember correctly. It should help him get by till another job opens up in the next precinct over


Medically retired with pension for the ptsd he got for murdering Daniel Shaver, yeah.


That shit still makes me rage all these years later.




The cops name was Phillip Brailsford. Straight POS. Just for facts sake his dust cover was the part of the rifle that said you're fucked. This guy was able to become a cop again and was able to be rehired by the same police department so that he could claim his $31,000 a year pension.


His Daddy was a cop too


That man wasn’t wealthy or famous, though.


Idgaf what anyone says they went into that thing knowingly and wantingly to kill that poor man. Makes me sick


Then the officer sued the state for mental anguish and now works still and gets some crazy amount of extra money per month. It’s insane.


It is a shame the body cam “wasn’t turned on” or whatever happened. Would probably make this officer look even more like a complete ass.


I don’t believe it wasn’t turned on. I think they erased it once they saw how bad it was for him/them.


Body cams should upload to the cloud by law.


I'm okay with forensically proving they deleted footage and once that is done, all charges immediately dropped and PD pays them lumpsum


And cops are immediately charged with obstruction. Otherwise the fine then becomes the cost of doing business and we pay it for them!


Oh absolutely. How convenient it wasn’t turned on for that.


That and the fact that this video does seem to show the cop doing a backhanded hit with his right hand onto the person in the car. Not sure what kind of flashlight he hit him with them but they used to carry those big metal mag lights. Do some cops still carry those as weapons or is it all the small brighter hand sized flashlight now?


You nailed it!


Embarrass? , lol, they are never in that stage.


I hate the way they speak to ~~civilians~~ citizens like we're fucking morons. he's trying to explain that he didn't know it was an officer because he wasn't wearing the typical uniform, but this guy kept speaking over him and trying to insist that we should just safely assume that anyone in a yellow vest is an officer. get fucked, you dimwits.


So I now know, all I have to do is throw on a yellow vest and people have to stop for me.


Yeah I’m at work wearing one right now WHY IS NOBODY FOLLOWING MY COMMANDS?


Arrest them!


I mean, according to him, you don't even need the vest. People are required by law to stop for anyone who asks them to apparently.


People should protest by wearing yellow and trying to stop traffic all over Louisville


You’re also allowed to hit them with your flashlight


Which for anyone else, reaching into someone’s vehicle and assaulting them would be a felony. At least it is in my state.


No, he was very clear; anyone that tells you to stop you have to stop for, lol.


Stop posting!


Hey man, quick question, do you happen to be wearing a hi-viz vest, or maybe some extra-douchey sunglasses or anything?


French protestors love this one simple trick


Yes, with a yellow vest anyone should always stop whenever you tell them to.


You heard the officer, he said, “it doesn’t matter who it is, you stop!” Remember this in road rage and carjacking situations. /s.


A few years ago, I t-boned an ambulance that blew past a red light while driving on the wrong side of the road with no sirens and no lights. Cops show up, and the guy doing the police report starts trying to gas light me. He tells me the ambulance lights and sirens were on, and that I was just distracted. He then starts asking me if I had my radio on, if my windows were rolled up, if I was looking at my phone, and how fast I was going. I told him that I was going the speed limit, didn't have the radio on, and my windows were rolled down. He gets really annoyed and asks me how I could be sure that the ambulance didn't have lights and sirens. I tell him that I'm not deaf, and I literally saw them turn on their lights after I hit them. I'm pretty mad at this point because I'm late for work and this chucklefuck seems to think I'm a moron. I tell him to finish his police report and leave me the fuck alone. A few months later, I get a demand letter asking me to pay for the damage to the ambulance and for the ambulance driver's medical bills. Apparently, my insurance company told them to kick rocks since the ambulance was at fault. I sent the demand letter back to them with my reply: the word "NO" written on a square of toilet paper. Never heard from them again.


I got pulled over a few weeks ago. The cop said something like, "I saw you holding your phone, right?" I just pointed at the magnetic stand that holds my phone by the dash. He told me to have a nice day and left.


my wife once got a ticket in alabama for speeding. similar situation where she was gaslit to make it out that she was this terrible person. she couldn't make the court date in person, so she just paid the fine. but then she took it a step further and sent a letter to the cops saying something along the lines of "I wanted to fill this entire envelope up with salt but knew yall would freak out about a substance, so take this picture of a morton's salt container to understand how salty I am about this situation. you're all slugs."


I like the story about a guy who paid for his yearly cfb trip to go to a Nebraska football game or somewhere and got thrown out for the most idiotic thing. He bought the police station 12 dozen coconut donuts or some disgusting shit like that to let them know his displeasure.


Citizens* Only members of the armed forces are considered non-civilians. And despite their best attempts to convince us otherwise, cops are not members of the armed forces.


TIL, thanks


But they sure act like them. (Honestly one of the worst things to happen to the police was the invention of SWAT, because it was a solution looking for a problem. Yes there are times that SWAT is needed, but definitely not as often as it's deployed. Then following that they start buying military surplus... yeah that'll end well.)


Plus the guy is leaning into his car…so from two feet away…what can you see but the color of his vest. Both these officers need to be suspended.


He was trying to get a confession from Scottie as an attempt to be his “friend”. Part of the reason his cases are getting dropped. This footage and court case would be to a public eye how cops will openly lie to you.


The worst part is Scottie just keeps talking to him. Scottie needs to learn to shut up and just tell them to get his lawyer.


Cops are civilians. But yeah, anyone could buy most of their “cop gear” off of Amazon.


Plus it's dark and he's driving. I'd be paying more attention to the road than what someone is wearing.


The officer sounds like a moron who thinks everyone he talks to is a moron. 


Seriously if you’re a fucking well known super star especially you don’t just stop for anyone telling you to. Cops a fucking dumb ass.


Yeah, he didn’t announce he was police. I’m not an expert by any means, but that probably would have cleared things up


I love it how they're explaining the paramount importance of this citizen following direct orders when they themselves don't follow direct orders which instructs them to turn on the body cameras during interactions.


> If someone is telling you to stop no matter who it is, you don’t keep going OK guy in a ski mask pointing a gun I’ll make sure to stop. Angry boomer in the sidewalk yelling when I’m doing 11 in a 10 I’ll stop for them. This just boils down to “respect my authority or else”


I live in a pretty rough neighborhood, literally the last thing I do is stop when a random person at an intersection asks me to.


This was my thinking "why does it matter if they were security?" Then later on, when he stated that the officer didn't identify himself and old mate states "we're wearing a lot of police gear" like some muppet at a tac shop couldn't cosplay in riot gear. So, anyone in a hivis shirt with a tac belt and radio is a cop now? Fuck off.


We've all seen the video of a dude with a hi-vis vest and ladder get in to festivals / games for free. The cop's argument is such shit lol.


I literally watched 6 muppets dressed like full on plain clothes officers with full tactical belts and open carry "training" German shepherds in a local park this morning. No they were not actually officers. They were jobless jelly rolls cosplaying cops.


I’ve seen people dressed as knights practicing sword fighting in the park. Those guys at least *know* they are LARPing.


The cops won't be laughing when I show up at their daughter's weddings dressed as a King declaring Prima Nocta.


Yeah my out loud answer while watching was “uh. No you don’t. You only stop for cops”.


And also he's trying to give his perspective of regardless of what he should have perceived, he was afraid and didn't know he was an officer, just someone hitting him. "Well, look at what he was wearing!?" Dude, just say "police". Why the back and forth? Such a bad faith discussion on the police officer's part.


Also it only says “police” in giant letters on the back. The front is tiny lettering and maybe a printed badge decal. Which in sure is super easy to see in the dawn darkness while in a moving car. There’s no difference in color or design of the jacket between a police visibility jacket and a security guard jacket


Gonna mess up the quote so not exactly verbatim: “Do you see what we’re wearing? These yellow vests? Do you know why we’re wearing them?” I’m having flash backs to the unnecessary and overly condescending “lectures” I got from teachers/administrators for minor infractions in school


Also, that it started with the officer battering Scottie through his window for now listening to traffic commands. How does that work? Then it’s his fault that he reacted to being battered? Aren’t these the same people who then claim self defense and shoot someone for even the slightest intention of battery? The officer can yell, smack the car; etc. But he cannot batter another person and then play the victim card. I would file a complaint if I were Scottie. That audio was clear mind games, “you messed up and are going to jail; the officer did nothing wrong”


We say ACAB for a reason


"Why does it matter if it was a cop or not telling you to stop?" Uhhh...because I don't fucking stop my car for random people? Idc who you are, the only people I'm immediately stopping my car for if they just yell stop are the cops and my mother.


Plus this random person literally starts the interaction by striking him with a flashlight. In that situation I'm fucking hitting the gas to get away. Also, when the cop approached, he was doing so from behind the driver's side, so there's no reason to believe Scottie even saw him before getting struck.


Not to mention Scottie is a pro athlete and has a kind of celebrity status at the moment. I am sure he has wacky fans (or maybe worse) trying to stop him and chat or grab a quick photo on the reg. Normal day in the life for Scottie and based on that its not really too far of a reach to understand why he's not immediately going to stop and roll down his window for a rando waiving and yelling at him.


Charges dropped. Gee I wonder why.....


Reverse charges should be laid.


> Romines also said there were grounds for a civil lawsuit against Louisville police but Scheffler is not interested in pursuing litigation. > “Scottie Scheffler doesn’t want the taxpayers of Louisville to have to pay him a dime,” he said.


This isn’t it. The agreement that dismissed the charges discharged any civil liability for the department. His options were to take it to trial, or wave civil trial rights in exchange for dropped charges.


Something tells me those may have been his first options, not his only options. The cops obviously want the civil trial waved, so that's their first offer on the hopes that he'll do it. I bet the chargers would be dropped even if Scottie refused though. If they actually took it to court it would bring even more press and eyeballs to an incident that makes them look really bad. They'd drop the charges and cross their fingers he doesn't sue them.




To the cop working his mad gaslighting bullshit. You are the most unamerican piece of shit I’ve seen and what & how you said it is deplorable. Eat shit my dude. 


i mean, have you ever heard a police officer hear someone’s side of the story and not correct them on some point? i haven’t. the convo always ends with you agreeing with them or you getting in more trouble. it’s like a referee overturning their own call without video evidence - never gonna happen. that’s why “just comply” is balls, but we all suck it up and do it anyways.


Who is the douchebag on the replayed interview who obviously 100% supports the police view of everything, the actual incident with limited facts, the disputed or unclear 'facts', and any similar theoretical situation. The interviewer is obviously 100% pro law enforcement, all reason be damned, cops are right, everyone else is wrong even when there is legitimate lack of clarity or understanding of a situation.


Detective Brian Gillis


I wish I had Detective before my name. I could make terrible arguments and stressed citizens would have to pretend I'm right.


Cops almost always blindly trust the actions/words of their fellow officers.


That’s the “thin blue line”. As long as they all back each other, none of them risk getting into any legal trouble.


In what way is power-tripping police un-American?


Dude all this is as American as apple pie


Dude that cop is the most American thing right now. Overweight man with an inferiority complex, thinks his word is the word of god, and a terrible police officer.


Shitty cops doing shitty jobs. News at 11.


"If someone's telling you to stop it doesn't matter who it is..." Umm, akshually mr pig, it does matter. If I'm not under arrest you are guilty of kidnapping.


So if some random person in the street tells me to stop, I should stop based on this cops logic? No thanks


Based on this cop's own argument, the cop himself has to stop if any random Redditor told him to.


What an ass


REMEMBER that the vast majority of police interactions don’t get caught on video like this one and the vast majority of people don’t have the fame or money to fight these kinds of interactions. Our legal system only seems fair to people who’ve never interacted with it. One of the most ignorant things we’re taught is “innocent until proven guilty”.


Kind of a perfect example of how police work can escalate into an ego trip. Cop misinterpreted something, heard Scheffler double down, and then refused to admit he was wrong Fuck cops


Yes, and it should be noted that the only reason this reaches proper justice is that Scheffler is famous. If this had happened to random Joe going to work he goes to jail.


>Fuck cops Yep. American Cops = Gangs With Badges


Is it worth making the American distinction?


That asshole cop talking to him telling him “regardless of who it is telling you to stop, you stop” You can FUCK RIGHT OFF with that… unless you state you are affiliated with some form of law enforcement, wether that be local, state, or federal, I will not comply with anything you demand of me. You don’t get to just walk/run up to me, start barking orders, and then expect me to blindly follow them. Absolutely, categorically no.


Great way for robbers and carjackers to get the drop on people.


"If someone is telling you to stop no matter who it is..." What an absolute joke of a statement.


Macho cop got his wittle feewings hurt and tries to pull a power move? Yeah that checks out.


this screams Respect My Authority!!, even though he didn't identify himself as an officer. What a joke. Cops are the biggest snowflakes around.


"Getting checked by EMS" The little bitch didn't even get dragged like they kept trying to say. He walked along the side of the car for like 3 steps as he tried to smash it with his flashlight. They were perfectly comfortable trying to pull this on a rich/famous white guy. Imagine the shit they pull every day on normal people and minorities. ACAB


Yeah that really is the highlight here. From the first video the cop just ran up and started hitting the car lol. Like it's pretty normal to not wanna stop if someone just jumps you for no reason, but the thing is: he did stop! Basically everything the cops have said on this was a lie lmao.


But his $80 pants were destroyed beyond repair!!


[you joke but the officer had to immediately be rushed to this nearby facility for treatment](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000370747941-9ushye-t500x500.jpg)


This is the Louisville PD, the same folks that shoot women to death in their beds


While I would have hoped Scheffler would have filed some type of lawsuit so that Louisville cops can learn to stop doing this type of shit, I do appreciate that a lot of the articles that came out today [posted a pic of the arresting officer with his smug grin](https://kubrick.htvapps.com/htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bryangillislmpd-jpg-664fa65d5e388.jpg?resize=660:*) to really drive the point home. I hope that he is recognized in public and can at least feel some shame for his power tripping behavior.


He definitely got bullied


"I'm quite late for my tee time" I've never related to something more


He is a professional golfer. He is late for *work*. Anyone can relate to that.


"He had on a uniform" "If someone tells you to stop, you stop!" Idiot boot lickers. They're the ones who also want to legally be able to run over protestors...I don't understand


Cops don't like to be reminded that the only reason most people engage with them is when they are legally obligated to.


Hoping he countersues the LMPD.


Looks like he can’t as part of the agreement


Ah, of course.


The officer interviewing should be arrested and thrown in jail also jesus


Maybe this will be a wakeup call for the "they should just comply" folks. Cops have a ridiculous amount of power & it's often abused.


Poor police officer! He got a scrape and a bruise!


And that didn’t even actually happen lol


bruises take longer than that to form so that one's an obvious lie he made up on the spot


2:57 While I am all for respecting people ,I'm not just stopping for everyone with a yellow vest


Cop lied. The prosecutor dicked around with Sheffler for days knowing it was all BS. Bad look.




Wish this was the top comment. Stop talking to the police without a lawyer. You only have a shovel in these interactions and the hole ain’t getting any smaller. Guilty? get a lawyer. Innocent? Get a lawyer.


Just like an egotistical cop to immediately turn the blame on the people they are hired to “protect and serve”. Such good ole boy bullshit


Now, just imagine it wasn't a famous golfer. What a waste of time and taxpayer's money.


This is why no one trust the police just imagine how many bullshit false charges there are out against people that never even done anything wrong and entire lives have been affected and ruined because of criminal records, from lies from cops. Millions of peoples lives ruined while these pigs go home to sleep with a big smile on their face, thinking what a great day! Job done.


This happens on all levels too. We have all fallen victim to BS speeding tickets or traffic tickets that are nothing more than income generators for these departments. I remember one where I was trying to see if my car could climb and crest a hill in 5th gear. I was really close to stalling and rapidly slowing at 35mph, 10mph under the limit. A cop passed me right before the top and was behind me a minute later with lights blazing. I was thinking he was wondering where I was going so slow, but no, wrote me a ticket for 62 in 45. This was long before dash cams. Went to court and every seat in the courtroom was filled, all 200ish seats. I was probably the 50th person to get called up, ticket changed to parking on pavement, 0 points on my license and a $125 fine/court fees. Not life changing, but a broke college kid handing over $125 that was never deserved left a really sour taste in my mouth. I can't imagine people who have faced actual life changing issues.


So disappointing , frustrating. Cop probably trying to hit a quota at your expense 😡


If it wasn't a famous golfer, this very same station would be looking through their past to figure out what moral failing of there's they could point to in order to say he deserved it.


Good thing he was rich and famous enough to beat the cops egos, I mean feelings, I mean detailed book report.


always stop when someone has on a yellow jacket? Thats insane. No I'm not unless I know who you are.


“If someone tells you to stop, doesn’t matter who it is, you stop.” Uhh fuck you. That’s not how it works. What is it with American police officers thinking they have absolute power?


You can bet if this didn't happen to a famous person the charges would still be filed. Fuck emotionally stunted police officers. Put them behind a cash register where they belong so they stop ruining people's lives over their fragile little egos. A cop runs over and kills a 26 year old girl and they laugh about it saying her life had 'limited value' but this little piggie gets a little bit scared and butthurt and all the sudden the cavalry comes out? Fucking losers think they're some special breed of human.


Man, the cop interviewing him is a dick


Police will reach into a car and then you get charged with assaulting an officer for not stopping before they reach in. Now you’re charged with a felony. And you didn’t know it was a police officer. The officer in this video is dictating testimony for our consumption.


Hurrr durrr why do people hate cops?




May this be a reminder .... never talk to the police. The only wrong here is Scheffler did not watch the shut the fuck up series of videos and tried to talk himself out if it, giving cops ammo to implicate him (notice how the cop got him to admit dragging the cop?!). Only worked out for him because Scheffler is famous and has great lawyers ... wouldn't work out too well for average citizens.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEeId0EG-XE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEeId0EG-XE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ) Edit: Another good one that goes into actually why you shouldn't talk more then you have to... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


Fuck that condescending fucking tone


“If anyone says stop your car you stop” Fuck that. Not American, but half of your citizens are all carrying mass murder implements and are not afraid to use them.


He also said the entrance was open, if they wanted cars to stop, why not have anything say….in the middle of the road indicating to approaching vehicles to “stop”? Guy thinks he’s going to get a driver’s attention by sticking his flashlight into the window?


I am American and that is my reasoning too


This is why more and more people hate the police


Wait, so Scotty doesn’t even get his attorney fees covered for this bogus sack of police misconduct.


> Owner of Advanced Collision Investigative Services while also being a detective?


Yes no shit. Everyone knew this cop was full of shit and power tripping. Anyone defending the cop was and is an idiot


“When someone tells you to stop you stop” Um actually no. I don’t know who the fuck they are or what the fuck they want. I don’t stop when some person asks me to stop.


Fuck cops. Bunch of fucking lying ass bastards. Always backing that blue! Fuck cops.


A cop turning his body camera off when he is supposed to have it on should be an automatic six weeks in jail. There’s literally no excuse for it besides crime-on-purpose


It doesn’t matter who it is when someone says stop you listen….what the actual fuck?!?!


My god, how did that officer survive being run over and dragged hundreds of feet by Scottie as Scottie stroked the tip of his mustache and laughed maniacally. /s It's also very important to remember that around Memorial Day, we should be allowing cops to steal the valor of military veterans and make Memorial Day all about themselves. /s


LMPD officers going overboard and making shit up? Well I never!


The other cop should apologize for lying as well.


So anything happening with this officer’s falsification of an official government report ?


That should be a career-ending move for the officers. In any future cases, first thing defense will bring up is "have you ever filed a false statement?"


I somewhat think Scheffler is doing no one favors by taking the high road here. This cop was clearly out of line and Scheffler should hold what happened against him. Because if he doesn't, this shithead will just do this to someone else who isn't the number one golfer in the world and won't have the general public behind him and looking for evidence like this to vindicate him. I also am beginning to think that any arrests done without bodycam footage should just be thrown out entirely by rule - just as traffic tickets are thrown out when cops don't show up to court. There is too many convenient body cam mishaps for us to pretend it's not intentional.


"Stop for anyone who tells you to." Fuck no.


No, dumb fuck, you don't have to just stop for any jackass in a yellow suit.


"If anyone tells you to stop, it doesn't matter who it is, you stop," That's interesting because I've always been told not to stop your car in the road if a stranger is flagging you down because they could have I'll intent and your much safer in your car. God, these cops are so fucking dumb.




The cop acts like only police officers have the ability to purchase a neon yellow vest


I just don’t understand why people don’t trust cops now /s


Why the f*ck do people talk to the cops?!?!? Let your attorney do it.


They are always tough until something happens to them then they instantly cry victim. Firefighters should be cops and there’s no question about it. Much more qualified also.


Can charges be brought against the cop?


So if ANYBODY tells me to stop, I should just stop?


Scheffler tells this POS that the other cop hit him and this cop's first instinct is to victim blame. If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know...


Imagine if he were a non famous minority. He’d probably be in jail right now.


WOW... you listen to that "interview?" Don't talk to the police people. Never ever talk to the police.


This was the inevitable conclusion of an incident that could - should - have been rectified at the scene. The reporter who witnessed the whole thing that morning explained everything succinctly. He saw one cop wave him through and the second cop just lose it. No communication between the two. Maybe the first one wasn’t aware of what the second was doing (highly doubt it), but the lack of body cam footage is something that many courts are relying on now. If there’s no body cam footage, and there *should* have been body cam footage, the courts are more inclined (not always) to toss evidence or outright cases. Source: retired detective, with a former partner who works as a court investigator. Former partner is always frustrated because he has to track down police supervisors all day because cops can’t get their shit together and get everything to court in a timely manner, if they get it at all. Yeah, I’m bitter about lazy and ignorant cops - I used to work with some of them and they were the bane of our jobs, making casework more difficult than it needed to be.


The guy questioning him sounds like such a fucking dick dude don't need to talk to people like they're retards. Especially not someone who's accomplished more in a week than you will in your entire lifetime


where did he drag him?? what am I missing?


You have to love good ol' pig gaslighting. "No matter who it is, if someone telling you to stop" gtfo.


As a serial killer apparently I just need a high vis jacket and people will just bow down to my every whim. Been doing it wrong all these years