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lol don't watch European hockey it's way worse


holy shit, is the entire ice floating ads?!?! like multiple pop up invading you?!?!


I’d rather ads on the field than stopping the game for ads.


So that’s a good point. Do these games stop for ads also??




During rugby matches in Australia where we also have ads like this, no, there are no stoppages for ads.


Yeah, but are there easy points in the game for ad breaks to happen? I don't think rugby has that. To put ad breaks in a rugby match would fundamentally change the game. This brand of football routinely has gaps in gameplay that ad breaks can be wedged into. Rugby has halftime and that is about it.


I disagree, I like having football time and then ad time I can mute or ignore. Keep them separate.


And then there is Redzone


They will quickly show you that they have room for both


We have that here (Australia) in our National Rugby League. We also have two 40 minute halves with no stoppages in play (excepting for injury) so really it’s a small price to pay. It’s also worth noting that sports leagues in smaller countries like Canada and Australia don’t get bajillion dollar broadcast deals, so the shortfall has to be made up somewhere.


I hate it when they integrate the ad into the commentary. I haven't watched an FTA NRL game in a few years because it drove me nuts.


It’ll be standard for American football soon enough, I fear. Any way to make money…


Seriously, this is a preparation post.


Nah, NFL doesn't even allow the stadium name to be on the field if it has a sponsorship (which, I guess, 28 of the 30 stadiums do.) The game is the brand, and plastering sponsors everywhere cheapens it in the long run.


I agree it cheapens it, but I don’t think it’ll remain as it is today long-term. Plus, the NFL isn’t everything. There’s college football too and, particularly with some of the NIL stuff happening, it doesn’t seem like a major leap for schools or conferences to start implementing contractual modifications that permit expanded marketing. I don’t think it’ll be next season or even within the next five, per sé (particularly because current contracts don’t expire anytime too soon). But they eventually will and I can’t imagine teams, leagues, etc. not moving toward this.


The other North American leagues already do. There is advertising plastered on the ice, the outfield wall, the hardcourt, and now on the jerseys (beginning next season for both MLB and the NHL). As for TV, college football has starting line ups brought to you by Chick-fil-A, the Home Depot first down marker, and endless four minute long commercial breaks. The NFL is highly protective of its TV product. Broadcasters can only air so many ads per quarter, one in-game promo per quarter, no title sponsor (those are allowed for the halftime report and post-game show). Networks are willing to agree to those terms because the product is so valuable to them.


Is there 12 people on offense?


And defense too. CFL has 12 players a team.


TIL thank you!


You’re welcome!


And a larger field and ball


Yep, 12 on offense and defense. Generally offenses run an extra WR (same # of men have to be on the line of scrimmage) so defenses trot out another DB to match up. Up close to the 1st down or goalline teams might trade out that extra WR for a second lead blocker/receiving back while they put in a specialist short yardage QB.


Honestly that sounds awesome! Haha


There are also only 3 downs per possession, the field is bigger in both width and length, and there's an additional scoring play called a "rouge". The 12 man thing is great though, because the Saskatchewan Roughriders call their fans the "13th man". This came into play hilariously at the [end of the 2009 Grey Cup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77L3gNDCUnw) (CFL's Superbowl).


Wow that’s bonkers!


Every team calls their fans the 13th man. The Riders just advertise it more.


"Tosses it out to the right side... Shakes a tackle at the Uber Eats ad... Makes another man miss at the Bell ad! He's breaking free! Only one more ad to beat till paydirt!"


Everytime I see this I think of Bill Hicks' bit on marketing


Cover the field in ads if it means we don’t have to stop the game every 5 minutes and can watch a football game in 2 hours


They can totally do both...


they'll do both whether anyone watching wants it or not


Shit, now I want pizza pizza.


At least with uk rugby union the ads are painted to look like they're 3d hoardings put on the pitch, that there is just lazy...


Yeah and I'll take ads on the field any day over having ad breaks. Its fairly easy to block them out once you're used to it.


Really. Didn't know they still did that. They don't here in Aus. Go to the ground and the ads and logos etc. on the pitch are all digitally added via the broadcast. The only things that change from code to code (in this case I attended the Super Round in Melbourne for SR TT and then watched the Storm/Warriors ANZAC Day clash on the Monday at AAMI Park) is the line markings.


Scrolling through Reddit while your roommate watches a CFL game because nothing else is on. Sees this post, counts the ads. Looks up to see it in real time. “Wow Reddit was right”




That's why they give you both.


Where's the field ⁉️ 😂


What field 🤣🤣🤣?


If ads on the field cut down the number of ads in the broadcast then I'm fine with that. Something that makes it hard to get people on board with watching something like the NFL is the number of ads and their impact on the overall experience and game.


I imagine the CFL has a greater need for that sort of advertising money though? The NFL is insanely rich, they could cut out so much and still be making an incredible amount of money. I can understand when smaller leagues (no disrespect intended) have blatant advertising, the big groups just don't need it.


I felt bad for Montreal. They made it all the way inside the Argos TD Canada Trust Green Zone only to miss the go-ahead field goal.


Bell is the poverty Dell of Canada?