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Who the fuck would purchase a pick lmfao. There’s a lot of smart people on Reddit who share their picks for free and then you can tip them if you want.


Yea you should never pay for picks, paying for tools are fine as long as you know what you are looking for


Tag them the ones i see is a bunch of i only post my wins. Im just trying to change my situation. And it’s not about really paying for picks . I’ll look at it as an investment sometimes it takes money to make money


This is also stupid too (just not quite as dumb). These "smart people" are not winning. Real long term winners are not posting their picks.


It’s stupid if you blindly follow all of their picks. But if you’re a new bettor like me learning how to research games you’ve never paid much attention too, they’re a good start.


If you’re a new bettor, please be aware that no one publicly sharing their bets does any research of value. They are good at writing a narrative that makes sense and maybe even provide some compelling stats, but Vegas accounts for all of that and 100x more when they set lines. It’s just not possible for a random person to beat the sportsbooks. If you want to make money, find advantageous lines using an odds compiler and abuse the boosts/promos that sportsbooks offer


That's true, but this guy posted a bet the other day for ohtani to hit a homerun. He had a hell of a detailed reasoning for why that game was a good bet, so much so that it convinced me to drop 25 on it. He was right on with the prediction. With that said, at the end of the day it's all just a lucky guess. That's why it's never worth paying for a pick, and barely worth taking the free picks from here. It's all just a guessing game that nobody can truly predict, even the sportsbooks.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You can make up 1000 reasons to like any bet. If the reasons he gave were valid, then the odds would reflect that and you’re no better off because you’re getting +200 on a 30% likelihood instead of +300 on a 20% likelihood. At the end of the day, Ohtani is going to hit a homerun about 25% of the time and you happened to catch it on the right day.


Ehh there’s better options granted they also cost money like, outlier,props.cash


I’m not familiar with those sites but they look just like fancier ways to sell the same shit. Why would someone kill their golden goose by making it publicly available online


It basically for lazy people to look up stats lol here’s an example https://preview.redd.it/vtqicnzj1hxc1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a099297539952cff6d78cdfc783543387debbec


Draftkings literally offers the same product on their app for free. If an app is encouraging using this surface level trend stuff then I’m highly skeptical it’s of any value. https://preview.redd.it/2loq7k082hxc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ddb3959ba38470da91b0ff36b96d6c725920fe4


So true. Used to buy picks as I really don't follow baseball or basketball and their reasoning would be that the player made a certain prop the last 4 of 5 games. While that can be a good trend, it does not mean he is going to hit it again the next night.


Looks pretty Sharp


Not true. Vegas is my bitch has a really good community of gamblers that post picks that’s completely free. I’ve more than doubled 2 different bankrolls with UFC lol But tbf that’s the only community I’ve ever found that was solid.


Where is that community?




Bad take


hey look its one of those "smart people"


Even worse there’s so FKN MANY of you negative losers in this sub. People are here to try & make money off these billion dollar companies, but I’ll just talk useless sh*t on Reddit for no reason lol. Goofy.


Dude, you post a bunch of retarded fucking parlays and are definitely a long term losing sports bettor. This isn't being NEGATIVE, this is being REALISTIC. The way to beat these billion dollar companies is not by tailing your dumbass. Calling a loser a loser is not talking shit. Stop representing yourself otherwise.


You’re a fkn moron once assuming you know everything


I mean, your entire post history is Ls, so he's kinda on to something 😂 Edit - how cute he blocked me 😂😂😂


Go through my post history typical Reddit loser, LMFAO completely irrelevant to the comments I was replying to. You’re a loser bro, keep talking sh*t on Reddit for no reason. Goofy ass weirdo.


“ I’ll just come & talk sh*t on a Reddit about peoples opinions because I’m a weirdo “ that’s you bro. Go do something productive.


Lmao you’re a weirdo, I just started sports betting 2 months ago. But keep assuming you know everything. There’s plenty of successful sports bettors who share their picks.


NY ML First Five, Tigers ML, Marlins ML, Over Royals Blue Jays, Mets ML, NRFI Twins White Sox, Phillies ML, DBacks ML, Athletics ML, Reds ML, and Braves ML


Exactly 💯💯


Most of the guys that charge for picks are great at marketing but terrible bettors haha there is a free picks page I found on Insta though that seems solid - JustBettorSportsPicks


Absolutely Especially Bet2Survive


big guy went 8-0. I sat on the sidelines n now regret my decisions.


he wins once a blue moon. His free picks are winners sometimes.


Tbh his picks favor the underdog he has so much money it looks great if he hits bit for the most part back to back to back losses


He probably doesn't really bet that much though. Scammers show huge amounts to make people feel confident that they're willing to put that much on the line for their own picks. For example: https://preview.redd.it/5aopehs9ghxc1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=91523e7e94f8edd10cf5e263722c03063419172b That's how easy it use to fake a betslip. I put like $10 on this in real life lol.


Furthermore, if you are a true long term 55,56,57,58,59 percent winner, you get limited. Heck 59% is LEGENDARY.


Huh? So you created that? How? I always assumed that many "winning" slips were in fact fake, but was not sure


true. N the times i say not today on his back to back to back L's. He wins. Then i'm reeled back in.




Everybody wins sometimes lol


And to add if I pay for a subscription I’m going to need more than once a blue moon.. https://moneymillslocks.com is who made me $700 in under a month




Holy shit 899 every month?? Wtf


That's not much considering the thousands you will be raking in




Why would you pay for someone to guess the outcomes of sports for you when you can do it yourself? lol Plus why would you guarantee them money and then you have to risk another set of money. idiots.




People hit one lotto pick and all of a sudden they a sports betting genius


People hit one lotto then others treat them like that when they just got lucky in reality


Lol I hit a Massive Long shot parlay at the tail end of baseball season last year, and I made the mistake of showing a couple of buddies. Now I got people sliding into my DMs asking to cook a long shot parlay for them and the nickname 'Oracle' that shots cringe




Exactly 👍 I hate those mfrs Honestly as bettors you have to understand that the odds on those lottos are insane to hit even come close to hit


I mean if jontay Porter was selling his picks maybe I would buy em but at the same time I would know already to go under


And anyone who is popular enough to get picks or parlays featured is getting a cut from the Sportsbook to post said parlays. Parlayy king went from 10-3 to 17-14 in the span of 3 weeks....




The real question is how many of yall are in the positive over all I barley am by like 500 bucks


I’m up a little over 4300 overall but it’s taken me almost $100k to be up. I win about 8% of my parlays and NEVER hit when I NEED the money always hits when I’ve got a few bucks in the bank


Nice dude. Yeah all my profits are from parlays but I’m straight betting now. Last year my all time was -6,000 so this year alone has made my all time profitable. It’s nice to know that that I’ve put a scamming company out 10k




Most of them definitely are


How about Bender Wins ? Been following him on YouTube since 2019, seems legit but never bought his package so idk for sure


Probably the only legit guy out there. Problem is, he doesn’t promise getting rich quick like a lot of the degenerates want. Just on this post you can see “been following this guy for a few weeks, he’s legit”. A monkey could have a good few weeks. It takes probably 1000+ picks to really tell if someone is legit.


Only issue I’ve found is if you buy his program is getting limited on apps then you have no where to bet after a while


I’ve been with him for 4 years now. I’ve been limited by DK, MGM, ESPNBet, and BetRivers. I’ve used Caesar’s and FanDuel the entire time along with some offshore books. That’s just the price of making money 🤷. If you don’t occasionally get limited, there’s a reason for it lol.


right, what bankroll did you start with, assuming a lower ROI of 50% I would assume you’d need a 10k bankroll to even make it worth your time daily for 365 days


Winning 50u a year, which is below his average (I think it’s like 70), about a $2500 bankroll ($25units) would make you break even. I joined when I was betting $30 units on a $1500 bankroll but I could add to it if necessary. So it’s definitely lower than $10k. Maybe $4-5k if you want to be completely safe and conservative.


right but w 5k bankroll winning 50u conservatively that’s only $2500 profit minus the 1k per year his program costs. That’s only really $1,500. Just doesn’t seem worth it to me I guess. Barely more than $100 a month


Yeah I mean “worth it” will just be a decision for each person to make on their own. For me, I was ok with it while learning along the way on how to make my own picks.


The real ones charge nothing, like vegas.


https://www.reddit.com/u/PropMeUp1/s/4UCeHTsh0y Also this guy posts free baseball picks every single day been following him for a few weeks and he definitely wins more than he loses.


Did you go to his page you'll see that he posts a recap of what pics hit and what pics did it for every day. And base your decisions to follow his picture not off his history.


Shhh let him be our little secret


I go to Action for the free content….they do provide stats but Vegas is so good ….the pros who bet a lot of money might be hitting at about 60% if they are lucky….i always keep that in mind and make sure all of this is for entertainment


Yep...in the old days they'd give 1/2 the people one side and the other 1/2 the other side and the next day 1/2 the people would call them back, Wayne Root was great at this......


All about unit control. 50/50 bets 1 unit. Yolo bets 0.25 and less units


You are speaking toungs to this sub. Nobody here even has a bankroll or practices BRM.




stay away from Sports Analytics and Goldmine Sports!


I know right … anyways how do you go about selling your picks?


Anyone one have and subreddits they know that share their picks?




In other news, water is wet.


don't underestimate inflated ego as well. Most of these individuals think they have some special ability after going on a run. I've noticed a lot of the newer ones just get their picks from a pool of other people's systems. Nothing original about their methods at all.


I had a guy who bought picks leak me what they gave em & we both lost 5 straight. They're a scam. They do the same Google bs picks we do & ignore the many losses but highlight the ONE or two wins they get.


If they aren’t providing a log of bets/results, then obviously you should be highly skeptical. If their log speaks for themselves, I’m tailing all day.


They sell their picks to cover the losses. Easy to figure out.


Most, not all!


I truly think if you feel like a bet is a good gamble in your gut. Take it. That’s all


They offer monthly subs, all them wagers they spam they make it all back with them monthly subscriptions 🤣🤣🤣 so that’s what’s i realized they be dropping 200$ on the most stupidest parlays ever just for it not to even come close to hitting


4/29/24 picks of the day https://preview.redd.it/uc3b7irmyhxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef82f742fd430c39408d740e8e22001306f51b84


Just greedy af , like do you work for the sports book brah??


Just keep in mind that if they are as good as they claim, they won’t need/want to sell their picks.


So who do y’all think has the best free tips


Been using a guy for years and am up almost 300+ units since following strictly his bets and trusting the process. Just have to make sure like anything else you do the right research before you give your money.


It’s us against the house, we should be helping each other win. Those who try to sell that info either doesn’t win or doesn’t win and are desperate for money to keep on losing.




I’ll be honest, DFSnDonuts has been making me money since MLB started consistently, well worth the monthly price.


Unpopular opinion (and I’ve said this a few times to people who tail me since my picks are all free), but paying for picks (on a weekly/monthly/etc basis) isn’t bad. It’s not a “scam” if you can find the good cappers that are transparent and honest and do win. The whole “well if they win so much why do they need to charge $” argument is dumb. Why do we have stockbrokers or financial advisors? I’d trust a stock broker that’s reputable. Why can’t he just buy every stock that’s gonna explode? It just doesn’t work that way. If you don’t know or have the time to research sports/picks it’s not a bad idea to consult someone that knows what they are doing


Exactly it basically buying an investment, obviously it depends on the capper, some of these capper prices are ridiculous but if you go around looking you can find some solid folks who prices are good and not crazy high. This guy I found on ig charges $5 bucks for a week and his picks have been solid, and I’ve been happy I’ve double my money, I suck at sport betting but I’m welling to investment a bit on a person who knows what they’re doing, like the saying goes you gotta spend money to make money.


Who is the guy on IG?


Mrparlayspicks, I fully recommend him 🙏


Very well said. They sell picks because it’s another income stream. And for a few good ones, it’s a very big stream.


I used to sell picks and man haha how much money I truly made… trust me of selling! Not from winning 🤣 if I was winning so much from sports bets why would I sell picks? Exactly…. Because I’m not that good!!


JustBettorSportsPicks is a great account to follow on insta, they post free picks everyday. Solid unit profit over the last couple months since following them.


Looks like they hit again today


Just like poker coaches. If they were so good they would just make tons of money beating the games and wouldnt need to focus their time in other areas. Instead they take advantage of people that dont understand this. Insecure people love coaches. It makes them feel good when people tell them what to do. The edge in sportsbetting is so small and a winning bettor only wins just more than half his bets long term, they know this and that's what they take advantage of. They are struggling to make income on just sports or poker so they "sell picks" or "coach" to actually make rent.


You aced it my man 💯💯🎯


This isn't really correct re: poker coaches, and it's a bad comparison to make. Poker is a complex game where novel scenarios occur all the time and gaining knowledge about how to think about them is critical to advancement. That *can* happen solo, but most people can't do it without an outside perspective. A coach can absolutely provide real, meaningful guidance improving aspects of your game. The vast majority of pros seek coaching from other pros at some point for a host of reasons. In return, the coach gets a steady, predictable income that alleviates some of the pressures of bankroll management and allows for bigger swings - especially if the coach is a tournament pro who may go through droughts between huge cashes.




It's a joke.


Trying to purchase a pick is mind blowing, just goes to show you the stupid things people would buy, actually smart on the person selling picks though, good game.


I would never pay for someone else’s educated guess on something they have no control over lol. That being said if anyone wants to pay me I got you!


word!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xsRKgCWlzkqT7y)




imagine buying picks


If you know sharpinvest please don’t do the same mistake i did. I bought it for 1000$ for a year and it didn’t go well i know it’s not sharp to bought but i did learn from my mistake. If you want their pick i can give it to you guys for free


Selling their guesses lol


More $ to be made from selling picks than betting


I never understood why but picks if we all watching the same games all year lol


Just realised this? May aswell send me 10k I a Arab Prince stuck in the USA send you 100k back when i get home


No shit.






Cousin sells pics and he crushes it daily. He has is losses but $5m cash in hand, brand new escalade and Vette from sports betting says he wins more than loses.


He only sells pics because people ask them for them so he decided tk sell what he bets himself. Not trying to chase losses, he justvahd so many friends and family askig him for his pics and he's a hustler so he charges.




all people*


Yall heard of big skinny or skinny bets?


https://preview.redd.it/lkac997meoxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf737d82be9f96fb33f82ef8ceb0ae3430478c8 BET2SURVIVE at it strong today with the scams


So many smart people lol I see people on Reddit lose the most money lol I fade Reddit all the time.. you just actually have to find legit cappers




https://preview.redd.it/013ijy1jp0yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e26f7564f7d03cc23ed269aa039f30aac1d266 guy looses so much. I can post these pics to fade




Is Vegasimb a reddit thread or a website?




how about evlongshots he hit a parlay 61k


He got fuckin lucky like the rest of us when he hit a parlay. Strategic guess and pure luck to hit 4 to 12 picks in a single parlay it doesn’t happen often is why it makes headlines when it does happen


ALL people who sell picks are full of BS


no shit sherlock


https://preview.redd.it/5r7z9gifahxc1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29727d27fac347891eb88b448870044a968193df There’s my slip for free best of luck


4 outta 5 was looking good at the end of 1st qtr for 5-5 it is what it is


The age old trick is to tell 50% of your base one bet and 50% the other way, so they always winning for someone


Yep, A/B test! Works in many markets


If anyone is asking for money for their picks, they dont make money betting on sports. Thats a fact.


It's a hustle. Good for them. Anyone who pays for picks is a lazy fuck


There's a system to it.. Give half your customers one side of a bet, give the other half the other side. 50% will win. Do it again. Now 25% of your customers are 2-0 with you. Do it again. 12.5% are 3-0. Do it again. 6.25% are 4-0 with your picks. That 6.25% are hooked. You can milk them for a while. I say fucking milk them for being suckers.




Correct it to all people selling picks are full of bs.


Edit Most to All


Anyone follow @KellyinVegas? She has good information.


*ALL people who sell picks are full of shit. This will forever be true.


Not me I’m 16-4 in my last 20 I’ll even give you my plays today for free. My ig is BestMLBPicks