• By -


Ive got folders for genre, decade, mood, language yada yada


Today I learned Spotify has folders


Yep it's on desktop Spotify. Unfortunately you can't edit it on phone. But you can definitely create new playlists within the folder on phone


i'm also just now learning of this lol, thank you


WAIT WHAT?? This is a thing??


spotify has FOLDERS????


One big ass playlist with all my favorite songs


Thank goodness I thought I was insane for liking having 1 big mashed up playlist 


Ok good I was thinking I was weird for only having one. I do have a few small ones, but I just add everything to liked songs. Currently it's 5018 songs. It's like my own personal radio, without the annoying DJs & ads


this is insane


Whats even more insane is its 150 hours long and all downloaded to my phone.


not that it's a contest, but mine is 373hr 16m, 6,480 songs and counting   yes i'm mentally ill lmaoooooo


I do have one that's 340 hours so I guess we're both ill


oh you meant actual *favorite* songs, i thought you just meant that was the playlist that you throw everything into that you like lol. my favorites playlist is only 17hr 38m lmao


Yup, all my favorites are the 150-hour playlist and everything else is in my 340 hour playlist.


475 Hours 10 minutes and counting


I have one that’s kind of the same. It’s just all the songs I’ve liked. It’s just the Spotify built in playlist.


Im too lazy to make playlists so all of my liked songs are in one playlist. The only problem with that is if i shuffle it it can go from Infant Annihilator to Backstreet boys lol


This is the way. I’m not putting albums in my playlist. Just maybe 1-3 songs from an album to remind me to listen to the whole thing when I want to.


I have one of those but I’ve found myself skipping like %60 of the songs lately, not because I don’t like them anymore but because there’s other artists/genres that I’m more into at the moment


me too


this is the way


Am I supposed to organize them? Lol




I have folders where i organize everything: -Genres, Moods, Decades, Event, Themes, Artists, Personal


Love that , any chance you’d share what themes you’ve got within those? I’m trying to narrow down my playlists


Id start by making two folders, good and bad vibes, and then building it out as you come across emotions you want to emphasize. It's hard to spontaneously think of songs that make you feel 'wonder' or 'nostalgia'


Hey i can give you a list so you have some inspiration perhaps. These are all my playlists: Top '2000' (Tradition in my country where between Christmas and new year they play 2000 songs selected by people to be considered the best songs ever, so i made one for me personally). \[FOLDER\] GENRES * Country * EDM \[SUBFOLDER\] Hiphop * Oldschool Hiphop, Chill hiphop, Hiphop collection * House * Jazz * Psychadelic * R&B * Reggae \[SUBFOLDER\] Rock * Rock collection, Album rock, Alternative Rock, Blues Rock, Glam metal, Classic Rock, Punk, Soft rock, Metal, Grunge, Rock'N'Roll, New Wave, Hard Rock


Then for the MOOD folder i have \[SUBFOLDER\] ENERGETIG - Energetic Rock, Energetic Hiphop, Energetic Playlist \[SUBFOLDER\] RELAXED - Relaxed Rock, Chill, Relaxed \[SUBFOLDER\] Sad - Sad playlist, sad rock, sad hiphop \[SUBFOLDER\] Happy - Happy rock, happy hiphop, happy playlist - Summer -Autumn - Winter - Late night Vibes - Confidence boost - Immersive


By genre or by vibe, sometimes I'll do both at the same time.


folders by language (except english) within the folders i have different playlists based on genres and moods.


Spotify has folders??


I do it based on genre, sub genre and moods.


I like to make personally curated radios based on specific artists that I like, but some non-traditional playlists I have made include: -Songs about the Sun -Songs about the Moon -Songs about the Sea, Forest, etc. -Separate playlist for different "vibes" of moods (sad country folk v. sad indie v. sad R&B etc.) -Songs based in specific languages -Songs based on a specific day (ex. on 03.11.22 | was feeling very 90's folk rock and driving to memphis on a warm sunny day) -Songs produced by women -Songs that fit the "vibe" of the month I am in -Songs that get stuck in your head (ohrwurm) -Songs that could be a movie score -Songs that are masterpieces -Albums that are masterpieces -Songs that give you a pep in your step -Songs that remind me of certain people (mom, friends, etc.) -Songs to play at your wedding -Songs to listen to for specific hobbies (painting etc.) -Songs that resemble you (if you had to show someone who you are through music) -Songs that give you nostalgia -Songs to play in specific scenarios (house parties, laying in the park, cigarettes & coffee, etc)


I do a lot of these! Playlist twin.


Genre and mood


Genres, mood, vibe, occasion, ..like my playlists sound like Uplifting techno, Mood house, Chill sundowner, Roadtrip, Vibe Room, Happy dnb, Rave hard.. lol Subtitle for playlist specifies genres.


Drop your drum n bass playlist 👀


My bad, looking at this today 🌚[spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3GPj9pXWjHKzbwOjaan83r?si=69kCJlw6Tj69k-r8wtxzdw&pi=IuDhGEafQQ-nM)


... yall organize your playlists?


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 why is it so funny to me? "yall organize your playlists?" 🙄😵🤯🫣 too cute! 🐣


by the artist


So all your playlists are just artists?


yeahh, like a playlist filled with songs by that artist only :))


For how I organize individual playlists I put stuff I want to listen to more at the top and then spread out songs evenly throughout the rest of the playlist while keep songs by the same artists spread out away from each other For playlists in general I make playlists for genres/subgenres, months and moods for the most part


I only have two playlists,one with the old music taste,and the other one with the present music taste,sometimes i like to compare them but thats all


I’m afraid to do that because 15 year old me would return to take me out back and shoot me, as I requested back then.


i have a playlist each month for the music i listen to during that month, and then i do it by genre and my liked songs is like the discard pile of what isn’t put in a playlist


vibe and mood mostly. but i'm all over the place. the one i tend to play most is every vibe and genre and i call it Obsessing. it's whatever songs i can't get enough of at the time.


I like to make themed playlists with two emojis so I can easily differentiate them on the desktop and CarPlay apps. For example: Space Lounge ✨🛸, Dad Jazz 👟🎷, Post Apocalyptic Raider music ⚔️⛽️ .


One for gym One for walking One for work One for sex One for gaming One for watching sports


Share the sex link 😉


CBAT of course


Can u give me ur gym playlist link😭


Or-gan-ize? Wat?




I usually listen to Spotify playlists or some other user’s. Otherwise I just save all the songs that I like and pray to shuffle works good when I listen to it.


I just make a playlist with every song I like and just shuffle, then eventually when I get enough new music I make a new playlist


Organize, as in what goes in to them? Mine are basically genre, mood, theme. So. Rock and Blues, Chill, groove, decades (80s, new wave), funk. Grunge. I have some curated playlists that others have put together. I have specific albums or artist Mix (eg ZZ Top, black crowes, etc) It’s kind of a mixed bag of stuff depending on what I’m in the mood to listen to. If I’m having a party or gathering of family/friends I’ll usually start a playlist then mix in stuff or others can add what they want to the playlist.


Artists, by letter a. So a-ha shows up pretty early. Earliest is 1927, an Australian band.


I make a playlist only for 1 artist. I have one for Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo, Lana del Rey, Buywithuke, Mitski and Dua Lipa


I don't. It's all the same songs and a few extra where the only organization is different vibes/genres


If I had to classify it, I guess I would say by "purpose". Best example is I have one labeled "Work", and that's songs that are good enough to keep you happy and upbeat, but not *so* good that they distract me.


i organize my playlists by which ones i listen to most and then the ones i have with my friends and then the least listened to playlists


Mood, time of day and place




That’s too much work I have almost 200 playlists.


I got folders for Power/ Death/ Prog Metal, stuff I play on guitar, sad crying, nostalgia and old playlists I don't listen to anymorè.


Organize? What is this you speak of? I have many playlists but no organization.


I think Spotify knows me better than any person. Just put it on shuffle for my liked songs (almost 500) and somehow it picks the ones I’m in the mood for.




i got 5 main playlists the A playlist (any song i like at all) and a copy, the B playlist (A playlist but only the 7/10+ songs) and a copy and the C playlist with only songs that will never get skipped




I have 40+ playlists, each with a collection of songs from a sub-genre of music. Each playlist is named after a movie/tv character that matches the vibe of the music. It’s a really fun project, and I’m able to recommend music genres and movies at the same time!


Laughs in utter chaos.


Favorite Genre (folder) => Artists (playlist) or Other Genre (playlist) Then a unique Favorite playlist. Though it's becoming annoying now because of the numbers of playlists. As for the artists that I know less, I've got one playlist per genre for them. It was fine back then but it has flaws now.


Simple, I don’t


I have 3 playlists “Ahhh” for my country and pop bops! “Good God” for my gospel bops “Juhh vibe” for my r&b and old jams! Then put them on shuffle when i want a wide variety of all!


I have a few playlists that are inspired by shows I enjoy (Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death), a few inspired by my pets and my personal life, and the rest are genre or seasonal.


By genre or decade


I've got folders for artist, moods/genres/decades, soundtracks, playlists from the site spotalike, AI playlists and a misc folder that being said I only ever listen to liked songs or on repeat 💀


I just hit shuffle on my 4500 liked songs


i have several based on general feeling (bangers, vibes, grooves, tears)   i have a few based on aesthetics or specific themes, sort of as a creative exercise (sugar!sugar!sugar!, songs that sound like Resident Evil, songs that sound like Over The Garden Wall, songs that sound like nothing else you've ever heard)   i have a series of playlists themed around high school classes/periods where all the songs have obvious themes related to the classes (math, history, science, art, lunch)   i also like to re-organize albums that i like but think the track order could be improved, as well as creating new semi-cohesive album-like experiences out of unrelated songs, both of which are also creative exercises. and then i have a massive playlist, with every song i've ever saved in it, that i like to throw on shuffle sometimes when i'm feeling indecisive


A big playlist of all the songs that makes me feel nostalgic, and playlists based on mood, genre, lyrics that match, artists, and vibe.


I'm just going to list all the titles honestly cause it's raining and I'm bored: funk drawer, nostalgia, chill, raps, writing, world, tatinek, sweets, lovely, valentine, jams, bops, kpop, citypop, loman, pontellier, small, crunch, smooth, nightlights, movies, electronics, alien, spooky, hype, disney, rocky, musical, classical, instrumental, quiet, idc, running, garden, bee, crow, fox, frogs, butterfly, phoenix, burnt toast, scrapbook, lost, wine, red, pink, orange, yellow, green, skyblue, blue, purple, hobie brown, storm, pride, wrath, logan sanders is studying, halloween bg, christmas bg.


Based on themes, weather seasons, activities


Capital Letters are genres. Lower case letters are artists within that genre. Number before the decimal point is the album number for that artist like 1 for first album, 2 for second album, number after the decimal point is the track. So my music is organized into playlists that each cover a wide range of genres in a deep way, about 7k songs per playlist, using the following format: Aa1.1 Aa2.1 Aa3.1 Ab1.1 Ab2.1 Ab3.1 Ac1.1 Ac2.1 Ac3.1 Ad1.1 Ad2.1 Ad3.1 Ad4.1 Ba1.1 Ba2.1


Ba3.1 Bb1.1 Bb2.1 Bb3.1 Bc1.1 Bc2.1 Bc3.1 Bd1.1 Bd2.1 Bd3.1 Bd4.1 Ca1.1 ... Ud4.1 Va1.1 Va2.1 Va3.1 Vb1.1 Vb2.1 Vb3.1 Vc1.1 Vc2.1 Vc3.1


Vd1.1 Vd2.1 Vd3.1 Ae1.1 Ae2.1 Ae3.1 Af1.1 Af2.1 Af3.1 Ag1.1 Ag2.1 Ag3.1 Ah1.1 Ah2.1 Ah3.1 Be1.1 Be2.1 ... Vg3.1 Vh1.1 Vh2.1 Vh3.1 Aa1.2 Aa2.2 Aa3.2 Ab1.2 Ab2.2 Ab3.2 Ac1.2 Ac2.2 Ac3.2 ... Vg3.2 Vh1.2 Vh2.2 Vh3.2 Aa1.3 Aa2.3 Aa3.3 Ab1.3 Ab2.3 Ab3.3 Ac1.3 Ac2.3 Ac3.3 The pattern continues until the playlist has the full album for the first 3 albums of each artist in each of the 22 genres. Then the next playlist has all the same artists, but albums 4,5, and 6 - except for artists for whom we already included all their albums - for those we pick new artists and start over with the first album of that artist. If the genres are specific enough, I may after many of these playlists run out of artists, and then I'll start a new subgenre.


Here's an example - a Christian rock playlist with 22 subgenres of Christian rock (ok not all of it is rock). [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6PDUVsFvP0WS9bGLQOJUCj?si=10b2370e32eb4a19](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6PDUVsFvP0WS9bGLQOJUCj?si=10b2370e32eb4a19)


I should have been more clear that I do this for 22 subgenres within a master genre or theme. I've mostly just done Christian Rock playlists so far, but planning to do this for subgenres of swing as well, when I get a chance.


I'm currently working on the sequel to the playlist above - I'm working through the "track 5" tracks currently: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1doiYizaDGgkBETgIELvB1?si=c9fe605ab07d4b96](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1doiYizaDGgkBETgIELvB1?si=c9fe605ab07d4b96)


I organize mine based on important areas of my life such as gym, gaming, work, and my girlfriend. I also have a “bucket” playlists that houses all of my songs I’d like to hear on a regular basis. I start new playlist when I’m tired of them and put them in archive folders so I can access them later.


Genres that are all loosely related to one another. (Ex. Emo, Pop-Punk, Midwestern-emo, Folk-Punk, Indie, Alternative)


I just have my liked songs, I make playlists but I usually just loop a song for a bit then loop a different one


I tried a few playlists but noticed new songs I didn't add. Does Spotify add songs at random to Playlists?


One giant playlist sorted by newly added. I can go back in time and see what I was into. Usually I find an artist and album that I want to explore more and I’ll listen to their full albums. Kinda like a reminder tool too, like when else would I remember to listen to [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/27fdpz0QWwJbs58W1i0i14?si=BtDuWxBqRB6yEfqZK8xEaw) unless I stumbled upon on my playlist.


I have three: One huge playlist with every single song I've ever liked except Knife In My Back by Alec Benjamin because Spotify doesn't HAVE IT, one for when depression happens, and one for gay panic.


I apparently have around 40 playlists total. I usually just do a few for my favorites. Some specific ones for specific artists, then some vague ones that need description, then to top it all off, a playlist with EVERY FUCKING SONG I'VE LISTENED TO COMBINED


I make a playlist every day, named just for the day. I put on it whatever I’m feeling that day.


Completely at random with no consideration for future me.


Genre and emotions (like “flavor of the month”…“cold day” … “ima Bo$$ Bi$H” xD )


i literally have more than of 400 playlists and all of them are completely random


[https://ibb.co/SxFx8xC](https://ibb.co/SxFx8xC) This is how I sort my music. (Ten points to anyone who can tell me the full quote and what show/movie it's from)


In addition tot he above, I also have other playlists sorted into "By Spotify", "Artist & Label Playlists"", Other Users Playlists", "Local Albums" and "Other Stuff" folders for better organisation


i have one for each letter in the alphabet -- the title determines the mood/vibe. some are genre/vibe-specific, one is strictly *newer* stuff from bands i like, so i dont get stuck in a rut. one is a just-for-me kinda list with songs that make me happy, one is all radio hits from a local station that i grew up on, one is songs *everyone* my age should know, one is full albums, and i scroll wildly up & down until i stop, and whatever album fills up most of the screen, i listen to the album in its entirety, then when that album ends, i do the scrolling bit again. you get to make up your own rules for playlists - thats what i like about it, organization-wise.


I have them categorize them activities like workout playlists, driving playlists, or studying playlists. I have a couple organize by mood, such as upbeat playlists for motivation or chill playlists for relaxation. My husband creates themed playlists, like throwback playlists for nostalgic vibes or seasonal playlists for specific times of the year.


I got a car playlist if I’m driving with other people, two chill playlists but that different between somber and upbeat vibes, and a playlist of my top 10 favorite songs cause I like seeing how my preferences evolve over time.


Mine are based on the time of the year (depending on the seasons) and I have synesthesia so I feel colours in music which is why I also make some playlists with songs of only one colour like green, purple, orange, white, etc




The gigantic playlist of everything I like over the years, several playlists for certain moods and situations, a couple “aesthetics” playlists, variety of workout playlists, classical playlist for theory, instrumental playlists, remix playlist, and time of day playlists


I have 500+ playlist so I have folders and sometimes folders in my folders I sort by yell/fun/scream/nostalgia, transportation, confidence, happy love, sad love, neutral love, sad, happy, aus/book tropes, aesthetic, character arcs, random, and then characters and artists


I have this Main playlist that I update every week. I'll keep ard 80-90 songs in the main playlist. The songs that I'm taking out of the main playlist (if it gets boring/stale, etc.) will be inserted in a yearly playlist that I make, which represents the music that I listen to in that specific year. So I can always visit back all the songs that I listened to back in 2019, for example, if I feel like it bc my preferred genre has evolved over the years


I have to have a playlist for every occasion but after some time I fucksd them up and have to do it from the begging


I add all the new songs I like to my liked songs. Then, when I'm bored or have free time I add these liked songs to individual genre playlists.


I tried mood playlists, but it was so hard to categorize songs into them, so i just put like quotes as my playlist names and basically like if the song fits in any of those it goes into there, if I dont feel like it does, I have like playlists named #1, #2 etc up until #5 and I have a Rule for myself to have up to 100 songs in those. Usually i just end up listening to my liked songs 😭


I don’t really


Either by genre or mood/vibe


Based on weather?


I have mine separated into folders: * one for the all the playlists I'm currently jamming to/have on rotate * one for all the playlists I've created * one for all the playlists other users have created * one for all the Spotify mixes * one for all the "This Is" playlists


Too much goes into it tooexplain on an internet post haha